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Trump rejects senator's proposal for temporary government reopening


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2 minutes ago, EVENKEEL said:

Neither side wants to give an inch for fear of looking weak to their backers. Good on Trump for not giving in, sooner rather than later the dems will realize negotiating requires 2 parties. 

Wasn't it Trump who walked out of the last meeting?

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20 minutes ago, bristolboy said:

Wasn't it Trump who walked out of the last meeting?

And what did Nancy and chuck bring to the table. We weren't there but their has to be some concessions on both sides. Have you heard any negotiating options brought to the table by dems. Why should Trump stay when it was a waste of his time.

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5 minutes ago, EVENKEEL said:

And what did Nancy and chuck bring to the table. We weren't there but their has to be some concessions on both sides. Have you heard any negotiating options brought to the table by dems. Why should Trump stay when it was a waste of his time.

And why couldn't the exact same argument be made on Pelosi and Schumer's behalf? Except of course they were willing to stay longer than the few minutes that Trump was able to endure.

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8 hours ago, Boon Mee said:

All that's needed to be done to stop the Schumer Shutdown is to give Donald the crumbs he's asking for to help build the Wall. 

The Democrats hatred for DJT is quite simply mind-boggling. 


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7 hours ago, DM07 said:

No one (I repeat: No One!) is in favor of illegal immigration!

The hint is in the word "illegal"!

This is a lie, that has been told by the Faux and friends and the Republicans for way too long!

That being said: illegal immigration as at an all time low!

Crimes, committed by "illegal" immigrants are at an all time low!

All that without the stupid wall!


We all know, what this is: Trump needs the wall, because it it something physical, something you can actually see!


Because his dumbass followers have something to look at, something not as abstract as "employment numbers", "tariffs" or humbug like that!

He needs 5pointsomething billion, so he can build A PART of a wall, so he has something to show to his base!

This is a dog & pony -show and nothing else!

...and you know it!


FBI reported, 1,604 people were killed by “knives and cutting instruments” and 374 were killed by “rifles” in 2016... According to the fiscal year 2018 ICE Enforcement and Removal Operations report, the criminal records of people arrested by ICE for being illegally in the country included 2,028 homicide offenses (387 charges and 1,641 convictions). According to the fiscal year 2017 report, the criminal record of people arrested included 1,886 homicide offenses.

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8 hours ago, xylophone said:

If he stopped telling lies, thousands of them, stopped boasting about himself and showed that he was a normal and intelligent human being, then perhaps he MIGHT earn just a little bit of respect...........but even that is doubtful given the idiot that he is.

A poor man talking about a man who has Billions... now, who is the idiot!

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This is all theater. They are preparing to ram DACA amnesty down everyone's throats.


They will let this play out for a while and then the 'big compromise' will come. DACA amnesty for the wall. Then amnesty will happen immediately and the wall will get tied up in endless lawsuits until Trump is gone and someone can overturn from getting built. This will be another, number 8 in the long line of failed amnesties where the illegal immigrant wins, corporations wanting cheap labor wins, and congress and their families getting rich from their corporate sponsors wins, and the US citizen gets nothing in return.


The US citizen gets screwed again by their corrupt Congress, both sides D and R are both corrupt to the core. 

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4 minutes ago, vinegarbase said:

This is all theater. They are preparing to ram DACA amnesty down everyone's throats.


They will let this play out for a while and then the 'big compromise' will come. DACA amnesty for the wall. Then amnesty will happen immediately and the wall will get tied up in endless lawsuits until Trump is gone and someone can overturn from getting built. This will be another, number 8 in the long line of failed amnesties where the illegal immigrant wins, corporations wanting cheap labor wins, and congress and their families getting rich from their corporate sponsors wins, and the US citizen gets nothing in return.


The US citizen gets screwed again by their corrupt Congress, both sides D and R are both corrupt to the core. 

The majority of Americans support that DACA people should be allowed to stay. You can push your funny conspiracy theories but that's the reality.

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36 minutes ago, vinegarbase said:

The US citizen gets screwed again by their corrupt Congress, both sides D and R are both corrupt to the core. 

