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Democrat Warren takes step to challenge Trump in 2020


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2020 Dems will hold the coasts, GOP will hold middle America and it will come down to swing vote in 2-3 states, same as 2016. I believe 45’s “new shinny object” cachet is well and gone and he will not have a hope in hell of holding swing states.


But who the funk knows.

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12 minutes ago, lannarebirth said:


In other words a Republican. Or at least what a Republican used to be before they went nuts. Well, first of all, NO ONE is fiscally conservative anymore. EVERYONE, except for maybe Trump is strong on defense. As for PC, identity politics is officially over, for anyone who hopes to win. In the future, economic status, rather than race, gender, religion, etc. will define need. And in a capitalist socety, that's just as it should be.

I really hope that traditional Republicans will defect away from Trump when they realize the damage he is doing with isolationism, ethnocentrism, and generally dis-engaging with thought leaders and allies on defense pacts, environmental pacts, and trade pacts. However, Trump's successful nomination and confirmation of 2 Supreme Court Justices (and maybe more to come) is something tangible he has provided to the GOP. Most "real" pre-Trump Republicans were globalists and free traders. We'll see if the economic and global power card trumps the conservative values card, or whether all Republicans will just go along with Trump until he rides out his term or terms. 


Traditional Republican thought leaders like the Bushes, George Will, etc., have been characterized as the enemy by Trump, and this group is largely in hiding now.

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28 minutes ago, keemapoot said:

You are largely right, and many experts predict that Bernie would have defeated Trump, but Hilary was installed and locked in.


I agree about Hillary, it was all backroom DNC manipulating, and if she hadn't been caught doing it and alienated the Bernie-crats...

And I think Biden is doing this, or already has done it: sew up internal party support.  Bad sign.  Also there is a barge-load of scandal re Biden and family, and you can be sure ol' rat-hat is gonna pound on that.  The established "thumb up the bum" Democrats have to be shown the door.

But I (respectfully) disagree about Bernie winning.  If he was the one running against DT we could only imagine the level hate regarding Bernie's ancestral origins, even if the words themselves didn't come from the orange face.


Gee, remember 4 years ago when we thought Jeb was the shoe-in candidate?


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1 hour ago, Chomper Higgot said:
2 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

How many people predicted that Donald would be POTUS? Very very few.

Everybody thought American voters would not be so stupid to vote for such an unqualified moron.

But 62 million voted for him!

And he is POTUS and many still support him.

And nobody can say Trump somehow changed to the better when he became president.


Will those 62 million somehow wake up and decide from now on they will make rational decision? I have my doubt.

So how can rational thinking people predict who irrational people will vote for?

The majority of those who voted were not so stupid to have voted for Trump.

Yes, a couple of million more voted for someone else.

But the fact remains that 62 million voted for him. That's at least 61 million too many.

There are always people who are stupid or who are crazy and who vote like that. But the fact that more than 10% of Americans voted for such an utterly incompetent person is not exactly a good sign for now and the future.

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16 minutes ago, OneMoreFarang said:

Yes, a couple of million more voted for someone else.

But the fact remains that 62 million voted for him. That's at least 61 million too many.

There are always people who are stupid or who are crazy and who vote like that. But the fact that more than 10% of Americans voted for such an utterly incompetent person is not exactly a good sign for now and the future.

Yes, this is the gist of the issue and illustrates why (The American Empire) is on a great decline most likely. America will survive as a smaller, less ambitious more isolationist inward-looking country if Trumpism continues.

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34 minutes ago, Becker said:

I sincerely doubt she will emerge as the Dems' front runner but whoever it will be let's hope he/she will no run against the man-child.

If all things go well he will be removed from office this year and handed an orange jumpsuit. What a wonderful year 2019 could turn out to be!

Personally, I would like to see her in Mitch McConnell's job.

They say POTUS is the most powerful position in the world, but look how McConnell stole Obama's SCOTUS appointment.

What do you call the person who overpowers the most powerful?



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About ten years ago this lady would have made a real impact.....but since then she has done all this nutty stuff like claiming she was of American Indian descent. The nutty stuff has really damaged her image. 

It is difficult to beat an incumbent president even if he is a dotard....I don't think Elizabeth Warren has the power to beat Trump.

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7 minutes ago, bendejo said:


I agree about Hillary, it was all backroom DNC manipulating, and if she hadn't been caught doing it and alienated the Bernie-crats...

