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Thailand Demands Telecom, Satellites Back From Singapore


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he was the clsed thing to a decoratic leader that Thailand, Asia had. ???? :D

he made a little on the side. not like asian govments to me corrup now is it. ????? :o

Hahahaha - brilliant. Yes, democracy! Thay name is Thaksin! :D

Oh, lordy, I have not laughed this much in ages.

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Just a scenario, a different perspective and not a fact or opinion:

The coup went way too smooth and convenient. Thaksin and cronies staged their downfall together with some parts of the millitary. He sold his company and now they are gonna buy it back using taxpayers money and playing the nationalistic hand.

By announcing the need and desire to buy something back, the price increases rapidly. Huge profits for all parties involved!

Follow the money trail.

Right you are, sounds like sound bites for the masses, one hand waving while the other is picking their pocket. Bluster to justify a further fleecing of the populace, the Thaksin replacements getting their cut in the repurchase transaction.

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Singapore seeks clarification of Thai junta leader's remarks

SINGAPORE: -- Singapore wants Thailand to clarify remarks made by its junta leader that he plans to take back control of satellites run by a firm sold to the city-state's Temasek Holdings, the foreign ministry said.

"Singapore is surprised at what Council for National Security Chief Sonthi Boonyaratglin was reported to have said about getting back Thai national assets which have been sold to foreigners," a foreign ministry spokesman said late Friday.

"We should wait for the Thai Government to clarify what those remarks meant."

--AFP 2007-02-17

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Singapore seeks clarification of Thai junta leader's remarks

SINGAPORE: -- Singapore wants Thailand to clarify remarks made by its junta leader that he plans to take back control of satellites run by a firm sold to the city-state's Temasek Holdings, the foreign ministry said.

"Singapore is surprised at what Council for National Security Chief Sonthi Boonyaratglin was reported to have said about getting back Thai national assets which have been sold to foreigners," a foreign ministry spokesman said late Friday.

"We should wait for the Thai Government to clarify what those remarks meant."

--AFP 2007-02-17

This is when things get interesting. Singapore just called Thai's poker hand and now they have to come forth and either deny Sonthi's position as their own or go all out with it. I have a feeling they just shot themselves in the foot big time.

Edited by wintermute
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Temasek paid 49.25 baht each Shinawatra share not only to Thaksin but also to all other stockholders , most of them members of the Thai "elite". Where was their patriottism when Temasek offered them the money ? The offer was mandatory for Temasek, but stockholders could refuse to sell. They CHOSE to take Singapore's money.

Now Sonthi has the absurd claim to get the satellites back, without even having the decency to offer Temasek to be refunded what they paid !

He is like a child that sells his byke (and for a very high price) , cashes in the money, and then claims the byke is essential for his transportation needs and wants to take it back (while holding the money for himself).

SHAME on Sonthi , SHAME on Thailand, SHAME on the Thai military and the Thai "Elite".

A bar girl compared to them is a shining example of morality and loyalty.

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you know, singapore knew what they were getting into when they bought the satellite/s...there was no way they did not know, that it was also a crucial part of the thai infrastructure.

all of you saying that the satellites are not crucial to national security are off and plain ignorant....with the flip of a switch , what do you think it will do to the economy, or in the event of war and using satelite phones on the battlefield, singapore has the ability to cripple communications. Without real time analysis of your pawns its hard to win a land battle.

they need to freeze thaksins accounts so they can give the money back to singapore, but they cant because they are offshore accounts probably specified to bounce if investigation ensues, it isnt just about avoiding taxes, its about selling out thailand....

but you know, come to think about it..singapore knew the deal wasnt straight and they also knew they were infiltrating thai national security, in an essence they were offered an illegal deal, knew it was illegal and accepted to carry through with it...screw it, dont pay them back, take it back..and make thaksin repay them, not thailand.

Edited by Clipped
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you know, singapore knew what they were getting into when they bought the satellite/s...there was no way they

but you know, come to think about it..singapore knew the deal wasnt straight and they also knew they were infiltrating thai national security, in an essence they were offered an illegal deal, knew it was illegal and accepted to carry through with it...screw it, dont pay them back, take it back..and make thaksin repay them, not thailand.

You're as weird as the taxi driver.

Singapore knew what they were getting into?

They knew about the ousting of Thaksin?

