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For better or worse? Expats think Thailand is going down the pan, poll


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Price? You are kidding, yes? I can buy a kg of mangos ( in season ) for a quarter of the price it would cost for a single mango in Oz. North of Chiang Rai, again in season, I can buy 4 kg of pineapples for the same cost as a single pineapple in Oz. And the pineapples are far sweeter. Are we on the same planet?
People choosing thailand because pineapples are cheaper and sweeter. How sad is that!
So many desperates here broke and busted and justify it for the most ridiculous reasons.

You admit you don't have health insurance but as long as those mangoes are cheaper than oz.. It's all good [emoji23]
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9 hours ago, BritManToo said:

I don't believe that, and income taxes are significantly higher after the first couple of years there.

No taxes on your foreign pension in Portugal for the 1st ten years. Officially and verifiably taxfree, not untaxed but taxable like in Thailand.

Edited by JackGats
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35 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

Price? You are kidding, yes? I can buy a kg of mangos ( in season ) for a quarter of the price it would cost for a single mango in Oz. North of Chiang Rai, again in season, I can buy 4 kg of pineapples for the same cost as a single pineapple in Oz. And the pineapples are far sweeter. Are we on the same planet?

Is that with or without the chemical cocktail of pesticides on the fruit? If I remember right, even the so-called "organic" fruit here was just as deadly as the non-organic stuff.

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9 hours ago, Aforek said:

Leave Bangkok, Pattaya etc, and go to upcountry: life is nice and not expansive if you have a "thai life " 

Why do people think that Thailand is Phuket/Pattaya/Bangkok?

Try some rural regions, the locals are great where I am, traders friendly, good dental.


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36 minutes ago, HalfLight said:


Erm, no. It wouldn't be that at all, I'm really sorry so much of it has gone over your head.


And dont pretend you don't like the depressing thoughts, you know very well they provide yyou with the impetus to get in similar company. Prior to becoming lissed as a pizard.


I very rarely drink and don't do drugs, but I'm sure your unwarranted assumptions have certainly gained you credibility here.  As has attacking the person and not their assertions.  


You're an interesting fellow: mostly very incisive and informative posts combined with some mystifying lapses in attention and concentration.  A doctor might attribute the pattern to intermittent fatigue, substance abuse, or early-stage dementia without knowing more.


As I'm reasonable enough to know I don't know more--a basic courtesy you failed to extend to me--I'm happy to leave it as an unknown.  


I still genuinely look forward to future posts from your Dr. Jekyll half, though.  The forum is the better for them. 

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9 minutes ago, HalfLight said:

Right, I see... yes. Thais certainly do look down at Cambodians but then Thais look down on everyone, despite having sod all justification.

So do Brits.  American's too.  And Canadians.  The French - oh my.  How about Korea or Japan?


Hundreds of thousands of Burmese, Cambodians and Laotians come to Thailand to work.  Thais don't go to those 4th world countries to work.  


Every person from the Philippines that I know cries if they lose their job and have to go back the the Philippines.  


People from all over the Middle East come to Thailand for the hospitals not the reverse. 

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16 minutes ago, marcusarelus said:

3.  International bandwidth is fine.  You must not have 3bb.  4.  Prices are not higher than the West - much cheaper here.  5. Easy to watch Nefflix from any other country in Thailand.  6. The lack of inflation makes goods cheaper for all levels of society.  7.  The strength of the Thai baht makes imported goods cheaper for all levels of society. 

3. Wrong. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_in_Thailand


4. Wrong. https://www.thedrinksbusiness.com/2017/09/thailand-tax-increase-hits-wine-hard/


5. That would be breaking both Thai and international laws. And if someone were to accidentally watch something sensitive and not approved by the Thai Screeners, it could cost them their freedom in Thailand. 


7. What percentage of expats to you reckon earn in Thai Baht? 2%? 3%?

Edited by Fex Bluse
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18 minutes ago, marcusarelus said:

3.  International bandwidth is fine.  You must not have 3bb.  4.  Prices are not higher than the West - much cheaper here.  5. Easy to watch Nefflix from any other country in Thailand.  6. The lack of inflation makes goods cheaper for all levels of society.  7.  The strength of the Thai baht makes imported goods cheaper for all levels of society. 

Bandwidth isn't the issue, latency is, and its horrible!!!!

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8 minutes ago, DrTuner said:

I've tried a lot of them and none have allowed access. Which one?

I was doing good with ExpressVPN for Amazon Prime, but now I can't get any of the locations to work, I think Amazon has wised up. However, Google Play movies work without any VPN needed.

Edited by ocddave
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10 minutes ago, ramr said:

I very rarely drink and don't do drugs, but I'm sure your unwarranted assumptions have certainly gained you credibility here.  As has attacking the person and not their assertions.  


You're an interesting fellow: mostly very incisive and informative posts combined with some mystifying lapses in attention and concentration.  A doctor might attribute the pattern to intermittent fatigue, substance abuse, or early-stage dementia without knowing more.


