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Ex-Mitsubihsi Power bosses admit to bribing Thai official


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15 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

So a group of Japanese executives have been charged and are on trial in a criminal case in Japan for allegedly paying the bribe/bribes in Thailand.


So have any of the recipient Thai officials as yet been charged in criminal court in Thailand??? For something that happened back in 2013 and has been known to the Thai NACC at least since the middle of last year????


Nooooo........ Of course not. Not even any Thai alleged recipients named in the news report.  Good job!!!!!



They have just admitted it today, and the trial, where the official they claim to have paid will be publically named, is on the 11th January, so of course the alleged Thai recipient is not named in the news as doing so would be a criminal offence.

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28 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

So a group of Japanese executives have been charged and are on trial in a criminal case in Japan for allegedly paying the bribe/bribes in Thailand.


So have any of the recipient Thai officials as yet been charged in criminal court in Thailand??? For something that happened back in 2013 and has been known to the Thai NACC at least since the middle of last year????


Nooooo........ Of course not. Not even any Thai alleged recipients named in the news report.  Good job!!!!!


That is the biggest fail that they dont name the people involved at the Thai side, im sure that an under oath statement from Japan should be enough to at least reveal the names for the newspaper

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Just now, robblok said:

That is the biggest fail that they dont name the people involved at the Thai side, im sure that an under oath statement from Japan should be enough to at least reveal the names for the newspaper


Its the same the world over, names are not released until charges have been made.  Its more important that the case against them is not jeapordised by their names being released than you knowing their names for no particular reason other than your curiosity. 

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2 minutes ago, Kieran00001 said:


Its the same the world over, names are not released until charges have been made.  Its more important that the case against them is not jeapordised by their names being released than you knowing their names for no particular reason other than your curiosity. 


That's not true at all here. Just as one example, the governor of one of the upcountry provinces was publicly named and put under investigation in connection with the juvenile prostitution ring case going on up there -- before ultimately being cleared of any wrongdoing. AFAIR, he was never charged with any crime.

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14 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


That's not true at all here. Just as one example, the governor of one of the upcountry provinces was publicly named and put under investigation in connection with the juvenile prostitution ring case going on up there -- before ultimately being cleared of any wrongdoing. AFAIR, he was never charged with any crime.


It certainly is true, its both a criminal and a civil offense.  Find the case you are refering to, I expect you will find that he was charged and perhaps had the changes later dropped.

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18 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:



It's not illegal or a criminal offense for the Thai police or other anti corruption authorities to announce that certain public officials are under investigation or have been implicated in some crimes. They do it all the time.



The question is, that comment by the NACC official was made almost 6 months ago, and the case in Tokyo has proceeded since then. What progress has been made in Thailand in dealing with the alleged bribe takers here?


The local silence is deafening!!!



It is a criminal offence to name them if they are not yet charged, if you have some evidence to the contrary then please post it, but no more of this, "I think I recall a case a while back" nonsense, links or nothing.


The comment by the NACC official was that they were investigating 5 officials, we have no ides what progress has been made as it is an active investigation and so no proceedings can be published, something enshrined in most countries law as doing so puts cases in jeapordy and can result in the guilty walking free, and what would be the point in naming them anyway, just to satisfy an ex-pats desire to hear a name?

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1 hour ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


You would expect wrong....


The governor was named, was transferred out of his job, was never charged with any crime, and ultimately was reinstated.


I could tick off a long list of cases where police have named suspected individuals publicly before they were actually arrested or charged with a crime, often saying they were under investigation for... or being summoned to be interviewed about....




And then 6 weeks later:




This above case is just one among many that disprove your contention that suspects can't be publicly named here prior to formal charges being filed.


Except the police did not name him, the mother did, which as I made clear is a risky business considering that if he is not charged and found guilty then she puts herself at risk of prosecution, as it is a crime.


Now, name one where the police have named an uncharged suspect rather than the press reporting that a civilian has publicly done so.

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1 hour ago, Kieran00001 said:

Now, name one where the police have named an uncharged suspect rather than the press reporting that a civilian has publicly done so.


In the case of the governor, I don't know who publicly named him first, the police or the mother. But the governor was placed under investigation and named publicly by the authorities as an accused, as my linked articles above explain, without ever being charged with a crime.


But in the case of Benz Racing, as I posted above, it was the police.


Both cases I've mentioned above, and many others I could cite, contradict your claims.  The police here do it all the time, in all kinds of cases.



Edited by TallGuyJohninBKK
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11 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


In the case of the governor, I don't know who publicly named him first, the police or the mother. But the governor was placed under investigation and named publicly by the authorities as an accused, as my linked articles above explain, without ever being charged with a crime.


But in the case of Benz Racing, as I posted above, it was the police.