They knew about the military take-over?

They knew about the Thai government wanting the satellites back?

Temasek must be stupid then . . . or you. Do you not realise that the stuff was all sold, by a private company.

The guy you bought your car from will now want it back from you - you knew what you were getting into.

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you know, singapore knew what they were getting into when they bought the satellite/s...there was no way they did not know, that it was also a crucial part of the thai infrastructure.

all of you saying that the satellites are not crucial to national security are off and plain ignorant....with the flip of a switch , what do you think it will do to the economy, or in the event of war and using satelite phones on the battlefield, singapore has the ability to cripple communications. Without real time analysis of your pawns its hard to win a land battle.

they need to freeze thaksins accounts so they can give the money back to singapore, but they cant because they are offshore accounts probably specified to bounce if investigation ensues, it isnt just about avoiding taxes, its about selling out thailand....

but you know, come to think about it..singapore knew the deal wasnt straight and they also knew they were infiltrating thai national security, in an essence they were offered an illegal deal, knew it was illegal and accepted to carry through with it...screw it, dont pay them back, take it back..and make thaksin repay them, not thailand.

I love guys like you "clipped". you are honest and upfront. my gut feeling is - that most thais think like you. from the editors of your newspapers to the common person on the street. and I believe it is good for foreigners to be aware of this.

my above statement may sound extreme. but hey. all you need to do to get the vibes is read the newspapers, or thaivisa.

I think ford and ibm should be not be giving "americas" technology to foreign countries that treat them like "invading armies".

if you have read my previous postings, you know that I want american companies BACK in the usa providing jobs for americans. that's where they should be. and the fastest way to get them to voluntarily go back is to show them that foreign countries will screw them given half the chance.

keep up the good work, clipper. you're my kind of person. honest, upfront, and ..not sneaky.

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you know, singapore knew what they were getting into when they bought the satellite/s...there was no way they did not know, that it was also a crucial part of the thai infrastructure.

all of you saying that the satellites are not crucial to national security are off and plain ignorant....with the flip of a switch , what do you think it will do to the economy, or in the event of war and using satelite phones on the battlefield, singapore has the ability to cripple communications. Without real time analysis of your pawns its hard to win a land battle.

they need to freeze thaksins accounts so they can give the money back to singapore, but they cant because they are offshore accounts probably specified to bounce if investigation ensues, it isnt just about avoiding taxes, its about selling out thailand....

but you know, come to think about it..singapore knew the deal wasnt straight and they also knew they were infiltrating thai national security, in an essence they were offered an illegal deal, knew it was illegal and accepted to carry through with it...screw it, dont pay them back, take it back..and make thaksin repay them, not thailand.

This post is an outstanding example of the HUGE DANGER farang owned assets are risking in Thailand.

Thai people REALLY think they have the right to sell you an asset , cash the money and then claim back the asset "because you knew how that asset was crucial for me". :o

SELL,SELL, SELL everything, pull your money out, spend the least possible, and move your ass out of this country. Leave the Thais to the misery they deserve.

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Singapore seeks clarification of Thai junta leader's remarks

SINGAPORE: -- Singapore wants Thailand to clarify remarks made by its junta leader that he plans to take back control of satellites run by a firm sold to the city-state's Temasek Holdings, the foreign ministry said.

"Singapore is surprised at what Council for National Security Chief Sonthi Boonyaratglin was reported to have said about getting back Thai national assets which have been sold to foreigners," a foreign ministry spokesman said late Friday.

"We should wait for the Thai Government to clarify what those remarks meant."

--AFP 2007-02-17

This is when things get interesting. Singapore just called Thai's poker hand and now they have to come forth and either deny Sonthi's position as their own or go all out with it. I have a feeling they just shot themselves in the foot big time.

Yeah, soldier boy indeed shot his own foot. And next week he is going to shoot his other foot, then, soldier boy would kneel down. :o

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Most comments here appear to have gone against General Sonthi, which seems a tad surprising. Most people miffed at his choice of words, plus outspokenness.

However I think his aim was simply to spell out very clearly to Singapore how Bangkok expects the Shin mess to be resolved.

It looks like the problem the two countries have is Singapore has shown little willingness to give up the goodies it got in a very very dodgy deal.

That may be the root cause of Sonthi's remarks yesterday.

