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Security In Bangkok To Be Tightened


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Security in Bangkok to be tightened

BANGKOK: -- Bangkok governor Apirak Kosayodhin warned directors of 50 districts in Bangkok of possible insurgents' attacks in the capital in an urgent letter distributed on Wednesday.

Mr Apirak told the directors to work with police and soldiers to prevent insurgents' attacks, especially at crowded places like department stores, skytrain and subway stations.

He said security measures to be stepped up in Bangkok around the clock to guarantee safety to the Bangkokians.

Public are also urged to help authorities and inform them if they see or know something suspicious.

Mr Apirak's action came after rumours circulated that insurgents planned to stage violent activities again on Friday.

Insurgents staged a spate of bombings and arson in the southernmost provinces on Sunday night, killing seven people and hurting more than 50 others.

-- Bangkok Post 2007-02-21

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Apirak warns residents to be on their guard

BANGKOK: -- Bangkok Governor Apirak Kosayodhin has ordered directors in the 50 districts under the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration's jurisdiction to be alert to any suspicious activities.

He was speaking after a meeting with the internal security operations unit set up by the BMA about the possible security risk in Bangkok after the Chinese New Year bombs in the Deep South. The unit works with both the police and military.

Apirak said each district should join with local residents to be on the look out especially in crowded areas such as Skytrain stations, subways and department stores.

He added the BMA had replaced all the old public dustbins with transparent ones in the city centre, and that more than 2,500 new bins would be installed next month.

The BMA will ask for police and military to provide security for the Makha Puja Day ceremony that will be held at Sanam Luang on March 3.

-- The Nation 2007-02-22

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So Thaksin was right after all. It were Southern insurgents who were behind the New year bombings.. This government is a disgrace. There is no reason to leave Sonthi in charge. The government should crush murderers not pamper them like this government does.

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Apirak said each district should join with local residents to be on the look out especially in crowded areas such as Skytrain stations, subways and department stores.

judging by the half hearted , lackadaisical and cursory attempts at bag searches by so called security staff at subway stations and shopping malls over the past few days , these hoards of bombers on their way up from the south should find bangkok a particularly easy gig.

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Apirak said each district should join with local residents to be on the look out especially in crowded areas such as Skytrain stations, subways and department stores.

judging by the half hearted , lackadaisical and cursory attempts at bag searches by so called security staff at subway stations and shopping malls over the past few days , these hoards of bombers on their way up from the south should find bangkok a particularly easy gig.

I know - its so funny..

I rush into the station saying "kartood krap, praisanii bit ti sip haa natii" and my boxes go unopened and unsearched... Although, as a white ferrang, I am not your no. 1 bomb suspect in BKK!

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This could also be part of a program to increase the perceived level of fear in the population. If they can make people afraid of 'terrorist attacks', the current government will have the excuse to remain in power and not revert to a civilian government. They will have to power to do whatever is necessary to protect the Kingdom from a terrible threat.

This sounds very familiar to those of us still living in the good old USA!


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i gotta believe that malaysia is secretly funding and training these groups, it is to their advantage.

The new Malaysian prime minister (Abdullah Badawi?) is alot more pro western than Mahatir Mohamad.

Also the three southern most states want independence of Malaysia and Thailand - Malaysia is probably worried that if Thailand gives them back to Malaysia there will be a big rise in islamic fundamentalism in the enlargened Malaysia - the 2 north eastern most states in malaysia - Kelantan and Trenganu practise quite strict islam with girls being stoned for not wearing head scarfs or too shorter skirts - and the religous police are quite active there for muslim men with thai muslim girlfiends and polygamy without the first wive's approval !

The movements behind this have their own websites if you want to read about them directly and not how it is reported in the "approved" press, but they may not be viewable from within thailand !

But I beleive there are strong links between north east malaysia and the middle east.

Edited by Khun Bob
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This could also be part of a program to increase the perceived level of fear in the population. If they can make people afraid of 'terrorist attacks', the current government will have the excuse to remain in power and not revert to a civilian government. They will have to power to do whatever is necessary to protect the Kingdom from a terrible threat.

This sounds very familiar to those of us still living in the good old USA!


Last I checked bombing schools, police stations, airports, rubber plants ect, plus lopping off peaceful Buddhist heads is not perceived fear, its actually happening. :D

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i gotta believe that malaysia is secretly funding and training these groups, it is to their advantage.

It goes deeper than Malaysia, and I said that over a year ago on one of these forums right here. I caught hel_l for even thinking that something like that or a coup was in the air to occur in serene Thailand. The place where I heard "I have been living here for blah, blah, blah and that would never happen here". Well we have had a coup, the immigration laws changed, foriegn investment has changed and terrorism has come to Bangkok. Its time for those people to who have protected this country to move over for us who are living in the real Thailand not this LOS BS I see and here so much of.

