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Police arrest illegal immigrant suspected in California officer's killing


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Police arrest illegal immigrant suspected in California officer's killing

By Alex Dobuzinskis



Gustavo Perez Arriaga, the suspect in the killing of a police officer in California, has been arrested


LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - A suspected illegal immigrant accused of shooting to death a California police officer was arrested on Friday after a two-day manhunt that President Donald Trump cited in his push for building a wall on the border with Mexico, officials said.


Gustavo Perez Arriaga, 32, a Mexican national, was arrested in Bakersfield, a city less than 200 miles (320 km) south of Newman where the officer was shot on Wednesday, Stanislaus County Sheriff Adam Christianson said at a news conference.


The shooting and manhunt in California's agricultural Central Valley entered the national debate over immigration, after Trump tweeted about it in his advocacy for a border wall and Christianson criticized California's sanctuary law for immigrants.


Arriaga is accused of shooting to death Newman police corporal Sonil Singh after Singh pulled him over on suspicion of driving under the influence.


The suspect, who exchanged fire with Singh, has claimed to be involved with a criminal gang called the Sureños and was trying to escape to Mexico, Christianson said.


On Friday, heavily armed police officers surrounded the Bakersfield home where they believed Arriaga was hiding and he walked out with his hands up, Kern County Sheriff Donny Youngblood told reporters.


It was not immediately clear if Arriaga, who was transported in Singh's handcuffs from Bakersfield to Stanislaus County, had an attorney. He was expected to be formally charged next week.


Christianson said the case highlighted the dangers of a California law passed in 2017 that placed limits on how closely law enforcement can cooperate with federal agents seeking to deport illegal immigrants arrested for crimes.


Christianson had initially given Arriaga's age as 33, but authorities later said he was 32.


Arriaga, a farm labourer who had been in the United States for a number of years after illegally crossing the border into Arizona, had prior arrests for driving under the influence, Christianson said.


"Why are we providing sanctuary for criminals, gang members?" Christianson said at the news conference. "It's a conversation we need to have."


California Governor Jerry Brown, a Democrat, in signing the bill into law said it provided reassurance to undocumented immigrants without sacrificing public safety. State law "fully permits the sharing of information on dangerous gang members," Brown's spokesman Evan Westrup said in an email on Friday.


Trump tweeted about the shooting on Thursday, days after the Dec. 22 partial shutdown of the federal government. The ongoing shutdown was triggered by Trump's $5 billion demand, opposed by Democrats and some lawmakers in his own Republican party, for the wall.


Trump, during his campaign for president and in the White House, has denounced a number of crimes by illegal immigrants to press for stricter immigration enforcement.


Ahead of the congressional elections in November, a TV campaign ad endorsed by Trump focused on an undocumented Mexican immigrant convicted of killing two sheriff's deputies in California.


However, multiple studies have found immigrants commit crimes at lower rates than U.S.-born Americans.


Stanislaus County law enforcement officials have highlighted Singh's own background as a legal immigrant. The 33-year-old native of Fiji came to the United States to become a police officer, they said.


At least five people were arrested on suspicion of lying to investigators about Arriaga or helping him evade law enforcement, including some people at the Bakersfield home where he was arrested, authorities said.


-- © Copyright Reuters 2018-12-29


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3 hours ago, rooster59 said:

However, multiple studies have found immigrants commit crimes at lower rates than U.S.-born Americans.

This is an often used neat little trick that combines legal and "undocumented" migrants. Nobody is saying that legal immigrants are lawless.

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13 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

So you claim.


Now give us traceable data that backs up your claim.

What claim would that be then?

If you haven't seen this "quote" before, then you haven't been paying attention. You just need to read it above to know it is true, so please try not to just object to anything that does not fit your narrative.

Or are you saying that anybody of substance is blaming ALL immigrants?

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1 hour ago, DoctorG said:

What claim would that be then?

If you haven't seen this "quote" before, then you haven't been paying attention. You just need to read it above to know it is true, so please try not to just object to anything that does not fit your narrative.

Or are you saying that anybody of substance is blaming ALL immigrants?

No need to get so wound up and defensive simply because I asked you to back-up your claims.



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6 hours ago, attrayant said:

Fact: law-breakers are a subset of the human population, regardless of nationality.  If you want a policy that prevents 100% of crimes committed by undocumented immigrants, the only way to do that is to completely seal the country to everyone, by all means of ingress.  Cancel all visas and no more tourism.

I am pretty sure that documented americans murder a lot more people than undocumented ones. That situation will NOT change if all visas are cancelled or other tourists are banned as well.

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7 hours ago, neeray said:

Sincere condolences to family and friends of Mr Singh.


But I fail to see how this one murder adds much to Trumps argument to build a 5 billion dollar wall. Gang members like this will still find a way into the country.


It has not been determined that he was actually a gang member. He's a  general farm worker, picking vegetables etc. Looking at his photo, he looks intellectually stunted.

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4 hours ago, mwbrown said:

The Central Valley grows half of America's food supply and it's *loaded* with migrant and illegal farm workers.  The farms hire these people because they can't get enough citizens to do the hot, back-breaking work.  If you kick out all of these workers, food production grinds to a halt.  We have to separate the issue between these workers with this known criminal above.

You are absolutely right, but it has to be done in legal way with all records.

And no hidden information of illegals (hidden to federal government) by local Mayer’s just because the city is the tax receiver from farms and businesses. 




