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What Makes you Shake your Head or Roll Your Eyes?


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48 minutes ago, Brayka said:

# Half  naked farangs

# farangs who pretend they have balls of gold 

# Farangs who know everything better then Thai

#  sellers who hide themselves behind the counter, only eyes for their IPhones 

# Thai lady’s always making selffies ,where ever they are...

# Thai sellers who nothing about the product their selling 

Thai sellers particularly at MBK who add one ore two, or more hundred baht to what they would be charging normally because you are a Farang.

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The thing that surprises me the most is that every streetvendor and every marketvendor uses a calculator to calculate the money i have to pay, and after handing over 100 bath they again use the calculator to know how much money they have to give back. 
Even at McDonalds they not seem to be able to calculate by head...


At a market, for example, I used to give money like 107 thb, if the bill was 87 thb. So making it easier for them to simply give back the change, being 20 thb. ... I do this not anymore. It makes it only more complicated for the Thai. Do not not learn mathematics at school ? 



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6 hours ago, CharlieH said:

* Counting notes 5 times before putting them in the till, or giving out as change.


* Waiting so long to pay for anything!

(Ever noticed how long it seems to take to pay for anything ?)


* Double pricing.


* Food not coming out together at any restaurant.


* Being totally ignored, while people speak directly and only to the wife.


* Supermarket aisles blocked with boxes of stock with no thought at all for customers.


* Motorcycles with no lights at night.



Perfect, especially the last 3.

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20 hours ago, Nyezhov said:

I find these things in Thailand to be so annoying as to be laughable, I just shake my head or roll my eyes and go on with life. Its almost like, wow, this is so weird its cool:


1. Whistles.

2. Roosters

3. The rubber bands on take out that are like Gordian knots.

4. Fat falangs in wife beaters.

5. Ladyboys on Sukhamvit.

6. Shouting the virtues of whatever is being sold in markets at the top of their lungs with a long drawn out Kaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh.

7. Loud phone conversations in the BTS.

8. Ketchup on pizza. 

9. Planters or benches in Condos at ankle level with sharp edges.

10. No underwear or socks allowed in washing machines.

11. Plastic bags for everything.

12. If it doesnt have a rubberband its taped.

13. Toilet paper instead of proper napkins.

14. 2 baht for ice.



Im sure there is more, thats just from the past two days.

Threads like this <head shake; eye roll>

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45 minutes ago, CALSinCM said:

Threads like this <head shake; eye roll>

But you took the time to read three pages <head shake vigorously, eyes roll spasmodically, begin laughing and pointing finger>


Some of you guys would sit in a circus and make sour faces at the clowns. Lighten up. Get a life. Silliness is cool, its 13:30 here is Bangkok and my clothes are drying...

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1 hour ago, possum1931 said:

Thai sellers particularly at MBK who add one ore two, or more hundred baht to what they would be charging normally because you are a Farang.

Arab sellers at MBK, they get a triple eye roll ????


Stalls right next to each other, selling the same thing at different prices and refusing to budge.


Do you have x? Yes, I get for you. Run to a different stall and bring back X. 200B. No. Paeng. Discount. No. Then follow them to the stall where they got it and cut a deal.

Edited by Nyezhov
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2 hours ago, Nyezhov said:

Every once in a while you luck out. Had a kid in the Osprey section of Paragon that spoke decent English and knew his product backwards and forwards.

must have been jewish....

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2 hours ago, possum1931 said:

Queue jumping, no one of any nationality does it to me and gets away with it.

OK so your'e confused? Let me repeat it for you.

Queue jumping, no one of any nationality does it to me and gets away with it. Got it? Good man.

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15 minutes ago, Crossy said:

Apostrophe (') Police here. Please learn how to use them.


You know who you are ... 

Mine sticks so half the time I get a " instead of a " so I don"t bother with it even though I don't (there) like it. That took me about 2 minutes of tapping. Never eat Thai sweets over a keyboard

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1 minute ago, CLW said:

Newly purchased good that still have stickers and plastic wrap on them and will never removed to show it is new... TiT only

That you cant take off because they are welded on.

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7/11 staff who have your change in their hands , but decide to do something else , or talk to their fellow worker , instead of handing it over..


Salaeng drivers who just pull out from the left without looking.


Salaeng drivers you have just passed , who catch up at the lights by struggling up and down curbs and footpaths and end up back in front of you ...the lights go green and they take off at 5 km/hr again.

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22 hours ago, possum1931 said:

Thai sellers particularly at MBK who add one ore two, or more hundred baht to what they would be charging normally because you are a Farang.

Went to a sporting goods store. I asked if any sales person in the store had ever played a sport so I could better describe what I was looking for (elbow and knee pads). No, neither of the two women or one lady boy had a clue.

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Dual pricing !!
I can understand it and put up with it to some extent but sometimes you just gotta say NO !!

Phu Hin Rong Kla National Park 20 baht for Thai, 500 baht for foreigners !!
New Rabbit Waterpark near my home, 240 baht for Thai, 700 baht for foreigners !!

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Sales assistant who appear knowledgeable at first.
Global House.

Me: Looking for primer ?

Cute sales assistant in paint section:
For steel, wood or concrete ?

Me ( feeling amazed at her response): Steel

Her: What colour ?

Me ( feeling slightly less amazed ):
Red ?

Her ( showing me red enamel ):
Here you are sir !

Me ( feeling situation back to normal and walking away to find it myself ) :
Okay, thanks .

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28 minutes ago, poanoi said:

scuse me but can you elaborate on the pretending to have balls of gold ?

Mine are gold, but they are plated and hanging from my ex wifes rear view mirror. I paid for the plating too. ????

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5 minutes ago, tutsiwarrior said:

folks have said in response to the usual falang complainin' 'you need to get out more...' well, I submit that getting out less is a better suggestion...I don't get out much so then I ain't got much to complain about, what's there to see anyway?...live in a small town ('populate' a small town) and only go out when ye havta...me, I only go to the corner shop to get vodka, ciggies and ice and to the market 10min walk beyond to get food...in that interval it's hard to find an upsetting proposition unless it's a snarling soi dog that may or may not be rabid...


seize the moment and take control of yer circumstances...less is more and etc, etc...a holistic and environmentally way to deal with daily unpleasantness...drive yer stupid Fortuner into the klong and walk instead...dump concrete into yer stupid swimming pool, etc...move to Viet Nam...


of course we need a secure supply of pharma LSD in controlled dosages to allow this to happen...





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