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Thailand makes HUGE changes to its laws on smoking in public

Jonathan Fairfield

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something I really liked about Thailand is this feeling of freedom you can feel especially when you come from a western country. I don't smoke anymore but I like the idea of being rid off all those rules we have in Europe...

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24 minutes ago, CanterbrigianBangkoker said:

Smokers don't have the right to impose their habit on you (and most do not do so) - they can't do in any indoor setting - that is already illegal and rightly so. But you and non-smokers similarly don't have the 'right' to impose your distaste and intolerance for smoking on people who do smoke responsibly and follow the law. SIMPLE AS THAT! 

And the law will soon state that you cannot smoke near anywhere , do follow that law, when it comes into force

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2 minutes ago, wabothai said:

I would be all for it if they would include the burning of fields and forrests and the blue plumes from cars and motocys.

All those things are illegal already.

Just not enforced properly. Ofcourse the smoking laws will not be enforced properly either.

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6 minutes ago, sanemax said:

And the law will soon state that you cannot smoke near anywhere , do follow that law, when it comes into force

That's never gonna happen. It has been tried multiple times and it just creates a huge untaxed black market and smoking doesn't decrease.

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"Smokers nipping outside the front of buildings for a quick smoke will soon be a thing of the past in Thailand."


I doubt that, here's what will happen:


1 legislature creates an unenforceable law

2. Legislature gets PR advantage and takes repeated bows.

3. Nobody enforces the new law. Or the old laws. Unless they're committed by unsuspecting foreigners or tourists, who are promptly fleeced by the fearless Thai police.

4. The hoi polloi forgets about it and plans to cut the rice instead.

5 Legislature creates more unenforceable laws in order to appear to be doing something except taking a nap and getting paid for it.



Edited by HalfLight
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1 hour ago, mommysboy said:

But they can only smoke outdoors these days.  So, I don't see how you are compromised in any way whatsoever.


If its the go-go bars or such like- well anything goes in there- not really a place for the sensitive.

I was mainly speaking from a historical perspective. I never got to enjoy the benefits of smoke-free environments back at home as the strict non-smoking laws didn't start until after I'd left.

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44 minutes ago, CanterbrigianBangkoker said:


I take your point that the smell is bad and the litter aspect is the one area where I'd agree with you - which is why I mentioned it in my previous (1st) post.  As I (and many others) have said however, there is way more of a cost paid by society from the ills of alcohol - I am not about to list them all here again as it's beginning to feel like Groundhog day - feel free to look over previous posts from myself and others for that argument. Does this mean we as a society should ban alcohol? I personally think no, because - as I have said so many times, the real crux of this issue is the 'freedom of personal choice' / civil liberties debate. Smokers don't have the right to impose their habit on you (and most do not do so) - they can't do in any indoor setting - that is already illegal and rightly so. But you and non-smokers similarly don't have the 'right' to impose your distaste and intolerance for smoking on people who do smoke responsibly and follow the law. SIMPLE AS THAT! 


If you walk by a bar or group of people smoking and get a momentary waft - a second or two - of smoke wash over you it wont harm you, it might smell, but hey - walking around any big city you get plenty of worse smells invade your sinuses than a bit of tobacco smoke. It also won't hurt you, the polluted air you (and your family perhaps) are breathing in is contaminated by all manner of real pollutants created in an urban environment and is far worse for you, so this is a moot point.


If you're FOR banning ciggies altogether on the 'public health risk' grounds you have to be FOR banning alcohol and a few other items too. I notice hardly anyone is. That is a double standard and there's room for them in this world. There are enough as it is.

Is it possible for you to have all your posts in a green typeface?

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6 hours ago, dick dasterdly said:
   6 hours ago,  cookieqw said: 

And what do you do with your buttends. ??


   6 hours ago,  transam said: 

You never heard of waste bins, or sand bins provided for butts....?


Hmmm, well I suppose I do hang out at posh venues....????



Personally, I always have an empty tic tac container in my handbag for my butt-ends when 'out and about' - as there aren't many waste bins or sand bins provided.


When walking my dogs on the beach, I only take a few cigs. with me - and dispose of them in the cig. packet, which will then be put in my bin at home.



i was a bit tongue in cheek in my post  --  no self respecting smoker will ever admit to throwing buttends away  555  cookie


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On Tuesday, November 06, 2018 at 4:37 PM, champers said:

You may soon be able to swap baccer for mary joanna, if you can prove you need it for medicinal purposes.

I can prove it . Of all the things it cures or just helps I have 6 things on the list even though I haven't seen it yet.  In the '60s there was a girl singer , friend of Mick Jagger , Maryhuana Frightfull.

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3 minutes ago, toofarnorth said:

I can prove it . Of all the things it cures or just helps I have 6 things on the list even though I haven't seen it yet.  In the '60s there was a girl singer , friend of Mick Jagger , Maryhuana Frightfull.

Can you get Mars Bars on the medical?


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1 hour ago, tropo said:

I was mainly speaking from a historical perspective. I never got to enjoy the benefits of smoke-free environments back at home as the strict non-smoking laws didn't start until after I'd left.

This is what I don't understand: surely there are no longer smokers in malls, sports centres, restaurants, and the ilk.  As for outside, I don't see hordes of smokers lingering at the doorway. I do see the odd smoker out and about who appears to be causing no nuisance.