Edited by The Theory
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10 hours ago, attrayant said:

Fact: law-breakers are a subset of the human population, regardless of nationality.  If you want a policy that prevents 100% of crimes committed by undocumented immigrants, the only way to do that is to completely seal the country to everyone, by all means of ingress.  Cancel all visas and no more tourism.

It's called the North Korean model.

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4 minutes ago, The Theory said:

Farm workers should get in the US “legally” by visas, just like some Thai working at South Korean farms now, by work visa. They did not cross borders illegally. Korean government has record of number of workers ,names, nationalities and location of farms that they work for. 





Well, the Trump adminstration has done its damnedest to make it harder to get temporary work visas. Except for those H-2B visas. Which have actually been increased in number. Oddly enough, that class of worker is in much demand from the Mar y Lago and other Trump properties. Hmmmm...

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5 hours ago, DoctorG said:

What claim would that be then?

If you haven't seen this "quote" before, then you haven't been paying attention. You just need to read it above to know it is true, so please try not to just object to anything that does not fit your narrative.

Or are you saying that anybody of substance is blaming ALL immigrants?

Is Illegal Immigration Linked to More or Less Crime?

'As we said, there aren’t readily available nationwide crime statistics broken down by immigration status. But the available research that estimates the relationship between illegal immigration and crime generally shows an association with lower crime rates. The impetus is on the president to provide evidence of his claim, and Trump instead simply cited statistics on violent crime committed by all noncitizens without attempting to compare those figures to crimes committed by native-born residents.'



Happy now?


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2 hours ago, Classic Ray said:

I didn’t realize carrying a gun was one of the requirements for picking vegetables.

????????????.... so.... only those needing guns to do their job, should be in possession of a gun... is that what your suggesting?


followed by... if only those needing guns to do their job, had guns... then guns wouldn’t be needed to do any job, save the military (and park rangers, perhaps)


i dont think the NRA would like to hear anyone suggesting this.... but hey, I endorse the concept... well done Ray.

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7 hours ago, EVENKEEL said:

The illegal alien arrested had 2 prior DUI's and other arrests, but because of Sanctuary laws the local law enforcement were not allowed to alert ICE. The lengths we go to protect illegals while putting our own citizens at risk is mind boggling. 

Sounds like a bureaucratic process error...


Gov. Jerry Brown has said the law strikes a balance between protecting families and ensuring consequences for serious criminals. His spokesman said Friday that if the suspect was a known gang member, police could have provided that information to federal authorities.


“California law fully permits the sharing of information on dangerous gang members,” spokesman Evan Westrup said.



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1 hour ago, simple1 said:

Sounds like a bureaucratic process error...


Gov. Jerry Brown has said the law strikes a balance between protecting families and ensuring consequences for serious criminals. His spokesman said Friday that if the suspect was a known gang member, police could have provided that information to federal authorities.


“California law fully permits the sharing of information on dangerous gang members,” spokesman Evan Westrup said.



Politicians trying to cover their asses. An illegal gets a DUI and ICE isn't contacted......Why? It's insane.

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1 hour ago, attrayant said:


How sanctuary cities actually work.




At 1:30 in the video it is explained that fingerprint records must be electronically sent to both the FBI and ICE.  Do you have information saying that cities are refusing to do this?


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2 hours ago, attrayant said:


How sanctuary cities actually work.




At 1:30 in the video it is explained that fingerprint records must be electronically sent to both the FBI and ICE.  Do you have information saying that cities are refusing to do this?

This is where Fed law and state law butt heads and common sense goes out the window.

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10 hours ago, EVENKEEL said:


You linked - without quoting any specific part - to an article that says the "sanctuary law" isn't to blame.  


“California law fully permits the sharing of information on dangerous gang members,” spokesman Evan Westrup said. Former state Sen. Kevin de Leon, the Democrat who wrote the legislation, said it’s “highly irresponsible” to blame the law for the officer’s death.


Furthermore, the sanctuary law deals with the sharing of information and honoring of hold requests between local law and ICE, not between local law and the FBI.  Here's the text of the law: SB-54 Law enforcement: sharing data.  I don't see anything in that text that prohibits local law enforcement from cooperating with the FBI and honoring their hold requests if a person in custody is suspected of having committed a federal crime.

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10 minutes ago, attrayant said:


You linked - without quoting any specific part - to an article that says the "sanctuary law" isn't to blame.  


“California law fully permits the sharing of information on dangerous gang members,” spokesman Evan Westrup said. Former state Sen. Kevin de Leon, the Democrat who wrote the legislation, said it’s “highly irresponsible” to blame the law for the officer’s death.


Furthermore, the sanctuary law deals with the sharing of information and honoring of hold requests between local law and ICE, not between local law and the FBI.  Here's the text of the law: SB-54 Law enforcement: sharing data.  I don't see anything in that text that prohibits local law enforcement from cooperating with the FBI and honoring their hold requests if a person in custody is suspected of having committed a federal crime.

California’s sanctuary law includes more than 800 exceptions for violent crimes and felonies and bars police from asking people about their citizenship status.

Gov. Jerry Brown has said the law strikes a balance between protecting families and ensuring consequences for serious criminals. His spokesman said Friday that if the suspect was a known gang member, police could have informed federal authorities.

So, after his first DUI, not knowing he's a gang member he's not deported. Why all of a sudden now he's a recognized gang member, I don't have a clue. Point being, a non gang member won't be turned over to immigration because local law enforcement can't ask immigration status, no matter the crime.

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