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Phuket police investigate the alleged sexual assault of a European female in Nai Harn


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4 hours ago, Mickmouse1 said:

She claimed that a Thai man had tried to have sex with her.


She cried and said that she had been assaulted and raped,"


Let's see what will transpire this time. Who is Drunk & who is Sober ?

Doesn't matter if the victim was drinking or not.


They are not to blame for the actions of a rapist.

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The news report says...


Police have tracked down CCTV footage and found that the tourist was drinking before at a bar in Kata Beach with a Thai man until around 7am today. She allegedly asked the Thai man to take her back to a hotel in Kata but the men took her to the scene of the alleged crime, according to police.

Seems like there's more to the story than just a rape assault; however people – mainly men – should still behave properly so situations like rape, or what might be perceived as rape, does not happen.

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She may have been too drunk to consent, he may have been too drunk to consent. The only thing I know for sure is alcohol lowers inhibitions and both were drinking excessively. Charge both of them. Also, the story says they were drinking until 7 am. Charge the bar for operating after hours. 

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5 hours ago, hotchilli said:

Doesn't just happen here in Thailand, any single girl who goes out drinking alone to the point she's completely pissed with a stranger is asking for trouble..

Not saying she deserves to be raped but.. personal behaviour is a factor...

You don't cross the road without looking .... if you get my drift !

Any lady who drinks until dawn and alone in a bar send the wrong signal that she is loose or easy lay. In Asian culture, people do not look kindly on this type of behavior even if it is a female tourist. 


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1 hour ago, LivinginKata said:

Man arrested.


Big Joke says "No rape".


Phuket News says different ... https://www.thephuketnews.com/man-arrested-for-rape-of-female-british-tourist-in-phuket-69304.php#ucD6qvSZm06vo13t.99


Apparently the suspect has admitted taking her to his room and having sexual intercourse with her while she was passed out.


Edit to add: Fast work by Phuket police - good result.

Edited by chickenslegs
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4 hours ago, moe666 said:

Yes I agree with you 100 percent but she also has the resposibility to take care of her self before she gets blind drunk.

We do not know what transpired between them two. Who knows.. maybe cultural differences can make the signal get crossed. 

I have had women saying No no no... while what they actually meant was ‘maybe maybe ‘ and finally a ‘yes signal’ if you push hard enough...the no is just a jousting match. 

Asian women do not give a direct yes to your quiry because if their culture if they said yes easily, it meant they are a slut. 

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3 hours ago, shackleton said:

she is not the first or will be the last we will be reading about in the future happens in  places where drink involved bars night clubs  ect 

when  one cannot control their drinking  habits it could leave them open to abuse 

First we need to define the type of bar she been to is a de facto Thai bar where it is kind of sleazy or it is a pub where you just get a drink and socialize  ? Different vibes sent in different places. 

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3 hours ago, Bluespunk said:

Doesn't matter if the victim was drinking or not.


They are not to blame for the actions of a rapist.

Cultural differences may contribute the wrong signals sent. Drinking with the guy until early hours in a thai bar alone  and asking to be sent back home... why , it reminds me the western culture of the classic offer of ‘would you like a cup of coffee’ syndrome when you sent a lady home. I bet she is offering more than a cup of coffee....  

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4 hours ago, GAZZPA said:

Terrible, is that the best you could do. It is black and white fella, I suggest you understand that very quickly. If a woman says "no" its rape, if a woman is unconscious and not able to make that decision its rape.


Only if she consents to sex is it not rape. Its not difficult to understand. If you are the kind of scumbag man who has sex with an incoherent woman who has no idea what is happening, well in my book you are a rapist.


What we are talking about here is not the possibility of a man being falsely accused, we are talking about very clearly defining rape and staying focused on catching the rapist and NOT immediately questioning the womans conduct as if to say "ah well you got drunk and accepted a walk home so you pretty much asked for it"


Please WAKE UP!





I understand there are 2 separate words for rape in Thailand one for the type alleged here and one for the knife at throat type. 


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2 minutes ago, Ctkong said:

Cultural differences may contribute the wrong signals sent. Drinking with the guy until early hours in a thai bar alone  and asking to be sent back home... why , it reminds me the western culture of the classic offer of ‘would you like a cup of coffee’ syndrome when you sent a lady home. I bet she is offering more than a cup of coffee....  

Dont care what rapist scum think. 


The victim is not responsible for the behaviour of such filth. 

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3 hours ago, Bluespunk said:

Doesn't matter if the victim was drinking or not.


They are not to blame for the actions of a rapist.

Nothing black and white. We do not know if lady was leading the man or whether the guy had been buying the lady all the drinks she had that night. When a thai man buys you a drink and the lady accept, then it sent the signal to the man that she is accommodating.... 

i think this is also what happen in western culture where a guy buys a woman a drink in the bar if he is interested in her and looking for a kill... 

