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Sin Sod talks began, time for prenup talk!!


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Marry a western woman and come the divorce she'll almost certainly take you to the cleaners for at least half of everything you've got plus child support plus alimony payments. Unless you have a Pre Nup.


By comparison, due to total lack of responsibility, the average Thai male often simply does a runner. He probably did not register the marriage at the Amphur anyway.


When divorcing, a Thai girl seldom gets anything from her Thai ex husband and is often left bringing up a child alone. Can't see her expecting to get much from a Farang husband either (unless she married him in HIS country).


Bottom line though is get yourself some legal advice.

Edited by DaRoadrunner
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Is there anybody reading this thread able to confirm, that a pre-nup in Thailand works without 3 - 5 years legal battle against a substantial loss of legal and other fees? 

Best pre-nup is to keep separate secret accounts. Buying land in the Missus' name is OK, if the payee is willingly able and knows to write-off the purchase price to zero immediately. 

Everything is lovely Lala-Land thinking which ends like all the other fairy tales ........ 

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9 hours ago, MadMuhammad said:

Solid, balanced advice as always. 


Im lucky enough to have found a decent girl, and family, that has stated no son sid to be paid. Her parents are more concerned that I will follow my through on my promise to love her and care for her as long as I live etc. 


In regards to asset protection I have very minimal in country and what I have back home is in a family trust structure of which me & my mother are directors. My gf isn’t aware of how much or what it actually is and I doubt her family would have the funds to go chasing it down anyway. That’s beside the point at this time though as I hope that this will be my last foray into the dating world (always gotta have a plan B though)


I am of the same thoughts as yourself, invest approx 10-15% of my worth here so if it does go south life can and will continue. 

Onya MadMuhammad


10-15% of your worth is plenty for a Thai woman.


As for your assets back home, trusts are gold, & plan B, well that just goes to show you don't wear your heart on your sleeve and are a forward thinker.


We never know what is around the corner, Tiruk loves us today long time, tomorrow Tiruk may not love us long anymore and will only get what we have invested 10-15% and we are ahead as we have a fall back position ????


Respect !!!

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18 hours ago, Thongkorn said:

If you need a prenup don’t marry your not ready for it.  

Can't get rid of this quote.  It is stupid.  I guess it means if your not blind in love , and you try to plan in life you are not ready to marry?  I don't know about some men. 


I like idea of a woman getting a loan on a house and pick up her rent.  That's a great idea.  Did she get the loan on her own?  Is this hard  to get? What % of income do they allow the payment to be?


Leaving untalked about accounts/ assets in USA is probably good idea for an unregistered marriage and living in Thailand.  But if using a prenup I think you will be listing all assets and then if she lives here it is different .  I don't plan on  complications of kids.  I would imagine prenups have rising support over time.  Plus if she works in USA for 40 quarters she is able to get Social security using her numbers or yours whichever is higher even if divorced.    

Edited by Elkski
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On 3/13/2019 at 5:54 AM, bwpage3 said:

Getting a Pre-nup written up is easy.


Getting it enforced in Thailand, I wouldn't want to bet on that.

As Thai law states everything owned befor marriage is yours, and after is split 50/50 there isnt any need for one. Of course lawyers will say its best to and their fee is only about 20,000 or so.....but as stated, try enforcing it anyway....

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On ‎3‎/‎13‎/‎2019 at 10:39 AM, Elkski said:

I suppose it matters if the assets are in Thailand or in a person's home country.  And if you plan to reside in Thailand or the USA.  I'm talking about protecting assets  in and residing in USA.  many of you have convinced me that Thailand is not where I want to live at this time. 

Then it is only logical to get an American lawyer who has the expertise in both US and Thai law to draw up the pre nup'!There is one based in Bangkok for the last 12 years who deals with this.Highly qualified and recognised and knows his sh.t!You can message me if anyone needs advice.

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In such relationships must respect both cultures , hers and yours .


in her culture, sin sodt is a must and I respect that, in mine, father of the bride pays for wedding.


all over sudden she does not want to get married????

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re the pre nup... if you choose an 'attorney' ask him/her if they will personally prepare it or does a junior do it. I later found out that the junior wrote it. I was pissed at the attorney. All she said to me was that she could not type. It was full of mistakes and a complete balls up. Be careful who you select to prepare it

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1 hour ago, Slipperyone said:

Are there idiots who actually pay a sin sod . The only prenup to have is rent property

Be sure about the nature of a relationship before you get married. There's at least one child behind every Thai lady (even behind a "bargirl"), and you ought to prove that you're reliable in caring for the future of your family. 

