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The Official Chelsea FC Thread

Jonathan Fairfield

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Got what we deserved for that second half performance...nothing. Should have had the game done and dusted in the 1st half.

Christensen is far too weak for a defender....got to go, along with my favorite Alonso cant (defend..period)and Willian too frustrating for words game is too fast for Fabregas and he is woefully slow. Sarri has too look at himself if he thinks that only Fabregas or Jorghinio has too play in his system...change your system mate.

Cant blame Hazard if he goes,players around him ain,t fit to lace his shoes. Not that disappointed we lost that game to be honest...if something positive can be learned.

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5 hours ago, keithsimmonds said:

Got what we deserved for that second half performance...nothing. Should have had the game done and dusted in the 1st half.

Christensen is far too weak for a defender....got to go, along with my favorite Alonso cant (defend..period)and Willian too frustrating for words game is too fast for Fabregas and he is woefully slow. Sarri has too look at himself if he thinks that only Fabregas or Jorghinio has too play in his system...change your system mate.

Cant blame Hazard if he goes,players around him ain,t fit to lace his shoes. Not that disappointed we lost that game to be honest...if something positive can be learned.

It seems like that Spurs defeat has completely knocked the b*****ks out of some of the players. A realisation that they're not as good as they thought they were. The football is laboured, lazy minded and safety first with no invention, except from Hazard. He's the one they look to, to make things happen, instead of taking responsibility themselves. Kovacic, after a bright start, has gone into his shell. Why?, I don't know, maybe he's not 100% fit. He's got the pace and skill to offer so much more to the team. I expected more from Loftus -Cheek last night. He should have been driving at their central defence, but it didn't happen. Alonso is just a complete liability, Either replace him with Emerson or switch Azpilicueta to the left and put Zappacosta on the right.

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5 hours ago, keithsimmonds said:

Got what we deserved for that second half performance...nothing. Should have had the game done and dusted in the 1st half.

Christensen is far too weak for a defender....got to go, along with my favorite Alonso cant (defend..period)and Willian too frustrating for words game is too fast for Fabregas and he is woefully slow. Sarri has too look at himself if he thinks that only Fabregas or Jorghinio has too play in his system...change your system mate.

Cant blame Hazard if he goes,players around him ain,t fit to lace his shoes. Not that disappointed we lost that game to be honest...if something positive can be learned.

Ampadu can do no worse than either Jorginho or Fabregas have done, in that deep lying midfield role. The lad has skill, pace and confidence. Judging by the bench last night, it looks like Sarri will be going with his 'tried and trusted' on Saturday, gawd help us!

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1 hour ago, jellydog said:

Looks like Hazard is getting marked tighter and tighter every week. Clearly a target and can't be helping your cause. He amazes me by not losing his temper more than he does.

Add to that teams are working Sarri's tactics out and managing to cut the supply lines to Hazard.  


He must be the most fouled player in the league.

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1 hour ago, champers said:

Moses has had rather a bum rap. Would Chelsea fans like to see him in the side? What about 5 at the back?

No thanks. He had one stellar season with us in a system that suited him, much the same with Alonso,  but in reality, he's not good enough and lacks pace, something which we badly need a lot more of in the team.

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1 hour ago, carmine said:

Add to that teams are working Sarri's tactics out and managing to cut the supply lines to Hazard.  


He must be the most fouled player in the league.


2 hours ago, jellydog said:

Looks like Hazard is getting marked tighter and tighter every week. Clearly a target and can't be helping your cause. He amazes me by not losing his temper more than he does.

A sense of responsibility from the rest of the midfield would ease his burden.

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Gutted with most of the players efforts to be honest. One job thats all they have got one thuckking extremely well paid job. Kepa ...his distrubution at times absolutely sucks,chips the bloody ball into no mans land or like last night and against spurs inside of 2 minutes and under no pressure what so ever lobs it straight to the opposition. Why oh why when we are a goal down or more and going nowhere does Sarri go for the straight swop like for like?? What changes?? Nothing!! It wasn,t bloody working before so why is going to be any different with like for like changes. Leave Morata on play Giroud with him and get balls to them....its not rocket science. Free kicks conceded are just painful to watch...against spurs all 11 inside the penalty spot spurs just 4 players in the box....do the thuckking maths boys,same again last night....shocking truly shocking. This 11 in the box defending has gone on from day one....beggars belief.

Rocky times ahead for us if Sarri doesn,t grow a pair and starts to play Cho Ampudu Emerson and Zappa....players with pace to spare and ditch fab/jorg alonso willian/pedro.

