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Losos with "Elite" visas -- will I need to put on a posh accent?


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Given the radical changes in Retirement extensions (and likely more changes to come) many of us losos are considering going to the Elite side of the street.

I'm talking about people (like me) that are not remotely elite by any stretch of the imagination.

So when you get that magical Elite sticker in your passport, what do you have to do to live up to that stamp?

I'm really afraid my limo drivers are going to know I'm a phony.

What about tipping? It seems to me a tip for the limo driver from someone posing as Elite would need to be more than the entire fare plus tip in a proletarian taxi, yes? No? Maybe?

I might be able to afford the Elite sticker, but what's involved in keeping up the pretense?





Edited by Jingthing
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Wait until the EV comes with a ฿65000 monthly spending requirement and mandatory health insurance.  Surely if you can afford the EV, you’re a big spender.  Don’t want anybody trying to skate by on 10k a month.  


Wouldnt be surprised to see the Elite Visa follow in the footsteps of the 10 year visa with requirements that the money be spent in Thailand and the required purchase of a useless insurance policy. (I say useless because 400-800k coverage is paltry)

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Yes JT, I would cultivate an English accent, because we are the world's leader - just look at how spiffing Brexit is going for us.  :w00t:


You will of course need the right attire.


This is a fine look, just right for sorting out those types in immigration. ????




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Everyone knows the elite amongst us don't handle cash.... 

...Perhaps make momentary eye contact with those handling the baggage and if she's cute, acknowledge the existence of the 'girl in gold' who meets you off the plane...  

But by no means recognize the presence of anyone of the other 'riff-raff' getting off the plane for you have just entered the 'elite zone' and above the minions who'll have to queue for their visa stamp while you waltz through to the lounge before being whisked off to your awaiting AOT-Limo.... 

A Spiffingly upper-class English accent helps if you do have to lower your standards by having to talk with an immigration official or a member of Thai Elite staff.



Otherwise....  if its one of my regular trips with just the one small bag I either wheel it myself... or if they have it on a trolly I don't tip... but if I'm traveling with my Wife and Son and have a lot of baggage (last time it was about 100kgs after Christmas) then I give the 2x guys who carried it out 100B each... 


Reality - there's noting Elite about the Thai Elite card at all...  It should just be named something less 'elitist'... i.e. Thai-Membership or something else.. 



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This is a fine look, just right for sorting out those types in immigration. 


LoL, I used to look just like that (but a lot younger) when I lived in the UK and went game-shooting ????


I'm not hiso nor loso.  Usually when I have to show my visa to immigration officers, there is a bit of a hushed silence and discussion between the officers, followed by a very polite 'thank-you' and return of my passport.


Last time I did my 90 day report, the female IO wanted to fine me because my idiot landlord hadn't reported about the foreigner who rented his house.  After seeing my Elite visa, her male superior overruled her and politely returned my passport.  


(As an aside, why is it always female IOs who try to make problems for foreigners?)


PS - I do speak with a very educated British accent and speak fluent Thai - maybe that helps ????

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7 hours ago, Jingthing said:

Given the radical changes in Retirement extensions (and likely more changes to come) many of us losos are considering going to the Elite side of the street.

What advantage would EV be if you can already afford the new changes if or when they are implemented.

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On 2/9/2019 at 8:11 AM, simon43 said:




LoL, I used to look just like that (but a lot younger) when I lived in the UK and went game-shooting ????


I'm not hiso nor loso.  Usually when I have to show my visa to immigration officers, there is a bit of a hushed silence and discussion between the officers, followed by a very polite 'thank-you' and return of my passport.


Last time I did my 90 day report, the female IO wanted to fine me because my idiot landlord hadn't reported about the foreigner who rented his house.  After seeing my Elite visa, her male superior overruled her and politely returned my passport.  


(As an aside, why is it always female IOs who try to make problems for foreigners?)


PS - I do speak with a very educated British accent and speak fluent Thai - maybe that helps ????


(As an aside, why is it always female IOs who try to make problems for foreigners?)  It isn't.

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On 2/9/2019 at 8:49 AM, Corruption 101 said:

The hilarious irony of this topic is that real western elites don't even visit Thailand.


Those with real money are not interested in nose picking and head lice.

Completely true, and so often overlooked by the expat rubbish in Thailand.

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On 2/9/2019 at 8:49 AM, Corruption 101 said:

The hilarious irony of this topic is that real western elites don't even visit Thailand.


Those with real money are not interested in nose picking and head lice.

Well...there was a Billionaire Belgian Count who used to post here on TV.  

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Tip the elite assistant 100 Baht outside when your suitcases are being put in the limo and instruct her to give 20 baht of that to the porter. Tip the driver 100 baht at the beginning of the trip. Note that the porter is on 5,000 baht a month, the Elite assistant is on over 30,000 baht a month, so it is a pretty cushy number, and the aircraft loaders earn 9,000 baht a month, just for perspective.

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