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Trump says Manafort pardon 'not off the table': interview


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15 hours ago, Langsuan Man said:

Who needs a revival of House of Cards we have it every night on the Prime Time News and we even have a reality star in the the starring role ,  some people say 


The entire US news media has become a free-form reality show, 24/7.  All newspeople involved think this is politics but it is show biz.  People like Omarosa and Kanye & Family get it, the rest take it all at face value and react with shock from hour to hour.  Andy Cohen (the guy behind all those 'Real Housewives' shows) should be the one covering this stuff, he gets DT's perspective.



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24 minutes ago, Redline said:

At least some of what you wrote is true.  This is a pretty standard special council investigation in comparison to others.    If people violated the law, they need to pay the price.  I have, and I expect others to as well.  DT has always taken as much as he can from everyone.  He thinks he’s above the law, and we will find out the truth, and if he can slime his way out of this.  He has his hands full with his plethora of lies though.  Sure he can pardon someone that was sucking up to him, and doing his dirty work, but I don’t think that’s what America is about.  Whatever comes out of this investigation will be corroborated beyond a reasonable doubt.  It’s looking pretty interesting at any rate 

well i was only giving you an overview from the otherside opinion as to "why" .  The whole pardoning business is open for abuse.

but yes time will tell as this plays out. most definitely interesting

and im sure there is much more to unravel on all sides.





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55 minutes ago, Langsuan Man said:

Well since we are on the subject of pardons, let's not forget history and the political end of life for Gerald Ford after he pardoned Nixon


The real pardon question is:  Will Pence pardon Trump ?  

While Pence always appears as a loyal soldier of Trump ( a real brown noser in my eyes ), I personally think that appearance is just "veneer".

I think Pence is a much deeper thinker than Trump (that's easy) and would weigh the consequences of a pardon. He would have the foresight to recognize that going down the Gerald Ford road would kill his chances for 2020.

Pence probably has little or no respect for his uncouth boss. 

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