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U.S. military may send up to 1,000 troops to Mexico border


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2 hours ago, maga2020 said:

it is entirely legal, and they could do it at one of the TEN US consulates in Mexico instead of storming the borders like a band of invading barbarians.  

us consulate in mexico asylum illegal.jpg

I count myself blessed to have associated with a s***ton of intelligent Americans, capable of critical thinking and logical debate.... obviously a few here fail bigly in this respect.


invading barbarians... wow.... thats quite disturbing, and it’s no wonder Japan is entering into dialogue with China.


you should be more concerned by the prospect of a new Cuban missile crisis, as China picks up the reins that trump is cutting.

Edited by farcanell
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11 minutes ago, ratcatcher said:

Image result for caravan invasion from mexico

A huge number of able bodied males and a tiny group of women and children.

Allow this lot in and the next swarm will be right behind. It happened in Europe and it's getting worse in the Mexico/USA area.

As a Canadian, I think maybe Canada's liberal feminist Trudeau might want to have a say?  These are not refugees but illegal economic migrants. They are not seeking asylum, they are seeking illegal entry into the USA.

Mostly men. This is an invasion.


Getting worse in the Mexico USA area? Really?



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On 10/26/2018 at 8:57 AM, utalkin2me said:

Military sent to deal with a horde of scared women and children. Seems pretty reasonable. Good ol stable genius. 

right, let;s use the empathy card instead of common sense and following the normal procedures for economic refugees, (NOT ASYLUM)

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15 hours ago, simple1 said:

Refer to post #48. What is illegal? Has the Trump Administration recently enacted legislation that it is illegal to claim asylum.

 In May 2018, Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced a new “zero tolerance” policy ordering the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) in partnership with DHS to criminally prosecute all individuals crossing the U.S. border without authorization, taking as many cases “as humanly possible” until reaching a 100 percent prosecution rate. Under the new policy, asylum seekers entering between ports of entry face criminal prosecution.

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15 hours ago, simple1 said:

Refer to post #48. What is illegal? Has the Trump Administration recently enacted legislation that it is illegal to claim asylum.

As of July 2018, there were over 733,000 pending immigration cases and the average wait time for an immigration hearing was 721 days. The backlog has been worsening over the past decade as the funding for immigration judges has failed to keep pace with an increasing case load.


it is basic common sense to address the backlog, clear it and to not allow further abuse until the congress makes the central american countries get treated like the Mexican immediate repatriation policy.


this is not an empathy contest.

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23 hours ago, connda said:

Unfortunately the reality of 'apply for asylum' is in actuality going to be 'rush and crash the border.'  If they want to come up, apply for asylum, and live in Mexico until they either are accepted or denied, I don't see a problem.  That's not what is going to happen.  It's going to be a border rush in order to overwhelm those guarding the border.  It ain't gonna be pretty. 

Well they know where they are and when they are going to be there.  The people in the caravan know the authorities know as well because there are reporters with them.  They may be uneducated, but I’m not sure they are idiots.  Let’s see what happens.  They are trying to make it an emergency 

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19 hours ago, Srikcir said:

Wouldn't it be easier to get a tourist visa and just fly into the US instead of walking 1,000 miles to the US border from the south?


if you have a passport and aren't intent on falsely claiming asylum, yes

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5 hours ago, mcambl61 said:

As of July 2018, there were over 733,000 pending immigration cases and the average wait time for an immigration hearing was 721 days. The backlog has been worsening over the past decade as the funding for immigration judges has failed to keep pace with an increasing case load.


it is basic common sense to address the backlog, clear it and to not allow further abuse until the congress makes the central american countries get treated like the Mexican immediate repatriation policy.


this is not an empathy contest.

Looks as though you've learnt deflection from the leader of the idiocracy. i.e.your assertion that claiming asylum is illegal is Fake News. 


Yeah I know Sessions has banned asylum for those suffering from domestic violence /gang crime. In a civilised country they have a quota system for Humanitarian Visas. "MAGA" - what a farcical, cruel leader -who even lies concerning humanitarian matters.

Edited by simple1
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Just now, simple1 said:

Looks as though you've learnt deflection from the leader of the idiocracy. i.e.your assertion that claiming asylum is illegal is Fake News

I did not say claiming asylum was illegal simple one, I said false claims are and economic migrants are not asylum seekers. otherwise they would accept asylum in mexico, and most will not. Illegal entry to claim asylum IS illegal.


you can ignore the 700k case backlog and the reasons for it if it feeds your need for moral preening

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14 minutes ago, mcambl61 said:

I did not say claiming asylum was illegal simple one, I said false claims are and economic migrants are not asylum seekers. otherwise they would accept asylum in mexico, and most will not. Illegal entry to claim asylum IS illegal.


you can ignore the 700k case backlog and the reasons for it if it feeds your need for moral preening

The 700k backlog is the ownership of government, not to blame asylum seekers and others.


"Illegal entry to claim asylum IS illegal" - Under international law, not so, so kindly quote current US enacted law.

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5 minutes ago, simple1 said:

The 700k backlog is the ownership of government, not to blame asylum seekers and others.


"Illegal entry to claim asylum IS illegal" - Under international law, not so, so kindly quote current US law .

the 700k backlog is because congress refuses to treat central americans the same as mexicans.