The coup leader and interim government have had their hands full running the country and working how to neuter the former PM, setting up probes into a mass of corruption, plus quantifying and trying to work out how to repair the staggering fiasco that is the new airport.

But Sonthi and Surayud could have done a better job, perhaps, on clarifying the situtation re the Shin deal - set up an inquiry panel to say that, sorry, it's not in Thai interests to sell the sole satellite concession, the only independent TV station, and such a big share of the biggest mobile phone company. Forget AirAsia, for the moment, as it doesn't have the significance of the other three big firms.

I think the Shin assets are hanging in limbo cos it's due to be heard by a court. I think an academic has challenged the right for one or two of these concessions to be sold abroad.

The problem for Sonthi/Surayud is how to overturn approval - by the Finance Ministry I presume - of a dodgy deal by a corrupt government or PM.

The problem for Singapore is they paid 2 billion USD for four companies - three of which the new government doesn't want to sell total control of.

The deal is touchy cos the Singaporean PM's wife is the boss of Temasek and may be made to look silly for several reasons:

1/ lacking ethics for doing the deal in the first place (on the other hand they reportedly do plenty of ethically unsound biz with Burma);

2/ not being aware that such a high-profile takeover would spark such a massive public outcry in Thailand (partly cos Toxin was so greedy he didn't even want to pay tax);

3/ damaging bilateral relations with a key ally;

4/ losing lotsa dough (value of the four firms has plunged by at least half).

Australian defence analyst Des Ball got into this debate a month ago when he said he was staggered that the Shin Corp deal had been allowed to go through - as it gave the Singaporeans much easier access to Thailand's military communications.

He also said Singapore had an appalling record of eavesdropping on friendly allies. He gave examples of this dating back to the 90s. An American security expert I know agreed 100 per cent; he said Singapore was "shameless" in its eavesdropping.

Talk to diplomats who have been stationed there- one Canadian said they were warned that their homes, cars and mobiles were all very probably bugged. When he had some hot info to tell his wife - he put the stereo on and ushered her to the balcony where he would whisper it into her ear.

Ball said launching a new satellite would cost at least a quarter of a billion USD. So it's a big problem for Thailand, which many experts and members of the public have already agreed.

Thailand has basically made it very plain; it wants control of the satellite - and both Singapore and perhaps even judges hearing a case dealing with this matter here should take note.

We should also note that Surayud said publicly last month that Thailand wanted to negotiate AND may have to buy back some of the shares.

Given all this, and the fact Singapore has defence cooperation deals to train its pilots here, etc, it's a wonder that the city-state hasn't got on the front foot and tried to cool things by sending a signal that - ok, you can have the satellite back, but we want AIS, and a fair price for iTV... something like that.

One could suggest that Singapore has been biding its time, perhaps wondering whether Toxin could stage a comeback and become a force behind the scenes in a new government - elected at the end of this year or early next year.

However, for me, every day that Thaks is gone his power ebbs. Not only is he actively being targeted on a dozen or two dozen different fronts, but there is a very strong feeling against him in a large section of the middle and upper class - half or more of Bangkok, and probably throughout the country.

There are also groups of people who may be prepared to take quite drastic action against him, should he consider any type of return. They range from military to activists, etc. I saw a pic of his wife the other day, surrounded by security. She does that with good reason. If the Shinawatras attempted a comeback - and they obviously have the money to fund, say, a new political alliance, plus the hunger or motivation for such schemes - but doing that would be very risky. Many here say that Thaksin would become target for a hit, as some see that as the only resolution to this whole saga.

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you know, singapore knew what they were getting into when they bought the satellite/s...there was no way they did not know, that it was also a crucial part of the thai infrastructure.

all of you saying that the satellites are not crucial to national security are off and plain ignorant....with the flip of a switch , what do you think it will do to the economy, or in the event of war and using satelite phones on the battlefield, singapore has the ability to cripple communications. Without real time analysis of your pawns its hard to win a land battle.

they need to freeze thaksins accounts so they can give the money back to singapore, but they cant because they are offshore accounts probably specified to bounce if investigation ensues, it isnt just about avoiding taxes, its about selling out thailand....

but you know, come to think about it..singapore knew the deal wasnt straight and they also knew they were infiltrating thai national security, in an essence they were offered an illegal deal, knew it was illegal and accepted to carry through with it...screw it, dont pay them back, take it back..and make thaksin repay them, not thailand.

