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Monk arrested for child abuse


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5 minutes ago, Pilotman said:

surely believing and placing trust in some religious dogma, where there is absolutely  no evidence whatsoever that it exists is a form of delusion, maybe even a mild (ish) form of mental illness?  Certainly religious fanatics of any form are indeed mental cases. 

Surely i fully agree with that.

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10 hours ago, rott said:

Not necessarily, when the Catholic Church could no longer ignore the conduct of a priest THEY moved him. It says here that this monk moved on himself or possibly was allowed to.

Yes, they moved him to another parish, didn't report him to the police though, they protect their black sheep because of the shame and bad publicity in the same way the Catholic church helped and supported nazi war criminals because the nazi party brought in the church tax in Germany during the war ( a tax that is still being charged by the church in Germany to this day)

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25 minutes ago, Rugon said:

Nearly always the abusers have been abused themselves, so have some compassion for them and work together to break this vicious cycle.

No sympathy for abusers from me. No matter their past. There really is no way you can talk whatever they do right, not even a little bit.

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14 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

Monk arrested for child abuse

Well, what the hell else would you expect in a Temple? . . . in Thailand, the country where seemingly anything goes? But, mae pen rai, the big boss who is needed to run the country 24-7, will soon dismiss it as trivial . . . you just watch.

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12 hours ago, rott said:

Not necessarily, when the Catholic Church could no longer ignore the conduct of a priest THEY moved him. It says here that this monk moved on himself or possibly was allowed to.

That's like splitting hairs. One faith moves sickos to new pastures, the other allows them to move on their own accord. 

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1 hour ago, Rugon said:

No they are not, they are trying to better their lives and help others. Even the ones with criminal pasts. Obviously, not all are rehabilitated but do't diss them, they are trying.


1 hour ago, Rugon said:

Nearly always the abusers have been abused themselves, so have some compassion for them and work together to break this vicious cycle.

I have no compassion for child abusers, ever, no matter what their reasons. Many of them are not "rehabilitated". Best way to "rehabilitate" them is to put a bullet between their eyes. Swift, painless and final.


More fool you if you trust your children with them.

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13 hours ago, mauGR1 said:

That's quite an ignorant statement, it would be more correct to say that religion has been used by evil people as an excuse to do evil things.

Or, as in this case, it has been used as a mask by that disgraceful excuse of a human being.

Apparently you think that without religion, the world will be a better place, but unfortunately you are wrong.

Good and bad existed before religion, and they will be here after religion is gone.

Hear, hear, hear!

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15 hours ago, rkidlad said:

I would change “he would simply move to another” to “he was simply ‘allowed’ to move to another”.


Shocking standards. 

Typical, Thai discipline at its best. 

Applied to monks, teacher, police, government officials and politicians although some politicians change countries. 

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1 hour ago, Ossy said:

I'm no expert but I do seriously doubt that assertion. Any examples or sources to support this?

It seems this is the current PC reason given for this behaviour, it may well be a reason in some cases but a cop-out in probably the majority. 

Is it an acceptable reason for the former, I'm not qualified to say, but in the latter - No way, just string the bar stewards and cure their problem. 

Edited by Artisi
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I wish they could pointout which temple! I have a monk live across the road and suddenly hes not buddhist anymore. Im in Kanchanaburi and sorry to say i havent met an honest monk yet. Some carry guns, do drugs, all drive and are plain clothed everyother day of the week and most are married or have kiks. Around the corner from us a tourist was killed and put in a cave at the temple by a monk a decade or 2 ago. 

Id like to say they are just people but they are bs-ing believer's.

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6 hours ago, unamazedloso said:

I wish they could pointout which temple! I have a monk live across the road and suddenly hes not buddhist anymore. Im in Kanchanaburi and sorry to say i havent met an honest monk yet. Some carry guns, do drugs, all drive and are plain clothed everyother day of the week and most are married or have kiks. Around the corner from us a tourist was killed and put in a cave at the temple by a monk a decade or 2 ago. 

Id like to say they are just people but they are bs-ing believer's.

You have not researched much. The sons of Buddhist followers  are almost compelled to do at least 3 months as a novice monk.

Then they go back to being the ratbags they were. Compulsory 3 months service is a face saving exercise by the parents in their community,

Novices should not be mistaken for life time monks. And sure, there are ratbag lifetime monks too.

But most are genuine good people in my experience.

My brother in law is a senior monk. Great bloke. When no villagers can see him, he shakes my hand.

That is because you may not touch a monk and monks are rarely seen alone.

This monk, a molester of children is not the norm. As I suspect most normal people are not child molesters and rapists.

I have been critical of western institutions and the churches because of child sex offences.

This is because the senior leaders of these institutions and churches actively were involved in ensuring that guilty molesters were protected and "moved on" 

Not having a go at you but crimes a decade or so ago is hardly relevant now.

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23 hours ago, Pilotman said:

Religions in all the forms, has been the instigator of violence, wars, abuse, corruption and degradation since man came onto this Earth.  

Well, as you know religion and beliefs were based on ancient peoples trying to explain the world around them. I am agnostic and more. 

It is not religion that caused the wars, it is it the slimy politicians who used religion as a reason.

