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Worst Joke Ever 2024

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A pompous upper class prat of a lawyer went pheasant shooting on the Duke's estate but no matter how hard he tried, it was more than 6 hours before he managed to shoot one down. Delighted at his sudden luck, he searched for the fallen bird and found it in a nearby field.


As he was about to pick it up, a farmer appeared and said aggressively
“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” 
“I’m getting my bird,” he replied. 
“Oh no you ain’t. This here’s my property so it’s mine.” 
“No it doesn't it belongs  to the Duke and you’re not taking it away from me” he spluttered. 
And so they argued on, until the farmer came up with a solution:
“Look here, there’s one way we could settle this argument. 
We’ll take it in turns to kick each other in the crutch and the last man on his feet gets the bloody Pheasant.” 

The Lawyer reluctantly agreed, and the farmer went first because, as he said, it was his idea. Wearing steel capped, hob nailed boots he aimed carefully at the Lawyer and gave an almighty kick. 
His poor victim turned a sickly white, his eyes disappeared and he gave out the most agonizing cry. It took at least 5 minutes for him to come to his senses but he bravely stayed on his knees and feet. 
“Right” The Lawyer finally gasped “Now it’s my turn.” 
The farmer replied, 

“Don’t bother, you can have the Pidgeon, it's not a Pheasant and also  watch out for the horny young bull, it hasn't had a cow in months!” 

Edited by fangless
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Two Gypsy women are talking over the caravan doors and one is complaining about her very painful piles. 
The other says to her, 
“I know just the remedy. Stick some freshly boiled but cooled tea leaves up there and you’ll soon be cured.” 
However, this remedy doesn’t seem to work so the first Gypsy woman is forced to go to the old Hag who poses as “Mystic Meg” as well as being the group’s Witch Doctor . 

“Bend over please,” She cackles, and while the Hag's examining her she asks the Hag if she can see anything. 
“Not a lot,” The Hag replies, “but I can forecast that you’re going to come into some money and spend it on a round the world cruise, but due to the piles you won't enjoy it very much.” 




Edited by fangless
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