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Stop Brexit: A million people sign UK petition to stay in EU


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4 hours ago, yogi100 said:

And I'll thank you to keep your homophobic remarks to your self if you don't mind.


My sexuality or lack of it has nothing to do with the subject under discussion


Lol ... that's not what the word means where I come from, it's more to do with being weird and a bit odd. 



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9 minutes ago, nontabury said:


That’s the problem, it’s not the implementation of the People’s Democratic vote. It’s not actually leaving the E.U.

In fact it’s an International reconised agreement to remain in the E.U.

with no guarantee that we will ever leave this so called onion.




Call it what you like, it is what it is. Blame Boris and Nigel for selling you pink unicorns and blame yourself for falling for their adolescent BS.



Ahhh...doesn't that make you feel better!

Edited by Spidey
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Who faces greater discrimination: ethnic minorities, or white people?

The vast majority of Britons agree that racism remains a problem in the UK, but a fifth of the population believe white people face greater discrimination in some aspects of life


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20 minutes ago, Spidey said:

May's deal means we:

Leave the customs union

Not immediately. NI backstop permitting.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I Understand that the backstop only applies to trade across the Irish border; not to trade between the Republic and the rest of the UK nor between the UK and the rest of the EU.


22 minutes ago, Spidey said:

Leave the single market,

Yes. Very difficult for British companies to sell their goods in Europe (50% of the market) post Brexit. 

Indeed. Which is why we need a trade agreement of some sort with the EU. No deal would be suicide.


23 minutes ago, Spidey said:

Leave the freedom of movement directive,

Not immediately, several clauses attached to that.

Such as EEA residents in the UK and British residents in the other EEA states retaining their existing rights.


24 minutes ago, Spidey said:

Leave the common agricultural policy,

Yes. Wealthy farmers have received many millions I subsidies from the CAP. Those susidies will be taken over by the government. Another drain on the£350 million/week that we won't be paying the EU. By the time that all the maggots have had their nibble, there'll be nothing left.

Quite; and those wealthy farmers include many prominent Brexiteers; Richard Dyson for example. Not seen any of them volunteering to return the money!


26 minutes ago, Spidey said:

Leave the common fisheries policy,

Yes. Expect a new cod war (we lost the last one)



26 minutes ago, Spidey said:

Leave the jurisdiction of the ECJ.

Not immediately.

No, but we will at the end of the transition period; currently December 2020.

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17 minutes ago, nontabury said:

That’s the problem, it’s not the implementation of the People’s Democratic vote. It’s not actually leaving the E.U.

In fact it’s an International reconised agreement to remain in the E.U.

with no guarantee that we will ever leave this so called onion.


What don't you understand about the word 'Leave?'


Yet another Brexiteer cop out; try answering the question rather than dodging it with anonymously sourced sloganeering.

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19 minutes ago, vinny41 said:

Your the one that is clutching at straws , you tried to debunk @nontabury claim of  discrimination as mythical where the reality is discrimination is rife throughout the entire UK including White Hetrosexual males /females being discriminated

Police discriminated against white heterosexual male, tribunal finds




 What has that to do with the EU and Brexit?


I am not claiming that discrimination does not exist, neither am I trying to justify it.


What I am saying is that it illegal and should be reported. Wherever it exists.


I am calling @nontabury's Polish woman 'mythical. because his story of her is not factual but based purely on unsubstantiated hearsay.

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7 minutes ago, 7by7 said:

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I Understand that the backstop only applies to trade across the Irish border; not to trade between the Republic and the rest of the UK nor between the UK and the rest of the EU.

Does anyone understand the backstop. 555.My understanding was that it applies to the EU. The Republic is a full member, how could you, in practice, have a customs union with them but not the rest of the EU?


10 minutes ago, 7by7 said:

Such as EEA residents in the UK and British residents in the other EEA states retaining their existing rights.

Also, I think that there's a moratorium on implementation until the end of the transition period.

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7 minutes ago, 7by7 said:

 What has that to do with the EU and Brexit?


I am not claiming that discrimination does not exist, neither am I trying to justify it.


What I am saying is that it illegal and should be reported. Wherever it exists.


I am calling @nontabury's Polish woman 'mythical. because his story of her is not factual but based purely on unsubstantiated hearsay.

There a clear difference is the meaning of  unsubstantiated and mythical and I suspect you know the difference 

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2 minutes ago, vinny41 said:

There a clear difference is the meaning of  unsubstantiated and mythical and I suspect you know the difference 

So you now accept that this Polish woman doesn't exist!



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Fury at Labour donor’s bias against Brit brickies with ‘Polish-only’ job ad for building firm

Wealthy benefactor's move infuriates British tradesmen sick of being 'undercut by foreign workers'




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Amost 6 million have signed it now. Will be interesting on Monday in parliament to hear the debate on this petition. Especially so if Teresa May's latest scam today to attempt to get her deal approved by MPs fails yet again. She will really be up sh$$t creek without a paddle.