Religion never caused Genghis Khan to invade the middle east and Europe.

Religion never caused Hitler. Exploitation and hate did.

 PS. I am not in the least religious. But you can not condemn those that do. They are in the most just normal passive people.

Institutions and unfit leaders allowed abuse. And those that were accomplices should be jailed

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11 hours ago, Ridler said:

You never know what they are up to once you have gone home and they have stopped making you laugh, notnall of them are wonderful

That is a true comment. An ignorant comment but then you have never been in a village, have never seen that most of the novices

are the sons of the villagers. I suspect you need to loosen up.

Not every monk is a child molester as you believe. There may be some and I hope this attention will weed a few more out.

But the village that has my brother refuses to allow him to think about moving to my village.

Because he is a good man. And the village he is in organises cremations, weddings, birth etc The wat holds a village together.

And if no one can afford it, the wat provides cooking utensils, plates, forks and spoons. You really should get out more

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12 hours ago, Spidey said:

Don't count on it. Just as with the Catholic Church it's been going on for centuries and will, no doubt continue.


What else do you expect from a religion that forces priests/monks to take a vow of chastity, and then provides children "on tap", with a promise to cover up any wrongdoings with said children? It takes a "special" kind of person to want to join such an order.


My son is Thai and I am always happy for my wife to teach him Thai traditions. However, I've told her, point blank, that I will never allow him to stay at the Monastry, as is traditional for young Thai boys.


No way am I leaving my son in the charge of these perverts.

Errm, in my village, no one has been molested. You need to understand that many of the novices

have delayed the compulsion to become a monk for 3 months. You only need to be a novice monk for 3 months.

I know many of these "older" novices.

No one has ever suggested that sex perversion occurs. Sex perversion in my village may result in a sharp machete.

Seriously mate, you need to realise that the philosophy of Buddha promotes goodness. It is not a religion.


As an aside, your son may wish to  be a novice for 3 months. It will give your wife "face".

It will allow you to keep tabs on your son.

It will teach your son patience, goodness and the better part of the Thai way.

 It will also give him Thai "face".

 Cheers and good luck

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5 hours ago, Prissana Pescud said:

Errm, in my village, no one has been molested. You need to understand that many of the novices

have delayed the compulsion to become a monk for 3 months. You only need to be a novice monk for 3 months.

I know many of these "older" novices.

No one has ever suggested that sex perversion occurs. Sex perversion in my village may result in a sharp machete.

Seriously mate, you need to realise that the philosophy of Buddha promotes goodness. It is not a religion.


As an aside, your son may wish to  be a novice for 3 months. It will give your wife "face".

It will allow you to keep tabs on your son.

It will teach your son patience, goodness and the better part of the Thai way.

 It will also give him Thai "face".

 Cheers and good luck

I've had an interest in Buddhism since I was 19 when I visited a monastery in Ulverston in the UK (birthplace of Stan Laurel). One thing that I looked forward to, when moving to Thailand, was furthering my studies and had made plans to go on a retreat.


However, once living in a Buddhist country, amongst Buddhists, I quickly realised that it was no different than any other religion, riddled with hypocrisy and primarily devoted to divesting the poor of what little money they have. I have to say that I probably live my life closer to the Buddhist philosophy than 99% of Thais.


My first encounter with the hypocrisy was shortly after I arrived, my wife was gardening when she encountered a snake. I offered to put it in a black bag and release it on some waste land at the bottom of the street. "No need", my wife replied and quickly brought her spade down on the snake, cutting it in half. Very Buddhist.


Although my wife is a devout Buddhist she devotes more of her time praying to Jao Thi than she does Buddha. The longer I live here, the more that I see the hypocrisy of it all, the orange slapheads being by far the worst. Lazy, thieving, paedophiles. They get not one Sentang of my money and as for putting my son in their care, over my dead body. The only thing that they would teach him is how to give a good BJ.


I really feel sorry for you having been taken in by this bunch of con artists.

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7 hours ago, Prissana Pescud said:

I have been critical of western institutions and the churches because of child sex offences.

This is because the senior leaders of these institutions and churches actively were involved in ensuring that guilty molesters were protected and "moved on" 

Which is exactly what happens in Thailand, only the crime is covered up even more efficiently here. You would never know if this crime was rife in your village or not. It's "that which shall not be spoken about", particularly in the presence of a ferang.

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On 1/31/2019 at 8:40 PM, snoop1130 said:

He added that his agency also arrested an 82-year-old German for possessing child pornography. 


“He is liable to a jail term of up to five years and a fine of Bt100,000, if convicted,” Surachate said.

Name and shame. He will most probably die in prison . 


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14 hours ago, Spidey said:

Which is exactly what happens in Thailand, only the crime is covered up even more efficiently here. You would never know if this crime was rife in your village or not. It's "that which shall not be spoken about", particularly in the presence of a ferang.

Believe me, I get all the gossip here. From who is selling the drugs, who has been to jail, who is having an affair with whom and so on.

My wife also tells me some things I don't want to hear about. I asked people about this article. No was the reply.

This may be because the village is mostly all related to each other. And they are very handy with a machete

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