Both cases I've mentioned above, and many others I could cite, contradict your claims.  The police here do it all the time, in all kinds of cases.




The link you posted quotes the mother the whole way through, she along with her lawyer went public, their choice, so that does not contradict my claim at all as they did open themselves up to prosecution in doing so whether or not they were charged I, and I think also you, don't know.


The Benz racing guy was charged in early March 2017 and released on a 500,000 baht bail bond, the link you posted to is from 6 weeks later, in April, when he had just fled before his court case that was coming up the next week, so again this does nothing to contradict my claim as he had already been charged.


Never mind, I know you thought you knew what you were talking about.

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9 minutes ago, Kieran00001 said:


The link you posted quotes the mother the whole way through, she along with her lawyer went public, their choice, so that does not contradict my claim at all as they did open themselves up to prosecution in doing so whether or not they were charged I, and I think also you, don't know.


The Benz racing guy was charged in early March 2017 and released on a 500,000 baht bail bond, the link you posted to is from 6 weeks later, in April, when he had just fled before his court case that was coming up the next week, so again this does nothing to contradict my claim as he had already been charged.


Never mind, I know you thought you knew what you were talking about.


The articles I posted support my position. All you've done is repeat the same unsupported claims without any supporting evidence.


If you want to be an apologist for a government that fails to investigate and punish corruption, more power to you. It's a barely free country. Done with you either way.


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10 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


The articles I posted support my position. All you've done is repeat the same unsupported claims without any supporting evidence.


If you want to be an apologist for a government that fails to investigate and punish corruption, more power to you. It's a barely free country. Done with you either way.



Except they don't.  The first is a quote from the mother asking the prosecution to press charges and in doing so choosing to publicly name the person she accused.  The second is from 6 weeks after the Benz Racing guy had charges laid on him and you mistakenly thought the mention of some other charges meant he had not yet been charged.  I already explained all this to you, now do you have an example that actually does support your position or just more misunderstandings on your part?


And I am no apologist, not suprised you're done though after that embarrassing display.

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It all depends on how high up the money has gone, for the officials it is unfortunate that this led to a trial abroad, not so easy to cover up. A dismissal, a fine, and as long as they keep quiet about how much the big boss got they will get reinstated 6 months later. 

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46 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


The articles I posted support my position. All you've done is repeat the same unsupported claims without any supporting evidence.


If you want to be an apologist for a government that fails to investigate and punish corruption, more power to you. It's a barely free country. Done with you either way.



Oh, and newspapers are exempt from this law under the Press Regulation act of 2007, so they will print it if someone else has said it.

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And yet the Thai-apologists will stoutly maintain that Thais are wonderful people (I have no doubt that many are - I just haven't met very many), no Thai is corrupt and like all noble savages, they are possessed of deep and mystical insights as befits superior and mystical beings. What claptrap.


Pure rolex, of course it is, but I regularly get people abusing me for saying that Thais are the closest to nature I've ever encountered and have the same control over their primal reactions and impulses as a hedgehog. Some people are so deluded they accuse me of not even living in Thailand at all (presumably because they are convinced that if I did I would see the world through the same rose-coloured glasses as they do - or horse-blinkers or whatever).


Which all goes to show that while entrepreneurs and divas of under-intelligent, Thais are far from unique, there are people everywhere who will believe what they wish to believe on the basis that they cannot deal well with reality.

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1 hour ago, HalfLight said:

And yet the Thai-apologists will stoutly maintain that Thais are wonderful people (I have no doubt that many are - I just haven't met very many), no Thai is corrupt and like all noble savages, they are possessed of deep and mystical insights as befits superior and mystical beings. What claptrap.


Pure rolex, of course it is, but I regularly get people abusing me for saying that Thais are the closest to nature I've ever encountered and have the same control over their primal reactions and impulses as a hedgehog. Some people are so deluded they accuse me of not even living in Thailand at all (presumably because they are convinced that if I did I would see the world through the same rose-coloured glasses as they do - or horse-blinkers or whatever).


Which all goes to show that while entrepreneurs and divas of under-intelligent, Thais are far from unique, there are people everywhere who will believe what they wish to believe on the basis that they cannot deal well with reality.


A bit of an odd rant, it was Japanese executives who paid the bribe, do you also think they did this on the impulse of a hedgehog?

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8 hours ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


I think I'm providing specific cases and examples to support my position. You've provided none.


Here's another high profile example of a guy called Benz Racing aka Akarakit where the suspect was publicly named by police as being under investigation long before he was ultimately charged with any crime.





Note the reference in the final pgh quoted above... Akarakit "might face charges".  He's all over the news and being called a suspect by the police well before any criminal charges were filed.  In this case, he ultimately was charged, convicted and jailed.



They even sold his car before he was prosecuted...

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