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Trump demands wall funding, increasing threat of U.S. government shutdown


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59 minutes ago, Becker said:

Well, it seems beyond the stable genius in the WH...:coffee1:

It couldn't be said yet people would become outraged. If he mentioned this the resistance would be even greater to it than it is now. Funny how first its said the gofundme me won't work, then you do the math at the current rate and it will work eventually. Then it has to go back to Mexico paying for it. It is obvious a lot of people no longer care who pays for it.


Then a very simple solution of how that would work is proposed just by somebody online which would work. Then it goes to Trump didn't think of that. Of course if i have thought of it he has. Trump and the wall hast you people so mad you are spinning literally in circles and tripping over yourselves. First the left says he is a war monger the next minute they cry he pulls out. 


It seems to me the average Trump supporter can admit that Trump has his contradictions much more easily than those on the left that think they are already right.


Just so you know ESTA is already a user fee on incoming flights to the USA. It is used in a way that people entering themselves actually help finance the security put in place to facilitate their entry. It is $14 if I remember right. Just do that on the border and you know who will cross ahead of time and they pay to go through the wall.


I can't imagine one single advantage there would be for Trump to mention this at this point of time. Build a bridge make a toll... real real basic stuff here.



Edited by Cryingdick
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1 hour ago, Cryingdick said:

It doesn't take a genius to monetize a wall or a bridge.


Typically tolls are used for maintenance on something which is already built.


Again, we were told that Mexico would pay for the wall, so please get the money from Mexico, or kindly be quiet.


Charging an entry fee sounds like a good idea, I mean if you're a simpleton.



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Just now, mtls2005 said:


Typically tolls are used for maintenance on something which is already built.


Again, we were told that Mexico would pay for the wall, so please get the money from Mexico, or kindly be quiet.


Charging an entry fee sounds like a good idea, I mean if you're a simpleton.



It is already done for flights. It isn't an entry fee per se it is a security screening application fee. 

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15 minutes ago, Cryingdick said:

It is already done for flights. It isn't an entry fee per se it is a security screening application fee. 


That's the entry fee for security theatre, aka TSA.


I appreciate that you are winging it - tolls, fees, gofundme - trying to fund the wall. WHat's next? A bake sale? A car wash?


But trump, and jordan/meadows/ryan are not on the same page as you.


Most polls indicate that a significant majority of Americans oppose this wall. I realize it's a hot button for the ever decreasing base and few right-wing nut-jobs, but why not listen to the majority of Americans?

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Trump was/is slated to spend the next couple weeks at his resort in Florida (unless he ends up changing that plan because of the looming govt. shutdown).


So instead of building the Mexico wall, how about we wait for Trump to arrive at Mar-a-Lago, then quickly build an impenetrable wall around the entire complex enclosing Trump inside, never to venture out or have any public exposure again.


Probably would be the best national expenditure and best national security expenditure the U.S. could make right about now!  And far cheaper than trying to build a hundreds of miles long wall separating the U.S. from Mexico along the entire length of the two countries' common border.


I'd donate to a Go-Fund-Me project for THAT wall!



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1 hour ago, Cryingdick said:

Trump and the wall hast you people so mad you are spinning literally in circles and tripping over yourselves. 

???????????? no no no... not tripping over, but rather, falling over with laughter... you know... as in ROFL... 

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6 hours ago, Cryingdick said:



$10,686,100 now and that's only four hours after you posted that. I am verifying it is legit and will add $1,000 of my own. Let's see where it's at in a month. Even $10 million is enough to start assembling parts of the wall now, Rome wasn't built in a day.


At the current rate of 2.5 million a day it will take 400 days to raise a billion. Usually these  things pick up steam. I wasn't even aware of this until I saw this thread. It's nice this thread was able to give the gofundme some additional exposure it wouldn't have received typically. 

Good idea!

Please allow me to inform the other Trumpists about the link!????

HEY GUYS, you can donate for the wall here:



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I've been thinking about how the donated money is going to turn into an actual wall. 


Money donated to the government usually goes into the general fund and is used to pay down the national debt.  Congress alone gets to decide which pots of money get encumbered to which programs, and they can even go so far as to say which projects within said programs can be funded.  So, for example, the DoD can't ask for a billion dollars to buy more exploding things, and then when it gets the money, change its mind and spend the billion on construction to add a sixth side to the Pentagon, which would then be called the Hexagon.


Even though all gifts (such as returned tax refunds) go to the US Treasury's gift account, they still need budgetary authority to spend that money.  Budget authority comes from the House.


[edit] It would be absolutely hilarious if the house decides to use the money for refugee resettlement or Planned Parenthood.




Edited by attrayant
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5 hours ago, Cryingdick said:

It couldn't be said yet people would become outraged. If he mentioned this the resistance would be even greater to it than it is now. Funny how first its said the gofundme me won't work, then you do the math at the current rate and it will work eventually. Then it has to go back to Mexico paying for it. It is obvious a lot of people no longer care who pays for it.