And I think Biden is doing this, or already has done it: sew up internal party support.  Bad sign.  Also there is a barge-load of scandal re Biden and family, and you can be sure ol' rat-hat is gonna pound on that.  The established "thumb up the bum" Democrats have to be shown the door.

But I (respectfully) disagree about Bernie winning.  If he was the one running against DT we could only imagine the level hate regarding Bernie's ancestral origins, even if the words themselves didn't come from the orange face.


Gee, remember 4 years ago when we thought Jeb was the shoe-in candidate?



Biden was chosen as a running mate because of his long term establishment ties. It's important to remember however, that prior to the Obama presidency lending him a certain amount of "gravitas", he was universally considered a buffoon, an idiot even.


I'm going to disagree about Bernie too. I think a NY jew would have weathered that hateful storm, especially since there was no actual shit to drag up about him. He's the same as he ever was. I'm a little concerned that that may not be true of a 2020 candidacy. Too many folks laying their socialist wish list on Bernie and he may have some trouble telling them no. Not that it matters if he's elected. After all, Congress and all.

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8 minutes ago, bendejo said:

Personally, I would like to see her in Mitch McConnell's job.

They say POTUS is the most powerful position in the world, but look how McConnell stole Obama's SCOTUS appointment.

What do you call the person who overpowers the most powerful?



An impeachable offense IMO. The media rolled over, cuz they like a corporate friendly court. Corporations; the enemy of our time.

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4 minutes ago, lannarebirth said:


Biden was chosen as a running mate because of his long term establishment ties. It's important to remember however, that prior to the Obama presidency lending him a certain amount of "gravitas", he was universally considered a buffoon, an idiot even.


I'm going to disagree about Bernie too. I think a NY jew would have weathered that hateful storm, especially since there was no actual shit to drag up about him. He's the same as he ever was. I'm a little concerned that that may not be true of a 2020 candidacy. Too many folks laying their socialist wish list on Bernie and he may have some trouble telling them no. Not that it matters if he's elected. After all, Congress and all.

I've always pretty much agreed with your take on Bernie, but the universe has shifted now, and he no longer has the currency he had in 2016. Yeah, he is rife to be painted as socialist even more than before by appeasing ultra left wingers.


Biden has old skool gravitas, but is a horrible contemporary choice and would be eaten alive by incumbent Trump if Trump makes it that far.

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3 minutes ago, keemapoot said:

I've always pretty much agreed with your take on Bernie, but the universe has shifted now, and he no longer has the currency he had in 2016. Yeah, he is rife to be painted as socialist even more than before by appeasing ultra left wingers.


Biden has old skool gravitas, but is a horrible contemporary choice and would be eaten alive by incumbent Trump if Trump makes it that far.


Well, you know, Bernie's got one speech. Corporations, 1%, etc. etc. And really that's all he should be talking about, because that's the real problem. 


The other (lesser) problem is people like my kid's friends think the government ought to pick up their school tab, which they ran up for 6 years to get a 4 year degree in Communications. That ain't gonna fly.


I remember the single good idea I liked of Obama's was to make community college free. He was passionate about it for about a week and you never heard another word about it. Cheap (relatively) to do. A huge boon to all Americans at every phase of their life, whether leaving high school, learning a trade, transitioning from one career to another, seniors staying involved.  Never happened.

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29 minutes ago, OneMoreFarang said:

But the fact remains that 62 million voted for him. That's at least 61 million too many.

There are always people who are stupid or who are crazy and who vote like that. But the fact that more than 10% of Americans voted for such an utterly incompetent person is not exactly a good sign for now and the future.

Ah, but you see, it cuts both ways. To paraphrase:


But the fact remains that 65 million voted for her. That's at least 64 million too many.


There are always people who are stupid or who are crazy and who vote like that. But the fact that more than 10% of Americans voted for such an utterly *insert your fav anti Hillary invective here*  person is not exactly a good sign for now and the future.


You don't like Trump, thats fine. Lots of people held their noses and voted not for him, but against Hillary. If you Democrats want the Donald out of there, then find someone other than the bunch of lightweights all ready running. Better the devil you know than the devil you dont.


Ill let you in on a secret: I voted for neither. Hillary is a pandering lightweight crook and the Donald is a blowhard self promoter. I was a Kasich guy, but he has the personality of a toadstool.



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37 minutes ago, bendejo said:

Personally, I would like to see her in Mitch McConnell's job.

They say POTUS is the most powerful position in the world, but look how McConnell stole Obama's SCOTUS appointment.

What do you call the person who overpowers the most powerful?


