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Unoffical Spurs Thread

Jonathan Fairfield

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2 minutes ago, deej said:

It appears Mou has started his (Payout) tantrums.


Levy is hiding behind the sofa????


He'd better not let him get a new RB....at least until I've shipped Aurier out of my Fantasy team!????

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Can only get better, how many games under Mourinho now? 11 ?  

We used to have a good defense,  same players as 2 years ago, but they are not performing anymore. 

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On 1/2/2020 at 6:14 PM, jellydog said:

Horrible indeed. Atrocious in midfield despite a gap in talent with Soton. Brutally bad.


Can't see Mourinho shaping a team out of this and he can't buy his way out of trouble.


Total disaster looming here.

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well our defence is a mess, there's a HUGE surprise!!!, aurier looks like a  winger turned into a wing bac, tho he aint that hot at either..  tobies lost a yARD And when at cb were seeing verity's weaknes's, toby cant cover him now and sanchez fuc's up to often ,,,well,,,our lb,  verity used to be bloody good at it, but now he cant make those lung bustin runs,,, 2 many years at c/b,, totally diferent discipline and needs/should have  whole diferent training shed ,, and now kane and sissokos out until april,, well frankly you can kiss this season goodbye for them both,,,  oh hapi new year !!!!!!

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almost feel sori for lucas,, he's a quality footballer but a central striker for our system is something he isnt,,maybe do a job for a game,, but after that it's gonna take its physical  toll,  time to be rid of erickson 11 mil 15 mil what ever, time for us and him to move on.  sayin that last couple of games he's been decent enuf of the bench but no doubts he aint firing on 100%  there aint 2 many  upsides for us atm,, we'll prob strugle against norwich 2 nite, lets hope someone steps up,,, oh a bright side celso  looks, with a decent run of games he'll be a class act.  as for the rest of the 'summer and recent  signings,, we havnt seen the best of them yet, will we ever ?   time will tell 

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We were lucky again, Norwich could have easily gotten a point. 

De Celso best player on the pitch, still not a good team performance and things needs to improve quickly.  But the good news is United lost tonight and hopefully same will happen to Wolves. 

Lets hope we can stay top 6 for the rest of the season. 


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On 1/19/2020 at 1:28 AM, RonniePickering22 said:


Just buy a striker....that was woeful last night!!

sounds  like its gonna happen, not seen the guy play but EVERY faith in Jose  imo he's no slouch when it comes to signings... and looking at the fellows track record he ain't had an easy ride so he'll be a fighter  and atm sounds like  he's bang on form.



the only surprise is the guys age... veers away from levies prev transfer policy..

awas wondering 'why him' and the answer.. Jose knows him from his Madrid days.. signed after Jose left but no doubts he would have been on their 'horizon/scouted while Jose was there.

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5 hours ago, deej said:

@ 70  mil  Levy will choke????

yeah thing is with the new stad, he cant really'afford not to have the champs lge,, and tbh it totally warrents competition at the highest level , and frankly the squad as it stands is plain as day aint up to it.. and he aint stupid he and jose  knows it,  so like any decent business man he'll  sort it, which means 'investment.

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7 hours ago, deej said:

Levy a business man  .Sure is.

but decent?

With Bahamas Joe. they have been rorting your club (supporters) to the wall

And Mou will  finish the final chapter with another Pay Out as per usual????




yeah  levy has done  truly shocking job   he's built arguably the best footbal stad  in the country and it's been suggested the best training facility and ok he's had to cut bac for a season on the transfer market.. and it could be said were now suffering for that .. however it won't be long b4 he rectifies that and as for muri walking with a pay out.. Pretty  much par for the coarse these days... for eg it's been reported contis little episode  cost the chavs  25 ish mil

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Your stadium has not  been paid for. Has it????

Cut back in the TF market????

Levy  in two decades .been the biggest spendthrift in the EPL and not to mention under paying players the going rate

Levy is going to rectfie it.?


Poch your best mngr by far since Nicho fell out with Levy (or vice a versa) by not selling 4 disgruntled players and reinvesting those funds received in the TF market

Levy in my View. has with Old Bahamas Joe and Tavistock Holdings based in the Bahamas has been milking your club dry from under your noses.