Actually, I think that money would be better spent by the donors on taking a basic course in Civics. You can't privately fund federal programs. You don't get to direct the destination of money you donate to the Federal government. The Constitution gives Congress the power of the Purse. You want to give money to the Treasury" Fine. But wave goodbye to it because you don't get any say as to where it's going just because you donated it. It's not surprising that Trump supporters are ignorant of even this basic basic fact of how the US government works.

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1 hour ago, candide said:

Good idea!

Please allow me to inform the other Trumpists about the link!????

HEY GUYS, you can donate for the wall here:




Want to know a bit about the guy pushing the Go Fund Me campaign for Trump's wall???



The fundraising page doesn't mention Kolfage's most recent business venture, a Facebook page titled Right Wing News and a ring of affiliate sites that frequently trafficked in conspiracy theories. In October, Right Wing News was pulled down by Facebook in a sweep of more than 559 pages that the company said were "using fake accounts… to drive traffic to their websites" or "were ad farms using Facebook to mislead people into thinking that they were forums for legitimate political debate."


Kolfage also ran Right Wing News' shuttered affiliate sites including VeteranAF and FreedomDaily, which pushed false conspiracy theories, like ones claiming Hillary Clinton was secretly hiding deadly illnesses and fake voter fraud stories days before the 2016 election.


Those sites stopped operating in March, replaced with a string of text that said "This Website Has Gone Out of Business." The sites often trafficked in false, inflammatory and racist content, including headlines like "Obnoxious Black People Lose Their Minds When Victoria Secret Models Say This 1 Word On Live Video" and "Trump Just Released Embarrassing Vids Of Obama's Muslim Friends That He Never Wanted Seen."





Typical Trump-adoring fruitcake. Not surprisingly.


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5 hours ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

Trump was/is slated to spend the next couple weeks at his resort in Florida (unless he ends up changing that plan because of the looming govt. shutdown).


So instead of building the Mexico wall, how about we wait for Trump to arrive at Mar-a-Lago, then quickly build an impenetrable wall around the entire complex enclosing Trump inside, never to venture out or have any public exposure again.


Probably would be the best national expenditure and best national security expenditure the U.S. could make right about now!  And far cheaper than trying to build a hundreds of miles long wall separating the U.S. from Mexico along the entire length of the two countries' common border.


I'd donate to a Go-Fund-Me project for THAT wall!



6 hours since last time another million is raised $11.6 million now. Also it's funny Pelosi called Trump out and said he couldn't get the funding through the house. How did that work out? 

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12 hours ago, Becker said:

And here I thought that Mexico would pay for it. Silly me!

This is more than offset by the gains of the new trade-arrangement with Mexico - but the money must still be allocated by Congress. 


But, yes, that is still cheating on the original promise - it should have been paid for out of cuts to foreign-aid and/or taxes on remittances.  Instead, $10.6 Billion have been allocated for additional aid to Mexico/Cent-Am.  Helping our neighbors is fine, but this never should have been allowed absent wall-funding as part of the deal, in order to help American working-folks, too ( https://www.apnews.com/0fcda32812024680ad98676379c47233 ).


11 hours ago, Cryingdick said:

It will be much easier to accomplish this after it is built. User fees would easily cover this.

11 hours ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

Of course, some -- but not Trump Republicans -- might wonder why he's demanding $5 billion in U.S. taxpayer dollars for his Mexico wall -- a wall he's repeatedly promised to make Mexico pay for.

Savings from the cost of illegal migrants would easily pay for it.  Where wall has already gone up in some areas (supported by Dems, at that time), reductions in traffic are above 90%.  Hungary's fence and Israel's wall/fence system have been similarly effective. 


Walls work - which is why the "More Cheap Labor" GOP doesn't want them, and "Replacement Citizen-Voters" Dems don't either.  Neither give a flip about the plight of working-class Americans.


10 hours ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

BTW, the lame-duck lunatic Republican led House of Reps passed a budget bill Thursday night that included $5.7 billion in funding for the wall. But that bill is expected to go nowhere in the Senate.

BTW - Pelosi claimed in that press-conference in the WH that Trump didn't have the votes in the (current) House.  It appears he did.


If this vote had occurred pre-election, many Dems in the Senate would have had to vote for the wall, to keep their seats - given the vast majority of Independent voters support it (why Trump was elected in the first place).  But the Traitor-GOP Ryan / McConnell gang LIED (for the Koch Bros donor-types) and said they could get the wall-funding in a vote "after the election" - which anyone with any grasp of the matter should have known was bull.

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6 hours ago, JackThompson said:

This is more than offset by the gains of the new trade-arrangement with Mexico - but the money must still be allocated by Congress. 

Only if you believe in Trump! ????

"US trade deficit at widest level in 10 years"



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8 hours ago, Cryingdick said:

If walls and fences don't work why does every airport and most freeways in the world have one? 

As an example 40% of 'illegals' in the US arrive by air and then overstay their visa. You could also apply the example of drug trafficking and so on...

