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Trump stops short of emergency declaration in border wall fight


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45 minutes ago, riclag said:

Mr. Trump  has been building a case for 3 or more years for the need of the wall!The liberal's say it's manufactured crisis and why wasn't it a national emergency  before!  In order to claim a emergency there has to be a clear substantiated  reason for acting on it. Now comes proof for a legitimate case! Decade's of American politicians  have  enacted laws to build a deterrent to stop illegals and other illegal act's from entering into my country,  barriers,concrete walls,fences ,structures and many other impediment's  .In some areas they have been very effective, others haven't . Those ineffective areas have to be modified! 


PT has access to intel that support his claim that this is a national emergency. Many  people from Central America,some from other parts of the world  come  to the southern border  as ,migrants and asylum seekers, and for various other reason's,many don't want to wait to be processed or come in legally through a port of entry! Many mass at the border and try to force there way through! Masses are forming in Central America now!  

"Mexican authorities will meet with Central American officials to prepare for the arrival of a planned new caravan of migrants headed to the United States next week.

Mexico hopes to discourage a mass exodus from El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras, and wants Central Americans who decide to migrate north to do so in an orderly way and through legal ports of entry".





Well there is certainly a historical gun death crisis so you would have no trouble in accepting that a future POTUS might circumvent congress and make gun ownership illegal .

Once Pandoras box is opened you dont get to pick and choose what flies out , you do realise that ?

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9 hours ago, TopDeadSenter said:

Looking like a third world country, as opposed to having no southern border and actually becoming a third world country. 


 What is embarrassing to watch is privileged Americans not appreciating the sacrifice and generations of serious hard work to make America the great country that it is. Your ancestors fought and died for your security, and it wasn't so you can feel embarrassed and throw it all away.  

Are you talking now about all those immigrants who ever came (illegal) to America a few hundred years ago who:


- fled europe because they needed to hide from the law in their own countries?

- felt like murdering about 95% of the Original native peoples who lived their before they arrived just for fun or their own advantage?

- who needed to bring in thousands of African slaves to make them work for them so they could make big profits and could live like kings?

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9 hours ago, Tug said:

Hey even keel I’m a construction guy mostly on the marine side diving running boats and heavy equipment just so you know the youth today (for the most part)have no interest whatsoever in blue collar work to busy looking at their smart phone lol sadly it’s true and I’m union making good money they just aren’t interested 

You got me as far as youth of today are concerned. You're absolutely right.

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7 hours ago, Chomper Higgot said:

If you find yourself out of work because a semi litterate, hill farmer who has no skills and almost certainly can’t speak, read or write English, you’ve failed.


Failed to take advantage of the gifts and rights you were handed when you were born in the USA.


That’s nobody else’s fault but your own.

Wow, a very elitist thing to say. So, it's Ok for blue collar jobs to be taken by illegals at lower wages.  

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6 minutes ago, welovesundaysatspace said:

So shouldn’t we declare automation illegal first, before turning to people? 

Exactly. Trump supporters would be better served directing their anger at Google, Microsoft, Facebook, Apple etc., than at illegal aliens. Artificial Intelligence is not being developed to pick lettuce, it is being developed to automate higher order skilled jobs. There won't be any jobs for the illegals to steal up the food chain soon.

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1 hour ago, EVENKEEL said:

Wow, a very elitist thing to say. So, it's Ok for blue collar jobs to be taken by illegals at lower wages.  

However, facts and figures don't back your (legitimate) concern as few illegals actually work in the industry sector.




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11 minutes ago, Kelsall said:

Trump is playing this one well.  He's just sitting back waiting for Shumer and Pelosi to cave.  And if they don't, he'll go with the emergency order to build the wall and then he'll reopen the government, getting credit for both!  One cool cucumber, this President Donald J. Trump.

I'm glad a Trump supporter sees the strategic wisdom in Trump's actions because all other observers think he loses either way - Dems won't cave and emergency order results in frozen funds and litigation. 


But, yes, he does sort of resemble a big cucumber, or maybe one of those big Mexican guitars.

Edited by keemapoot
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8 minutes ago, Kelsall said:

Trump is playing this one well.  He's just sitting back waiting for Shumer and Pelosi to cave.  And if they don't, he'll go with the emergency order to build the wall and then he'll reopen the government [...]


And then he'll be challenged in court and overruled.