This post is an outstanding example of the HUGE DANGER farang owned assets are risking in Thailand.

Thai people REALLY think they have the right to sell you an asset , cash the money and then claim back the asset "because you knew how that asset was crucial for me". :o

SELL,SELL, SELL everything, pull your money out, spend the least possible, and move your ass out of this country. Leave the Thais to the misery they deserve.

There are plenty of assorted foreigners who have made lots of money in Thailand. The trick is to realize that Thais have no problem playing really dirty and "legal" theft is a part of the culture. Big companies have an advantage because they can apply pressure on Thailand with threats of embargoes, tariffs, etc.. via government sanctions from their country. However, if you're a small business or property owner then you need to be twice as careful because as anyone who has lived here knows they can and will rip you off with impunity here.

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Has Thailand truly lost its marbles? I mean, let me get all of this stuff straight. It seems according to the Thai "government" that Thailand should be free to invest abroad if it wants, that the world should be its oyster as far as exports are concerned, but that a stronger currency can't be toleratd, that foreigners should not be able to invest in Thailand (i.e, they shouldnt be able to buy Thai assets or exert control over companies on Thai soil), and Thailand doesnt need to respect intellefctual property rights (pharamceuticals etc) and other internationally accepted rules of business. Is it that the Thai government, and perhaps the average, seemingly nationalistic and xenophobic, Thai, are looking to join a world club of mad nations such as Ecuador, Venezuala, Iran, Zimbabwe and North Korea? Or are they just stark raving loonies with no conception of what they are doing?

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This post is an outstanding example of the HUGE DANGER farang owned assets are risking in Thailand.

Thai people REALLY think they have the right to sell you an asset , cash the money and then claim back the asset "because you knew how that asset was crucial for me". :o

SELL,SELL, SELL everything, pull your money out, spend the least possible, and move your ass out of this country. Leave the Thais to the misery they deserve.

You may be right, you may not be.

One thing you have got wrong, however, is your conclusion, ''Leave the Thais to the misery they deserve.''

The 70-odd million Thais who have pretty much no say in the running of their country (it has NEVER been a democracy and the new constitution is unlikely to change that) don't deserve misery. The tiny percentage who run the country for themselves may well deserve misery, but the vast majority of Thais don't. Unfortunately they already have plenty, thanks to the aforementioned tiny minority.

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Guest RealEstateBroker
Has Thailand truly lost its marbles? I mean, let me get all of this stuff straight. It seems according to the Thai "government" that Thailand should be free to invest abroad if it wants, that the world should be its oyster as far as exports are concerned, but that a stronger currency can't be toleratd, that foreigners should not be able to invest in Thailand (i.e, they shouldnt be able to buy Thai assets or exert control over companies on Thai soil), and Thailand doesnt need to respect intellefctual property rights (pharamceuticals etc) and other internationally accepted rules of business. Is it that the Thai government, and perhaps the average, seemingly nationalistic and xenophobic, Thai, are looking to join a world club of mad nations such as Ecuador, Venezuala, Iran, Zimbabwe and North Korea? Or are they just stark raving loonies with no conception of what they are doing?

Morphic, you have a way with words. You nailed the entire situation perfectly for me. I have been living

in Thailand on and off since the insane VN war ended a long time ago. I travel the world for business and

consider Thailand my home, for the first time in almost forty years I am not sure if I need this any more.

I never thought I would have to say this. Thanks again for your clear thoughts.

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This has two aspects. As a Military man he is correct to demand secure communication channels. This is a requirement for all militaries. The fact that Singapore is saying they do not listen in is probably not true unless their government did not realize they had this capability which is possible. He should try all means to have HIS GOVERNMENT find a way to get him the secure communications he needs. But it should be the Government doing this via a much more intelligent means.

The other aspect is what will it cost Thailand to further alienate the free market. They could always purchase it back. Most things are for sale if the price is right. If it truly is a national asset they should buy it back. Taking back the asset is the wrong method without a doubt. They may not be able to take it back anyway. This is not an oil well that sits under their land that they can take back. Whoever has the passwords to access telemetry and communication channels controls the satellite. I have not doubt the command set was altered when new ownership took over. Should Thailand try to take the satellite back the Singaporeans could simply disable the satellites via commands. Trying to force the company to give back the Satellites is definitely the wrong approach.