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Sen. Amy Klobuchar (Minn.)
Yeah. She's my current favorite. Not much name recognition but it's early. It is true too many men and women are turned off by strong women. Klobuchar is smart and strong, has solid progressive positions mixed with a magical ingredient of Midwestern relate to the everyman normality that people don't find abrasive. She needs to be tested of course. I hope she runs and then the public can see what she's made of.
I like Corey Booker too even though he goes over the top sometimes.

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49 minutes ago, bendejo said:

Biden is doing this, or already has done it: sew up internal party support.  Bad sign.


BEYOND bad! If the Dems pull the same shady back room crap they did in 2016 then Trump will be assured a 2nd term!

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I sincerely doubt she will emerge as the Dems' front runner but whoever it will be let's hope he/she will no run against the man-child.
If all things go well he will be removed from office this year and handed an orange jumpsuit. What a wonderful year 2019 could turn out to be!
I agree. Hope she doesn't. Don't think she will. But she would be 1000 times better than Individual-1.

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1 hour ago, lannarebirth said:


In other words a Republican. Or at least what a Republican used to be before they went nuts. Well, first of all, NO ONE is fiscally conservative anymore. EVERYONE, except for maybe Trump is strong on defense. As for PC, identity politics is officially over, for anyone who hopes to win. In the future, economic status, rather than race, gender, religion, etc. will define need. And in a capitalist socety, that's just as it should be.

You assume the US will adhere to the current model of a ‘capitalist society’.


A model that has stripped blue collar workers of the ability to earn a decent living and which is currently hollowing out the middleclass, the winners billionaires and multimillionaires.


Your suggestion that ‘identity politics is officially over’ would be wonderful if it were backed up by an end of GOP gerrymandering to deny black and ethic minority Americans the vote.


My prediction is a little different.


The stripping of incomes and wealth from blue collar and middleclass Americans will drive political change.


Universal healthcare is out of the box, student loan debts are rolling over the political horizon, the damage done to America’s politics by ‘Citizens United’ is become ever more apparent and a swamp that will be drained.


And Illiberals will learn, ‘Black Votes Matter’.

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She's a total flake. I hate Trump -- I can't think of a stronger term than hate -- but she is an idiot. Says that she wants the employees of corporations to run them. Tail wagging the dog. I've owned businesses in the US, managed others. I am viscerally against the idea of tail wagging the dog. You don't want to work for my business in the way I want it run, built on my money, there's the door. Don't let it hit you in the ass on the way out. I absolutely hate unions. An idea that's seen its time and usefulness and that should be relegated to the graveyard of once-okay ideas. She's all about unions. Communism in another guise. Another bad idea for the graveyard of bad ideas.


Is there any such thing as an honorable politician? The very concept seems oxymoronic to me, sort of mutually exclusive terms.

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I seriously doubt Trump will run again. First of all, I think he despises the job. He has no idea it would be this hard. And though he would never admit it, he was so woefully unprepared for the task, I think even he knows that, at this point in time. Second, I think he hates all of the scrutiny, and the inability to get away with things, that he enjoyed in his former life as a civilian. 


I also think Mueller is going to come out with some seriously damaging stuff in the next couple of months. So, he is a lame duck at this point. He may even end up resigning before the election. If he did decide to run, Brittany Spears, Rosie O'Donnell, Justin Bieber, or any good democratic candidate, could beat him, though I do not think Warren would be a good choice. 

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1 minute ago, GalaxyMan said:

I absolutely hate unions.

I had a customer in North Philadelphia.  It was a family run business that had seen two generations.  It was in a dangerous neighborhood.  I parked my car on the sidewalk by the front door when I went to service them, with gun out and in my hand.  


They employed people in the neighborhood providing jobs to people who had little choice in good jobs as there weren't many.  The good citizen employees unionized.  


There is no more business at this location and those people have no jobs, not there at least.


They milked that tit too much.  

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2 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

I seriously doubt Trump will run again. First of all, I think he despises the job. He has no idea it would be this hard. And though he would never admit it, he was so woefully unprepared for the task, I think even he knows that, at this point in time. Second, I think he hates all of the scrutiny, and the inability to get away with things, that he enjoyed in his former life as a civilian. 


I also think Mueller is going to come out with some seriously damaging stuff in the next couple of months. So, he is a lame duck at this point. He may even end up resigning before the election. If he did decide to run, Brittany Spears, Rosie O'Donnell, Justin Bieber, or any good democratic candidate, could beat him, though I do not think Warren would be a good choice. 

The problem all over the world these days is that too many are smoking too much dope.  It clouds your thinking.  

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