And even if, by some miracle he wins in court, no shovel is going to break ground until Trump is out of office in January of 2021 (at the latest).  These are just some of the legal and practical hurdles:


  • Lawsuits from property owners who don't want to yield to imminent domain seizures (there are still some outstanding lawsuits going on from the Secure Fence Act passed in 2006)
  • Lawsuits from environmental groups
  • Competitive bidding process (a contract over $1B will likely take more than a year)
  • Material procurement
  • Supporting infrastructure that must be built before the wall (such as a road along the entire border that can sustain the weight of heavy construction equipment)


Hopefully by the time anything could conceivably happen, the next president will scuttle this wasteful nightmare.


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The state of the union address is coming up on January 29.

Just imagine how divisive that will be if the government is still shut by then.

Perhaps the democrats will turn their backs as the "dear leader" criminally corrupt Russian compromised narcissist spouts his hateful propaganda.

We're in historically dark times and the "trump" - McConnell shutdown is only the tip of the iceberg.



Edited by Jingthing
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17 hours ago, EVENKEEL said:

The uninformed have the belief the illegals only work in the fields. Your comment confirms your lack of understanding of how all blue collar jobs are hit. You don't think they take jobs in construction, warehousing, factory work? As automation increases these unskilled-skilled manual labor type jobs are decreasing. The influx of illegals only makes it harder on the legal Americans.

You can't compete for work with a Mexican on a work site? Maybe you need to work harder or improve your skills.

Have you ever discussed with your employer as to why they prefer migrants to those who presume some sort of preferential treatment?

Of course, I am one of the uninformed.

 As automation increases, go to night school to improve your skill set

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1 hour ago, spiderorchid said:

You can't compete for work with a Mexican on a work site? Maybe you need to work harder or improve your skills.

Have you ever discussed with your employer as to why they prefer migrants to those who presume some sort of preferential treatment?

Of course, I am one of the uninformed.

 As automation increases, go to night school to improve your skill set

I own property in Arizona and there is a lot of construction in the area.   A housing division nearby also has a lot of people remodeling, upgrading etc.   The last time I was back, there was construction on both sides, almost identical work being done.   One was a Hispanic contractor and his crew and the other was a work crew consisting entirely of younger (under 40, for sure), white workers.   


No comparison in the speed of the work done (and I am told the quality of both was fine).   The Mexican crew showed up each day before 9:00 (construction wasn't permitted before then).   They went immediately to work, work until the end of day (6:00 p.m.).   I never saw any breaks, including lunch, but I am sure they took them, just not at the same time.    


The other crew showed up after 9:00.   Sat down, started checking their mobile phones.   Worked until noon, then the entire crew disappeared for an hour + and were packed and ready to leave before 6:00.   They all took a morning and afternoon break as well.   


The Mexican crew was on to the next job 2 weeks before the other crew was done.   Needless to say, the Mexican contractor and his crew are in great demand.    



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30 minutes ago, Credo said:

I own property in Arizona and there is a lot of construction in the area.   A housing division nearby also has a lot of people remodeling, upgrading etc.   The last time I was back, there was construction on both sides, almost identical work being done.   One was a Hispanic contractor and his crew and the other was a work crew consisting entirely of younger (under 40, for sure), white workers.   


No comparison in the speed of the work done (and I am told the quality of both was fine).   The Mexican crew showed up each day before 9:00 (construction wasn't permitted before then).   They went immediately to work, work until the end of day (6:00 p.m.).   I never saw any breaks, including lunch, but I am sure they took them, just not at the same time.    


The other crew showed up after 9:00.   Sat down, started checking their mobile phones.   Worked until noon, then the entire crew disappeared for an hour + and were packed and ready to leave before 6:00.   They all took a morning and afternoon break as well.   


The Mexican crew was on to the next job 2 weeks before the other crew was done.   Needless to say, the Mexican contractor and his crew are in great demand.    



It's about illegals. Hiring illegals because they work without breaks and cheaper probably isn't a great excuse. I hear what you're saying, but again not right to hire such a large scale of illegals if they were infact illegal.

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13 minutes ago, EVENKEEL said:

It's about illegals. Hiring illegals because they work without breaks and cheaper probably isn't a great excuse. I hear what you're saying, but again not right to hire such a large scale of illegals if they were infact illegal.

I don't know that they are illegals.   The area where they are working has police that are pretty strict with checking illegals.   I don't think it would be easy to have a crew of illegals working in the open.   


I do fear we are going a little off the topic, though.   

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I used to love the Looney Tunes. Daffy Duck and all. US is so much funnier now. Cruel comics, but so funny.

It is a shame that some US people are suffering from Daffy. But that is what comics is all about.

Daffy never cared if he got hurt, he just got back up and blustered. 

Daffy never cared if he hurt someone, it was all part of the comic and so funny.

