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Aggressive religious proselytizing at Pattaya shopping mall Christmas tree


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1 hour ago, spidermike007 said:

I have a favorite reply to people who are pushing their religious beliefs on me. When they start quoting scripture I say:


"Tell me about your own realizations, that come from the many hours a day, that you spend in contemplation, prayer and meditation. Tell me about the universal knowledge and wisdom you have attained from your personal practice. Anyone can quote scripture. I am interested in hearing about your own realizations". 


The sure shuts them up in a hurry. Try it. It works! And it is fun. 

I could talk your ear off for an evening regarding meditation practice and the insights you can reach over decades of meditation, but 1) I don't consider meditation to be in anyway religious although religious dogma has grown up around the practice of meditation, and 2) even if I did considered meditation to be religious (which I don't)  I don't proselytize. 


Btw, I have deeply Christian family in North Carolina who would talk your ear off about Jesus for a full evening too.  These people 'glow' and they want you to 'glow' too.  Asking them about personal revelations would just que up a long discussion.  But they wouldn't proselytize either other than to let you know they are happy in their own convictions. 


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I want to clarify a few things here, for whatever it's worth --


I never said I was offended by the scene at the commercial non-secular mall Christmas tree. Instead, I said I was shocked and surprised. Why? Not that a Christian was proselytizing (which is predictable) but the SETTING. It seemed really odd. It's something that I haven't seen in the west OR in Thailand before at a  commercial non-secular mall Christmas tree. So I thought it was odd enough to start this thread so that people that were interested could discuss it.


I get it that many people are not interested. Great! So don't read or post on the thread. That always works, yeah? There is no need to post here at all if you aren't interested in the topic or find it boring. It's IMPLIED that most threads here are not going to interest the majority of people, so what's the point of posting that?


As far as placing the accent, I just couldn't. I'm American and well aware that there are scores of American accents. I can usually place them at least to a region. Sometimes Canadians fool me if they don't say eh. Then there are cases of NEUTRAL accents. That's basically a very milquetoast standard English that doesn't give many hints. As UK people, Australian people etc. usually have identifiable regional accents as well, a person speaking a very standard non-accented English is in my experience either an American speaking what is called "NBC English" (standard t.v. broadcast style rather than a typical natural speaking style) with no regional indicators or a person that learned English as a second language very, very well. So odds are probably American because most people that learn English as a second language can't avoid some accent. To add on occasion I have heard Brits that have are speaking standardized NBC English as opposed to BBC English if that's a thing. Don't know how that happened to them but have yet to meet an Australian speaking that way.



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26 minutes ago, mauGR1 said:

I don't believe in coincidence, so the message to the OP is loud and clear :

Repent, JT, the end is nigh ! :tongue:

I'm way beyond that, dear heart.

If the violent thunder and lightening storm during the first time I engaged in "sodomy" didn't have an impact, some two bit preacher speaking bland English at a Thai shopping mall luring souls in with door prizes certainly ain't gonna do the trick. 

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23 hours ago, marqus12 said:

The Thai people are indoctrinated in many fields but leftists

or gays are always the most terrified of Christianity, especially Catholicism.

I am not a practicing Catholic, but I have grown up in a quite

strong Catholic environment so I suggested to my Thai girl that

our 4 years old kid should be baptize next year on a trip to

Philippines or Vietnam.
She asked why and I told her that the unbaptized did not go

to heaven...She got scared and wants to be baptized too ????

Are some people totally wilful and/or deaf to the historic/current crisis including institutional cover-up in the Catholic Church re child abuse on a widespread international scale?

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I vaguely recall some Bible teaching that goes along the line "go forth and spread the word". When we lived in Florida we would be accosted every Sunday by a couple of aggressive religious types, and I do mean aggressive. I would normally politely say we are not interested but that did not deter them. After numerous weekly such incursions I had my wife answer the door while I shouted "where's the damn shotgun". We were no longer bothered after that.

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On 12/24/2018 at 11:14 PM, Jingthing said:

I was surprised and kind of shocked.

you would have to know me to really  understand why I got so triggered, and yes I did not handle this very well, but one day I am looking out my sliding glass doors at my house in Hua Hin and I see two Farang men photographing my house.:shock1:  I am like <deleted> are you doing here?


I am an American and these two were dressed just like mid level government workers or managers of a business. I knew instantly they were Americans. Khaki dockers, light blue cotton shirts tucked in, black running shoes, white socks, black leather belt. Sunglasses. Baseball caps. One man was white, the other was black. both in their early thirties, and very fit. I swear they looked like government agents. FBI, ICE, DEA.


I watched them for a long time because they could not see me behind my tinted glass, one had a electronic device of some sort, (not a phone) and was pointing it at the entrances of all the houses on the street. I think he was taking GPS way points and photos. I did electronic counter measures :clap2: and shot video and photos along with CCTV of these two Farang Dept of Homeland Security invaders of my "Thai space".  


They were pointing at my roof and talking about what they were seeing. Photo after photo!


Well I am thinking this is BS. I am not moving to the other side of the world to have this shit in my face without explanation. I waited until they moved from my house and down the street and then slipped out so they did not see what house I came from.   


