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Hate Has Nothing To Do With It


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2 minutes ago, bkkgriz said:

At least 20 Christians killed in a church bombing in the Philippines last January. Was there even a single thread about that here? No? I guess the right people were the targets and perpetrators. Y'all are hypocrites of the highest order.

Hate has a lot do with it.


If there is anything surer than the sun will rise in the morning (except over Chiang Mai) it is that Homo Sapiens love hate..it has kept them warm thru' many a millenium


It will be there when the planet has had enough and annihilates the errant little species.


Anyone got the spooky little feeling that the universe may not really wish us to get off the planet?


Not much happening since the 70's..



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On 3/15/2019 at 8:15 PM, K in BKK said:

This act of terrorism is indeed an act of hate.


The current climate climate of intolerance in western society has been fulled by the those who feel disenfranchised and are looking for an enemy.


The real enemy talks in folksy tones about a gentler, more prosperous time when you were respected and jobs were plentiful, he looks like you, talks like you, wears a suit and he tells you he has the answers, then he points at those who don't look like you and he tells you that that group is the source of your pain all the while he dishes out tax cuts to his rich benefactors and cuts your health care.


This is hate, hate fulled by fear of the Other, generated for the benefit of the rich. Its a shell game...you are looking in the wrong place.


This is fascism at work and it wont end well for anyone.

Agree. The fear will only grow worse, I think. The white, Christian, European-centric world domination is seeing their population numbers dropping as a percentage of world population. Asia, Latin American, African populations expanding. As to wealth domination, well, plenty of that left, however, China is rising and increasing its influence. 

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5 minutes ago, BB1958 said:

Wow just read that, why is everyone not screaming about those incidents??... 

Because all of the countries listed are third world countries and are far less civilised than first world countries. You could make similar lists for Shiite Moslems, Sunni Moslems, Buddhists Sikhs, Hindus and Jews.


New Zealand is a First World country whose civilization is supposed to have taken them beyond this kind of base hatred and bigotry.

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On 3/16/2019 at 12:52 AM, from the home of CC said:

Just watched his go pro footage and what strikes me is that he's one of the coldest humans I've ever had the unfortunate opportunity to observe, just psychopathic to the extreme. 

One has to ask, do these games the kids, (not mine) play out on the TV affect their minds, suffice to say, disingagauging games with reality, which later in life becomes a reality.


Both my wife and myself have seen the difference in our kids when playing games on the TV or iPad/tablet, mobile, suffice to say, we only give them an hour a day now, at best, much to their disappointment, frustrations, anger, call it what you want, those devices are addictive in our opinions, as much as are our laptops, mobiles when we use them, it's as if to say, we are lured into another zone, not a real one. More family time, outings, like our parents used to do when we were kids, before technology took over our lives, as useful a tool as it is, in some areas, I will give it that.


I would say that the media and the politicians have done a great job in creating fear in the western world, when it comes to muslims, before all these invasions of their countries by the west, we never heard of whatever groups you want to call them Isis and the like. What do you expect, you go in, bomb the $hit out of their countries, murder their family members and not expect them to retaliate, they don't have the weapons of mass destruction you said they have, yet you haven't been charged for murder as other have in other countries for similar atrocities, they don't have anywhere near the arsenary the west has, but an eye for an eye mentality they do have, just like the west has, just ask Trump, who has threatened just about everyone.


Muslims are not liked by most westerners because of the stereotyping, and all it takes is one loose cannon, and you have a westerner on the other end, doing exactly what they have been doing around the world in retaliation, but for what, ask anyone why the terrorists are or have been killing people around the world, as this idiot has done in New Zealand, and I bet you most people will say because they are fanatics, don't people get it, 99% of muslims have their faith as do Christians and others, you cannot take that away from them, as weird as we see their ancient religion of which the Quran preaches death to your neighbour if he doesn't denounce his faith, etc etc, the majority of muslims know that, that part of the Quran is out of date and most will overlook it for a better life in the west, remember, as someone said, money is the mother of all evil, oddly enough, he got taken out, didn't he.


Everyone needs to calm down and look at everybody like a brother, a sister, a father, a mother, regardless of looks, dress, cultural differences, hate and anger only breeds death, we are all heading there, so why not just chill and love thy neighbour till we get to our destination, as much as mine piss me off every now and again...lol  

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5 minutes ago, wwest5829 said:

Agree. The fear will only grow worse, I think. The white, Christian, European-centric world domination is seeing their population numbers dropping as a percentage of world population. Asia, Latin American, African populations expanding. As to wealth domination, well, plenty of that left, however, China is rising and increasing its influence. 

Well..plenty to hate then..


Asian,Latin Americans and Africans...newts.


Sure when the European birth rate exploded they comquered the world but now they are in retreat.


Very few Frenchman have concluded the conjugal act since 1871-a fact well noted by the Germans at the time.


A big cause of both World Wars..


So instead of spending your hours on the internet-go forth and multiply..