I have no doubt the general is good at running an army. But yet again this shows why generals should not run countries.

No, you misunderstand. The Thai law states that a maximum of 49% ownership applies to the airspace over Thailand, but only as far as this solar system. Current thought is to extend the range, on the basis that better binoculars are on sale for B99 in Pratunam, but even under the old definition, the satellite is cleary orbiting above Thailand, so breaking the ownership rules....

Upcoming court cases include part of Saturn's ring that can clearly be seen to be in Thai airspace and Gen. Sonthi is drawing up plans invade the Sun to restore full ownership there as well!

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While Sonthi is clueless as ever and "[admitted that he still] had no idea how to take those assets back" his remarks are still regrettable . As for the factual basis, the "national security" story, Singapore listening in on every phone conversation etc. has only come up in the last month or so and was not even mentioned by the other Sondhi (L) or the erstwhile army chief Sonthi.

Well, now the former is back on Channel 11 with his nationalistic vendetta program "The Guard of the Nation" and will certainly milk the national security malarkey which was only ever confirmed by one international expert who incidentally has close ties with the Thai government.

If I remember correctly, before the coup the Shin deal was all about the "tax evasion" and selling "national assets" which made more sense.

As for the intentions Sonthi's "ideas" look like the usual practice of dictators to appeal to nationalism to distract from their lack of performance and allay doubts over their true intentions.

I find it worrying that he makes these extremely nationalistic remarks in front of high school children to vet hatred against a neighboring country. He also implied that (to paraphrase) "that such a small country is so rich" implying that Singapore's wealth is built on shady dealings which are of course unheard of in Thailand:lol:.

Another plan might be to get Shin back at a bargain price (YUKOS-style), whoever will share the spoils in the end.

Saprang's review of the TOT deals, the FBA changes, currency controls etc. might be sold as sufficiency measures and are political in nature. What is really worrying is that the courts are now toeing the line of the junta, so the legal recourse against these measure is getting more fragile. The throwing out of DTAC and True lawsuits

and the overturning of compensation decision favoring BBCD (a consortium involving two German construction firms = evil foreigners) with the court citing "national interest" point the way. And as usual the Democrats are incapable of meaningful opposition:

"Meanwhile, Democrat party deputy leader Alongkorn Polbutr expressed his support for Gen Sonthi remarks, saying that he would seek a meeting with Gen Sonthi to discuss the issue." [bangkokpost.com]

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Has Thailand truly lost its marbles? I mean, let me get all of this stuff straight. It seems according to the Thai "government" that Thailand should be free to invest abroad if it wants, that the world should be its oyster as far as exports are concerned, but that a stronger currency can't be toleratd, that foreigners should not be able to invest in Thailand (i.e, they shouldnt be able to buy Thai assets or exert control over companies on Thai soil), and Thailand doesnt need to respect intellefctual property rights (pharamceuticals etc) and other internationally accepted rules of business. Is it that the Thai government, and perhaps the average, seemingly nationalistic and xenophobic, Thai, are looking to join a world club of mad nations such as Ecuador, Venezuala, Iran, Zimbabwe and North Korea? Or are they just stark raving loonies with no conception of what they are doing?

I agree 100%. Thai authorities are like a child in big need of a sound spanking. Unfortunately, we are at the wrong side of the paddle right now :o

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No, you misunderstand. The Thai law states that a maximum of 49% ownership applies to the airspace over Thailand, but only as far as this solar system. Current thought is to extend the range, on the basis that better binoculars are on sale for B99 in Pratunam, but even under the old definition, the satellite is cleary orbiting above Thailand, so breaking the ownership rules....

Upcoming court cases include part of Saturn's ring that can clearly be seen to be in Thai airspace and Gen. Sonthi is drawing up plans invade the Sun to restore full ownership there as well!

Now that tickled my funny bone. :o

Up in the north, the binoculars are a little more expensive,but that's probably because we are closer to the moon....

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Ummmm where is Margaret Thatcher these days?

Still living, I'm afraid.

Why did you make such a nasty comment. It shows you to a small minded person, although in your following entry you show great sympathy for the majority of the Thai people. So on one side of you is petty and small minded and on the other generous and sympathetic. Strange person.