I have lived on my street for three years and I am the only Farang on my street in this "village". Everyone knows me as super friendly. Well today I am running down the street yelling "What the F are you doing here? Who are you? Why are you photographing my house? WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?" And yelling "NO THANK YOU!" in Thai while my neighbors are really wondering what is going on with me.

The men would not acknowledge my presence and just kept moving down the block. Then finally the black man removed his sunglasses and then I saw the happy little smile. The smile that says "I know something that you don't."


At that point I did think Jehovah's Witnesses. I lived in Los Angeles California for 58 years and lived two canyons over from the Mansion Murders. I have seen it all.


I asked "WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?" and he said "That is none of your business." I knew it! American Accent! Somewhere from the south! I went off on him big time about photographing my house.  


Then I see they are with a Thai woman who was handing out leaflets. She gave me one. They are in Thai but they were the same graphics I first saw in 1970 when they knocked on my parents door in the Hollywood Hills. Back then they said "Its the end of the world!" 


Well of course I am super nice to the Thai lady. The Farangs will not talk to me. I am happy the CIA has not found me. :clap2:


I looked at the two men and asked "Why did you not just say what you were doing in the first place?" No answer. Well I was pissed off about photographing my house so I started video with my phone and they left and I chased them on my scooter and got their license plate number. Man this was a lot of excitement for Hua Hin.


 After they left I went to every house (the Thais are all sitting out side) with the leaflet and pointed at it and said in Thai, "No thank you. Crazy." (not me, them)  :clap2:At my next door neighbors house I tore the leaflet up in front of everyone.  


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"You don't even hear stuff like that in majority Christian nations at shopping mall Christmas trees. Imagine if it was a Muslim doing the same thing."


Absolute rubbish!

I take it you haven't been to England recently.

Muslims are a regularly trying to convert in high streets and shopping centers.

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On 12/24/2018 at 11:42 PM, bojo said:

to add to the mix...

In Bristol UK, last summer there were a group of religious Christions banging on about religious righteous stuff. There was a fracas after a very short while, police on the scene instantly, lots of local muslims in the mayhe. In the death, the so called preachers were arrested; can't remember the outcome at court, it slips my mind.

Point being that perhaps what you preach should be kept at home, no need for discussion really, it only causes divison and what's the point in that, it doesn't get anyone anywhere...........


Please translate

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54 minutes ago, H1w4yR1da said:

"You don't even hear stuff like that in majority Christian nations at shopping mall Christmas trees. Imagine if it was a Muslim doing the same thing."


Absolute rubbish!

I take it you haven't been to England recently.

Muslims are a regularly trying to convert in high streets and shopping centers.

I am well aware that Islam is a religion, like Christianity, that proselytizes. However here of course I am talking about shopping mall Christmas tree displays. 

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Here we go again !  this OP telling everyone that writes something he doesn't want to hear to just GO AWAY. ("So what's the point of posting that" )

He never gets the fact this this is a PUBLIC forum and we are entitled to express our opinions.  It is in fact

ON TOPIC to say that one would just walk on by if something was disturbing to him (yeah, i get it, shocked

and surprised, not disturbed or offended).   Must have been a speech writer in previous life. 

And the irony of his long "clarification" is he is saying just what many here have said to his reaction :

IF NOT INTERESTED WHY BOTHER TO STAY AND POST ( or listen, as the case might be)

If we did not read these posts where else could we be entertained by tales of intrigue and sodomy ?

I think that I for one am a big,,,and i mean big...pain in the buttocks for this OP .   Though I am pretty sure he would just write me off as another hemorrhoid .  Don't know why... no offense meant  ????   JMHO

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4 hours ago, SheungWan said:

Are some people totally wilful and/or deaf to the historic/current crisis including institutional cover-up in the Catholic Church re child abuse on a widespread international scale?

I think you are an adult and you should know that gays choose

a professions in which predominate men, pedophiles professions

in which they have access to children and in both cases a great

choice for them is to become a priest.


Bad heterosexual priests boom boom their housemaids.


So the institution needs reforms but religion itself seems to have

the best balanced principles of all other religions.

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1 minute ago, marqus12 said:

I think you are an adult and you should know that gays choose

a professions in which predominate men, pedophiles professions

in which they have access to children and in both cases a great

choice for them is to become a priest.


Bad heterosexual priests boom boom their housemaids.


So the institution needs reforms but religion itself seems to have

the best balanced principles of all other religions.

No dude. It's not OK for you to come here and hijack this thread with your sick hate speech. You just conflated gay people with pedophiles. This topic isn't about either of those things. Back in the real world, in general gay people just the same as straight people choose professions based on their interests, abilities, realistic chances of entering, and motivations such as caring about making lots of money or not.

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I think this topic has now gone off the rails. It was a legitimate topic about a very odd setting to find aggressive religious proselytizing, but the haters and hijackers can't help themselves.


Thus as the OP, I will say it's more than OK with me for the thread to be CLOSED. :mfr_closed1:

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3 hours ago, rvaviator said:

Hmmmm - I wonder why they took so many pictures? Never see JW or Mormons doing that ..... Maybe the CIA using the Thai girl handing out religious leaflets as a cover. Did they take photos of other houses as well?

Sent from my iPad using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

Well this is just my "decoy house" so i am not too worried. :cheesy:


but seriously they photographed the whole neighborhood. walked into peoples yards!



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