Who cares? I will walk all over the back of everyone living in the US to enjoy my life. You can hold on to your bumpstocks shouting 'merica, it's not going to change the fact that you're mostly peasants.

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7 hours ago, DM07 said:

Wow...I hope, this is sarcasm!

Otherwise: you need to get a reality check and professional help!

California already provides health care for illegal up to 18 years of age. Governor Newsom wants to now expand that to young adults to 26 at a cost of 250 million a year.  Please tell me why as a taxpayer, I should pay for this?  Only one example of the costs of illegals. Who knows the cost of the under 18 year olds per year and the cost to educate them. Ever think about what it costs the school systems just for the programs to teach illegals English in the public schools and how that money could be spent?  The fact is illegals do cost the American tax payer.  Illegals not not pay much in the way of taxes as they are mostly working in jobs that do not have taxes taken out of paychecks.  Most legit companies can't afford to hire illegals and risk getting caught. If Newsom wants 250 million a year just for 19 to 26 year olds, what's it costing for all the other support programs, health care, etc?  If a lousy 5 billion helps stem the flow even a fraction, it's money well spent.  

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2 hours ago, bristolboy said:

And why couldn't the exact same argument be made on Pelosi and Schumer's behalf? Except of course they were willing to stay longer than the few minutes that Trump was able to endure.

Because Trump's demand is 5+ mill, now it's the dems turn to counter offer. Are the dems offering anything except no?

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13 minutes ago, farcanell said:

Thas right..... trumps demand.... right there is the problem, compounded by your senate refusing to act on anything less than trumps demand.... and we know this because he has already nixed the counter offers that have been proposed.... maybe you missed that.

You mean the nothing for a wall offer.

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9 minutes ago, EVENKEEL said:

You mean the nothing for a wall offer.

Wasn’t there an offer to fulfill all requirements, except the wall (so yes, nothing right now for the wall), to reopen government, with border security being extended to be hashed out separately?


as everyone recognizes the need for border security, a deal, one way or another, will have to be made at some point.


right now the resolution of this crisis (trumps shutdown and it’s impact) seems to hang on who is prepared to inflict the most pain onto the public.... which is a truly sad way to govern a democracy... or rather, a flawed democracy, which is a more accurate description of US politics, and for good reasons... this being a prime example



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1 hour ago, Redline said:

They still say the same thing,  but a wall is a waste of cash.

 A wall is not a waste of cash, it is imperative for national security. A waste of cash? Well airlifting 150 billion dollars in used notes into Iran and then denying it and then admitting it with sad excuses - THAT is a waste of cash. Sending billions abroad to ungrateful third world nations - THAT is a waste of cash. And spending billions on free health care and other free stuff for illegals. Again, THAT is a waste of cash. But, protecting the USA from bad hombres freely walking across the southern border. No, that is money well spent. However much it costs.

 I will not be satisfied until the southern border is as well fortified as Obama's residence. 7 barriers and armed guards trained and ready to shoot intruders. Can't be having double standards now, can we?

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 A wall is not a waste of cash, it is imperative for national security. A waste of cash? Well airlifting 150 billion dollars in used notes into Iran and then denying it and then admitting it with sad excuses - THAT is a waste of cash. Sending billions abroad to ungrateful third world nations - THAT is a waste of cash. And spending billions on free health care and other free stuff for illegals. Again, THAT is a waste of cash. But, protecting the USA from bad hombres freely walking across the southern border. No, that is money well spent. However much it costs.
 I will not be satisfied until the southern border is as well fortified as Obama's residence. 7 barriers and armed guards trained and ready to shoot intruders. Can't be having double standards now, can we?
If the wall is so imperative why did Trump turn down the 25 billion that was previously offered?

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1 hour ago, alanrchase said:

Trump was previously offered 25 billion for the wall in return for DACA agreements, he turned it down. He keeps making agreements then backtracks on them when Fox, Rush and Anne have a go at him. Pointless for the Dems to offer anything unless Trump invites Fox, Rush and Anne to the negotiations.

Sent from my SM-A500F using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

You've got it back asswards, That was Trump's offer.

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