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The week that was in Thailand news: Swapping Bangkok for the boondocks - and not missing the news!


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12 minutes ago, Samui Bodoh said:

Interesting column as always...


However, while there are many negative comments on TVF (few, if any, would disagree), I would point out that there are many positive comments as well. And, many neutral comments, many constructive comments, many comments which represent a particular point of view, of opinion, of religion, of culture, of gender, of ethic origin, of level of education, of native birth, etc. In short, there is a wide variety of commentary on TVF if one takes the trouble to find it.


Respectfully, it might be better to not throw such a wide net when one complains of negativity on TVF; there is perhaps more nuance there than you realize.


I can't remember where I read it, but a sentence from some book has stuck with me for a while;


Beware that the shadow you cast is not the shadow you chase.





Or Benjamin Franklin.

A false friend and a shadow only attend when the sun shines.


As my MIL once said in UK

When all the money has gone out the window love soon follows.

Edited by overherebc
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56 minutes ago, George Aylesham said:

Rooster - I have never read a better love letter to Thailand - realistic, honest and affectionate. Thanks - it has made my Sunday. Best wishes, keep up the good work  - from a happy British immigrant.

Thank you for your comments and please keep reading the column. 



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4 hours ago, Boon Mee said:

Good piece, Rooster. 

My sentiments exactly on the Nattering Nabobs of Negativism that always seem to find fault with everything. 

As a Marylander, I found it amusing to read a quote from my former governor and disgraced vice president. 

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3 hours ago, connda said:

Thanks for sharing your story.  Having lived in the city, and now retired out in a rural mountain valley in Lamphun province where the only farang I see are passing through on motorcycles or bicycles on the way to one of the surrounding national parks or national forest - yeah, I can identify.  I like rural life.  It's life in the slow lane where many of those my age and older still remember to good old days when there was neither running water or electricity, and well-off villagers had bicycles, rich villagers had motorcycles, and wealthy villagers and visitors had cars or trucks - and the family buffalo served as transportation and the muscle in the fields.  These are folks who could still survive if the power grid went out tomorrow, and honestly, I can identify with most.  They are simple folk, but many have an earthy wisdom and generally good hearts.  Yeah, visiting the city is Ok, but I don't miss the glitzy patina of civilized society nor the buy, buy, buy culture where the cosmopolitan class worship at the alters of consumerism nestled in the nooks, crannies, shops, and departments at various Malls that have become the nouveau temples of sophisticated city-dwellers and the urbane. 
Yep, I like life in the slow lane where it's still 'real.' No looking back.






Thanks for sharing your'e story, lacked the angst ridden  statements often read here ,really reminded me about the things I fell in love with ,  along with that idyllic photo and quotes like"glitzy patina of civilized society"  , "cosmopolitan class worship at the altars of consumerism" (there's a song in there somewhere),  that's the Thailand i want to read about.

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A great read as always, personally I wouldn’t want to live in Bangkok but neither would I want to return to Sydney where I spent most of my life, each to their own as they say.

I am pleased that you keep mentioning the posters who constantly criticize anything and everything that happens in this country, sure everything isn’t perfect but I don’t think you will find a place on this earth where it is.

I would suggest that they look around the world and see what’s happening in other countries and perhaps their own, they might be surprised, but then they would have nothing to complain about.

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1 hour ago, GarryP said:

Very interesting column this week. Thought provoking and enjoyable. Obviously Rooster was on leave and his alter ego Jane stood in for this one.  

Actually it could be said, Mr P, that Jane is my "altar ego".



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Very Nice Piece Rooster, and yes, Humanly Intelligent, and Spiritually Helpful also, to look for the better things of life .... or just be able to see them alone, like Grandpa. Right ... It all adds up to a very calm, positive feeling. Thanks.


... I skimmed down and hit it, to my view of the truth of it, ... in the second Post, where the fellow, politely suggested that you take off you rose colored glasses, like so you can see the shit, ? that he sees Right ?  ..... But I think that it is probably more a case of Success in Life, that is coloring your view, .... Like You obviously have had it, ! Success, ... and in pretty bound full amounts of it by the sound of it, .... So good for you for keeping on writing !!! ... Saluteee !  .... And stick with the Rose colored glasses, .... like I do also.


But well, .... "The Curmudgeons" as you put it, the ones that complain about the Thais, and well, about every thing else often also at times .... I would guess that they really, probably are NOT so successful !!! ....  Like other than in Surviving in Shit !!! right  ... (Like I have been there, ... and done that, also, but only on a surface Skim, right.) .....