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16 hours ago, keithsimmonds said:

Gutted with most of the players efforts to be honest. One job thats all they have got one thuckking extremely well paid job. Kepa ...his distrubution at times absolutely sucks,chips the bloody ball into no mans land or like last night and against spurs inside of 2 minutes and under no pressure what so ever lobs it straight to the opposition. Why oh why when we are a goal down or more and going nowhere does Sarri go for the straight swop like for like?? What changes?? Nothing!! It wasn,t bloody working before so why is going to be any different with like for like changes. Leave Morata on play Giroud with him and get balls to them....its not rocket science. Free kicks conceded are just painful to watch...against spurs all 11 inside the penalty spot spurs just 4 players in the box....do the thuckking maths boys,same again last night....shocking truly shocking. This 11 in the box defending has gone on from day one....beggars belief.

Rocky times ahead for us if Sarri doesn,t grow a pair and starts to play Cho Ampudu Emerson and Zappa....players with pace to spare and ditch fab/jorg alonso willian/pedro.

Yeah, I've noticed that 'mass defending' in the box as well Keith. A case of too many cooks spoiling the broth, as far as I'm concerned. I read a stat. somewhere that the chances of scoring a goal from a corner are about 10%, so why the preoccupation with zonal defending en masse? Because the ball gets cleared and immediately gets put back into the box and panic ensues, with some pushing up to play offside while others are trying to clear the ball. I'd love to be a fly on the wall, when Sarri explains the logic of it all to the players.

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9 minutes ago, oldgit said:

Yeah, I've noticed that 'mass defending' in the box as well Keith. A case of too many cooks spoiling the broth, as far as I'm concerned. I read a stat. somewhere that the chances of scoring a goal from a corner are about 10%, so why the preoccupation with zonal defending en masse? Because the ball gets cleared and immediately gets put back into the box and panic ensues, with some pushing up to play offside while others are trying to clear the ball. I'd love to be a fly on the wall, when Sarri explains the logic of it all to the players.

Goals scored from corners is about one in twenty!!  Hence i can't really understand why they are included in match stats.  The old Chelsea under Mourinho in his pomp were happy to defend corners all day long.

Edited by carmine
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Surely Sarri has to play Kante as defensive midfield against City?  If he does, then game on, if not, their attacking three will rip  through you, imho of course.  


I'd have thought playing him out of position against the best side in the country and losing would open himself up for a fair deal of unwanted criticism.

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21 hours ago, keithsimmonds said:

Sarri,s press conference in approx 30mins....asked(request a bet) for odds that t Sarri says

"i dunno" 5 times  "offensive phase" 3 times "defensive phase" 3 times...they gave me a 2 word answer...the 2nd word was off.  ✌️

 SIMMONDS your team needs to turn up today big time. Even a draw would be sweet but I'm not hopeful. 

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Just now, keithsimmonds said:

Retired mate....now someone polishes my clubs:wink:

Those armed robberies really paid off for ya. Good on ya. Now come on Keith which Chelsea are turning up today cos it's starting to look like there's been a cost cutting exercise in the canteen and heads are down and we need you now Keith more than ever.

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10 minutes ago, Rc2702 said:

Those armed robberies really paid off for ya. Good on ya. Now come on Keith which Chelsea are turning up today cos it's starting to look like there's been a cost cutting exercise in the canteen and heads are down and we need you now Keith more than ever.

go to bed mate...that false no 9 bolloxx that Conte so unsuccessfully used is now going to be used by Sarri. 

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Just now, keithsimmonds said:

go to bed mate...that false no 9 bolloxx that Conte so unsuccessfully used is now going to be used by Sarri. 

So your not even bothering to stay up and watch? Have you ever considered a prayer before the match?

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Just now, keithsimmonds said:

Mate i would walk bare foot over broken glass to watch Chelsea...never miss a second.

Encouraging words I like it. I actually fell asleep (jet lag) during the game earlier saw the first and last goals. Need hazard to relight the fire today. Sarri needs to turn this corner and keep the wolves at bay. Excuse the wolves pun btw


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Good second half performance from Dave and Pedro down that right hand side.Despite both teams playing with a false 9 it was extremely watchable imo

Nice for Luiz to able play in the knowledge that some dirty little argie basstard aint gonna kick the b jesus out of him.

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Well, that was a welcome surprise! We rode our luck, in the first half hour, via some poor finishing by City, sloppy passing by us and some inspired defending, but after that, we grew into the game. What the game essentially told us was, we are a good counter attacking team, far more comfortable with space in front of us than oceans of it behind. The general weakness of a lack of pace throughout the team is nullified somewhat, when you can see the play in front of you. However, there won't be that many games where we are dominated possession wise by the opposition at the Bridge so, the same problem for this particular set of players, which is breaking down teams which come to defend, still persist.

Loads of good performances too numerous to mention but I thought Pedro was outstanding last night, with his energy, enthusiasm and link up play. This was a good confidence booster, after the woeful performances against Spurs and Wolves.

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