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So Thaksin was right after all. It were Southern insurgents who were behind the New year bombings.. This government is a disgrace. There is no reason to leave Sonthi in charge. The government should crush murderers not pamper them like this government does.

Where did you read that in the above press release?

i gotta believe that malaysia is secretly funding and training these groups, it is to their advantage.

To their advantage? to have an ongoing insurgency on their border? how exactly do you think that works?

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Also the three southern most states want independence of Malaysia and Thailand - Malaysia is probably worried that if Thailand gives them back to Malaysia there will be a big rise in islamic fundamentalism in the enlargened Malaysia - the 2 north eastern most states in malaysia - Kelantan and Trenganu practise quite strict islam with girls being stoned for not wearing head scarfs or too shorter skirts -

It is my undertsanding, after reading a book (sorry, can't remember the title) that dealt with the history of southern Thailand, that the reverse situation was actually the case - that is, that the sourthern-most states were not only never part of Malaysia, but actually that parts of northern Malaysia were originally Thai (Siam).

Can anyone cofirm this ?

In Kelantan, I have also read (though have not seen first hand) that (some?) supermarkets have separate check-outs for men and women, to avoid close proximity (which I believe is called kalwat, but I may be mistaken there).



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He added the BMA had replaced all the old public dustbins with transparent ones in the city centre, and that more than 2,500 new bins would be installed next month.

-- The Nation 2007-02-22

Can someone pls tell me how transparent dustbins will help stop bombings? Have you ever looked inside one of these. They are full of bags, paper and plastic. You can see the bags clearly, but not what's inside them. Seems like a totally useless exercise me.

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Can someone pls tell me how transparent dustbins will help stop bombings? Have you ever looked inside one of these. They are full of bags, paper and plastic. You can see the bags clearly, but not what's inside them. Seems like a totally useless exercise me.
There's also a new law, that any bombs put into trashbins must be wrapped in clear plastic with labels in English, Thai and Farsi, "THIS IS A BOMB."
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i gotta believe that malaysia is secretly funding and training these groups, it is to their advantage.

It goes deeper than Malaysia, and I said that over a year ago on one of these forums right here. I caught hel_l for even thinking that something like that or a coup was in the air to occur in serene Thailand. The place where I heard "I have been living here for blah, blah, blah and that would never happen here". Well we have had a coup, the immigration laws changed, foriegn investment has changed and terrorism has come to Bangkok. Its time for those people to who have protected this country to move over for us who are living in the real Thailand not this LOS BS I see and here so much of.

Too true mate, nice to see somebody agrees with me.

LOS my a#


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Speculation - Inuendos - References to Malaysia??----- MODS!

Exactly! How would you like it if you were innocent of any wrong-doings, yet the media is accusing you of plotting and killing people. Accusing the Malaysian government without ANY solid evidence should be a crime and the media that prints this should be brought to justice. :D

And of course, telling the bad guys where they should bomb to get the maximum attention is nothing short of treason in my book!! :o:D

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i was thinking the exact same thing. where the helll did it mention that thaksin was right after all. pure speculation. i also dont know why some people think that just cause there been activity in the south right now that all of sudden there coming to bangkok to attack?

So Thaksin was right after all. It were Southern insurgents who were behind the New year bombings.. This government is a disgrace. There is no reason to leave Sonthi in charge. The government should crush murderers not pamper them like this government does.

Where did you read that in the above press release?

i gotta believe that malaysia is secretly funding and training these groups, it is to their advantage.

To their advantage? to have an ongoing insurgency on their border? how exactly do you think that works?

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Well...Holy Mutha!!! LOS...yeah right!!!

In my opinion, it's living proof of the 'theory of chaos'. But who am I to say!!

With the GREATEST of respect to all, and please MODS, kick my butt if you have to...BUT, if people of certain religious backgrounds are SO intent on following their STRICT religious laws....then WHY do I (apparently) see so many down in Pattaya having a ###### good time with the gals and Christ knows who and what else.

Is this world not small enough and life short enough to be a little more understanding??

I mean...Jesus!!!.....we are all a long time dead and our journeys are so short.

What the hel_l happened to 'Live and let live'. I may be an ignorant git, but to my simple way of thinking, it's tantamount to my liking Coke and someone liking Pepsi, so one or both of us tries to blow each others brains out.

All sounds like sheet to me.

That's my 50 satangs worth.


Big Paulee.

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Right now, I feel relatively safe in Bangkok. The action all seems to be taking place in the South, where they are having a field day. Once there is a major crackdown and nobody can do much, then the action will move out of the area.

This, of course, is my OWN opinion which is based on no intelligence other than my own (which is probably greater than the gov'ts)!