As I'm reasonable enough to know I don't know more--a basic courtesy you failed to extend to me--I'm happy to leave it as an unknown.  


I still genuinely look forward to future posts from your Dr. Jekyll half, though.  The forum is the better for them. 

I do drugs.  Glad you mentioned it.  I got ringworm on my leg last month.  Went to the pharmacy she looked at it and gave me cream that cured it.  100 baht.  I got my heart pills when I ran out without going to a doctor and cheap.  I really like not having to go to the doctor to get a simple pill for a simple problem.  My Thai doctor makes house calls.  My doctor in the States did that 60 years ago - last time.  My Thai doctor stopped by my house to change the dressing on my incision from an operation.  I hired two women to watch me 24/7 when I was in the hospital here for next to nothing and they helped me to the toilet and showered and washed me.  My family came to the hospital and slept in my room when I was sick after I was married to make sure I was taken care of.  When I was a little kid they wouldn't even let my mom stay when I had my tonsils out.  I cried all night from the pain.  I have a lot of good memories here.  In America women tried to bankrupt me and the Army tried to kill me and my children ignored me.  I have better memories of the last 20 years here. 

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42 minutes ago, RJRS1301 said:

Well for those thinking about Cambodia, seriously look at the human rights abuses there.

I have a great deal with most governments, I don't bother them, they don't bother me.

So far it's worked out in all the countries in the world I visit or have lived.

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40 minutes ago, JackGats said:

No taxes on your foreign pension in Portugal for the 1st ten years. Officially and verifiably taxfree, not untaxed but taxable like in Thailand.

It's a socialist government, they could change their mind in the next budget, if they do your house will be worth nothing.

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13 minutes ago, marcusarelus said:

...  My Thai doctor makes house calls.  My doctor in the States did that 60 years ago - last time ...

But before a doctor makes house calls, surely you need to barfine him/her from the hospital. This is Thailand.

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57 minutes ago, xylophone said:

I did say "quality and price", as I don't mind paying a little more for quality..........but here the quality is debatable, not only as regards the product itself, but with whatever it has been sprayed with, and this has been proven to be unsafe.


In fact I had a friend who grew pineapples near Chiang Rai and the amount of hormones and "extra'' hormones he sprayed on those was frightening.


Still on planet earth (but he has grown a couple of nice breasts!). 

After eating said mangos and pineapple for the last ten years, my libido does not seem to have suffered. Just ask my Thai GF.

I'd suggest your friend has simply grown man boobs, which can happen to guys that don't exercise everything regularly.

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3 hours ago, jimn said:

Perhaps you can share with us where this place is?

Nakon Nowhere.

There are hundreds of Nakon Nowheres throughout the Kingdom.

You will find NN's where tourists aren't pointed at to go there.

A NN is not set up expressly for the expat population nor casual tourist.

A NN is where Thais go about their daily business still smiling, and are not jaded and corrupted by the greed and fast bucks of the tourist dollar.

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For everyone who claims they are leaving there will be two new folks moving to Thailand to take their place. It's a great place and will always draw people to it. The currency exchange rate may or may not get worse. You just have to adjust what you spend and you'll be fine.  

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9 hours ago, onera1961 said:

Even McDoland costs more. It is like 180 for a bigMac. I pay the same price in Chicago and $7.00 in London. 

Which branch of McD in London allows you to pay in USD? As far as I know the local currency in London is the £.

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10 hours ago, BritManToo said:

Went there last week, everything was incredibly cheap (compared to Thailand).

I'd be gone if I didn't have children in Thailand.

Came across the very same in Portugal last year; cost of living definitely below Thailand if you avoid tourist traps - in both places that is! 

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25 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

You're missing out on some of the best pleasures in life.

Tell me something I don't know.  ????  I fully support inebriation in those whose constitutions can take it.


Just pointing out that HalfLight knows next to <deleted>-all about me personally, his armchair psychology notwithstanding.

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1 hour ago, ramr said:


I very rarely drink and don't do drugs, but I'm sure your unwarranted assumptions have certainly gained you credibility here.  As has attacking the person and not their assertions.  


You're an interesting fellow: mostly very incisive and informative posts combined with some mystifying lapses in attention and concentration.  A doctor might attribute the pattern to intermittent fatigue, substance abuse, or early-stage dementia without knowing more.


As I'm reasonable enough to know I don't know more--a basic courtesy you failed to extend to me--I'm happy to leave it as an unknown.  


I still genuinely look forward to future posts from your Dr. Jekyll half, though.  The forum is the better for them. 

Thank you kind sir. No I'm not a substance abuser, neither am I at any stage of dementis - not that I'm aware of anyway.


Dr Jekyll... yes, Maybe.


Perhaps it's just boredom.


And I rarely attack the person unprovoked. Look back - you'll see.

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