US is a Looney Tunes comic now and it is so funny

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6 hours ago, spiderorchid said:

You can't compete for work with a Mexican on a work site? Maybe you need to work harder or improve your skills.

Have you ever discussed with your employer as to why they prefer migrants to those who presume some sort of preferential treatment?

Of course, I am one of the uninformed.

 As automation increases, go to night school to improve your skill set


4 hours ago, Credo said:

I own property in Arizona and there is a lot of construction in the area.   A housing division nearby also has a lot of people remodeling, upgrading etc.   The last time I was back, there was construction on both sides, almost identical work being done.   One was a Hispanic contractor and his crew and the other was a work crew consisting entirely of younger (under 40, for sure), white workers.   


No comparison in the speed of the work done (and I am told the quality of both was fine).   The Mexican crew showed up each day before 9:00 (construction wasn't permitted before then).   They went immediately to work, work until the end of day (6:00 p.m.).   I never saw any breaks, including lunch, but I am sure they took them, just not at the same time.    


The other crew showed up after 9:00.   Sat down, started checking their mobile phones.   Worked until noon, then the entire crew disappeared for an hour + and were packed and ready to leave before 6:00.   They all took a morning and afternoon break as well.   


The Mexican crew was on to the next job 2 weeks before the other crew was done.   Needless to say, the Mexican contractor and his crew are in great demand.    




Sad but true.

You forgot to mention the other benefit to the illegal immigrant crew...you can pay them less and simply threaten them with calling ICE if they complain and ofcourse there is also the savings on Work Comp claims because if they file an injury then they would be out of work.


This is well known throughout the Western States amongst Contractors. Its an excellent labor source because they work hard and are so easy to exploit.

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6 hours ago, spiderorchid said:

You can't compete for work with a Mexican on a work site? Maybe you need to work harder or improve your skills.

Have you ever discussed with your employer as to why they prefer migrants to those who presume some sort of preferential treatment?

Of course, I am one of the uninformed.

 As automation increases, go to night school to improve your skill set

Yes, you are uninformed. Admitting your faults is the first step.

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15 hours ago, joecoolfrog said:

Well there is certainly a historical gun death crisis so you would have no trouble in accepting that a future POTUS might circumvent congress and make gun ownership illegal .

Once Pandoras box is opened you dont get to pick and choose what flies out , you do realise that ?


Apples and Oranges.


Illegal Aliens from other Countries are not gauranteed the right to enter the US and circumvent our Laws by the Constitution.


What part of legal vs illegal immigration is so challenging for Liberals to understand? 


Follow the Laws of the Land and start on a path to citizenship like the majority of immigrants have done. 


How many Liberals advocating for illegal border crossings are here in LOS without proper approval of the Thai Immigration System? How many Countries outside the US allow for uncontrolled immigration which legally allows those immigrants the right to healthcare, social programs and employment? Honest question.

Edited by GettingBye
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7 hours ago, Jingthing said:

The state of the union address is coming up on January 29.

Just imagine how divisive that will be if the government is still shut by then.

Perhaps the democrats will turn their backs as the "dear leader" criminally corrupt Russian compromised narcissist spouts his hateful propaganda.

We're in historically dark times and the "trump" - McConnell shutdown is only the tip of the iceberg.



Nancy and Chuck certainly have their hand in the cookie jar. 

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7 hours ago, Jingthing said:

The state of the union address is coming up on January 29.


I have a strong suspicion that state of the union address will be cancelled. I think Mueller's report will be strategically released before Trump's new AG can be confirmed so that Trump cannot prevent the results from being known to Congress and to the public.


So, give this two weeks, and Trump will have much more to worry about than a government shut down.

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7 minutes ago, keemapoot said:

I have a strong suspicion that state of the union address will be cancelled. I think Mueller's report will be strategically released before Trump's new AG can be confirmed so that Trump cannot prevent the results from being known to Congress and to the public.


So, give this two weeks, and Trump will have much more to worry about than a government shut down.

Well, let's make it so. All I hear are wolf tickets. 

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6 minutes ago, EVENKEEL said:

Well, let's make it so. All I hear are wolf tickets. 

Yup, and if Mueller's report exonerates your guy, I will be the first to admit we were all wrong about Trump's nefarious intentions. 


But, I will never change my mind that he is a simply incompetent.

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2 minutes ago, keemapoot said:

Yup, and if Mueller's report exonerates your guy, I will be the first to admit we were all wrong about Trump's nefarious intentions. 


But, I will never change my mind that he is a simply incompetent.

Don't really care what happens with Trump, but let's make a decision and get on with it. 

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