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Worst Joke Ever 2024

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God once invited three Southeast Asian prime ministers to listen to their problems and advise them.

The Cambodian Prime Minister spoke first. “When will we leave the shock of the killing fields behind us and become a nation of good Buddhists again?”

God thought for a moment and said, “A hundred years from now.” “Oh,” the Prime Minister wailed, “then I'll be dead a long time ago!”


The Pemier of Laos asked the following question: “When will we become a true socialist state after thirty years of revolution?”

And God answered, “In two hundred years.” The Prime Minister said with tears in his eyes: "Then I will no longer live!"


Finally it was the Thai Prime Minister's turn. “We have had twenty coups since 1932. When will Thailand have a real democracy?'

God was silent for a long time and then burst into tears: “I won't see that again!”

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During a nice dinner, the conversation turned to Thai generals. “Well,” said someone, “I think they are all stupid, and the supreme boss even more so.” He was immediately arrested by a policeman in plain clothes who had heard everything sitting at a neighboring table.

Some time later the friends got together again. “Do you remember that arrest?” He got thirty years in prison!”

“How is that possible,” said another, “libel only lasts a year or so?”

“Yes, that's true, but he was ultimately convicted of betraying a state secret!”

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