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Mama mia! It's all hugs and wais as "Aunty Porn" returns a 'million' to Italian


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this shows how honest and nice Thai people are and how cheap the farang was. only 1000 baht reward. It would have cost him at least 2000 baht just to replace his passport. OK cheap Charlie go back to your country and see how nice the people are you would be lucky to get back the bag empty  

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7 hours ago, dcnx said:

Who doesn’t carry around $20,000 cash and toss it aside while eating in Thailand?


The Thais are so disconnected they don’t understand we don’t travel with that kind of cash, especially in the digital age, thus these outrageous stories. 


Bonus points for always being in a black bag. Straight out of a movie.

It was B20k not $20k--and lots of people carry that piddling amount; it doesn't amount to a good night in a bar to some vacationers. Even the Thai IO require B20k for some entries

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Although I do genuinely believe that the vast majority of people are honest by nature; this story stinks on so many levels it's difficult to say where the stench begins and ends.

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21 hours ago, Thaiwrath said:

He obviously hasn't visited a National Park yet !

I went to Erawan national park/waterfalls in Kanchanaburi with some Thai fiends about 5 years ago

entry fee for a Thai was 40baht... for me 400baht... all my Thai friends complained saying I'm not a tourist I've lived here at that time 10 years... and that it was disgraceful to ask such a high price... 

I payed & went in to keep my Thai friends happy & have a good day...

I've never been to another national park since !!!!

voted with my feet!!!

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As for a million baht being returned by a street vendor..... never in a million years

these bulls**t stories are getting ridiculous as is the ever increasing sums of money returned...

Just more T.A.T marketing with rubbish to make all Thailand look honest as the day's long...

live here 5 minutes & you'll know it's complete cr@p !!

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14 hours ago, randy723 said:

this shows how honest and nice Thai people are and how cheap the farang was. only 1000 baht reward. It would have cost him at least 2000 baht just to replace his passport. OK cheap Charlie go back to your country and see how nice the people are you would be lucky to get back the bag empty  


Why should he give any Tip ???.... many (myself included) would be happy to return the bag, contents fully intact) and not expect anything in return.... 


This lady is not representative of Thai's on a whole, neither is the Italian representative of Italians or Westerners (farangs) on a whole... anyone drawing such generalizations that all 'farang' are cheap from this is a little simple.


And.. why would he be lucky to get his bag back empty in his home country... he's lucky anywhere, or rather, he'd be unlucky not to in a world where the majority of people are inherently good. 


Many of the comments on this thread are rather simplified in their generalizations - this is just one positive story of many amongst the numerous negatives... it just is what it is... nothing significant but something positive to remind us not everyone is as bad as is often made out on these forums. 


Edited by richard_smith237
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A nice story about the outrageous honesty of Thai people. Here's another one.


Many years ago when I was visiting the Land of Smiles I dropped a 5 baht coin in the departure lounge  just before I boarded the airplane. A Thai janitor who was cleaning nearby, picked it up. He didn't have time to catch up to me so he went online and bought a ticket for the flight and got on the plane. Fortunately he had his passport with him. He finally caught up with me near immigration in Canada and gave me back my 5 baht. I was so impressed I gave him all my Thai money I had left in my pocket, 15 baht, plus I gave him the 5 baht coin back. He was so grateful. He waied for a full 27 minutes. Then we parted. He went back to Thailand and I went to my mia noi's house.


It was a wonderful and memorable trip.

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On 1/9/2019 at 11:35 AM, jerojero said:

Sorry. but he's an idiot. People out and about with piles of cash and passports 'forgetting' they are carrying such. Dimentia or plain idiots? And if he's got 1,000,000 in the bank, he could easily have parted with more than 1,000 Baht as reward to the old lady who could have just as easily kept the 20,000 and garbaged all his documents! Sheesh.

And you're so intelligent that you know how to spell dementia? 20000 baht is a "pile of cash"? By my experience it's a reasonable amount of money to temporarily carry, though I wouldn't do so regularly. That's how much I withdraw from my bank in the US from here once a month, it goes into my bag along with, DUH! my passbook and passport, until I get back to my apartment. Do you know what this man's reason or business as to what he had or why he was carrying that bag? And how is it your business or why do you care what amount of reward was given? Is there an official table of how much reward one should give according to income and are you the official scorekeeper? I know people like that Thai lady, they are happy to simply live by their values and do the right thing. I've had such people refuse to take my money when I offered it. How much do you tip when you go out? I bet you're a freakin cheapskate. Is that the sum total of your value system when it comes to people treating each other with compassion and respect? How much of a cash reward was given and received? Wait, do you understand those two words, compassion and respect? I think not. Clearly you missed the important point of this story. Must feel good to know that you're such a vastly superior human being who never makes mistakes, has lapses in judgment, ever gets distracted, or forgets important things. Oh, right, that's what it's about - you feeling superior to others when they make mistakes or suffer bad fortune. So yeah, I guess you do feel pretty good taking these potshots at people. I can tell you one thing, what your comment shows us about YOUR character is far worse that anything that can be said about a person who makes an error in judgment or simply got distracted for a moment. And shame on you for disparaging folks who suffer the genuine tragedy of Alzheimers and other neurological deficits. I happen to be among those who have attention deficit and memory problems. It occurs under stress and anxiety. Despite all of the precautions I take, similar things have happened to me, including some very honest Thai people coming to the rescue such as taxi drivers returning file folders of documents to an embassy within 10 minutes of my discovering I'd left them in the car, and the same when I left a phone when distracted by a conversation. The story is a happy one, and despite your best efforts to dump on these people or project your own malice onto them, you've only soiled yourself with your own excrement.  

Edited by Jonathan Swift
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On 1/9/2019 at 11:52 AM, mauGR1 said:

Years ago, one waiter run behind me for 200 meters from the restaurant where i've been eating, to return my forgotten camera.

I wanted to give him 500 B. , but he refused the tip.

3 months ago, I was walking with a friend past a massage shop when my friend was chased by a masseuse. Turned out she remembered him as a client and just wanted to give his virginity back.

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