... But it is Frustration, that often makes people very negative I think, .... Like when I posted, the night that my Dog had died, by my car, ... Waiting, .... for me to take him to the vet the next morning, ... I must have had 2 Leos while he died, probably I think ? ... Like YES, very bad timing. ....  I should have taken him that afternoon, but I thought he was not that bad ... a bad mistake on my part I think. ... And my post on TV. that night, was suitably bad also, due to the frustration. ? I guess ? ... Though well, it did not get Pulled, so well, the Moderators must have agreed with me I guess ! ? ...  Even if I was just verging on .... Going Off !!!) ....


,,,  Like the Buddha might not have put it that way, ... but well, that WAS what his Theseus was about it also I think. ? Reducing the Frustration ! of Humanity  .... "Reduce Desire" hence reduce Failure ? ... So reduce the Pain of it ? .... "Reduce Desire" and reduce the Frustration, ... from when it doesn't work out. ... ....  So write a whole lot of shit to TV Har Har !!! ...   (And blame every one else for your own failures ? ... NO Blame the Thais Right Har Har !!! ) ? .... Only Kidding.


.... I got one of my bits pulled this last week, when I just went off, well, only after a couple of Leos !!! ...  But well, I was going off at the Americans, NOT the Thais ! .... Which the "American Back Packer sleeps with Woman in 10 person Dorm" in Changmai story, was obviously encouraging us to do ? Right ... Like it went on for just pages, and pages, .... I lost interest at page 14 I think ? ..?   And it was not stopped by then either, like you do stop others, when they get a bit out of hand .... (Or your people have made a mistake ? God Forbid it ? Right ? ...) .... but yes, I went to far, insulting the present Americans, and well in my view, their political historic, Arrogance ... But I WAS out of order, and I knew it, I went to far, and my language deteriorated ... Possibly OK, in the front bar of the Cumberland on Friday night, ... but not here right ! ? ....  So I was quite happy that the Moderators Removed the story. .... Obviously not a problem that you have to much trouble with Right ? Good Mr BKK, well thought out, and edited, Rooster.


...  Thanks for a good, and Intelligent, and ON subject read, as usual mate. I live in the country side also, but before Salarburi, so well, we know Bangkok pretty well, ... as they all know US. (Ayuttahya, and out side Ayuttahya, not in it, which DOES make a difference)


... ....  (A Lot of Muslims around here, and you would never know it, every one gets on so well !!! ... Even if they actually Do Not like each other ! ... They DO get on !!! ...  as they all know that they have to !  ....  Still, that is another story I guess, ... crossing religious divides, as well as Cultural and social ones, ... ) ...


Mark mark ... ...  But still OK with the Thais ! .... (I Hope) ... Really the only Bottom line right Rooster. Other then paying the bills ? ... 

Edited by Mark mark
Selling and grama as usual, and adding a bit at the end ?
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11 minutes ago, Mark mark said:

Very Nice Piece Rooster, and yes, Humanly Intelligent, and Spiritually Helpful also, to look for the better things of life .... or just be able to see them alone, like Grandpa. Right ... It all adds up to a very calm, positive feeling. Thanks.


... I skimmed down and hit it, to my view of the truth of it, ... in the second Post, where the fellow, politely suggested that you take off you rose colored glasses, like so you ca see the shit, ? that he sees Right ?  ..... But I think that it is provably more a case of Success in Life, that is coloring your view, .... Like You obviously have had it, ! Success, ... and in pretty bound full amounts of it by the sound of it, .... So good for you for keeping on writing !!! ... Saluteee !  .... And stick with the Rose colored glasses, .... like I do also.


But well, .... "The Curmudgeons" as you put it, the ones that complain about the Thais, and well, about every thing else also at times .... I would guess that they really, are probably are NOT so successful !!! ....  Like other then in Surviving in Shit !!! right  ... (Like I have been there, ... and done that also, but only on a surface Skim, right.) .....


It is Frustration, that often makes people very negative I think, .... Like when I posted, the night that my Dog had died, by my car, ... Waiting, .... before I could get him to the vet the next morning, ... I must have had 2 Leos while he died, probably I think ? ... Like YES, very bad timing. ....  I should have taken him that afternoon, but I thought he was not that bad ... a bad mistake on my part I think. ... And my post on TV that night, was suitably bad also, due to the frustration. ? ... Though well, it did not get Pulled, so well, the Moderators must have agreed with me I guess ! ? ...  Even if I was just verging on .... Going Off !!!) ....


