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Brit who dealt drugs in Thailand complains about ‘torture’ of prison sentence


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19 hours ago, NCC1701A said:

crystal meth is poison. should have been executed.


but he was worth £80,000.


‘Now, I’d taken a bar over and I’d become a pimp. I didn’t realize what I was getting myself into.’


you rarely hear bar owners admit to this.

£80k is not that much, id be surprised if he could buy a  Thai court with just that much


Whatever happened, he looks very healthy compared to the average poor skeletons I've seen in Thai prisons

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23 hours ago, KhunFred said:

Thai prisons are horrible. This is not news to anyone who pays attention, I feel for anyone banged up in these places. There are much worse things than drugs done here and most go unpunished. Thailand and most other countries have followed America's drug hysteria into a morass of cruelty to their own people. Prisons deter nothing and solve nothing. Drug use is usually its own punishment. Decriminalization is the only sane solution.

did he care when he was selling death and destruction of families and  making loads so why care about him low life now back in the uk pub darts player well his addiction has not changed from drugs to booze bet he still at it drug dealing 

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20 hours ago, mickyboy said:

did he care when he was selling death and destruction of families and  making loads so why care about him low life now back in the uk pub darts player well his addiction has not changed from drugs to booze bet he still at it drug dealing 

Pure speculation.

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1 hour ago, Ks45672 said:

£80k is not that much, id be surprised if he could buy a  Thai court with just that much


Whatever happened, he looks very healthy compared to the average poor skeletons I've seen in Thai prisons

about 3.2M baht, i would n't mind that in a brown envelope for signing a few forms....

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To Jimmy Kelly: you make me sick!   You come to Thailand on your own, but decided selling meth was a good thing to do here.  You were caught, sentenced to a Thai prison, did not serve a reasonable amount of your sentence (>50%), and were sent to your home country as part of a transfer treaty.  You got off lightly with respect to your original sentence.  Yes Thai prisons are tough and hard to endure...that's why it's called a Prison.  You broke Thai Law, so you should have served your sentence there.   And now you are crying and whining about your treatment in prison.   I hope you were raped in there and contracted HIV.  

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18 hours ago, Lipoman said:

To Jimmy Kelly: you make me sick!   You come to Thailand on your own, but decided selling meth was a good thing to do here.  You were caught, sentenced to a Thai prison, did not serve a reasonable amount of your sentence (>50%), and were sent to your home country as part of a transfer treaty.  You got off lightly with respect to your original sentence.  Yes Thai prisons are tough and hard to endure...that's why it's called a Prison.  You broke Thai Law, so you should have served your sentence there.   And now you are crying and whining about your treatment in prison.   I hope you were raped in there and contracted HIV.  

WOW - what a terrible thing to say.....

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10 hours ago, silver sea said:


The guy was a dealer not a user. Yaba (‘ba’ is thai for ‘mad’ which should give you a clue) is bad news. I don’t have much sympathy, although I’m not a member of the “hang ‘em and flog ‘em” brigade.


Anyway, he got lucky. I hope he’s genuinely grateful and gets the chance to pay his brother back the life savings of £80,000 (2 million baht) that were used to get him home.


This is how the Daily Mail reports the story:





Although it prides itself on being a ‘family newspaper’ it doesn’t pull any punches. He was renting out girls from his ‘lady bar’ on Koh Samui and then started selling a large amount of yaba which naturally didn’t please the local Thai owned bars. He was living on borrowed time from that point on; he was never going to have a happy ending.


Here’s a link to an article about Professor David Nutt of Imperial College London. He was educated at Cambridge and was once the chairman of a government drugs advisory panel. He got into trouble for saying that horse riding (‘equasy’ as he called it), and which caused 300 deaths a year, was more dangerous than ecstacy, which caused 100.





His view on crystal meths: 

“Crystal meth would be banned completely. ‘Smoked methamphetamine is like crack, and  smoking stimulants makes you very addicted, very fast.,’ says Nutt. ‘Methamphetamine is longer lasting than amphetamine, and certainly longer lasting than cocaine. Certainly injecting or smoking methamphetamine is a bad thing.’”







I've just read the Daily Mail article and it says he was sentenced to 5-1/2 years only!  Surely this cannot be correct?  Also there is no mention that his brother paid to get him out of jail.  I suppose only by watching the programme Banged Up Abroad will we know the full details.  He must have been jailed on Koh Samui in 2011.

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25 minutes ago, IslandLover said:

I've just read the Daily Mail article and it says he was sentenced to 5-1/2 years only!  Surely this cannot be correct?  Also there is no mention that his brother paid to get him out of jail.  I suppose only by watching the programme Banged Up Abroad will we know the full details.  He must have been jailed on Koh Samui in 2011.




It depends on how much they actually caught him with that would determine his sentence!...... Never mind the bravado he is giving out to Banged up abroad. He can speak about 200 grams but probably caught with substantially less.


It is not unknown for the police, once they have secured an arrest, to reduce the amounts he was charged with for a fee! They get the credit for the arrest plus cash and then there are surplus drugs to be recirculated back into the system. It's a win-win for the cops!


 It all makes more sense now if he was sentenced to 5 1/2 years!....... He probably was given 11 years and cut in half for admitting the crime.


That is how he was able to get a transfer to the UK under the prisoner transfer agreement after a couple of years. He would have been allowed to apply after serving a third of his sentence and then had to wait for the legalities.


