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Extreme Brexit could be worse than financial crisis for UK: BoE


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5 minutes ago, Chartist said:


Leave won by 3.78% or 1,269,501 votes in the highest ever electoral turnout doesn't matter how you try to word it substantially more people voted to leave than remain. As the UK voted as a whole it doesn't matter that Scotland and NI voted to remain the result is the same. 

Throwing around numbers isn't really impressive, at the end of the day, less than 52% of all UK voters voted to leave, your country is deeply divided on this issue. And we see that fact even now. Maybe it is time to think about your fellow countrymen a bit more. The margin of victory is not enough to throw this card. 


Stating that it doesn't matter that the Scots voted in high numbers (62%) to remain quite clearly indicates that you have no affinity whatsoever with your own countrymen. 

Edited by sjaak327
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3 minutes ago, sjaak327 said:

Throwing around numbers isn't really impressive, at the end of the day, less than 52% of all UK voters voted to leave, your country is deeply divided on this issue. And we see that fact even now. Maybe it is time to think about your fellow countrymen a bit more. The margin of victory is not enough to throw this card. 


Stating that it doesn't matter that the Scots voted in high numbers (62%) to remain quite clearly indicates that you have no affinity whatsoever with your own countrymen. 


Your entering incorrect numbers I'm merely correcting you, it's 3.78% these numbers are common knowledge. 




Why do you keep blathering on about Scotland, the UK voted to leave you can't seriously expect the rest of the UK to remain just to keep 62% of the Scottish population happy. 

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9 minutes ago, Chartist said:


Your entering incorrect numbers I'm merely correcting you, it's 3.78% these numbers are common knowledge. 




Why do you keep blathering on about Scotland, the UK voted to leave you can't seriously expect the rest of the UK to remain just to keep 62% of the Scottish population happy. 

What part of less than 52% voted for leave is incorrect ? 


Leave 17,410,742 51.89%


From the artcile you quoted, 51.89% is..... less than 52% Or in other words, a tiny margin. I am basing myself on the very same numbers as you, and in both cases the margin is tiny, as in not convincing to play the card you are trying to play. My remark that Britain is deeply devided stands.


Maybe just maybe you could use your brain and reverse the situation, why would Scotland accept a leave, when their inhabitants have voted 62% to remain ? Why do you think the Scottish government threw a tantrum right after the referendum. They cannot ignore the big majority that voted to remain. Again, maybe you should try and see the bigger picture here....


Or in other words, why would the Scots accept a leave when their own population quite clearly (and with a much bigger margin than you English) choose to remain, or do you seriously not see the issue here ? I doubt you will, too convinced about your own position. 


Maybe just maybe, you should let the Scots go free, they quite evidently don't want a leave. I believe they are much smarter than their Southern neighbours, but hey that's just me ????



Edited by sjaak327
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29 minutes ago, Chartist said:


Leave won by 3.78% or 1,269,501 votes in the highest ever electoral turnout doesn't matter how you try to word it substantially more people voted to leave than remain. As the UK voted as a whole it doesn't matter that Scotland and NI voted to remain the result is the same. 

How silly these people must feel, throwing numbers, which they don't understand. Throwing numbers of miniscule difference as a great victory of their kind?


Protest votes won at that time in 2016, what they didn't want. There is no glory nor nationalism patriotism to that. 


Nobody like whiners, which the brexitteers have proven to be all along. 

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1 hour ago, sjaak327 said:

May I remind you that the margin of victory for the leave camp was less than 2% ? May I also remind you that the UK isn't just England, and that Scotland and Nothern Ireland actually voted to remain (in Scotland even as high as 62% versus just 38% for leave). 


What May is doing is damage control, you can't just leave like a spoiled child of course, you made commitments, and those commitments don't just magically disappear when you throw a tantrum. Now what May is trying to do is to cut a deal, so the effects of the brexit (which to the best of my knowledge is undisputed) will be lessened. Now you either accept that deal, or leave without the deal, either way re-negotiation is absolutely futile. 


By the way, referring to people that might disagree with you as scum is neither respectful or wise. Certainly with the tiny margin we are talking about. In my view, that referendum should have a clear defined minimum margin. And less than 2% isn't a clear margin for such a far reaching decision. End of story. 

For some people numbers don't matter how ever small winning the vote is all that matters

Tony Blair: I steamrollered devolution for Wales

but the Yes campaign victory in Wales was much closer - a majority of just under 7,000 (0.6%) of more than a million votes cast.





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1 hour ago, Chartist said:

Neither of you are British you're just sulky Europeans upset because your precious EU can't milk any more money from the British taxpayer, get over it you absolute losers. Try remedying the problems in your own countries, us Brits will be just fine without the EU poking it's nose into our business.Bye bye losers.

Five EU countries ‘refuse’ to fill Brexit budget gap


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13 minutes ago, Chartist said:

Neither of you are British you're just sulky Europeans upset because your precious EU can't milk any more money from the British taxpayer, get over it you absolute losers. Try remedying the problems in your own countries, us Brits will be just fine without the EU poking it's nose into our business.Bye bye losers.