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4 hours ago, GAZZPA said:

Terrible, is that the best you could do. It is black and white fella, I suggest you understand that very quickly. If a woman says "no" its rape, if a woman is unconscious and not able to make that decision its rape.


Only if she consents to sex is it not rape. Its not difficult to understand. If you are the kind of scumbag man who has sex with an incoherent woman who has no idea what is happening, well in my book you are a rapist.


What we are talking about here is not the possibility of a man being falsely accused, we are talking about very clearly defining rape and staying focused on catching the rapist and NOT immediately questioning the womans conduct as if to say "ah well you got drunk and accepted a walk home so you pretty much asked for it"


Please WAKE UP!





I am not disagreeing with you.... please, take a deep breath, relax, and re read my post, and don't imply I am scumbag guy who takes advantage of drunk women!


The rapist is 100 percent wrong.  He has committed a crime and should be punished.  The woman is NOT to blame for getting raped!  But, she is clearly wrong to have made such poor and dangerous decisions that night, and surely you would want to highlight the dangers of behaving like that to other women so they can stay safe in the future.  


To say it perfectly OK for a single women or man to get so drunk alone and have no idea about their personal safety (be it getting raped, beaten up, robbed etc) is very irresponsible.  People need to be educated to potential dangers and how to avoid them.



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15 minutes ago, Gruff said:

I understand there are 2 separate words for rape in Thailand one for the type alleged here and one for the knife at throat type. 


Penetration against your will and penetration without your conscious approval?

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26 minutes ago, Ctkong said:

It takes two to tango.

Yes, that’s because the tango is a dance designed for two people.


Not so when it comes to rape. 


The rapist alone is responsible for that. 


The victim is not to blame. 

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22 minutes ago, Ctkong said:

Nothing black and white. We do not know if lady was leading the man or whether the guy had been buying the lady all the drinks she had that night. When a thai man buys you a drink and the lady accept, then it sent the signal to the man that she is accommodating.... 

i think this is also what happen in western culture where a guy buys a woman a drink in the bar if he is interested in her and looking for a kill... 

When it comes to rape it is black and white. 


The victim is not to blame. 


The rapist 100% so. 

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again a British women raped, sure..   She was drunk, and ask the Thai man who she was drinking with to bring her to the room, the next thing she remember when wake up she have some scrapes on her body.  how drunk can you be ,, its always British girls who druk that get 'raped'. sure... 

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9 hours ago, GAZZPA said:

Just because you state "I am not blaming the victim" doesn't cancel out your previous obvious blame of the victim.


This is a simple for ALL men to understand. Women have the right to get drunk if they want to, exactly the same as men. They have the right to let their hair down and socialise and talk to new people (strangers) in a bar. They also have the right to accept someone offering to walk them home. Lastly, they also have the right to get home safely and not be raped and taken advantage of by a scumbag man.


The man has NO RIGHT to take advantage and rape the women. If he offers to walk her home because she is drunk then he should do exactly that, walk her home and make sure she gets home safely, thats it.


You can talk to the woman later about using more wisdom in her activities and not leaving herself open for these scumbag rapists. BUT THE MAN IS AT FAULT,,, 100% not the woman.


Wake up fella! Have you ever walked a lady home? I have and it never , ever occurred to me to get her alone and rape her because she was drunk and it would be easy,, not ever. The guy is a rapist, focus on that first, you can talk about the wisdom of her actions later, AFTER the rapist is caught.


Sorry, but this is such Dinosaur thinking. Rape it rape fella, thats it. 

You have clearly never been accused of rape by some drunken tart who simply wishes she hadn't gone so far when she wakes up the next morning.  None of us know the facts in this case so I'm not specifically refering to it but I can tell you that false rape accusations can and do happen - far more regularly than people realise.


I personally know a girl who was jilted by her boyfriend so she got her mate to flirt with him and get him into bed. Next day she cries rape - the guy got 7 years!!!


In the UK these days, guys almost have to get the girl to sign a paper saying she's willing - the law has become so much against them.


You appear to be saying that if a girl gets pissed - a guy who takes advantage is out of order.  What if the guy is pissed too? Is it only female's that are allowed to not be accountable for their actions when they're pissed?


Genuine rapes do happen and its devastating for the victim but its also devastating for a guy who is wrongly accused. That is why rape is so difficult to prove and so many accusations turn out to be something different to what was originally claimed.


Just remember this, in the public's eye, a man accused of rape is almost the same as someone guilty of it.  And whether guilty or not, his life is wrecked.  I feel genuinely sorry for girls who are raped but we cannot carry on wrecking people's lives who have done nothing wrong.  For me, the same goes when a couple have had a drunken frolic that the girl later regrets and calls rape.  So I don't agree with you, the man is not always 100% at fault.