Surely one lousy peice of silverware in 20 yrs proves that .

Finnally Mou is Yday.s Hero .And as his last 3 clubs suggest . his recent warning signals  that he is in Payout Mode 

Thks for the discussion


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On 1/23/2020 at 10:25 AM, deej said:

@ 70  mil  Levy will choke????

Reports are that he is available for £21m  with Levy offering £10m. It was ever thus.......



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'biggest spendthrift'  in the prem?  really enlighten us .. please  and our squad needs strengthening levy WILL rectify that.. players are in pole position in terms of when in contract staying or leaving is very much in the players hands  if they decide to run their contract out like Erickson has   v v little ANY chairman can do.   And where exactly did I say the stad was paid for? any any business man would finance such a huge project paying cash would be foolish  and poch fell out with levy did he?  and  levy said he felt absolutely terrible about sacking him and slightly later he said he wouldnt rule him coming bac. a strange thing to say if they'de fell out,  but IMO it was the right decision and  if it hadn't been for the amazing run in the champions leg he would and should have done it sooner,  we'd been  <deleted> poor from well b4 the prev xmas.. no doubts poch  added consistency to our prem positioning however it could be argued that ari taking Ramos league cup winning    squad from 11th position to a fourth finish be the biggest acheivmnet in terms of the prem nd I'm sure that levy and co are looking to profit from Tottenham.. however our owner is Forbes rated maybe he will cash in  who knows but one things for sure he doesn't need the wedge thanks for the   chat however when you get your facts right and not ill judged  and I'll informed   supposition come back

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even though we had  a goal disallowed and arguably the best chances thought we were lucky to get away with a draw  our back line is poor atm toby does his best  Sanchez and aurier  continue to make error after error. aurier's mistake cost us the equalizer... mori Cant  put up with them for much longer tanganga is the only positive.. playing on the wrong side he still managed  a decent enuf job.. I'm SO pleased mori has seen the light and dropped Rose's <deleted>... his half hearted displays hve  bugged me for EVER sooner he's gone the better.. Ali still ain't firing on all cylinders and Lucas always gives 100 % and iS such a good footballer, cant wait to see him bac in his preferred position.. .le celso  is TRULY a class act.. get him signed ASAP the boys TOP TOP DRAW.  i know son scored but for me he was poor.. misplaced pass's and to many poor first touches..   will we beat them at home? I make it 55/ 45 in our favour..so probably but only just.. really rate their manager.. think he' s done a really good job there.. perhaps post mori.... southampton IS a hapi manegerial huntin ground for us and we haven't done to badly player wise from them prem wise given our defensive errors to be anywhere near the top 4 is a bloody miracle. 

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tuf one for us. despite their  'stutterings' . tbh atm cant see our stuttering defence holding at bay  the wealth of attacking options that the soccer washers have... but we live in hope... good to see celso on board full time.. let's hope some of the other recent  arrivals step up as he's done.

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start off .. a great win.. how the  ,bahsj ,, city didnt score..I'll never know on another day they could and arguably should have got 2 .... 3... maybe four

great save by hugo for the pen however 2 me it should have been a straight red  after ...poor decision by hugo to go chasin out... and he missed the ball and caught Sterling'... but on the on the other hand.. sterlings tackle on ali...it bent alli'leg ../ ankle  by rights it should have broken .. and sterling 100% should have seen a red... as should have fernandinho  for the chop ax was it our new boy ?  bout time refs wise up to cities nasty snide tactics...  wot a debut Bergwijn. scoring a cracker against the current champions...  oh dont u just luv mori.. when all around is erupting  ie after sons goal   he calms and is busy  organising...  imo JUST what u need in a coach '  despite the win we ARE missing ari or at least someone who can hold the ball upfront... son ali and lucius ALL try but it really aint their 'thing...  still onwards and upwards


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Coupla nice goals yesterday lads. Especially Bergwijn's effort. LFC were looking at him in 2018 but apparently were put off by his lack work rate (especially following the Depay Man U saga) I think dutch strikers/wingers in general have this reputation. Time will tell in his case but there's no denying he is a great prospect.

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