,,,  Like the Buddha might not have put it that way, ... but well, that WAS what his Theseus was about also I think. ? Reducing the Frustration ! of Humanity  .... "Reduce Desire" hence reduce Failure ? So reduce the Pain of it ? .... "Reduce Desire" and reduce the Frustration, from when it doesn't work out. ... ....  So write a whole lot of shit to TV Har Har !!! ...   (And blame every one else for your own failures) ? Only Kidding.


.... I got one of my bits pulled this last week, when I just went off, well, only after a couple of Leos !!! ...  But well, I was going off at the Americans, NOT the Thais ! .... Which the "American Back Packer sleeps with Woman in 10 person Dorm" in Changmai story, was obviously encouraging us to do ? Right ... Like it went on for just pages, and pages, .... I lost interest at page 14 I think ? ..???   And it was not stopped by then either, like you do stop others, when they get a bit out of hand .... (Or your people have made a mistake ? God Forbid it ? Right ? ...) .... but yes, I went to far, insulting the present Americans, and well in my view, their historic, Arrogance ... But I WAS out of order, and I knew it, ....  and I was quite happy that the Moderators Removed the story. .... Obviously not a problem that you have much to do with Right ? Good Mr BKK well thought out, and edited, Rooster.


...  Thanks for a good, and Intelligent, and ON subject read as usual mate.


Mark mark ... ...  But still OK with the Thais ! .... (I Hope) ... Really the only Bottom line right Rooster. Other then paying the bills ? ... 

Stunning post, in more ways than one.

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1 hour ago, overherebc said:

Thanks Markmark. Not sure what else to say.

No need to say any thing else, the posts and the original article. are still there ... maybe I should not have added to mins but well, .... All good stuff, ....  and On On !!! 


Thanks Mate,


Mark mark

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Just now, Mark mark said:

No need to say any thing else, the posts and the original article. are still there ... maybe I should not have added to mins but well, .... All good stuff, ....  and On On !!! 


Thanks Mate,


Mark mark

Thanks BKK Rooster also. ...

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9 hours ago, connda said:

Thanks for sharing your story.  Having lived in the city, and now retired out in a rural mountain valley in Lamphun province where the only farang I see are passing through on motorcycles or bicycles on the way to one of the surrounding national parks or national forest - yeah, I can identify.  I like rural life.  It's life in the slow lane where many of those my age and older still remember to good old days when there was neither running water or electricity, and well-off villagers had bicycles, rich villagers had motorcycles, and wealthy villagers and visitors had cars or trucks - and the family buffalo served as transportation and the muscle in the fields.  These are folks who could still survive if the power grid went out tomorrow, and honestly, I can identify with most.  They are simple folk, but many have an earthy wisdom and generally good hearts.  Yeah, visiting the city is Ok, but I don't miss the glitzy patina of civilized society nor the buy, buy, buy culture where the cosmopolitan class worship at the alters of consumerism nestled in the nooks, crannies, shops, and departments at various Malls that have become the nouveau temples of sophisticated city-dwellers and the urbane. 
Yep, I like life in the slow lane where it's still 'real.' No looking back.






All true but complying with/to the fast and expensive life is not compulsory. Everybody has a choice.

People who love to spend money to impress others are really a bit sad. If they are happy in themselves to do it, fine with me, I don't care, up to them really.

The biggests leveller at the end of the day is the fact that everybody's sh-t stinks.

Well, except for the queen in UK who has had a fartectomy and poops little pink sweeties.

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Like Rooster, I'm a lover of the city, and have always been happiest in the big cities in every country I've lived in. The thought of a few days stuck in the country almost makes me shudder in terror.


I remember the comment of a famous 19th century writer who described the English countryside as like a long tedious novel that rambles on and on without a plot, but I can't find the quote now. So this one from Dr Who legend Tom Baker will have to do instead:

"The countryside is incredibly boring. There's lots of shagging, lots of murders, lots of sarcasm, lots of treachery, and lots of bad cooking, but it's all hidden. You've got all the space and the flowers, but it's dull!"

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18 hours ago, George Aylesham said:

Rooster - I have never read a better love letter to Thailand - realistic, honest and affectionate. Thanks - it has made my Sunday. Best wishes, keep up the good work  - from a happy British immigrant.

The final paragraphs in Rooster's post echo my sentiments. If they dislike Thais and Thailand so much why are they still here?

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