The future of your family also depends on education, to get a good job in the future. 

I personally prefer the "get money from the West, empower a girl from the East" scheme - and it seems to work. 

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If the wife or family won't give the sin sod back, don't get married, if one thinks a pre nup will protect one in LOS, leave LOS.

If one does get married, don't tell her how much money or property you actually have. That way, when the divorce comes around, you may get away with a quicky amphur divorce. If she thinks you are loaded, she'll go the family court route.

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23 hours ago, Elkski said:

Can't get rid of this quote.  It is stupid.  I guess it means if your not blind in love , and you try to plan in life you are not ready to marry?  I don't know about some men. 


I like idea of a woman getting a loan on a house and pick up her rent.  That's a great idea.  Did she get the loan on her own?  Is this hard  to get? What % of income do they allow the payment to be?


Leaving untalked about accounts/ assets in USA is probably good idea for an unregistered marriage and living in Thailand.  But if using a prenup I think you will be listing all assets and then if she lives here it is different .  I don't plan on  complications of kids.  I would imagine prenups have rising support over time.  Plus if she works in USA for 40 quarters she is able to get Social security using her numbers or yours whichever is higher even if divorced.    

why go to all the problems of getting married 60% of them go south anyway


I don't plan on  complications of kids.


get a vasectomy, best way of making sure you dont get suckered in like so many OAPs do 

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I had a snip.   A prenup is like health insurance.  Everyone says a foreigner should buy health insurance in Thailand.  Yes getting back sin sod is a very good thing to do but I think a woman may need a little support because she may be quitting her long term job and getting rid of her choice apartment. a man must realize that she needs to think about what happens if it goes south just like a man should.  I can see both sides of a coin unlike many of you.  Unfortunately a prenup will reveal all of your assets and finances to her but if you are going to get your marriage registered so you can bring her to the USA I think you need to get a prenup for sure. Those of you who say don't tell her about your ass that's so then she will not try to sue you in family Court are risk-takers. 

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On 3/15/2019 at 6:31 AM, thaibeachlovers said:

If the wife or family won't give the sin sod back, don't get married, if one thinks a pre nup will protect one in LOS, leave LOS.

If one does get married, don't tell her how much money or property you actually have. That way, when the divorce comes around, you may get away with a quicky amphur divorce. If she thinks you are loaded, she'll go the family court route.

How would you know until you get married?  The money goes on the gold pillow and later you get it back but that's after the fact.  

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17 minutes ago, Elkski said:

I had a snip.   A prenup is like health insurance.  Everyone says a foreigner should buy health insurance in Thailand.  Yes getting back sin sod is a very good thing to do but I think a woman may need a little support because she may be quitting her long term job and getting rid of her choice apartment. a man must realize that she needs to think about what happens if it goes south just like a man should.  I can see both sides of a coin unlike many of you.  Unfortunately a prenup will reveal all of your assets and finances to her but if you are going to get your marriage registered so you can bring her to the USA I think you need to get a prenup for sure. Those of you who say don't tell her about your ass that's so then she will not try to sue you in family Court are risk-takers. 

Not wise to take a Thai woman out of Thailand especially to America.  Look what happened to Yingluck.  You never know what ideas they will get. 

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Yes , I know taking Thai woman to USA violates a major rule.  It's not a done deal.  I'm just researching and exploring all options.  

I guess it is common thing negotiate the sin Sod term beforehand.  Including how much is returned.  


You want your gal to be proud.  You want her mom to make face.  

After we got past the initial greedy crazy ideas , and after Mom was consulted and doesn't want anything she talked evasively

somewhere between 100,000 and 1 mil.     I'm thinking 400,000 for show.

30,000 for mom, 120,000 for wife as security in case I dump her.  250,000 back to me.   Never married, no kids.  New off lot.    

I'm ready to walk over this and she knows it.  But she is very happy I am willing to talk about sin sod.  She hasn't really accepted these terms outright.  It's overall not a very romantic process.  I am doing all this before I have committed or officially asked her to marry me.  Maybe I'm not doing the correct process.  

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15 hours ago, marcusarelus said:

How would you know until you get married?  The money goes on the gold pillow and later you get it back but that's after the fact.  

You don't. That's why I recommend only village wedding. When it all turns to poo, it's easy to walk away with no legalities to be concerned about.

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One point regarding sin sod which i think hardly any foreigner knows:

From what i've heard it seems to be quite common that when Thais marry the sin sod is not only about the value of the girl (education, job, whatever), but also about how many assets the wife brings with her (family land and so on). So instead of keeping the land until they die, the parents transfer some of their land in the daughter's name after the daughter gets married and the husband will own 50% of this land, which means he gets real assets for the sin sod. Land ownership is of course problematic as foreigner as we all know, but i would recommend that if anybody asks you for sin sod, ask them how much land you will get from them.