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13 minutes ago, vinny41 said:


Fury at Labour donor’s bias against Brit brickies with ‘Polish-only’ job ad for building firm

Wealthy benefactor's move infuriates British tradesmen sick of being 'undercut by foreign workers'




555 "The Sun". Excellent research. I'd have at least expected some pictures with that. Maybe a big busty Polish female hod carrier. Coorr!

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2 hours ago, Spidey said:

May's deal means we:

Leave the customs union

Not immediately. NI backstop permitting.


Leave the single market,

Yes. Very difficult for British companies to sell their goods in Europe (50% of the market) post Brexit. 


Leave the freedom of movement directive,

Not immediately, several clauses attached to that.


Leave the common agricultural policy,

Yes. Wealthy farmers have received many millions I subsidies from the CAP. Those susidies will be taken over by the government. Another drain on the£350 million/week that we won't be paying the EU. By the time that all the maggots have had their nibble, there'll be nothing left.


Leave the common fisheries policy,

Yes. Expect a new cod war (we lost the last one)


Leave the jurisdiction of the ECJ.

Not immediately.

Sounds wonderful.

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55 minutes ago, nontabury said:


The Polish women does exist, although to be fair I din’t get to know about it first hand.

 What I did not tell you,and the reason should become clear to even someone wearing blinkers such as yourself. On the 11 th of this month I took a Thai friend, who is Thai university educated for an interview. The job was nothing special, however she was interviewed by a Polish women( not the same company as in my first example) unfortunately she did not get the job. So yesterday in a underhand way, I discovered the position was given to a Polish women who had only been in the country since February. Now I Don’t blame the Poles for giving preference to their fellow citizens. I blame the Brits for not looking after their own people. And to repeat, this information was not gathered 2nd hand.

  Furthermore I have in the last hour returned from taking another friend to a regional hospital. Now people like you are always going on about how the NHS relies on Europeans staff. Well while in the hospital I did notice that all the staff I heard talking were British, except for one Asian doctor. 

 However, most of the patients and accompanying visitors, were, even to my amazement, talking in an Eastern European accent.

 Perhaps in a couple of years time,when they’ve received their British passports, they can join your political party “ Brits hate Brits”.

Try visiting magaluf or benidorn general and see how many folks are fluent in english and recieving treatment for fighting or drink related issues...3 or 4 years ago there was a weekly TV show on UK TV based in the benidorm hospital...poor spanish nurses having to look at all those bulldog tattoes and rolls of blubber

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8 hours ago, vinny41 said:


Fury at Labour donor’s bias against Brit brickies with ‘Polish-only’ job ad for building firm

Wealthy benefactor's move infuriates British tradesmen sick of being 'undercut by foreign workers'





And that is why the working men of Britain support Brexit.


All these office wallahs and the so called pro Europeans have not been affected by this scab worker culture. Neither have the politicians nor the people in all branches of the media. They'd soon be getting their fingers out if Romanians were nicking their 80K a year jobs.


We're a divide nation totally lacking in any loyalty to the working class from those who think they're a rung further up the ladder than the rest. We're becoming more divided than ever we were under the traditional class system. And it is causing resentment and hatred that is increasing every week. 


The government are to blame. As soon as CMD threw in the towel a pro Brexiteer should have been elected and been told to get us out ASAP regardless instead of the shilly shallying Theresa May and her lackeys have been getting away with in the obvious hope that we'll eventually give in and agree to remain.


It would be all over and done with now, as it is they're still jibbering and jabbering nearly three years on.

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9 minutes ago, yogi100 said:


And that is why the working men of Britain support Brexit.

All these office wallahs and the so called pro Europeans have not been affected by this scab worker culture. Neither have the politicians nor the people in all branches of the media. They'd soon be getting their fingers out if Romanians were nicking their 80K a year jobs.

We're a divide nation totally lacking in any loyalty to the working class from those who think they're a rung further up the ladder than the rest. We're becoming more divided than ever we were under the traditional class system. And it is causing resentment and hatred that is increasing every week. 

The government are to blame. As soon as CMD threw in the towel a pro Brexiteer should have been elected and been told to get us out ASAP regardless instead of the shilly shallying Theresa May and her lackeys have been getting away with in the obvious hope that we'll eventually give in and agree to remain.

It would be all over and done with now, as it is they're still jibbering and jabbering nearly three years on.

Brexiteer jibber jabber.

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On 3/22/2019 at 5:46 AM, Enoon said:


Speaking to you from the UK.


Just passed 2 million.


Revoke Article 50 and remain in the EU.

The government repeatedly claims exiting the EU is 'the will of the people'. We need to put a stop to this claim by proving the strength of public support now, for remaining in the EU. A People's Vote may not happen - so vote now.

Sign this petition

2,002,343 signatures


That's another 1 million in just over 6 hours.





Ok. So a new title should read “ 64 million people in Great Britain signed nothing” that is very accurate. 

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29 minutes ago, SheungWan said:

Brexiteer jibber jabber.

This meaningless remark is exactly what I mean. We should be sticking together and telling the politicians to do what the referendum told them to do almost 1,000 days ago! 

It's going to happen so let us get it over and done with.

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