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I put an e-newsletter out on thailand constrcution, goes out to over a 1000 recipients. Been doing it for almost 18 months never had a problem.

Used to send (slowly) as 3 emails of +350 via my loxinfo dial-up account and through Outlook.

Then used the office computer and their high-speed server (sorry don't know what it is they use) and Outlook.

Recently got TOT ADSL and send using my loxinfo account using a TOT ADSL SMTP and Outlook (receive using the loxinfo POP3). No problem for sending emails to one recipient (how many before the problem starts i do not know - a colleague suggested he has a problem beyond 25 receipients though i don't know any of his sending technical details). Started receiving the following message from the system administrator to the first (+350 recipient) email sent:

Your message did not reach some or all of the intended recipients.

Subject: FW: Thailand Construction News No 45.

Sent: 2/19/2007 6:26 PM

The following recipient(s) could not be reached:

'[email protected]' on 2/19/2007 6:26 PM

452 #4.5.3 Too many recipients.

and then to the subsequent emails i receive:

Your message did not reach some or all of the intended recipients.

Subject: FW: Thailand Construction News No 45.

Sent: 2/19/2007 6:26 PM

The following recipient(s) could not be reached:

'[email protected]' on 2/19/2007 6:26 PM

452 Too many recipients received this hour

I've tried resending by smaller emails of 66 recipients but the same thing happens.

Tried calling TOT. They didn't know the problem or the answer. They suggested i tried a different SMTP they gave me (same problem). They stated that they do not have a limit on recipients for any email.

Can anybody help / know what this is all about. Do the emails ever get through, i.e. are they being blocked permanently or temporary?

Tried calling TOT. They didn't know the problem or the answer. They suggested i tried a different SMTP they gave me (same problem). They stated that they do not have a limit on recipients for any email.

It sounds as if your e-mails are being blocked because you are seen to be a spammer. I'd be asking again at the TOT and Loxinfo end. There is software available for mailing lists that might get around it but l think you need some more investigation at the ISP end. I'm sure there are other TV users who have mailing lists so let's hear if they have similar problems. Even using Yahoo you have a limit on how many copies of an e-mail you can send, 100 maybe?


BB. I got the last of your newsletters on Saturday 17th (No45 dtd 14/2/07)

It certainly looks like you're being identified as a potential spammer.

You could try setting up a local SMTP server on your machine, I've used QK SMTP Server http://www.qksoft.com/qk-smtp-server/ in the past, it certainly works and will bypass these annoying limits.

You don't need a fixed IP address or anything fancy BUT I've also noticed that some mail receipients were blocking and returning my mails because they were coming from a dynamic IP address, can't win sometimes :o

BTW. I don't spam or issue a newsletter, I do move around a lot and try to avoid constantly changing my SMTP settings as I change ISPs. I've not had to use QK recently as I've discovered that the KSC SMTP server is quite happy to relay messages originating outside the KSC network (KSC is my ISP).

I do enjoy reading your stuff BB :D

"I don't want to know why you can't. I want to know how you can!"

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