As I have mentioned before in this thread, you cannot pay and get a reduction in sentence, not legally anyway. He must have had a fine as well as the term of imprisonment, which would have had to be paid to facilitate his release.



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On 1/24/2019 at 12:30 AM, Happy Grumpy said:


thais what more can u say greed money he should still be in the can, selling crystal meth destroying peoples lives premeditated drug dealer death penalty crikey and complains about his teeth yet he walks free among us ! 

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I should try to make my first post on Thai Visa nice. 


There are two things lacking in this thread. 


1) Feel LUCKY that you don't have an addictive mind which leads you toward substance abuse. I have this kind of mind and it's a daily thing. Just looking for some kind of high, some kind of myth, something to present yourself to yourself and therefore the world. We're just people, we make mistakes, we make mistakes. According to LAWS which, and here's the thing, who is actually selling these drugs? Do you think million years the COPS ain't in on it from the start? You're user, low level, high level, you're just a user, a byproduct of a dysfunctional society, and you gotta TRY, as hard as it is as a drug addict, to do that. So you try. Or not. Either or you are just a member of society who got caught up in drugs (and that may be because of divorce of the family unit, it may be more or less than that, it's just a feeling of needing to exit the world of people and cliches and so it is enacted. And so Jim Morrison, all you twenty seveners, so don't do the time if you can't do the crime, so sage. 


2) If you are in Thailand, you deal with, before the brutality torture and commonplace back-slap murder, a land built, not unlike too many other places, on myth. Myth, as Joseph Campbell would point out, doesn't necessarily mean untruth and quite the opposite it is metaphor based on, something which may decribe truth, or meaning. So long story short Thailand made the myth, apparently real, e.g. my ex cried in a black cotton  gown for a year, and of course, nice cheap black gowns less cheap given the weak dollar. I'll get to the point: Bangkok and Pattaya especially are drugs run by cops and those who ride with them. These people care nothing about murder. More so, Thailand these days engages more foreign, usually American and European reprobates, basically as henchmen. You ultimately find yourself, if you so choose not to be 'can't do crime, timeeeeee' and think marginally deeper than your own experience you will realise:


You live in a country which is unhappy

You live in a country without moral compass. 

You live in a country where the police and their associates are bona fide Crime Inc. 

You live in a country where the love of your life may socio-economically poison you to death for three grand and you'll be found 33 floors down having committed suicide. 

You live in the country of the military, the RTP, and an amazing leech of foreign criminals, all working together as twisted snakes. 


Point: Some people just like to get <deleted> up and when someone says here have some of this, sorry we haven't been you and said No!!! I ride, better or worse, with people who have said YESSSS. Where do you think the drugs came from? On Samui?!? And I'm no great friend of darts champions. 

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And you Sir, 


You may or may not believe that my words were changed to make me look dumb there but hey that's up to you. 


As Elon Musk said, and I mean not you but posters who think there isn't a gang of uneducated Master's student braincapped Thai nationalists monitoring every word and eager to hijack your phone:




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On 1/23/2019 at 9:32 PM, KhunFred said:

Thai prisons are horrible. This is not news to anyone who pays attention, I feel for anyone banged up in these places. There are much worse things than drugs done here and most go unpunished. Thailand and most other countries have followed America's drug hysteria into a morass of cruelty to their own people. Prisons deter nothing and solve nothing. Drug use is usually its own punishment. Decriminalization is the only sane solution.

Wondering how the jail sentence will be enjoyed by the spoilt Red Bull brat still hanging around in London. While the Thai police had no clues of his whereabouts an English TV station managed to stick a microphone up his throat when trying desperately to get into his London residence. 

Dealing drugs is a no-no, but an equal no-no should be killing purposely a police officer on duty with a fancy car - me thinks! 

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On 1/24/2019 at 4:19 PM, allanos said:

It seems this Kelly character, although he is clearly a loser, has something of a charmed life.  From postman, probably quite a grueling job, he becomes a bar owner in sunny Thailand - living the dream. 


Deals drugs to such a degree that he can afford to buy another bar; that's corporate growth, he was on an upward trajectory.  Gets nailed and sentenced to an awful amount of time, but has a loving brother who commits his own life savings to get Kelly out of a Hell hole and back to the joys of a prison cell in Blighty; 3 squares and television.


And then, le piece de resistance, he is out after 3 years and is the local darts champion!


A book?  They should be paying him thousands for the film rights!

The OP is complete tosh... 


If you watch the programme & read some of the news reports you'll find that (thanks to his brother spending £80,000 on/with Lawyers BEFORE sentencing) he was sentenced to 5.5 years (not 30) which is why he was eligible for transfer back to the UK after 2.75 years




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On 1/25/2019 at 1:00 AM, Lipoman said:

To Jimmy Kelly: you make me sick!   You come to Thailand on your own, but decided selling meth was a good thing to do here.  You were caught, sentenced to a Thai prison, did not serve a reasonable amount of your sentence (>50%), and were sent to your home country as part of a transfer treaty.  You got off lightly with respect to your original sentence.  Yes Thai prisons are tough and hard to endure...that's why it's called a Prison.  You broke Thai Law, so you should have served your sentence there.   And now you are crying and whining about your treatment in prison.   I hope you were raped in there and contracted HIV.  

I don’t agree with your last sentence.

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