Bye Vinnie. Ignore it is, once again. 

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1 hour ago, vinny41 said:

Five EU countries ‘refuse’ to fill Brexit budget gap


No problem, since we don't have to send you guys money, I agree with the five countries, no need to fill anything. The British were Always far from being the big fat contributor anyway, and no money needs to cross the channel anymore, win-win.

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4 minutes ago, sjaak327 said:

Ah, so not being British excludes us from dicussing the matter ?


Sulky ? You must be joking, I am highly amused by the stupidity of the leave camp, and two years later, no other European country has followed your lead, because stupid illogical decisions don't warrent following. 


The loosers are most certainly not the Europeans, that much is certain. That realisation will come in due time, just wait for it. Tata and good luck.


“No” because you are none British, does not exclude you from these Brexit threads. Though it is interesting to note,that approximately 60% of T.V. posters wanting the U.K to remain in this so called Union, are none Brits.

I cannot think why????????



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3 hours ago, oilinki said:

To be honest. I have an attention span larger than 5 minutes, but I couldn't make my self to listen to this lonesome speech, even on 3rd try. There was simply too many empty words and sentences, before what he really wanted to say. 


Could you write down the main messages of this speech. Compress the 1 hour speech to 3 minutes. 

It is worth persevering with. Excellent well informed speech

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2 hours ago, Chartist said:


You're not stating facts your expressing your emotional, unfounded and unsupported opinion there is a massive difference between that and fact. I've actually provided links proving your previous statements to be false yet still you claim to be stating facts, you're deluded. 


Our tiny little Island is the 9th largest global exporter and 9th largest country by GDP we're doing all right thanks. We'll be doing a lot better when we're not shackled to the failing, unaccountable, bureaucratic neoliberal nightmare that is the EU.

Dangerous naivety

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1 hour ago, Chartist said:


Your entering incorrect numbers I'm merely correcting you, it's 3.78% these numbers are common knowledge. 




Why do you keep blathering on about Scotland, the UK voted to leave you can't seriously expect the rest of the UK to remain just to keep 62% of the Scottish population happy. 

I would steer away from maths if I were you...


Clearly you are out of your depth 

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47 minutes ago, nontabury said:


“No” because you are none British, does not exclude you from these Brexit threads. Though it is interesting to note,that approximately 60% of T.V. posters wanting the U.K to remain in this so called Union, are none Brits.

I cannot think why????????



Maybe these polyglot contributors are bright?

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The subconscious desperately needs repetition for

ideas and concepts to stick. UK and EU media are

repeating 'remain' programming in bucket loads

every day. The Matrix is real.. run by the dark 

overlord billionaire gang prepared to gamble

billions on a short sell.


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3 hours ago, rixalex said:

Yes it was a lie that shouldn't have been told but the people telling it were suggesting with the lie what THEY would do were they in power in the event of Britain leaving the EU. Voters were i think capable of appreciating that whether or not their figure was correct, how much money went to the NHS would ultimately be down to whomever was in government, as it always is. I don't therefore think voters took it as a given that 350 million WOULD go to the NHS, although obviously for many of them, it was an attractive possibility.


Regarding your request to be reminded of a specific lie as told by the remain side. Well someone else has already given you a list. Here though is one example. You wanted it to be specific, unequivocal and untrue. It is not only that, but it was made not by someone speculating about what they would do if they were in power, but by someone who WAS in power at the time and who the public had every reason to believe would follow through on what they said. That makes the gravity of the deceit that much greater, or at least it should do. I have though already experienced having presented this lie to an ardent remainer on this forum and it simply gets dismissed away as being the chancellor making an honest mistake; getting his projected figures wrong.


George Osborne, the chancellor, has warned there will have to be an emergency budget if the UK votes to leave the European Union, with tax hikes and spending cuts. He said the UK was facing a recession “in just over a week’s time.”


Actually, the biggest lie told (as pointed out by another poster), was that the referendum result would be enacted!

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9 hours ago, Grouse said:

It is worth persevering with. Excellent well informed speech


but to a certain extent I agree with oilinki,

lots of air/empty phrases



almost in every damned sentence the man utters there are lots

of ahh ehm ohh argh aeh, every sentence, sounds you will not find in any quality dictionary


the man can't even speak proper English fluently


why spend an hour on underperformers like that?

beats me


there are courses in presentation techniques in which people like that enroll


Edited by melvinmelvin
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4 hours ago, vinny41 said:

And even less % voted to remain Just saying again


grow up, there are indeed several ways to compute majority re result of an election


the easy and straight forward and most common way is that you compute majority

on the basis of votes cast FOR or votes cast AGAINST


and then you end up with 51 and a bit and 48 and a bit


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1 hour ago, dick dasterdly said:

Actually, the biggest lie told (as pointed out by another poster), was that the referendum result would be enacted!

hang on there krap, stay tuned

might still happen


the end is nigh but we are not there yet



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1 hour ago, dick dasterdly said:

Actually, the biggest lie told (as pointed out by another poster), was that the referendum result would be enacted!

hang on there krap, stay tuned

might still happen


the end is nigh but we are not quite there yet



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