Where are these establishments where one can smoke? Why do non smokers feel magnetically drawn to them?  It would be a laugh if we're really just talking about sleazy bars (nothing against them mind).  You have to take the rough with the smooth in these places.

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59 minutes ago, direction BANGKOK said:

I do not believe there is any merit whatsoever in these arguments that deflect. For example, Trump is in trouble with Stormy Daniels, and his supporters say, "well, what about Bill Clinton". There is absolutely no legitimacy to those arguments. In fact, it is an "arguemnt" that is made when no other actual arguments exist. And that is what I feel you are doing with the car exhaust, alcohol and whatever else. 


Argue smoking in public on its merits, or lack thereof, alone! That is the only way to figure out a logical solution. 


I have already listed off some of my beliefs. But the gist of it is second hand smoke has been shown to be a killer. Second hand smoke can affect babies (who obviously go into public spaces as well) to a much larger extent due to their obviously fragile nature. Cig butts are the number one trash item worldwide. Cigs are the leading cause of preventable death. Cigs cause countless building and forest fires every year, and of course people die and houses are burned down etc. 


As a whole, that is all tough to argue against. Especially when you argue in a legitimate fashion, eg "smoking in public is ok because... (don't say because people drive cars)". 


I believe smoking bans in public are coming. I largely also believe, based on just the litter aspect alone. thet smokers have made this bed they are in to a large extent. Riddle me this, why do so many smokers throw butts? To me, it is obvious... they do not want to deal with the smelly, smoldering mess. In other words, they'd love to smoke, but they do not really tend to feel as though taking care of the result of their habit is important. 


And by the way, thank you for the discussion and for the thoughtful points you have brought up. 

No bins for the fag ends.  Can't say I'd really noticed that many.

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1 minute ago, Bluespunk said:

I'm vegan and haven't missed a work day 22 years, perfectly healthy lifestyle. I go to the gym or run 5 or 6 days a week, so diet clearly is not an issue for vegans.


Smoking is a habit that causes illness and death, not only for the smoker but those unfortunate to be also breathing in their poison.


It's nothing to do with political correctness, but a realisation that the tobacco companies lied for decades about their research into their product and it is a dangerous, addictive habit.


Smoke away smokers but do it away from the rest of us. Don't impose your poison upon us.


Oh and by the way, not smoking has never been considered politically incorrect.

But the point is you are not really exposed to smoke anymore, and haven't been for some time. I mean, where is it you are going if this is not true?

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3 minutes ago, mommysboy said:

But the point is you are not really exposed to smoke anymore, and haven't been for some time. I mean, where is it you are going if this is not true?

I was responding to the posters post, not the op. 


As to not being exposed to it, be even less so if the excellent measures being proposed are introduced. 

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I have read half of the posts so apologies if I repeat a previous post .

The smoking ban is just another means to collect money from tourists who will be able to afford it . A much better return than road checks and traffic offenses and the top cops will be happy to be getting rich quick . 

Who ever thinks this move is to safeguard health are living in cuckoo land . It is a money making venture .

Current bans on restaurant / bar smoking are rarely enforced , especially if the police are collecting tea money .

To the non smokers I say , if it means so much to you to be in a smoke and pollution free environment why do you choose to live in 3rd world country where laws are seldom enforces by legal means . Maybe return to the western world where the laws are enforced and big brother watches over you . 

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3 hours ago, sambum said:

 "Cigs are by far and away the number one litter item worldwide".


Absolute garbage - if you will excuse the pun. Plastic is a far more serious problem.

<<<<Off topic image removed>>>>


Can't see a cigarette butt anywhere!

Not anywhere, they're everywhere.

"Cigarette butts are the most common form of anthropogenic (man-made) litter in the world, as approximately 5.6 trillion cigarettes are smoked every year worldwide.[23] Of those it is estimated that 4.5 trillion cigarette butts become litter every year.[24] The cellulose acetate fibers used as the predominant filter material do not readily biodegrade because of the acetyl groups on the cellulose backbone which in itself can quickly be degraded by various microorganisms employing cellulases.[25] A normal life span of a discarded filter is thought to be up to 15 years."

Quoted from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cigarette_filter

Edited by metisdead
Removed off topic image from quoted post.
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27 minutes ago, Bluespunk said:

I was responding to the posters post, not the op. 


As to not being exposed to it, be even less so if the excellent measures being proposed are introduced. 

So we really are talking about the odd puff blown in the wind.  Wow, that's extreme. We are all faced with myriad petty annoyances- do you suppose you don't create any?  Live and let live.

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On 11/6/2018 at 3:21 AM, pmh2009 said:

So what's next... prohibiting  of laughter???

No, it´s not any facts on that laughing has a bad effect on your fellow humans.





If the laugh is meant to insult then laughing would indeed have a bad effect.


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11 minutes ago, mommysboy said:

So we really are talking about the odd puff blown in the wind.  Wow, that's extreme. We are all faced with myriad petty annoyances- do you suppose you don't create any?  Live and let live.

Smoking around me is not for myself a petty annoyance, it is a major one, for very personal reasons. 


Smoking can kill the user and those around them.


Any behaviours on my part don’t cause harm to others. 


Im all for live and let live, just as long smokers don’t impose their poison on me. 


If smokers want to smoke, then fine.


Just do it away from the rest of us. 

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