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CSD monitoring Saraburi gang-rape probe


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One can only hope that Sangwan Sitthipanya never serves in a position of authority again. What he did was an abomination, and he deserves to be judged by the court of public opinion after this has gone viral, thanks to the father. Can one even imagine the state of mind of the father, after this happened, this creton attempted to convince the distraught young gal to look the other way, and then the ridiculously ineffective, incompetent, and corrupt police did absolutely nothing about it. Of course the family will demand justice. Appears that some of the boys come from influential families. I have a suggestion. Every time a crime this heinous happens, the judge sentences not only the perpetrators to a stiff sentence, but the parents too. It might be something that influences parents, to engage in parenting, now and in the future.

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7 hours ago, webfact said:

The man said police initially failed to record the rape complaint and that a local politician even tried to negotiate on the suspects’ behalf to get the girl to drop her complaint


7 hours ago, webfact said:

The case has attracted huge attention on social media after the victim’s father, a tattoo artist, posted on his Facebook page a claim that a local administrator, who he said was a relative of one of the suspects, had intervened and offered Bt10,000-Bt30,000 from each boy as settlement money.


7 hours ago, webfact said:

However, Arun said he was satisfied that local police had acted according to the book, so the CSD would let local officers continue with the case.

This one needs to be watched very closely !!!

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a local administrator, who he said was a relative of one of the suspects, had intervened and offered Bt10,000-Bt30,000 from each boy as settlement money. 


This would have been after he took a cut for his services. These obators are the lower than shark shit. 

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Full marks to the parents for the restraint and way they are handling this so far. Would be nice to see a crowding funding set up for them to hire lawyers to go after K Sangwan and others. I would be the first to contribute.


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6 hours ago, bergan said:



I hope the father goes into "Punisher mode" on these sick bastards, those boys and the official are oxygen thieves who needs to be put down. If my son had been involved in something like that, I would have taken him to the police myself and told them never to let him out.

So your son would only be locked up not put down as you are advocating for these perpertrators.

Your double standard is interesting.

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6 hours ago, bergan said:



I hope the father goes into "Punisher mode" on these sick bastards, those boys and the official are oxygen thieves who needs to be put down. If my son had been involved in something like that, I would have taken him to the police myself and told them never to let him out.

The father did hit some of them

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2 hours ago, Finnc99 said:

After reading the fathers posts on Facebook, watching all the videos, I feel like the article misses out a lot. I will try to translate/explain what has happened so far based upon what the father has said.


He got a call that his daughter had been raped while he was in Saraburi, but the 5 kids had been rounded up and discussions were taking place. The local administrator in question is a relative of either all 5 kids or some of the kids involved and started to negotiate the price to make the problem go away his offer started at 30,000 but he reduced it to 10,000baht.


The father said he didn't care about the money, he will report it to the police and make sure the kids are punished for what they've done. The local administrator called the girl over to sit on his lap and in the video you can hear him asking her questions such as "how were you walking that made you get raped?" "how many of the boys ejaculated while raping you?" and other ******* stupid questions.  The reason the administrator is under so much attack is due to: 1. Attempting to pay to make the problem go away. 2. Asking the girl disrespectful/rude questions. 3. Saying it isn't rape if the male didn't ejaculate. 

A fight broke out when the father and his friends attacked the kids and supposedly one of the parents - unfortunately the local administrator wasn't attacked.


The police were witness to all of that as you can see them standing by in the videos doing nothing, and refused to accept the report - later stating they didn't know a rape had been committed (despite listening to everything the girl and administrator said). 

The police called the father of victim and pleaded with them to not make a report, as they were worried about the future of the boys. 


After the father uploaded videos of this along with an explanation of the situation it went viral, which is the reason why police are now taking action. Could you imagine if someone hadn't took a video? Or if the father didn't post on Facebook? This would of literally been ignored.


