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More state university board directors quit to avoid declaring assets


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Thumbs up for the NACC actually performing any anti-corruption duty since anti-corruption is their alleged raison d'être.  I guess my question is: WHY NOW after 4 1/2 yeas of NACC choosing to ignore any and all corruption in the kingdom?  Oh wait... the answer is right in front of my face... This action specifically targets civilian individuals instead of porky luxury-watch-hoarding junta goon(s), etc.  Hmmm.... there's probably an upcoming-national-election slant as well.  Ahhh... makes perfect sense now.  ????????????

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If the NACC, PACC or any government agency controlled by the Thai police was kosher then to follow the money they now just need to follow the resignations. But of course they won't and of course we all know that. 

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1 hour ago, Baerboxer said:


They are leaving on a point of principle..................... not for any other reason! ????


IMHO they are leaving because they have something to hide.


A bit unfortunate in view of the new rules about the required faculty for each course which makes it harder for universities to prove to OHEC they have the required faculty before the university can open courses for student registrations. 


But the main point is that these folks, regardless of their qualifications or status must be subject to the law the same as everybody else!


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Says it all when they introduce accountability to the education sector controllers and they all start resigning en mass in a hissy-fit about their unusual wealth....obviously there is much to hide by many. Transparency is a dirty word here and opaque is a warm soft blanket to wrap around yourself. It's good that the crooks are bailing so as they are not exposed...just hope more crooks don't just fill the positions.

Edited by Sir Dude
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11 hours ago, mikebell said:

Investigate all their bank accounts - they obviously have something to hide.

Don't expect this to come about, as these types are an extension of the establishment therefore protected in one manner or another. 

Same as it ever was - the world over.

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13 hours ago, rkidlad said:

Dirty, dirty rats. Lowest of the low. 

Unfortunately these rats seem to have relatives in most industries here that allows for a rat to influence someones ability to get anything done. The system is a bigger problem than the rats themselves as it encourages their multiplying. 

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13 hours ago, Emster23 said:

By all means let them resign. Then go investigate their corruption, if there is any. Shouldn't be too difficult


Right idea... assume there's something fishy behind their leaving to avoid wealth declaration, and investigate - straight after the investigations into Prayuth and his cronies are finished.

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13 minutes ago, HalfLight said:


Right idea... assume there's something fishy behind their leaving to avoid wealth declaration, and investigate - straight after the investigations into Prayuth and his cronies are finished.


That'll occur real soon. 


They're here to stay......as they have been for decades.

Things ain't changing.


Rather difficult for some circles to figure this out.

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4 minutes ago, zzaa09 said:


That'll occur real soon. 


They're here to stay......as they have been for decades.

Things ain't changing.


Rather difficult for some circles to figure this out.


Yep. It grieves me to say I think you're right on the money.


That's people for ya. Dumb as a doorstop and blind like a worm. Hey ho.


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17 hours ago, zzaa09 said:

I suspect they actually didn't resign, but are taking a temporary leave of absence.

All blows over, they be back and allowed to be with open arms.

One can never keep the rats away for good.

This dragon witch hunt from the Junta will not end until they end keeping their power from the over throw.

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If you know many Thais, you also would know they often exaggerate their wealth, telling others fantastical stories of what they have. So, some of these clowns are likely illegally wealthy, but others are not and have pretended to be and want to avoid losing massive face. 

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10 hours ago, Sir Dude said:

Says it all when they introduce accountability to the education sector controllers and they all start resigning en mass in a hissy-fit about their unusual wealth....obviously there is much to hide by many. Transparency is a dirty word here and opaque is a warm soft blanket to wrap around yourself. It's good that the crooks are bailing so as they are not exposed...just hope more crooks don't just fill the positions.

I'm sorry to generalize this way, but I think it's fair to say that Thailand is a nation of crooks, so far as this type of corruption is concerned. The whole of the economy has operated this way for centuries. It's a clan/patronage system. 


Study after study in Thailand reveals Thais, whether educated or not, rich or poor, generally think corruption is OK as long as a) it's not too much and b) they benefit somehow. 


They are all in on it. It's part of their general national character. 

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Since most Thais revere wealth above all else, why should they care if they advertise their bounty. It will only lead to more reverence and respect and a positive reflection on those who chose them as having good judgement. As for taxes, they can use the recently popular response of “it was given as a gift to me by people I forget”. 

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1 minute ago, thaichiro said:

Since most Thais revere wealth above all else, why should they care if they advertise their bounty. It will only lead to more reverence and respect and a positive reflection on those who chose them as having good judgement. As for taxes, they can use the recently popular response of “it was given as a gift to me by people I forget”. 

But, we know so many people here also lie to give themselves bigger FACE. I suspect many of these administrators would be expected to be wealthy but are not. And, the loss of face from revealing that wouud be like suicide to them. 

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