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2 hours ago, candide said:

"US trade deficit at widest level in 10 years"

As some here, or DT himself, would say "see?  Obama couldn't even do that right!"



The coolest thing possible would be if the shutdown goes through, the Secret Service, along with the flight crew of AF1, and the domestic staff of the WH, walk off the job.  "Sorry sir, all shut down.  Send out a tweet when we're back in business."



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4 hours ago, candide said:

Only if you believe in Trump! ????

"US trade deficit at widest level in 10 years"



The new trade-agreement with Canada and Mexico has not taken effect yet, so the deficits we are seeing now, are primarily carry-on damage from existing policies. 


I don't "believe in Trump" - a businessman with a history of using low-wage immigrants in his own businesses.  I do, however, believe in balanced-trade and limiting immigration to shrink the labor-pool to keep wages high (both blue-collar and white-collar).

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11 hours ago, JackThompson said:

This is more than offset by the gains of the new trade-arrangement with Mexico - but the money must still be allocated by Congress. 


But, yes, that is still cheating on the original promise - it should have been paid for out of cuts to foreign-aid and/or taxes on remittances.  Instead, $10.6 Billion have been allocated for additional aid to Mexico/Cent-Am.  Helping our neighbors is fine, but this never should have been allowed absent wall-funding as part of the deal, in order to help American working-folks, too ( https://www.apnews.com/0fcda32812024680ad98676379c47233 ).


Savings from the cost of illegal migrants would easily pay for it.  Where wall has already gone up in some areas (supported by Dems, at that time), reductions in traffic are above 90%.  Hungary's fence and Israel's wall/fence system have been similarly effective. 


Walls work - which is why the "More Cheap Labor" GOP doesn't want them, and "Replacement Citizen-Voters" Dems don't either.  Neither give a flip about the plight of working-class Americans.


BTW - Pelosi claimed in that press-conference in the WH that Trump didn't have the votes in the (current) House.  It appears he did.


If this vote had occurred pre-election, many Dems in the Senate would have had to vote for the wall, to keep their seats - given the vast majority of Independent voters support it (why Trump was elected in the first place).  But the Traitor-GOP Ryan / McConnell gang LIED (for the Koch Bros donor-types) and said they could get the wall-funding in a vote "after the election" - which anyone with any grasp of the matter should have known was bull.

"But, yes, that is still cheating on the original promise - it should have been paid for out of cuts to foreign-aid and/or taxes on remittances."


That's still not making Mexico pulling out their checkbook and paying for it, which is what he's promised, so I suggest you die-hard man-child supporters stop putting lipstick on this particular pig and move on.


"If this vote had occurred pre-election, many Dems in the Senate would have had to vote for the wall, to keep their seats - given the vast majority of Independent voters support it (why Trump was elected in the first place).  But the Traitor-GOP Ryan / McConnell gang LIED (for the Koch Bros donor-types) and said they could get the wall-funding in a vote "after the election" - which anyone with any grasp of the matter should have known was bull."


You do know you just admitted that Trump has no grasp of the matter, don't you?

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53 minutes ago, JackThompson said:

The new trade-agreement with Canada and Mexico has not taken effect yet, so the deficits we are seeing now, are primarily carry-on damage from existing policies. 


I don't "believe in Trump" - a businessman with a history of using low-wage immigrants in his own businesses.  I do, however, believe in balanced-trade and limiting immigration to shrink the labor-pool to keep wages high (both blue-collar and white-collar).

What in the new agreement makes you think that it will result in any substantial difference to either the trade deficit or the economy? The economic consensus is overwhelming that it's going to change very little.

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2 hours ago, JackThompson said:

The new trade-agreement with Canada and Mexico has not taken effect yet, so the deficits we are seeing now, are primarily carry-on damage from existing policies. 


I don't "believe in Trump" - a businessman with a history of using low-wage immigrants in his own businesses.  I do, however, believe in balanced-trade and limiting immigration to shrink the labor-pool to keep wages high (both blue-collar and white-collar).

You’re going to struggle when it comes to keeping AI away from gobbling up jobs.


The problem is not controlling labour markets, it’s the free reign given to big business.


Few people arguing against immigration on the basis of wages/working conditions are also in favour of removing restrictions on labour unions in favour of wages/working conditions.


The hopeless promises wrt to controlling immigrantion are a distraction for the masses while big business, big money continue their plundering of America.

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17 hours ago, candide said:

Good idea!

Please allow me to inform the other Trumpists about the link!????

HEY GUYS, you can donate for the wall here:




1 hour ago, attrayant said:


24 hours later, it went from 1% funded to 1.4% funded.  At this rate it'll take only 250 more days to reach the $1B mark, which is  whopping 5% of the entire cost of the wall.  Winning!



Come on guys! I'm sure you can reduce it to 249 days! ????

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21 minutes ago, attrayant said:

Oh Nancy Pelosi, how could you?!




I wonder how many others are joke donations.

The whole thing is a joke. They should just rename it to Trump's Slush Fund.

Edited by Becker
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