Now to the other girl in question, who has been accused of setting the rape up. The father uploaded a video interviewing her. The girl had been dating a guy online, and planned to meet him in person. She didn't feel comfortable going alone so took the 12 year old girl with her as support, the guy took them in front of the 20baht shop (where the rape was committed), and told them to wait there as he has something to do then he will comeback. After he went, both girls were dragged into the shop and both raped. Apparently there were 8ish people present - the son of the owner who was working there although he didn't take part in the rape, he sat playing games on his phone while 7 of his friends raped the girls. 

The number of the boys who took part in the rape is unclear as the girl says in the video that they turned off the lights and shut up the shop, so she couldn't see clearly.


This is all the information that the father has posted so far.

Absolutely correct!! 

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5 hours ago, bergan said:

The defamation laws are quite strong in Thailand, so he can definitely sue for defamation.

I think the problem here is a combination of lack of resources and a cultural reluctance to take action against a person deemed to be of higher standing.

Its probably a situation that existed in many other countries in the past.

I also recall reading that it is possible to bring criminal charges against an individual if the police fail to take action, again though the situation I refer to above would probably come into play.

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5 minutes ago, StevieAus said:

I think the problem here is a combination of lack of resources and a cultural reluctance to take action against a person deemed to be of higher standing.

Its probably a situation that existed in many other countries in the past.

I also recall reading that it is possible to bring criminal charges against an individual if the police fail to take action, again though the situation I refer to above would probably come into play.



It is possible to bring charges by applying directly to the court but they don't carry as much weight as if the police had ' investigated ' and brought charges via the prosecutor. It's all a nonsense because these clowns in uniform seldom know the law anyway and if you go to a police station, you may have a captain or a police major that they all go to who has knowledge of the law. So god knows why, they value a police brought action more than a civil one.


This is precisely why they like people to accept, or accept compensation in the first place. Thailand, Land of the easy way and compromise, especially if you are lower down the social ladder in this archaic ridiculous system of law that operates like an old fashioned Fiefdom.


Well done to the father, if they do bring charges against him for assault, to attempt to put pressure on him or for leverage in court, this will not go down well with the judge. A lot of the court judges are above the ' fray ' and operate fairly and will not like this at all.


I agree with TV readers that pressure has been put upon them because somebody does not want this to proceed. This government <deleted>, that had an interest,  who was concerned about the boys future?  He obviously didn't care about a 12 year old girl or her future!, the odious man. He should have been fired and don't give the clown an inactive post.


Thais in general,  especially in the sticks, but in Bangkok as well, are lousy at parenting in the main. How many times are we to hear about knife crimes and especially gun crime at the schools and universities in Bangkok by gangs of ' entitled young Thai males '


I sincerely hope these clowns are sent to juvenile detention or the young boys prison, otherwise, they think they can do this and get away with it especially if there are idiots protecting their vile acts.


Best wishes to the father of the victim.

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20 hours ago, worgeordie said:

It sounds like the boys may have some influential parents,

as it seems the Police are dragging their feet,and after what

the Government official has said,it looks like they are doing

everything not to charge the perpetrators,for Christ's sake its 

a 12 year old girl.

regards worgeordie

I agree. It is disgraceful to shame this girl. Had it been my daughter I may have found 2 stones and fixed their sexual issues forever.


The government needs to climb all over these provincial jerks and impose the rule of law without fear or favour.

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8 hours ago, hotchilli said:

But evidently no reason is believed that they will be needed... so why set-up the team?

Obviously this is a reminder to some in the Saraburi police force that they are being watched and cannot brush this one under the carpet!

..the carpet would be bumpy indeed..sad for the child involved.

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Unfortunately I thing that this is only the top of the iceberg.

A friend of mine has a Thai girlfriend, and she told us that she was raped by some of the boys from school when she was 15.

She told us that this happens to most girls in Isan, but it is newer reported.

Of cause I only have her word for it, but have no reason not to believe her.

Edited by Jorgendk
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12 hours ago, Jorgendk said:

She told us that this happens to most girls in Isan, but it is newer reported.

Yes, it is quite common in the small villages. Not even just girls but boys too. Usually its because they see sex as being so taboo that they aren't brave enough to tell their parents as they think they would be punished and it'd cause a loss of face. 

Some do tell their parents and its either solved by money or ignored, and even if it is reported - there is a super low rate of conviction.


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