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Psychotic Break - Help!


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So. A good friend of mine seems to have had a psychotic break. Not going to list all the things that have happened over the last year, but myself and his Father are sure, as well as people we have consulted about it. He has now cut off contact with everyone except his Dad, including me.

At first we thought it could be related to Crystal Meth abuse, still not ruled this out, but it's at the stage now where it really doesn't matter what caused it.


Things have escalated recently. He's paranoid delusional, thinks someone is trying to poison him. Hallucinations, memory loss, weight loss. He's lost about 25-30kgs and he wasn't a big guy to begin with. 

We've tried to get him to seek help, but he refuses to believe he is sick.

A few days ago he started talking about killing himself. Now he is convinced that someone murdered his Mother here in Thailand and I'm afraid he is going to do something very bad, very soon. He has stated he is going to kill some one.


Today we spent a long time in the various hospitals trying to get someone to intervene ( there is no way he will go to the hospital voluntarily ). Absolute waste of time, most of them wouldn't even let us in to see a doctor even if we got heated and insisted.

Also went to the police station. Also a waste of time.


I'm at my wits end.


Any advice is welcome at this point. We don't know what to do. I'm waiting on a call back from the Samaritans ( no idea if the can help, like I said, we are desperate ).

And just to reiterate, I believe he is a serious danger to himself and others right now.

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The police are the usual recourse for this. You may need to keep calling them until they give in and intervene. Stress his threats of violence and threats of suicide as those are the criteria for intervention (and for involuntarily committing someone).


Calling them to the home, rather than going yourslef and trying to describe the problem, may be a better tactic. That way they actually see him.


Police will (once they decide to act) take him to a government psychiatric hospital.


Which hospitals have you tried so far? And when you say they would nto even let you see a doctor, what was the issue? Was it that he refused, or that he was not with you? I've never geard of a hospital refusing to let a atient even be seen by a doctor, there must be more to that. Please explain.


Samaritans will not be able to offer anything more than moral support.


Where in Thailand are you?

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Hi Sheryl, thank you for the response.


I live in Chon Buri,  but both he and his dad are just outside Pattaya. The 'patient' wasn't with us, which seemed to be the main sticking point. 


Bangkok Pattaya was just too busy to see us, and Banglamung wouldn't see us unless he was with us. Basically said 'nothing we can do unless he comes here himself'. I can't remember the name of the hospitals on Soi 4 and Soi Buokhao but same story as Banglamung. Kind of called it after that as the frustrations were starting to show.


I freely admit I may be out of line blaming any of them. I'm kind of out of my depth here and don't know what's normal and what the rules are. It's been hard to find out that I'm completely ignorant about something that seems to have taken over a large part of our lives.


It's good to hear that the police should actually do something. I'll talk to his Dad in the morning and try to figure out what we are going to do with that.


Thank you again. I'll be sure to post here if/when we can get the issue resolved.

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25 minutes ago, TemptationWaits said:

Hi Sheryl, thank you for the response.


I live in Chon Buri,  but both he and his dad are just outside Pattaya. The 'patient' wasn't with us, which seemed to be the main sticking point. 


Bangkok Pattaya was just too busy to see us, and Banglamung wouldn't see us unless he was with us. Basically said 'nothing we can do unless he comes here himself'. I can't remember the name of the hospitals on Soi 4 and Soi Buokhao but same story as Banglamung. Kind of called it after that as the frustrations were starting to show.


I freely admit I may be out of line blaming any of them. I'm kind of out of my depth here and don't know what's normal and what the rules are. It's been hard to find out that I'm completely ignorant about something that seems to have taken over a large part of our lives.


It's good to hear that the police should actually do something. I'll talk to his Dad in the morning and try to figure out what we are going to do with that.


Thank you again. I'll be sure to post here if/when we can get the issue resolved.

Yes, just keep calling the police. And always call them to the house, don't waste time going to the police station. This way they will be forced to come out interact with him and thus   see the problem for themselves. Eventually they will act, if only to put an end to your calls.


There is no psych hospital in Chonburi, nearest one is Bangkok so I am not sure where they will take him but rest assurred, Pattaya police are no strangers to dealing with  psychotics and will know where to go. it is just a question of getting them to get on it. Possibly the regional hospital in Chonburi town has at least a psych ward but I am nto sure of that.

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'Absolute waste of time, most of them wouldn't even let us in to see a doctor even if we got heated and insisted.
Also went to the police station. Also a waste of time."

Why. Just book your self in and talk about your friend. They don't care as long as you pay the fee

Maybe try another hospital with this approach

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