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US English teacher faces rape charge, meets Big Joke who says he'll be prosecuted then thrown out of Thailand


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18 minutes ago, balo said:

Do you think all the details always are revealed to the media ?


I know people are skeptical to RTP in many cases, because of corruption, but Big Joke has not been doing a lot of mistakes since he took over. 


This was a rape of a student in the school, it would not go silent, parents and other teachers would know.  






Just to clarify that there was no mention of a school in this case. The man may well be a private tutor though no information was provided either way.



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3 hours ago, colinneil said:

If and i say if the man is guilty he needs jailed for a long time.

Yet once again the Big joke is opening his mouth before any proper investigation, court case to prove his guilt.

Personally i find it difficult to believe a man who has lived here so long, has family here, would suddenly turn into a rapist.

He could be a rapist for the whole 20 years.

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9 minutes ago, colinneil said:

I did not say he wasnt a rapist, i said Big joke was opening his mouth before a proper investigation, or court case to prove the matter 1 way or the other.

Again Big joke is just jumping in to get media coverage, this is a matter for the police, not immigration.

Immigration is a part of the Royal Thai Police

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37 minutes ago, Jane Dough said:

Just to clarify that there was no mention of a school in this case. The man may well be a private tutor

Yes from the article

"The suspect denied raping a child who was his student." 


So he could be a private teacher. 


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4 hours ago, HalfLight said:

Indeed. If he's guilty then put him in prison and throw him out when his prison time is done, but Mr Haircut's job is to put him through the courts, not declare his guilt or innocence,

"...but Mr Haircut's job is to put him through the courts, not declare his guilt or innocence".

No one has done that.

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4 hours ago, colinneil said:

If and i say if the man is guilty he needs jailed for a long time.

Yet once again the Big joke is opening his mouth before any proper investigation, court case to prove his guilt.

Personally i find it difficult to believe a man who has lived here so long, has family here, would suddenly turn into a rapist.

Perhaps he hasn't "suddenly" turned into a rapist?


"Yet once again the Big joke is opening his mouth before any proper investigation".

No assertion re his guilt has been made, if it has please quote it!

Edited by Just Weird
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5 hours ago, webfact said:

In a video posted to Facebook Lt Gen Surachate said that there are many good English teachers and religious teachers but that some bad ones slip through the net. 

That Lt Joke lets slip a comment suggesting he conflates religious teachers with English teachers does not convince me that Lt Joke is in the mind at all to be fair or clear headed about this. Why mention religious teachers? What does that have to do with this situation? I would guess that because he is of Pakistani origin, Joke then "thinks" that therefor the guy should be religious, ie Muslim and therefor supposed to uphold religion. Kind of a nasty very questionable thing to say to make this already quite nasty case even nastier. He really does seem to be afflicted with quite a bad case of animosity and prejudice against foreigners and his conflation only incites even more outrage before the case has even gone to court. Yet another drop in the bucket towards diminishing respect for Thailand in the minds of many living in the rest of the world.

Edited by Shaunduhpostman
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8 minutes ago, Shaunduhpostman said:

That Lt Joke lets slip a comment suggesting he conflates religious teachers with English teachers does not convince me that Lt Joke is in the mind at all to be fair or clear headed about this. Why mention religious teachers? What does that have to do with this situation? I would guess that because he is of Pakistani origin, Joke then "thinks" that therefor the guy should be religious, ie Muslim and therefor supposed to uphold religion. Kind of a nasty very questionable thing to say to make this already quite nasty case even nastier. He really does seem to be afflicted with quite a bad case of animosity and prejudice against foreigners and his conflation only incites even more outrage before the case has even gone to court. Yet another drop in the bucket towards diminishing respect for Thailand in the minds of many living in the rest of the world.

I don't interpret what he said in that way. I interpret if to mean that his mind is (like so many Thai minds), like a bowl of spaghetti. He just can't think in a straight line.


As Napoleon is reputed to have said 'Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity'.


Mr Haircut is a clown, the only thing he's missing is the clown shoes and the big red nose....




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