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Not again! Drunk farang filmed abusing bar staff in Udon Thani


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1 hour ago, madusa said:

Lots of good law abiding, good manner, kind Farangs in Thailand are being too sensitive. Thailand has so many Farangs living there, working there and also those visiting you should expect these kinds of bad behavior. If all Farangs (thousands and thousands of them) behave well not causing any trouble for the Thais then something is wrong somewhere, either the news is not correct or it has been manipulated. Am I right?

Why are you not expecting Farangs to behave badly ? That is more correct thinking than thinking bad Farangs are giving you a bad name. That given a large enough number of Farangs there will be a certain number of them doing bad things that's how things work in this God forsaken world.

Good Farangs shouldn't care a damn what other bad Farangs are doing. Why should you care what Thais are thinking about Farangs. You are you. You are only responsible for yourself. If Thais think you are also a representative of bad Farangs then those Thais who think like that are not very clever Thais. Because that's wrong thinking.

Everything boils down to numbers. Can someone quote me the number of Farangs in Thailand. I think those living and working in Bangkok alone comes to almost 1 million? Someone out there knows the figure.

A good Farang drinks his coffee in the morning and smiles because he knows there will be a few bad shitty farangs out there somewhere. He is not ashamed because he knows.


Quote '...in this God forsaken world.' And you recon the rest of us expats should not care about what Thais think??? With a quote like that I think you must rank high on the scale of negativity about everyone and everywhere. And for your info, it does matter what Thais think of expats because the '...good Farang...' knows that the bad ones can get the rules changed...rules that affect all.

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4 hours ago, bergan said:

He is definitely a TV repairman.

My bet is a plumber....


What is it with Udon that attract all those quality tourists?

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46 minutes ago, UncleanLibertine said:

You must be a cunning linguist. He's about as Aussie as I'm Thai. The ass-crack-showing shorts do not maketh the man. He sounds Slavic, probably Croatian or Serbian. 

Yeah, like there's absolutely no Croats or Serbians now living downundah on an Aussie passport.


Are the Greek cabbies in Sydney a thing of the past?

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4 hours ago, dcsw53 said:

The Cultural Attache hard at work cementing harmonious relations with local businesses. What a star !


That’s a good one that’s funny.  But I just watched the video and if I had been sitting in that restaurant I would have beaten him down if I had witnessed that BS.  What an idiot.  I hope he’s not here on a NON-O or any long stay visa.  Someone should tell him to pull his shorts up at least if he’s gonna act stupid.  

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3 hours ago, alex8912 said:

This should be a good wager!! Two Aussies , one saying it’s not and one saying it is.  This should be easy to prove with a TVF detective.  I was sure it was one of those atrocious accents from somewhere in England. 


That wasn't any kind of English accent that I am aware of. Don't try blaming our lot for this guy, we have enough drunks of our own.

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4 hours ago, Guitar God said:

Does one drunk, abusive Thai ruin the reputation of all Thais in a few seconds? 


Seems a bit racist to condemn all non-Thais based on the actions of one person. 

No it’s not racist at all.  As foreigners we’re guests here in Thailand and we need to act like guests.  If you’re at a friend’s house you wouldn’t act like that in your friend’s house at least I’d hope not.  We need to set a good example for our home countries and act almost as ambassadors. That doesn’t mean you can’t complain if something is wrong but do it in a tactful manner if necessary.  The guy in the video is an embarrassment to us all. 

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2 hours ago, Pungdo said:

You must be kidding, this bloke has a European accent, it's normally poms acting like this twit, the type you see drinking a large Chang for breakfast.

Lol thats harsh on the Poms, he obviously was pissed off before they started filming.




2 hours ago, White Christmas13 said:

So if you are wearing an English football shirt does it means you are from England?

Fine Logic there, except if you see any bronco supporter gear here or copy stuff at the markets let me know.



1 hour ago, UncleanLibertine said:

You must be a cunning linguist. He's about as Aussie as I'm Thai. The ass-crack-showing shorts do not maketh the man. He sounds Slavic, probably Croatian or Serbian. 

Thankyou I have been know to make the woman happy.  Im guessing your Thai then???


If you guys wanna put your money where your mouths are lets put a cold frothy on the table for who is correct? ???? 

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5 hours ago, sanemax said:

Why does that bar in particular seem to get drunken felangs yelling abuse at the bar owner ?

  Could the bar owner be causing the provocation ?

If that’s true than maybe don’t go to that bar.  What you don’t do what you NEVER DO is make a big stupid scene like this idiot did that embarrasses us all who are guests here in Thailand.  If there’s something wrong just leave it’s okay to complain if something is really wrong but do so tactfully don’t act stupid like this guy did.  I’ve complained before about little things that I had issues with before at businesses here but I did it without making a fool of myself.  We have to remember that this is Thailand it’s not the United States, Europe, or Australia and a lot of people and things are different and some people don’t like westerners, we have to learn to just deal with things like that.  


Traveling abroad is not for everyone and you know what some people just shouldn’t drink either.  Even if the bar owner is provoking something don’t fall for it regardless you can’t really blame the bar owner unless you were there and saw the whole thing but still this guy made an ass out of himself regardless of what happened before the video camera was turned on.  

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I see the same thing in all cultures, races and countries. The other day I was walking out of 7/11 and what looked like a Thai bloke who was just as intoxicated and walked passed me talking all sorts of gibberish to me..


I just ignored and walked on by.


Who cares!


If you want it to stop then why not protest against alcohol sales as it is also probably one of the biggest killers in the world.









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3 hours ago, NanLaew said:

The bar is question is located in the single soi in Udon

The art street near the shopping mall? Looks like it. 1/2 or more of the business (bars) are closed with a few rat holes and a good selections of proper bars. 


There’s a few guys look the same condition everyone once and awhile in the daytime. Had one to many and didn’t like a camera 

in their face. Probably if you left him alone he’d wonder back to

his residence and rest it off....


i didn’t do it all the time when a bit younger had a couple to many

didnt start fights tried talking out of them most the time. If I’d been stumbling drunk an accidentally bumped in to someone apologize. 


Now days if im out I know my limit and don’t push it anymore to old for it I reckon.



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7 hours ago, cyberfarang said:

That women`s voice sounds exactly the same as the woman who was insulted by the last Farang creep.


Must be something the bar is doing that is winding these men up.

Or it's an advertising gimmick? 

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