In May 2018, Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced a new “zero tolerance” policy ordering the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) in partnership with DHS to criminally prosecute all individuals crossing the U.S. border without authorization, taking as many cases “as humanly possible” until reaching a 100 percent prosecution rate. Under the new policy, asylum seekers entering between ports of entry face criminal prosecution.


it's up to you if you think allowing the uncontrolled illegal migration is anything other than stupid and irresponsible to feed your false sense of moral superiority

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3 minutes ago, mcambl61 said:

it's up to you if you think allowing the uncontrolled illegal migration is anything other than stupid and irresponsible to feed your false sense of moral superiority

never made such an assertion - seems as though you're using the same tactics as lying Trump

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26 minutes ago, simple1 said:

never made such an assertion - seems as though you're using the same tactics as lying Trump

so defending the failed system that we should just allow people in and release them into the country with 700k case backlogs and years to wait, then most never show up and you are ok with it. Ok then I guess you think it is wrong to allow it to keep happening, which is good basic common sense

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On 10/26/2018 at 7:25 PM, mcambl61 said:

that would be ILLEGAL, does not matter gender or age. Immediate repatriation, DNA and Biometric data taken and a quick flight back. 


get over it


1 hour ago, mcambl61 said:

never referenced asylum in the post, you might want to climb off the pseudo intellectual mountain

Quite correct... you did not mention asylum in post 43 ( included above)


But... what you assert can only be described as calling for immediate denial of asylum, by taking biometric data and expelling asylum seekers, without processing and assessing each and every individual case, as is required by US law.


this is a call to break the laws of the USA.... encouraging the breaking of laws is a dubious position to take, in any argument.


Pseudo intellectual mountain... oh dear.... what can I say.... maybe  that the air is cleaner up here.

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On 10/26/2018 at 8:43 AM, jimmyyy said:

I would imagine the Dem's will not take either house of congress, and in 2020, they will be swept out of politics for many years to come.  They don't connect with American's anymore and thus there will be less and less of there kind in politics as the years pass by. 


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14 hours ago, mcambl61 said:

700k case backlogs and years to wait

Two points:


1. The immigration court system is part of the Department of Justice that falls under POTUS Trump. If the backlog is out of control, Trump can fix by Executive Order to US Attorney General Sessions to fix the judicial system so that cases are processed adequately.

In fact the administration plans to increase the total number of immigration judges by 50 percent from what it had been at the start of Trump's presidency. A current government count places that number at around 350 and the administration intends to bring on about 100 more judges to contend with a growing backlog of cases nationwide.


2. the National Association of Immigration Judges, a voluntary organization promoting the independence of immigration courts, called for "the Immigration Court to be removed from the Department of Justice .... into an independent court,"




As an independent court the immigration court system can more immediately respond to supply resources as needed to process immigrants by having a budget separate from the Executive Branch and thus shield immigration courts from political manipulation.

What you suggest is analogous to dealing with a backlog of customer service requests. Rather than ramping up resources to handle the higher volume of customers to reduce response time, you eliminate the number of customers to fit the resources available.


Another reason the backlog keeps growing is that the Homeland Security Department is arresting more people than the courts can handle (another zero tolerance policy?). From Trump’s inauguration through the end of fiscal 2017, immigration agents made 110,568 arrests, a 42 percent increase over the same period the year before. https://www.rollcall.com/news/policy/trump-strategy-immigration-court-backlog-may-not-work


Trump's immigration policies are scattered and inconsistent at best; at worst they are destructive of his own solutions. Trump's more recent proposals are to deny immediately asylum applications by depriving applicants of due process of law (held by the federal courts to be a violation of the Constitution) and implement a merit-based standard that would place economic criteria over asylum criteria. As I noted, classic getting rid of customers vs fixing the processing system.

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This was obviously (to anyone with an ounce of intelligence), a political stunt meant to whip up the base, at rallies and with an eye towards turn-out.


The "caravan" is a long, long, long way from the border.


We have thousands of officials at the border, and up to 4,000 National Guard troops (UNARMED) were approved back in April, with ~ 2,100 actually deployed.


Meanwhile, the Pentagon and Mattis are slow-rolling this latest "order" from POTUS.


The Pentagon Isn’t Sure How Many Additional Troops Are Headed To The US-Mexico Border


The Department of Defense has not yet determined how many additional U.S. service members it will send to secure the Southwest border with Mexico, a defense official told Task & Purpose on Saturday.


The ambiguity here is unsurprising: According to Friday report from The Daily Beast, National Security Adviser John Bolton has spearheaded the push while explicitly avoiding input from White House Chief of Staff John Kelly or Secretary of Defense James Mattis — namely because the latter “has slow-rolled responding in the past.”





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16 hours ago, mcambl61 said:

so defending the failed system that we should just allow people in and release them into the country with 700k case backlogs and years to wait, then most never show up and you are ok with it. Ok then I guess you think it is wrong to allow it to keep happening, which is good basic common sense

Because if something isn't done about this problem the US will have to send the Marines in to retake the lettuce and broccili fields of California!

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A wall is unnecessary, impractical, hugely expensive, and also an environmental problem for some animals such bears and jaguars. And don’t start with the posse commitatus rubbish it does not prevent the military from protecting the border. The caravans of economic migrants can present themselves at checkpoints or ports of entry as allowed by law to be evaluated for their false (mostly) asylum claims. Meanwhile everything sneaking in on two legs to face anything up to and including deadly force without further notice.

USA already has the most capable and overfunded Military in the world why not use it?

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