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The absurdity of the LTR handling

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The bank statement stuff must be new.    I got my LTR in 2023.   Only my Tax return in Australia, two pension payslips, purchase of my condo and Thai Health Insurance Certificate shown.  Done and dusted in three weeks.  

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I would be interested in the LTR  I have plenty of assets and income, but no passive income so as a ”Weathy Global Person” I need to invest $USD 500k in more real estate or Thai govt bonds. Seems unresonable a person who has pension passive income a fraction of my yearly income from wages is allowed, but I need to now drop 500 k?

Not for me. Thailand 


Actually the evisa system a game changer. I had to apply for a second passport previously  as I need to have my primary passport in possession at all times for work purposes. I just was granted a new non imm visa  in record time of 4th working day by noon local standard time.  Everything is getting easier. The application fees ? Have they gone up?


Captain Monday ー ”Constant International Travel" 

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I applied on Oct.1 2022 for LTR-WFT. The process took 7 weeks, mostly due to me having to renew my health insurance. Getting in touch with BOI can be somewhat of a challenge, but once you reach one of their officers, they are always helpful and courteous.

Since I have been in TH already many years, all my non-english documents have already been translated in the past. Once you get them certified they can be used for years.

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thais in our home countries have a path to residence, citizenship, work without 'permit' if married to local, no restrictions, pension age can work, no specific jobs, etc...


why the hell do long stay people not get automatic 'residency' status...


not asking for citizenship... 


but this tax bul.ship  might be the last straw...


taxation without representation...

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On 4/26/2024 at 5:25 PM, Presnock said:

I had the opposite experience in obtaining the LTR.  Took a total of 3 weeks.  Yeah, they didn't understand that the 1099R sent to retirees is on one sheet with 4 copies of the statement of yearly salary which is what they needed.  I had monthly annuity payments too but that too had to be multiplied by 12 to obtain the yearly salary so could not be used.  We settled on a copy of my annual IRS tax form (1040) which shows the annual salary paid too.  Yeah, fortunately I am an American so all my documentation was in English and they had zero problems with that.  The officers at the BOI were always extremely polite and helpful in dealing with me via telephone.  3 weeks from start to finish in my opinion was very quick!  Hopefully it will be so for most of the applicants.

Almost exactly my experience.  3 weeks for approval.  They won't give you an appointment (final step) until you're in Thailand and can show them your arrival stamps.  Arrived 4 days ago and waiting for my appointment.  Had a few minor issues (easily overcome)  but overall can't say enough about how helpful the BOI staff was.  Every question was responded to in hours if not minutes.  LTR,  I call it the Thai "Green Card",

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On 4/26/2024 at 5:47 PM, SingAPorn said:

Lot of noise was made for the LTR visa and long term stay granted to the categories of qualified of individuals.


Besides the usual bureaucratic demands from different govt agencies, one of the LTR requests that can suddenly emerge from nowhere on a "case-to-case basis"  is to provide a full year of bank statements translated if not in english.


Rather an absurd and useless harassment in the LTR visa handling process. Why ?


Because when such documents  are not in english language, they ask for a full translation of the whole set of annual bank statements.


This penalises all tmixing, fihe qualified people from Europe with this harassment. A bank statement and mainly the numbers are universal language and any english speaking person can read the numbers should they be in german, danish or italian....


Translation also has a hefty price that thai translators that love to overcharge in Europe. The cost just to translate such a load of bank documents, makes it no point to go for the LTR visa in Thailand.


Such requirements are absurd and discriminatory towards western european nations.


Why can the agencies  not be satisfied plainly with the translated tax returns that are official documents ?


No wonder so many qualified retirees from Europe will chose to spend and buy property elsewhere then in Thailand with such absurd LTR requirements.


The red tape is just not acceptable anymore considering how simple the whole process is in other Asian Nations or in the Indian Subcontinent.


The LTR visa is definately is not worth the game.


May I ask you if you have submitted an application for LTR? And if so, do you match the requirement fair and square without any mixing, shifting, or fiddling?


I got my visa with about two hours of homework, less tham that at Chamchuri and zero frustration, and I applied under a western european passport.



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