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In memoir, Michelle Obama says she'll never forgive Trump birther claims


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14 hours ago, pegman said:

Trump wasn't a politician when making those accusations. He was a private citizen. The  birther movement wasn't about birthplace. It was implying that a black guy had no right to hold that high office because of his race. Lots of American racists agreed with that, maybe including you. Funny how you guys never got all upset when McCain ran seeing he definitely was born out of the USA. Same goes for Ted Cruz. 

Claiming that Obama is "black" is just as untrue as anything else politicians say. He used the colour of his skin to get elected, but never made any mention that I recall that his mother is as white as white can be.

I guess people just believe whatever they want.

However, Michelle can just add that particular item to all the other things she will never forgive Trump for, and I very much doubt that the Donald gives a monkey's for her opinion. After all, he did defeat the one they had appointed to take over promoting Obama'a legacy.

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57 minutes ago, jayboy said:

A pack of lies. Obama never made a secret of his racial background and his adored white mother. Indeed it is set out in detail in his best selling book Dreams from My Father.

Not a secret so much as keeping it on the back burner. I'm not condemning, but we also have to see reality.

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As a Brit living in Thailand I will never comment on US politics, I just observe, however I have frequently seen comments that Hilary Clinton raised the birther subject long before Trump.

Could someone confirm or deny , thank you.

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1 hour ago, mike324 said:

For those that forgot or don't live in the US. When Obama got elected, do people even remember how many folks said I can never accept a black person as president of the USA. Not to mention pictures and effigies of obama on a noose. Yes those folks are the minority, but Trump has empower more of those folks to come out. Hate crime has jump significantly since Trump got elected.

You mean like incidents of anti semitism?

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21 hours ago, EVENKEEL said:

A legit issue was raised regarding his birthplace. But, because BO is half black it becomes racist. And now they're cashing in with a book. Good for them, but understand they're in it for the money.

No, this issue never had any legitimacy.


" Expressed belief in such theories has persisted despite Obama's pre-election release of his official Hawaiian birth certificate in 2008,[4] confirmation by the Hawaii Department of Health based on the original documents"    https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barack_Obama_citizenship_conspiracy_theories


However conspiracy theory fans, including Trump, never let facts get in the way of what they want to believe.

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5 hours ago, EVENKEEL said:

Not a secret so much as keeping it on the back burner. I'm not condemning, but we also have to see reality.

Keeping it on the back burner ( preferable sans heat) would seem to be appropriate, given it’s a non issue in the first place.


“reality” was a s*** ton of refuted bS, aimed at attacking the then president of the United States.... those attackers sowed seeds of division and hate....  and should be prosecuted for hate speech crimes.

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10 minutes ago, Berkshire said:

No,  it was never a legit issue.  The thing is, Trump knew it.  And behind closed doors, he admitted that he never believed it but says "it works."  He knew there were pockets of deeply racist Americans who were desperate to believe it.  And it's these same people who are his most hardcore supporters today.  The incredibly racist--and incredibly stupid--Americans who cling to the hope that Obama wasn't qualified to be President. 

Wow, you were there behind closed doors? And, again with the name calling. I thought we had rules here. Oh well, cling to your barry memories and buy the books.

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14 minutes ago, Berkshire said:

Name calling?  Did I call you a name?  I will say that anyone who still believes that Obama wasn't born in the US--after all the evidence presented clearly demonstrating that he was--is at the very least, ignorant.  Or to put it another way, stupid.  Would that be you?


As for the "closed doors" bit, it's funny that Trump supporters will be happy to repeat unsubstantiated/fake news, but will question everything that might contradict their narrative.  But just for your benefit...


[Morning Joe co-host Mika Brzezinski revealed Monday morning that she once confronted then-candidate Donald Trump off-camera about his “birther” campaign against Barack Obama—and that he told her privately: “I know it’s bad. But it works.”]



[“I peddled birtherism. I knew Barack Obama was born in the United States,” Nunberg told Yahoo News during a podcast interview.]

[When asked by a reporter why he breathed life into the right-wing conspiracy theory alleging Obama was not a U.S.-born citizen, Nunberg cited Trump’s poll numbers from a 2012 presidential exploration he worked on.

“Donald Trump shot to number one in the polls,” answered the political operative. “It helped him into 2012. He would tell you when he went to Iowa in 2013.”  Claiming the conspiracy theory allowed Trump to maintain “a consistent group of supporters,”]



Please stop it with the he said, she said crap. Everything here is just a personal opinion, get a grip. I get it, you love barry, good for you. And, you spent wayyyyyy to much time on this response.

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6 hours ago, jayboy said:

I will more than deny. It's a lie. Hilary Clinton never trafficked this untruth.


It's true that one of her campaign staff, Mark Penn, floated the concept of Obama's "otherness" with the implication he was not quite American given his upbringing in Indonesia, multi-ethnic Hawaii and having an African father. But this stopped short of suggesting he was born outside the U.S - and in any event, this was never taken up by Mrs Clinton's campaign.



To simplify, Clinton's campaign started it.

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1 hour ago, EVENKEEL said:

To simplify, Clinton's campaign started it.

'You lie, boy'


Racist Republic Joe Wilson screaming out at President Obama during the address to Congress in 2009

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1 hour ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Are you referring to those black clothed guys that go around smashing buildings and physically attacking people that they don't like ( ie right wing protestors ), antifa, I think they are called?

both hahaha, all scum bags of the society

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On 11/14/2018 at 8:47 AM, webfact said:

In a separate interview with ABC News ahead of Tuesday's release of her memoir, "Becoming," 


In unrelated news, Melania’s got hold of an advance copy and is working on her own memoir, which will be released soon. It will be titled, “Became.”

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It is amazing how the whole "Kenyan Muslim Socialist" fiction continues to be perpetuated by the GOP and Trump supporters.  The more facts to the contrary that are presented, the more they continue to spout this incredible story that defies all reasonable application of existing laws. The low information status of the typical American voter is truly a thing of wonder.

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11 minutes ago, KhunFred said:

It is amazing how the whole "Kenyan Muslim Socialist" fiction continues to be perpetuated by the GOP and Trump supporters.  The more facts to the contrary that are presented, the more they continue to spout this incredible story that defies all reasonable application of existing laws. The low information status of the typical American voter is truly a thing of wonder.

45 itself actually never believed the birther B.S. It's a moron in most ways but 45 is brilliant at propaganda. It realized that kind of rhetoric worked. Worked in the past tense because Americans have woken up to 45's perverted divisive games. It's core white base is largely xenophobic and racist and that's how it somehow managed to win the presidency (by a minority of votes). 

Edited by Jingthing
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