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The week that was in Thailand news: Don't expect schools to educate your kids - in Thailand or anywhere else!


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2 minutes ago, roobaa01 said:

and what about the turkish muslim genocide on 2 million christian armenians during ww i , who is educating the kids ???




What about that guy from Belgium he must be in the top 10

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18 hours ago, rooster59 said:

I watched in silence as the Allies bulldozed the pitiful bodies at Auschwitz into pits

That's when I stopped reading this piece of propaganda shit !


The "Allies" never were in Auschwitz ! The red army "liberated" Auschwitz and raped every woman they could get their hands on. That's historical fact !!!


If you see any photo with GIs in Auschwitz you know it's fake ... unless the photo was taken AFTER 1989 !!!

There was NEVER an Investigation about the Holocaust unless you want to talk about the Holocaust done to the German people in Dresden in 1945 - women, children and old people - no soldiers were in Dresden at that time !!!


Get your history straight !



The swastika is a very ancient symbol - you will find it all over the world in many temples.

The brainwashing sits so deep it's unbelievable - and the teachers are the most brainwashed of all !!!




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2 hours ago, TheFishman1 said:

Most Thai only taught history of Thailand TIT

And even that is dubious as they ommit anything regarding the invasion of Siam and the French colonizing One of their islands.... Not to mention the tens of thousands  that died at the hands of the nips in ww2

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I am replying to the title of this thread and not to the content as a whole as after the first paragraph it was just too much.. sorry OP.

But, 'yes', I would expect schools to educate my kids in Thailand or anywhere else, but there is only so much that can be taught in such a small timeframe together with everything else (including other historical atrocicities) that kids need to learn... So some may not learn about the holocaust in detail, but thay most certainly should know about it in general terms

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The parents - one would like to say setting the right example but that would be a stretch - wear helmets nearly half the time. Whoopydo!

They SHOULD set a good example, but they are adults so up to them if they want to wear a helmet.  What really disappoints me (almost daily) is when I see the adult with a helmet on but small children, who don't have a choice whether they even get on the bike, do not have helmets. 


I don't make a habit of hitting children (or grownups) but I smacked my 6 year old daughter in the back of the head when I saw her on a motorbike without a helmet after I had warned her against it.  I considered smacking the driver in the head, but I decided there are too many ignorant people out there for me to smack them all and she is old enough that she can say "No, I won't go without my helmet."  Afterward I told her that I felt bad about hurting her but it will likely hurt more if she falls off the bike without a helmet. 


I'm far from a perfect parent, but I like to think I'm better than average.  I'm also a teacher and I realize that there's only so much a school can do in any country, let alone Thailand where most children accept everything their parents (and grandparents) tell them as gospel when they are young and swallow everything the government gives them hook, line and sinker when they grow up. 


I've often said it's ridiculous that you need a license to legally operate an automobile (and also to be a teacher in most countries) but they'll let anyone have kids.

Edited by Jadam
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Rooster:  For you.


It is hard to imagine what it took to commit to and fulfill his quest….and there were others…..Although I’m not Jewish, I have enormous respect and admiration for those who helped save those countless souls from their pending fate.






Take a look at this courageous man.






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1 hour ago, brain150 said:

That's when I stopped reading this piece of propaganda shit !


The "Allies" never were in Auschwitz ! The red army "liberated" Auschwitz and raped every woman they could get their hands on. That's historical fact !!!


If you see any photo with GIs in Auschwitz you know it's fake ... unless the photo was taken AFTER 1989 !!!

There was NEVER an Investigation about the Holocaust unless you want to talk about the Holocaust done to the German people in Dresden in 1945 - women, children and old people - no soldiers were in Dresden at that time !!!


Get your history straight !



The swastika is a very ancient symbol - you will find it all over the world in many temples.

The brainwashing sits so deep it's unbelievable - and the teachers are the most brainwashed of all !!!





1. Although the Soviets liberated Auschwitz the other allies liberated other camps in their areas. 

2. yes the Swastica is an ancient symbol  (even used by Native -Americans) but it has become a symbol of tyranny and is banned in some countries.

3.To the OP the schools are obligated to teach the students, you have to remember the Thai parents were not taught history like your mom and therefore expect the schools to provide the knowledge /skills the students need to become educated and worldly.