I am a firm believer that in rape and most other cases, the accused should remain anonymous until found guilty.

Edited by KhaoYai
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9 hours ago, GAZZPA said:

Just because you state "I am not blaming the victim" doesn't cancel out your previous obvious blame of the victim.


This is a simple for ALL men to understand. Women have the right to get drunk if they want to, exactly the same as men. They have the right to let their hair down and socialise and talk to new people (strangers) in a bar. They also have the right to accept someone offering to walk them home. Lastly, they also have the right to get home safely and not be raped and taken advantage of by a scumbag man.


The man has NO RIGHT to take advantage and rape the women. If he offers to walk her home because she is drunk then he should do exactly that, walk her home and make sure she gets home safely, thats it.


You can talk to the woman later about using more wisdom in her activities and not leaving herself open for these scumbag rapists. BUT THE MAN IS AT FAULT,,, 100% not the woman.


Wake up fella! Have you ever walked a lady home? I have and it never , ever occurred to me to get her alone and rape her because she was drunk and it would be easy,, not ever. The guy is a rapist, focus on that first, you can talk about the wisdom of her actions later, AFTER the rapist is caught.


Sorry, but this is such Dinosaur thinking. Rape it rape fella, thats it. 

Didn't say it wasn't fella. Simply stated that if you get pissed to the point that you don't know what you're doing and ask a stranger in a foreign country to take you home then you may well come unstuck. That goes for guys to.

You can say she has the right to do this and that which is fine but then these things may happen and the police have no chance of prosecution unless there was witnesses etc.

She has the right to get pissed up and all the other <deleted> you mention but she is increasing the risk to herself, wake up yourself fella.

Anyway i have given my opinion on the matter and i stick with that opinion and knew a comment such as yours would be the reply.

You call it Dinosaur thinking, i call it common sense.



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13 hours ago, GAZZPA said:

This is a simple for ALL men to understand. Women have the right to get drunk if they want to, exactly the same as men. They have the right to let their hair down and socialise and talk to new people (strangers) in a bar. They also have the right to accept someone offering to walk them home. Lastly, they also have the right to get home safely and not be raped and taken advantage of by a scumbag man.

I have the right to put $1,000,000 cash under my mattress. I have the right to tell all of my neighbors that I am filthy rich and don't trust banks. I have the right to leave my doors open late at night and when I am away. And I have the right to not be robbed...


13 hours ago, GAZZPA said:

The man has NO RIGHT to take advantage and rape the women. If he offers to walk her home because she is drunk then he should do exactly that, walk her home and make sure she gets home safely, thats it.

Thieves have no right to enter my home and steal my $1,000,000. If my neighbor knows about my money, and the lack of protection of that money, he should not enter my home, and he should not steal my money...


13 hours ago, GAZZPA said:

You can talk to the woman later about using more wisdom in her activities and not leaving herself open for these scumbag rapists. BUT THE MAN IS AT FAULT,,, 100% not the woman.

And the thief that steals my $1,000,000 IS AT FAULT, 100% at fault. Not me.


Happy? And, yet, if I got robbed of my $1,000,000 under the above circumstances, I will bet you another $1,000,000 that everyone is going to think I am an utter moron. I would be reflecting on how utterly stupid I was.


Everyone knows that there are rapists in this world, just as there are thieves. No one is saying that this woman should be blamed for what happened, nor that she should not be allowed to live and enjoy her life, nor that the rapist should not be punished for what he did. But to say that it is somehow unacceptable to suggest that a woman failed to take obvious steps to be more secure in her person, well, you know what I am going to say. Tired of humans getting a pass on being called out for being stupid just because of their gender.

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4 hours ago, KhaoYai said:

You have clearly never been accused of rape by some drunken tart who simply wishes she hadn't gone so far when she wakes up the next morning.  None of us know the facts in this case so I'm not specifically refering to it but I can tell you that false rape accusations can and do happen - far more regularly than people realise.


I personally know a girl who was jilted by her boyfriend so she got her mate to flirt with him and get him into bed. Next day she cries rape - the guy got 7 years!!!

Happened to my friend's son. He generously offered to allow a family, down on their luck, to stay in his home until they found a place to live. When it became clear they were making no effort to find other accommodations, he told them they needed to move out. Due to a number of variables, this had the potential to cause the father to lose the kids to the foster system and lose his government support based on the children. So the father talked the daughter into accusing my friend's son of raping her. Took three years and tens of thousands of dollars in legal fees to avoid going to jail. No physical evidence of anything, just the girl's word against his.

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