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28 minutes ago, bkkgriz said:

At least 20 Christians killed in a church bombing in the Philippines last January. Was there even a single thread about that here? No? I guess the right people were the targets and perpetrators. Y'all are hypocrites of the highest order.


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2 minutes ago, Krataiboy said:

Islamist terror attacks in the West coupled with mass immigration from Muslim countries have combined to produce an predictable (not, apparently to politicians) backlash. The situation is likely get worse rather than better as the global economic situation continues to deteriorate and competition between indigenous populations and migrants for jobs, homes, and public services across Western nations increases.

One thing is for certain, if we get a spate of white supremacist attacks against Moslems, things will get much worse. Two wrongs don't make a right.


What is your solution. Breed hate? More attacks on Moslems? More deaths on both sides?

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7 minutes ago, 4MyEgo said:

Everyone needs to calm down and look at everybody like a brother, a sister, a father, a mother, regardless of looks, dress, cultural differences, hate and anger only breeds death, we are all heading there, so why not just chill and love thy neighbour till we get to our destination, as much as mine piss me off every now and again...lol  

These platitudes are always trotted out, but you cannot lie down with a mad dog.

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1 minute ago, mokwit said:

These platitudes are always trotted out, but you cannot lie down with a mad dog.

Only a small minority of Moslems condone, let alone participate in terrorist attacks. Not all mad dogs, in fact, very few.


Are all Aussies, hate filled, white supremacist, murderers or do the vast majority condemn such actions?

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1 minute ago, Spidey said:

One thing is for certain, if we get a spate of white supremacist attacks against Moslems, things will get much worse. Two wrongs don't make a right.


What is your solution. Breed hate? More attacks on Moslems? More deaths on both sides?

Unfortunately. I think more white supremacist attacks will be coming, if you follow the shooters manifesto etc, through to the dark web groups where he was posting (4chan etc) its congratulations and celebrations all round. They keep saying the guy wasn't on anyone's radar, a quick look into these chat rooms would give plenty of people to put on the radar.

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28 minutes ago, Spidey said:

Because all of the countries listed are third world countries and are far less civilised than first world countries. You could make similar lists for Shiite Moslems, Sunni Moslems, Buddhists Sikhs, Hindus and Jews.


New Zealand is a First World country whose civilization is supposed to have taken them beyond this kind of base hatred and bigotry.

What an explanation!

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On 3/15/2019 at 9:08 PM, Spidey said:

Thanks for the sarcasm OP. Not a loner but a group of right wing extremists. Idiots too. Do you know why IS bomb soft targets in the West? It's to get just such a reaction as the NZ shooters gave. They were effectively doing the work of IS for them. IS do it to get a white reaction against Moslems in their community, the local moslems then feel even more isolated in their community. Wat does a young NZ moslem do if he feels isolated, marginalised even hated in his own country? He joins IS.


The NZ shooters are the perfect recruitment sergeants for IS.


When we suffered the Manchester Arena atrocity, the battle cry of Mancunians was "Choose love, not hate".


It's far more important for the people of Christchurch to embrace the Moslems in their community and let them know that they are there for them. Unless of course, they want lots of young New Zealanders to join IS and start bombing targets in NZ.

Maybe everyone should have Hugged Hitler.....just a thought

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13 minutes ago, Spidey said:

Why would you liken the Moslems in Christchurch to Hitler? Sick, or what?

I was referring to your quote about Manchester....I have no view on the subject, just a thought that if someone bombs you as did Hitler,  and the Manchester bombers, why not hug them, all those troops at Dunkirk maybe should have hugged the advancing German Reich.

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16 minutes ago, baansgr said:

I was referring to your quote about Manchester....I have no view on the subject, just a thought that if someone bombs you as did Hitler,  and the Manchester bombers, why not hug them, all those troops at Dunkirk maybe should have hugged the advancing German Reich.

So you would liken all Moslems in Manchester to Hitler and the Nazis? I can assure you that the British people, generally, didn't have animosity towards German people. A friend of my father's (who fought for the British army in Italy) was also the husband of one of my teachers and an ex Italian POW.


It's not in our nature to punish the many for the sins of the few.

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1 hour ago, Spidey said:

Only a small minority of Moslems condone, let alone participate in terrorist attacks. Not all mad dogs, in fact, very few.


Are all Aussies, hate filled, white supremacist, murderers or do the vast majority condemn such actions?



You will get a hell of a kickback from my country about this.


For all it's faults (and what country is without faults?) it is still the land of a fair go..

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3 minutes ago, Krataiboy said:

I'm not sure there is a solution in Western countries like the UK, where the made-up pejorative Islamophobia is used to silence any criticism of Islam and protect a minority Muslim majority from offence at almost any price.

I assume you're a fan of Tommy Islam. Calling him Islamophobic isn't a made up pejorative. It's a fact.

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2 minutes ago, Spidey said:

Tommy Robinson, aka Steven Yaxley-Lennon. Check his YouTube channel out. If you aren't a fan now, you will be.

Thanks for the recommendation. Shall I give him your regards?

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