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BRIT THAI 'MURDER' Brit found dead in Bangkok red-light district hotel room with ‘the safe ransacked’


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The safe being open is about as relevant as the hotel being next to a red light district. Maybe the guy simply did not use the safe ?


I live out of hotels in Thailand and never use the safe, it’s wide open the moment I walk in the room and stays wide open until I check out.

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Usually the culprit does not report problems to the front desk.


i guess that rules out the friend as a suspect, shirlock


i'm sorry this happened to you Luke, and I pray that you are somehow able to move on after this tragic event.

Edited by Dick Crank
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4 hours ago, Denim said:

Red Light District hotel


Typical Sun reporting. Is there a hotel in Bangkok that is not 30 minutes from a red light district of some sort ?


I guess the police will have to make another ' Thailand is safe '

announcement .




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2 hours ago, Rc2702 said:

I read the report. Similar to the chap who died a while back with 5 kids. One has to wonder what they were thinking to go on a "lads holiday" 

A "last chance" before the real expenses get in the system, growing kids can be really expensive! Both guys probably got a "leave pass" from the wives?

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2 hours ago, cardinalblue said:

I put my valuables in the safe b/f unpacking....


no need to mention red light district....what part of bkk isn’t?


tries to infer he was here for candy...

no need to mention red light district....what part of bkk isn’t?


what part of Thailand isn"t ?

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5 hours ago, CharlieH said:

If he hadnt unpacked, its doubtful the safe was even used and was in its usual position when entering the room.


Sad, but whoever it was reported it, and then disappeared needs to be found. Maybe hotel CCTV can help with that.


Poor bloke, and leaves two children behind, tragic!

Very suspicious, especially as his friend "did a runner". RIP


Quote: "In April 2007, 19 year old Luke Ramage was locked up for 2 years having admitted charges of possessing Class A drugs (ecstacy and cocaine) on the basis he was minding it for a dealer........ He fell in debt with his supplier" (ref: website of Chronicle Live). Maybe he fell foul of the Bangkok mafia?

Edited by Burma Bill
additional information
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24 minutes ago, elliss said:

  No Thai darling mentioned yet ,   TV sleuths need to broaden their suspect range .

     What about the room maid , Burmese ?.

Its highly unlikely that there was a Thai woman involved and also highly unlikely that any room maid was involved , "friend" is suspect number 1

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It sounds like the other guy he was traveling with will have a few more details to fill in the blanks with.  Should be easy to identify if they were on the same flight and he was also booked into the hotel which he would need a passport for and they always make copies of that.  

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3 hours ago, cyberfarang said:

Very strange. Guy arrives at the hotel, not even unpacked yet, safe broken into, friend reports the guy has a problem and then vanishes.


Here`s one for Sherlock Holmes.

Not  really. When I was his age I couldnt wait to check in and get out amongst it. I bet his feet never even touched the floor once he got in the room let alone think about the safe.  Sadly it’s all gone tragically wrong. 


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