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Thai Immigration offices made mistakes now we are overstayers!!!

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We are on OA retirement visa which was is due in January of this year. However we came back from a short stay from our home country in August and unfortunately the immigration official at BKK stamped us back in with a non-RE but dated it for renewal in January 23, 2019!?! We did not notice at the time but was explained to us by our local immigration office today.
We reported immediately to our local immigration office n they said nothing about it at the time. We further reported for our 90 days reporting with no problem.
Now our local office is telling us to go back to the BKK office to see if they can fix it. It looks like we will have to go out of the country to renew our tourist visa(?) the go to our local office to renew our O/A...
Any words of wisdom from anyone who went through something similar?
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OK, it's not entierly clear what's gone wrong, but if you do indeed have a stamp that allows you to stay until Jan 23 2019 you are not on overstay.


Where are you right now?


I suspect a trip to Bangkok is in order, they should be able to fix the issue for free.


If possible please post photos of the relevant stamps and visa (obscure any personal details).


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What office is telling you that you need to go to Bangkok to have the error corrected. Any immigration office can do it.


36 minutes ago, Such a Hairy Guy said:

We are on OA retirement visa which was is due in January of this year.

What do you mean? Are your OA visas expiring this month?

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What office is telling you that you need to go to Bangkok to have the error corrected. Any immigration office can do it.
What do you mean? Are your OA visas expiring this month?


It was set to expire in June 01. But last January when we came back from Myanmar from a trip, we reported back to immigration office and they renewed our 1 year to extend to this January. We’ve been reporting our 90 days ever since with no problems.

I have a strong feeling they made a mistake by renewing the 1 year last January and is now causing all these problems.

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Can you post a photo of all the relevant stamps inside the passport: O/A visa, extension [if any], entry stamps [last 2 or 3 if possible].  Black/Blur out any sensitive info like names, visa #.  


Also the country of the passport is helpful.


And I concur with @Bullie, 100% check of passport stamp when you enter/reenter or do anything that requires an entry into your passport is strongly advised.

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Also need photo of the non-o-a visa... right-side up please.  Do you know when the original non-o/a expires?


Edit: But based the second stamp, you should be good to go until 26 Aug 2019. I think is the one that counts.  


If you live near a border, it might be easier to just exit and re-enter (depending on when the o-a expires)

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is that (Non-RE) the stamp for a non re-entry permit? then it would probably be incorrect


IF the Non-OA visa was valid on the 26th August 2018 the permission to stay is now correct the mistake could be in the writing of the VISA CLASS as Non-Re instead of Non-O-A


the initial stamp was for a VE 30 days, where was the correction to a 365 day permission made

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As others have said, it appears as though you should be OK. The stamp in your passport has been corrected. Immigration was suggesting you go to Bangkok because that is the only place the dates in the immigration computer can be corrected.


However, looking at the image you posted, I am confused, and hope someone can point out why what I am seeing is not reality. It looks as though there are two passports with the same passport number and page number but with different stamps. It is driving me crazy being unable to figure out what is really going on.

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As others have said, it appears as though you should be OK. The stamp in your passport has been corrected. Immigration was suggesting you go to Bangkok because that is the only place the dates in the immigration computer can be corrected.
However, looking at the image you posted, I am confused, and hope someone can point out why what I am seeing is not reality. It looks as though there are two passports with the same passport number and page number but with different stamps. It is driving me crazy being unable to figure out what is really going on.

Yes it is 2 passport n we can’t figure out why they are one day apart since we came back at the same time

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26 minutes ago, BritTim said:

However, looking at the image you posted, I am confused, and hope someone can point out why what I am seeing is not reality. It looks as though there are two passports with the same passport number and page number but with different stamps. It is driving me crazy being unable to figure out what is really going on.

He said "we", so i assume he is talking about his wife and him, thus two passports. But the one passport numbers ends with a 5 and the other with a 7, so it's not the same


@Such a Hairy Guy

Actually the stamps that you posted look fine. Obviously the one passport was stamped in as "visa exempt" at first and then corrected, but since there is no notice next to the stamp to me this looks like it was done by the IO at the airport. So where did they change the date on this stamp? At the airport or at an immigration office, if so at which?


2 hours ago, Such a Hairy Guy said:

but dated it for renewal in January 23, 2019

Where does it say something like that?


22 minutes ago, Such a Hairy Guy said:

Yes it is 2 passport n we can’t figure out why they are one day apart since we came back at the same time

When exactly did you come back? Maybe at 23:59 and he changed the date stamp in between you two?

Did you enter at the same counter with the same IO? If you used two different counters maybe one IO had his date wrong


Edit: Most likely you used two different counters, because the "empty" entry stamps did also differ, one is stamp number S2265 and the other is S1961, so probably one IO did have his date wrong.


Always check your stamps after having entered the country!

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3 minutes ago, thaikahuna said:

What I am not seeing is a re entry permit. 1. Do you have one? 2. Did you put that re entry permit number on the TM 6 card?

He does not need a re-entry permit since apparently his visa is still valid.

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2 minutes ago, ubonjoe said:

He does not need a re-entry permit since apparently his visa is still valid.