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3 hours ago, roobaa01 said:

and what about the turkish muslim genocide on 2 million christian armenians during ww i , who is educating the kids ???




Or, much closer in space and time, the mass slaughter of roughly 20% of the Cambodian population... 

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Sorry Rooster but Thailand comprises more than just Bangkok and Pataya - the only places to get a mention this week again!!!


As you are English, as you often tell us, the correct spelling is 'gypsy' (as previously mentioned) and 'honour.' I thought that you being a Scrabble expert would know this. 

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An interesting read as always.  Some serious and sobering thoughts aired on the holocaust subject !  Not wishing to be flippant, but I always look for a more amusing side to life.  In this respect, the comments on the beer survey subject, reminded me to nominate two posters for The Poster of the Week award (does it still exist ?).


The first was the guy who solemnly stated that  he had given up drinking many years ago.  I was awaiting a pearl of wisdom for the rest of us, but no, he went on to state that it had been a long and thoroughly boring day !!  I didn't see that coming !  Haha !  Nice one !


The second was the guy, obviously a Brit, who stated that he would rather drink himself to death in lovely warm Thailand surrounded by beautiful girls than be back home in a pub moaning about the weather before going home to his fat mess of a wife  !!!   Very succinctly put, I thought !


You've got to laugh !   


And what a great win for England last night in the Six Nations....!!!!

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4 hours ago, Soi Dog said:

Probably the best movie on the holocaust that I have seen was Schindler’s List.  To me the most striking part was that the participants in the atrocities seemed like normal people who had gotten caught up in something that they did not have the moral fortitude to fight.  We have more recently seen the same sort of phenomenon in Myanmar with the Rohyngya.  The lesson to me is and has been that we should not consider the holocaust as a bizarre one off as much as it was a manifestation of the human condition that could easily crop up again. I would like to think that if I was a German back then I could have figured out the right thing to so but I fear not.  


A good book on the aftermath is Bill O’Reilly’s Killing the SS.  Very sobering.

Yes. Never forgot discussing this with Mr. Harms, my seventh grade algebra teacher who had been a Hitler Youth member as required, but burned his draft card.
He took pains to explain it was near the end, and there was noone to spare for rounding up rebellious teens, but it still loomed large in my young mind with Vietnam draft just around the corner. 

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8 hours ago, Samui Bodoh said:

I don't think anyone who lives and/or spends a long time in the kingdom would ever praise the Thai education system; my personal view is that the top 100 people at the national level and the top 10 people at the provincial level of the Ministry of Education should be fired, today. And, I mean literally 'today'. Then, after the above have cleaned out their desks, the rest of the Ministry should be reformed with a chain saw and/or a blowtorch. Okay, that is a personal view and a wee bit harsh, but I have yet to meet anyone who disagrees.


Thailand has achieved a certain success with what I call the 1/50 method; one person is well-educated and gives orders to 50, lesser educated people as a 'brains-multiplier'. And, one has to say that they have achieved some success with this method; downtown Bangkok is not all that different from downtown Berlin or Paris or London or New York or Seoul, etc. However, things are changing and the 1/50 method simply will not work anymore; the future of countries/societies will depend on how well individuals can adapt to ever-changing circumstances, and the Thai education system isn't pumping out adaptable graduates who can meet modern challenges.


There is a correlation between the adaptability of a country's graduates and its future prosperity and success, and Thailand isn't going to do great on that...


Finally, I will tell a story that I have told several times on Thai Visa, but it is still as relevant today as it was the first time. Many years ago, I saw an interview with the late Lee Kwan Yew (spelling) where he was asked if he feared for Singapore's future in relation to her larger, resource-rich neighbours. Mr Lee simply smiled, looked directly into the camera and asked "what are their Education systems like?".


Says it all...


I find after Regularly coming to Thailand since 1990 having a Thai Family and Many friends ! there is a complete lack of Common-sense in Thailand many say Thais are retarded ? but I really think in My Opinion that Common-sense as a course should be taught at infant Schools and continue right through the Education System and the kids may be able to help their Educated and Un-educated parents and Grandparents It is very Sad to see and witness on a daily basis ????

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