Edited by jackdd
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8 hours ago, jackdd said:

One point regarding sin sod which i think hardly any foreigner knows:

From what i've heard it seems to be quite common that when Thais marry the sin sod is not only about the value of the girl (education, job, whatever), but also about how many assets the wife brings with her (family land and so on). So instead of keeping the land until they die, the parents transfer some of their land in the daughter's name after the daughter gets married and the husband will own 50% of this land, which means he gets real assets for the sin sod. Land ownership is of course problematic as foreigner as we all know, but i would recommend that if anybody asks you for sin sod, ask them how much land you will get from them.

Farang can't own land in Thailand- end of story. I don't know what measures you think would entitle a farang to own 50%, but I doubt they would stand scrutiny in a family court.

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On 3/13/2019 at 5:54 AM, bwpage3 said:

Getting a Pre-nup written up is easy.


Getting it enforced in Thailand, I wouldn't want to bet on that.

Not getting into all the other shoptalking,  just stating everything you bring into Thailand should be regarded as your spouses, in case of a breakup. If you are able to salvage something from your Thai investment, that is a bonus, a gift form the Gods. Don't count on it. I'll be lucky to run out the door with the coffee maker. 

If you want a real prenup, keep your financial investments in country of origin, where the prenup has weight. 

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49 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Farang can't own land in Thailand- end of story. I don't know what measures you think would entitle a farang to own 50%, but I doubt they would stand scrutiny in a family court.

Yes, i mentioned this already ????

I know that nearly everybody here on Thaivisa is married to a Chinese-Thai hiso girl, but most other foreigners who marry a Thai girl usually marry a girl from the lower class, the family doesn't have many assets.

So when the mother in law requests a million THB from the foreigner for her daughter and the foreigner in return requests that the bit land and house that the family owns are transferred in her daughters name, so the husband gets half of it (village folk doesn't know that a foreigner can't own land), i'm quite sure the sin sod that the mother in law will ask for will drop quite siginficantly, because she doesn't want to give her land to the foreigner.

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The best thing is to keep away from the Thai ladies. Plenty of fun to be had here with cheap booze and snout. Fishing is world class and there are other sports like Thai boxing and chicken fighting. Thriving chess clubs in some parts.


My second wife was an African muslim. She asked for goats and a camel when we were talking about jumping the broom.


They are just after our money. Life here is just one big business transaction.

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4 hours ago, owl sees all said:

The best thing is to keep away from the Thai ladies. Plenty of fun to be had here with cheap booze and snout. Fishing is world class and there are other sports like Thai boxing and chicken fighting. Thriving chess clubs in some parts.


My second wife was an African muslim. She asked for goats and a camel when we were talking about jumping the broom.


They are just after our money. Life here is just one big business transaction.

At $3/large Chang it doesn't seem all that cheap to me. Otherwise you're making sense. ????

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On ‎3‎/‎18‎/‎2019 at 2:13 PM, jackdd said:

Yes, i mentioned this already ????

I know that nearly everybody here on Thaivisa is married to a Chinese-Thai hiso girl, but most other foreigners who marry a Thai girl usually marry a girl from the lower class, the family doesn't have many assets.

So when the mother in law requests a million THB from the foreigner for her daughter and the foreigner in return requests that the bit land and house that the family owns are transferred in her daughters name, so the husband gets half of it (village folk doesn't know that a foreigner can't own land), i'm quite sure the sin sod that the mother in law will ask for will drop quite siginficantly, because she doesn't want to give her land to the foreigner.

Unfortunately for that theory, the prospective MIL knows that the farang can't own the land, so she may offer a rai or 3, knowing that he can never actually own it. but he will have to front up with the sin sod or look a fool.

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On ‎3‎/‎18‎/‎2019 at 2:39 PM, owl sees all said:

The best thing is to keep away from the Thai ladies. Plenty of fun to be had here with cheap booze and snout. Fishing is world class and there are other sports like Thai boxing and chicken fighting. Thriving chess clubs in some parts.


My second wife was an African muslim. She asked for goats and a camel when we were talking about jumping the broom.


They are just after our money. Life here is just one big business transaction.

If not for the ladies, I'd never have visited LOS again, after my first trip, way back in '74. Temples never interested me that much, and I don't like Thai boxing.

Of course, you could be indulging in a spot of satire.

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