1 minute ago, jackdd said:

OA visa is multiple entry

All 100% agreed, but what is confusing is why two different IO's have written NON-RE as the visa class on both passports (second one was changed to this) as it should read NON-OA, as it does on the other stamp visible.

And very strange why the entry dates are not the same, as the OP states they entered on the same day.

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4 hours ago, Such a Hairy Guy said:

It looks like we will have to go out of the country to renew our tourist visa(?) the go to our local office to renew our O/A...

It's really difficult to make sense of all this. If you have an actual valid O-A visa, why are you talking about renewing a tourist visa and then renewing your O-A?


Immigrations doesn't renew visas ... do you mean you have an extension of stay (not a visa) that needs to be renewed?



4 hours ago, Such a Hairy Guy said:

We are on OA retirement visa which was is due in January of this year.

Not sure what "was due in January" means. Due for what? Are you referring to this year as 2018 or 2019 since you use the past tense and does "due" mean when it was issued or when it  expires or ??

4 hours ago, Such a Hairy Guy said:

dated it for renewal in January 23, 2019!?!

Extension of stay renewal? Visas aren't renewable.


Glad that some people think they can figure it out from the stamps.  I hope the consensus that "you're OK " as things stand now is true. It's certainly possible immigrations was initially in error, but one wonders if you didn't contribute to it.


Your explanation is more than a bit foggy. 





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2 hours ago, uwe_rayong said:

In August 2018 did you apply for a reentry permit before you left Thailand?


That's exactly what I was thinking when I read the OP's post "did you get your re entry permit before flying back to Canada?" but I didn't want to post anything because I'm not 100% clear on what happened here.  Although it sounds like if there was a mistake whatever happened occurred at the airport and it doesn't sound like the fault of any specific immigration office but I'm not really sure maybe he meant they made a mistake trying to fix the problem I'm not sure exactly what he meant and I actually did take time to read it although I didn't take a lot of time analyzing the issue either.  I read it out of curiosity his title caught my attention.  I never leave the country without first making absolutely sure my re entry permit is taken care of but I very rarely travel outside of Thailand anymore and when I do it's never for more than a week or two.  I haven't left Thailand in two years so it's been a while for me.  If he left back in August obviously that was a big contributing factor because if you don't stay on top of your own paperwork here you can really end up in a bind.  Immigration can't read your mind you have to make your intentions very clear and be very careful and organized when preparing paperwork for immigration.  

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I don't see any problem here.  We can't see page 9 of the top passport but it appears that the couple entered on their O-A visas on 23 Jan 2018 and were granted permission to stay until  22 Jan 2019.  They then re-entered on 27 / 28 Aug 2018 and we're granted permission to stay until 26 / 27 Aug 2019.  There is a one-day discrepancy but, in my opinion, it doesn't warrant fixing if the scratching out and changing of the date was done by the IO who admitted him/her.  If it was done by a local officer, then the change to the computer record should be done by him/her and "shouldn't" require a trip to Bangkok.  At any rate, only one passport seems to need attention.  The other one is OK.  BTW, I always check my stamps before leaving the IO's desk at the airport.

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OK. The yellow post it note from his immigration office states his actual visa ended 30/4/18. He then entered Thailand on 27/8/18 and he had no re-entry permit or it could mean his second year FINISHED 20/4/18 with a reentry permit BUT he still entered with it and was stamped in for a further year (In either case he shouldn't of been it was a mistake).When he went (I assume for his 90 day report) this was picked up on and hence has been throw up. The post it note implies he needs to get a new visa. If this is correct and I fear it is, he has been on overstay since around the the last week of September allowing for a 30 day visa exempt entry. He is now over 90 days overstay. I have an idea where this may lead unfortunately.

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I meant too add the actual translation as best as it can be from the post it note, because sometimes things don't translate exactly from Thai too English that we understand or would like it to be.

Visa Non O-A finished 30/4/18
Come 27/8/18
Change Visa O-A the type of visa


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UPDATE: Went to see an immigration lawyer today. According to their insight they said both the Ratchaburi and BKK Airport immigration made mistakes. Our Non-OA expired last may. but we have a stamp showing we can stay until Jan 22, 2019. Their best advice was to go to BKK airport and they felt that based on the many mistakes made they will cut us some slack. Maybe let us stay for another 30 to allow us to apply to a Non-O then do a conversion to a Non-OA. Since we have proof throughout and copies of all my 90 days reporting. 


Going to BKK airport tomorrow to see what immigration finally tell us.


Thanks you for all your input BTW

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I just had my GF help me to read your post it note. It says:

Your visa non-OA visa expired 30.04.2018

When you entered at 27.08.2018 you should have gotten a 30 day visa exempt


What is very strange that it looks like that two different IOs (you still didn't answer this question) made the same "mistake" and thought your visa is still valid. One of them even giving you the (probably) correct 30 day visa exempt stamp and then changing it to the wrong one. Can you post all stamps in your passport starting from the OA visa?


If what it says on the post it is true I doubt they would give you "another 30 days". I think one of these three things will happen:

- They just let you keep your current permit of stay

- They cancel your permit of stay directly because it was given wrongfully, which means you have to leave on this day

- They give you a 7 days to leave the country stamp


25 minutes ago, Such a Hairy Guy said:

apply to a Non-O then do a conversion to a Non-OA

You can't convert a non-O to a non-OA

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