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While Sonthi is clueless as ever and "[admitted that he still] had no idea how to take those assets back" his remarks are still regrettable . As for the factual basis, the "national security" story, Singapore listening in on every phone conversation etc. has only come up in the last month or so and was not even mentioned by the other Sondhi (L) or the erstwhile army chief Sonthi.

Well, now the former is back on Channel 11 with his nationalistic vendetta program "The Guard of the Nation" and will certainly milk the national security malarkey which was only ever confirmed by one international expert who incidentally has close ties with the Thai government.

If I remember correctly, before the coup the Shin deal was all about the "tax evasion" and selling "national assets" which made more sense.

As for the intentions Sonthi's "ideas" look like the usual practice of dictators to appeal to nationalism to distract from their lack of performance and allay doubts over their true intentions.

I find it worrying that he makes these extremely nationalistic remarks in front of high school children to vet hatred against a neighboring country. He also implied that (to paraphrase) "that such a small country is so rich" implying that Singapore's wealth is built on shady dealings which are of course unheard of in Thailand:lol:.

Another plan might be to get Shin back at a bargain price (YUKOS-style), whoever will share the spoils in the end.

Saprang's review of the TOT deals, the FBA changes, currency controls etc. might be sold as sufficiency measures and are political in nature. What is really worrying is that the courts are now toeing the line of the junta, so the legal recourse against these measure is getting more fragile. The throwing out of DTAC and True lawsuits

and the overturning of compensation decision favoring BBCD (a consortium involving two German construction firms = evil foreigners) with the court citing "national interest" point the way. And as usual the Democrats are incapable of meaningful opposition:

"Meanwhile, Democrat party deputy leader Alongkorn Polbutr expressed his support for Gen Sonthi remarks, saying that he would seek a meeting with Gen Sonthi to discuss the issue." [bangkokpost.com]

Good summation of the foolishness that passes for govt policy nowdays. I agree, the throwing out of those lawsuits was ominous- but fully expected.

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As a Muslim and a professional soldier general sonthi should have put more efforts and priority in solving southernmost problems instead of talking commercial business nonsense that scare off foreign investment. The recent capital control and foreign business acts has created enough trouble for Thailand.

If he really means to take back the satellites, he should request the finance minister or BOT to tender and buy back the shin share in a proper channel, unless he wanted to act like the Burmese dictators and therefore prepared to face sanction from the world.

He should leave this Shincorp-Temasek business saga to the relevant ministries to investigate and handle if he and the country general population thinks these Shincorp-Temasek deal are completely illegal.

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This post is an outstanding example of the HUGE DANGER farang owned assets are risking in Thailand.

Thai people REALLY think they have the right to sell you an asset , cash the money and then claim back the asset "because you knew how that asset was crucial for me". :o

SELL,SELL, SELL everything, pull your money out, spend the least possible, and move your ass out of this country. Leave the Thais to the misery they deserve.

You may be right, you may not be.

One thing you have got wrong, however, is your conclusion, ''Leave the Thais to the misery they deserve.''

The 70-odd million Thais who have pretty much no say in the running of their country (it has NEVER been a democracy and the new constitution is unlikely to change that) don't deserve misery. The tiny percentage who run the country for themselves may well deserve misery, but the vast majority of Thais don't. Unfortunately they already have plenty, thanks to the aforementioned tiny minority.

Nonsense. They could have voted for whomever they wanted. In some cases they decided to take a small cash fee and sell their vote to the highest bidder.

They deserve the Government they get at the end of the day, same as every other country on the face of the planet.

''They could have voted for whomever they wanted.'' Oh really?

I can't be bothered discussing the point (more than this) with someone who doesn't understand the Thai electoral laws (that prevent the vast majority of the population from standing for election).

Why don't you find out a little about the subject ... and then maybe apologise for such inane remarks.

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Ummmm where is Margaret Thatcher these days?

Still living, I'm afraid.

Why did you make such a nasty comment. It shows you to a small minded person, although in your following entry you show great sympathy for the majority of the Thai people. So on one side of you is petty and small minded and on the other generous and sympathetic. Strange person.

She pretty much presided over the destruction of my country. She is the anti-Christ. I try to stop myself, but I generally want bad things to happen to bad people and good things to happen to good people.

(But yes, I am strange.)

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