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Thaksin’s son Panthongtae formally joins Pheu Thai party


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If Ahbisit's draft dodging cheat can end up being a PM and another who break the law to be junta PM, I see no reason why Oak can't do something for his political future. Everyone seem par on course. 
Yes your standard reply they did it too, instead of hoping for a better future your ok with these kind of things.

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5 hours ago, bristolgeoff said:

no surprise for sure,a chat  to daddy  and auntie job done.i,am sure at the election he will win very easy. then he is the new puppet to the big man in dubai or where ever

So more of; abroad shopping to avoid having to debate in parliament but helped by skype in his ear as needed... 

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9 minutes ago, robblok said:

Yes your standard reply they did it too, instead of hoping for a better future your ok with these kind of things.

Sent from my SM-G955F using Tapatalk

Just how on earth can we hope for a better future when the crooks dressed in green and their cronies bent all the rules ever so often and used their power to discriminate against their enemies. You got an answer or just your standard pooh-pooh condemnation of the junta. 

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26 minutes ago, robblok said:

How, by going after corruption so its no longer profitable to be in government. So if you got honest politicians who make sure laws are passed to check politicians and make sure corruption gets punished.

Then there is no money in politics and the men in green and corrupt politicians won't fight over power as there is no profit in it.

So it starts with electing honest good politicians, i don't count the Shins or any other of the old politicians to that group.

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All warm and fuzzy ideals, Robby - 

But, the broader and most important pictures aren't recognized. [should that surprise from these circles?]



Before we can continue on with any of this crap, a thorough cleansing needs to be enacted. 

Otherwise, we just revel in the same old goddamn circles. 


Requires a societal resurgence, less a political equivalent. 


.....and the same old repeated [and insignificant] debates and discussions go on and on and on with little understanding of Thai society. 


Edited by zzaa09
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1 hour ago, zzaa09 said:

All warm and fuzzy ideals, Robby - 

But, the broader and most important pictures aren't recognized. [should that surprise from these circles?]



Before we can continue on with any of this crap, a thorough cleansing needs to be enacted. 

Otherwise, we just revel in the same old goddamn circles. 


Requires a societal resurgence, less a political equivalent. 


.....and the same old repeated [and insignificant] debates and discussions go on and on and on with little understanding of Thai society. 


So what would a "societal resurgence" entail, then? Wouldn't that require citizens rejecting corrupt politicians and sweeping out the old guard of all political parties who have demonstrated strong traits of avarice, greed and good ol' fashioned rent seeking?


Who would start to enact or how would your "resurgence" and "cleansing" begin? Also, please define that latter term.

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I suspect Daddy put Oak in the political arena in an attempt to reassure the Pheua Thai faithful that the boss is still backing the party.

There has been some bleeding but, ''Rest assured folks that is going to stop. The boy may have nothing between his ears, but hey, that's an asset! Remember when I called my sweet sis Yingluk' a clone?. Well, guess what? here's my new version!''

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6 minutes ago, plachon said:

So what would a "societal resurgence" entail, then? Wouldn't that require citizens rejecting corrupt politicians and sweeping out the old guard of all political parties who have demonstrated strong traits of avarice, greed and good ol' fashioned rent seeking?


Who would start to enact or how would your "resurgence" and "cleansing" begin? Also, please define that latter term.

Obviously it has to do with society which is the aggregate of people living together in a more or less orderly community. Coups are danger to society. Societal resurgence to me would meant that the society rejects coups to solve political problems and through the process of election reject corrupt politicians. 


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Obviously it has to do with society which is the aggregate of people living together in a more or less orderly community. Coups are danger to society. Societal resurgence to me would meant that the society rejects coups to solve political problems and through the process of election reject corrupt politicians. 
No need for coups when the money is gone from politics. Plus judicial coups won't work with clean politicians and no backing of coups when there is no outrage over corruption or other bad things as clean politicians don't have that baggage.

So a good start is clean politicians and the Shins are far from clean. (Others too but is about a Shin here).

It really is only about the money. No money far less incentive for coups or other political violence.

Too bad clean politicians are in short supply and the others wont do a thing to take the money out of the politics as they are in it for the money.

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11 hours ago, seajae said:

another shin wanting to get his snout in the trough, wonder how long before he has to do a runner like his dad and aunt, if the court case goes ahead probably not too long

No need to wonder....it won't be long. The next junta is already forming.

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1 hour ago, Eric Loh said:

Obviously it has to do with society which is the aggregate of people living together in a more or less orderly community. Coups are danger to society. Societal resurgence to me would meant that the society rejects coups to solve political problems and through the process of election reject corrupt politicians. 



Come the revolution.....

Around the corner.

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1 hour ago, scorecard said:

".....Coups are danger to society."  Can be true but case by case.


Shins and their immoral cronies, yes men and leeches are also a danger to society. 


The fix is incredebly easy, make sure they dont win elections by appealing to voters. Coups are not necessary at all. 

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27 minutes ago, SheungWan said:

Yep. Caught with notes in his pocket during uni exam.