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Apirak said each district should join with local residents to be on the look out especially in crowded areas such as Skytrain stations, subways and department stores.

judging by the half hearted , lackadaisical and cursory attempts at bag searches by so called security staff at subway stations and shopping malls over the past few days , these hoards of bombers on their way up from the south should find bangkok a particularly easy gig.

You are right and, even though the subway checks are so cursory, it is unclear why there are none at all on the Skytrain. Do they think that a bomb in a skytrain carriage would not be a problem because it is not underground? Stupid.

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>>>the 2 north eastern most states in malaysia - Kelantan and Trenganu practise quite strict islam with girls being stoned for not wearing head scarfs or too shorter skirts

This is definitely not the case. No one gets stoned in Malaysia. There is definitely a firmer application of Islamic law in those areas, but its not such a brutal place as that.

>>> that is, that the southern-most states were not only never part of Malaysia, but actually that parts of northern Malaysia were originally Thai (Siam).

Can anyone confirm this ?

This is true. The state of Kedah in particular was ceded by Siam to the British. In the same treaty Britain 'gave' control of Pattani and the other southern states to Siam, and this has been a big cause of the peoblems, because many in the southern states don't believe the British had this right at the time. Malaysia did not exist until the 1960s, so there is no way they have ever 'had' these areas.

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>>>the 2 north eastern most states in malaysia - Kelantan and Trenganu practise quite strict islam with girls being stoned for not wearing head scarfs or too shorter skirts

This is definitely not the case. No one gets stoned in Malaysia. There is definitely a firmer application of Islamic law in those areas, but its not such a brutal place as that.

>>> that is, that the southern-most states were not only never part of Malaysia, but actually that parts of northern Malaysia were originally Thai (Siam).

Can anyone confirm this ?

This is true. The state of Kedah in particular was ceded by Siam to the British. In the same treaty Britain 'gave' control of Pattani and the other southern states to Siam, and this has been a big cause of the peoblems, because many in the southern states don't believe the British had this right at the time. Malaysia did not exist until the 1960s, so there is no way they have ever 'had' these areas.

Ok malaya then !

If the 3 southern thai states were thai all along how come the inhabitants have great problems speaking thai ? Because they were part of malaya (or whatever) it was called !

No one gets stoned in malaysia - I know Bumiputra in malaysia who get news on the grapevine (not what is published in the state controlled media). Beleive what you like - trenganu and kelantan are islamic states (practice sharia law) and malaysian islamic party strongholds (for get the name of the party) - read the straigts times or the other malaysian english language newspaper and you will see what happens in these states and what the religous police do there and over in perlis and kedah to a degree, which is on the more moderate side. Still in penang, which is chinese predominantly and chinese run, the usual vices are available.

Please prove me wrong !

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>>>the 2 north eastern most states in malaysia - Kelantan and Trenganu practise quite strict islam with girls being stoned for not wearing head scarfs or too shorter skirts

This is definitely not the case. No one gets stoned in Malaysia. There is definitely a firmer application of Islamic law in those areas, but its not such a brutal place as that.

>>> that is, that the southern-most states were not only never part of Malaysia, but actually that parts of northern Malaysia were originally Thai (Siam).

Can anyone confirm this ?

This is true. The state of Kedah in particular was ceded by Siam to the British. In the same treaty Britain 'gave' control of Pattani and the other southern states to Siam, and this has been a big cause of the peoblems, because many in the southern states don't believe the British had this right at the time. Malaysia did not exist until the 1960s, so there is no way they have ever 'had' these areas.

yep - and if you go back further you may finf that the thais invaded what was malaya and took the southern most states from malaya - sale as isaan was taken from laos - ask an old isaan person if they are thai or lao - ask an old patani muslim person if they are thai or malay (or buggist) and see what reply you get - but i wouldnt do the latter as taking farangs hostage and then beheading them has worked well elsewhere...

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>>>the 2 north eastern most states in malaysia - Kelantan and Trenganu practise quite strict islam with girls being stoned for not wearing head scarfs or too shorter skirts

This is definitely not the case. No one gets stoned in Malaysia. There is definitely a firmer application of Islamic law in those areas, but its not such a brutal place as that.

>>> that is, that the southern-most states were not only never part of Malaysia, but actually that parts of northern Malaysia were originally Thai (Siam).

Can anyone confirm this ?

This is true. The state of Kedah in particular was ceded by Siam to the British. In the same treaty Britain 'gave' control of Pattani and the other southern states to Siam, and this has been a big cause of the peoblems, because many in the southern states don't believe the British had this right at the time. Malaysia did not exist until the 1960s, so there is no way they have ever 'had' these areas.

Don't be so sure about that, I met some people who were definately stoned. :o

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