Ah, but on closer examination it was found that the notes were just revision notes for another subject - and he was exonerated.


And it didn't take very long for someone to come up with that either 555!

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1 hour ago, Baerboxer said:


Of course they won't go away. The prize is too great and the only real risk is being exiled. 


They've seen the likes of Marcos, the Lees, Hun Sen and others get a family dynasty in place and pillage and thieve vast amounts. Just like his dad's old mate Mugabe, they think they're entitled.

It is not up to them to go or stay, it is up to the Thai electorate, a nuance lost on many people or so it seems. Disgraceful of course. 

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1 hour ago, sjaak327 said:

It is not up to them to go or stay, it is up to the Thai electorate, a nuance lost on many people or so it seems. Disgraceful of course. 

Well yes, to have chalerm as a lead man in their election campaign is a disgrace and an insult to the intelligence of all Thais. 

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6 minutes ago, scorecard said:

Well yes, to have chalerm as a lead man in their election campaign is a disgrace and an insult to the intelligence of all Thais. 

Let's just wait and see what the Thais think of that one. Stop speaking for all Thais, before you know it, they give PTP another landslide election victory. Providing they are even allowed to participate of course. Watch this space, I expect dissolvement within a few weeks, or as close to whatever deadline they put into that constitution as possible.


In any case, Chalerm has not been shoved down their throats like Prayuth was. Another nuance lost on you I guess..


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Of course they won't go away. The prize is too great and the only real risk is being exiled. 
They've seen the likes of Marcos, the Lees, Hun Sen and others get a family dynasty in place and pillage and thieve vast amounts. Just like his dad's old mate Mugabe, they think they're entitled.
Spot on of course the other side just as bad all fighting over the right to pillage the treasury.

None of them will ever stop until corruption is tackled. Its unrealistic to think the lure of so much money ready to steal once in power will lose its attraction.

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5 hours ago, scorecard said:

Well yes, to have chalerm as a lead man in their election campaign is a disgrace and an insult to the intelligence of all Thais. 

Whereas Thaksin's son isn't an insult according to some here?

Edited by SheungWan
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11 hours ago, zzaa09 said:

Come the revolution.....

Around the corner.

My question was directed at you zzaa09, but you didn't answer it, preferring to make some inane comment about a revolution being "round the corner". Until you supply a decent answer to my question, how can you expect to be taken seriously on this topic? You accuse others of "warm and fuzzy ideals", but your comments are even more fuzzy-headed, idealistic and lacking substance than most (i.e. unrealistic), I have to say.

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The depth of venom reserved for the Thaksins always surprises me. We don't live in a perfect world where evil is on one side and perfection is on the other & we just get to choose between them. Actually everything is grey and, in a VERY imperfect culture like Thailand's (or Usofa's), we get to choose between rather poor alternatives.


Does Thaksin the Elder's get-rich-quick life mean that any person with the name Thaksin shall hereafter be condemned out of hand? Personally, I prefer to judge people on what they do, individually.


And was Yingluck 'corrupt' in a fingers-in-the-till sense? I doubt it. Why would she bother when she obviously had enough to be going on with? Her policies may have been 'corrupt' in a political sense (eg designed to favour the in-group rather than the out-group) but all politicians do that everywhere in the world. Is that a reason to hound her thru the courts? I think not. On that basis every Thai politician & general since the year Dot would be in prison.


And the same applies to Prayut & the lads. They do some good things, they do some bad things ... like every government everywhere. Their main sin is the sin against freedom & democracy. And for that they should be defeated soundly in the upcoming (we hope) elections.

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There is talk here in Bangkok that Thaksin is getting itchy feet and wants to return to LOS.

Takky, or Yingy or even his son would absolutely romp home in an election.

Isaan and UP North love them. No money that the army goons throw at the masses will save them.

Usurper Prayuth cracked a fit infront of the media again this morning. He was telling them to shut up and go away. He has no idea.... THE MANCHILD.

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8 hours ago, sjaak327 said:

Let's just wait and see what the Thais think of that one. Stop speaking for all Thais, before you know it, they give PTP another landslide election victory. Providing they are even allowed to participate of course. Watch this space, I expect dissolvement within a few weeks, or as close to whatever deadline they put into that constitution as possible.


In any case, Chalerm has not been shoved down their throats like Prayuth was. Another nuance lost on you I guess..


"Providing they are even allowed to participate of course. "


Just wondering whether the other parties will be allowed to openly / easily contact the electorate and speak with the electorate in local village etc., discussions, in the red areas?


And just wondering how active the 'red democracy schools' are now and even more so in the run up to the election date? (Meaning active behind the scene / controlling the village folks.)


And just wondering whether the election commission will be actively watching this subject areas across all of Thailand is is the 'new' EC just as toothless and inactive as the previous recent folks?

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10 hours ago, sjaak327 said:

It is not up to them to go or stay, it is up to the Thai electorate, a nuance lost on many people or so it seems. Disgraceful of course. 

Actually it's not lost at all.

I suspect many posters have some / serious doubts in regard to how well informed an enormous number of voters are and whether they are still being controlled.



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