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Big Joke: Promises easier, faster and more "watertight" Immigration rules


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31 minutes ago, Lovethailandelite said:

Some posters have proven once again why it has in the past, proven impossible for anybody that is in a position to issue help and guidance, to simply be dismissed with ignorant reply's. 

Who is in a position to offer help and guidance?


You keep telling us that doom and gloom will come, where you are probably right, I just don't understand why it gives you any satisfaction. People will not "do the right thing" and buy more Elite by being harrassed.


And one of the many examples of harrasment is that foreigner information form that they gave up upon, where they wanted to know your Facebook and the bars you drink at.


So let's not forget that before we pitch it as "just getting the bad guys out". It's pure harrasment of everyone.


As for the other poster who spoke with the Royal "we", in a patronising tone, I for one can do without his advice, but everybody is free to post whatever, even if it's b---sh-t.

Edited by lkv
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4 minutes ago, Khaeng Mak said:

If you know everything in advance and are well connected, why on earth are you wasting your time and potential profits posting all of your inside information for free on an anonymous forum.


Do you crave attention diddums?

Thanks for your measured reply. I shall take your advice.
Enjoy your weekend.

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10 minutes ago, THAIJAMES said:

According to 2016 data, there are 524,600 Singapore PR holders residing in Singapore.


Probably less than 10,000 in Thailand which has 15 times the population of Singapore.


That's the real problem a lot of people that have been living here long-term should be able to apply for permanent residency much easier.


under the british system its 5 years resident and trouble free = passport + citizenship


what a brilliant system


at this point i'd just settle for the safety of not having the rules changed on me every x months so i can bring up my family in peace and bring my money over and get it working for us safe in the thought that next year won't be my last year because the rules changed again


for now it will stay in the UK until the situation changes (for the better) and spouses and long term retirees are treated with respect rather than disdain


and for the record i happily meet the requirements i just refuse to invest into a toxic, unstable & fearful environment





Edited by GeorgeCross
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7 minutes ago, THAIJAMES said:

According to 2016 data, there are 524,600 Singapore PR holders residing in Singapore.


Probably less than 10,000 in Thailand which has 15 times the population of Singapore.


That's the real problem a lot of people that have been living here long-term should be able to apply for permanent residency much easier.

Good point. 

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11 hours ago, luckyluke said:

Many are full of themselves. 


But so are many farangs, thinking because they spent a few hundred thousands a year in Thailand, they should be specially treated. 


I have spent 15+ years in Pattaya, I am now located in Thonglor(Bangkok). 


Completely different, nearly no farangs, in daytime I am often the only one in Sukhumvit 55.

A lot of Korean tourists, and

 many Japanese residents, with huge money,  pretty sure some "squander" a couple of hundred thousand a month. 


Soon or later we will be all considered as "The White Trash" and thus negligible. 






I would guess that truly wealthy westerners don’t come to live in Bangkok out of choice as there are much more luxurious parts of the world to live.





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15 minutes ago, THAIJAMES said:

According to 2016 data, there are 524,600 Singapore PR holders residing in Singapore.


Probably less than 10,000 in Thailand which has 15 times the population of Singapore.


That's the real problem a lot of people that have been living here long-term should be able to apply for permanent residency much easier.

Expats married to an Indonesian national get a 25 year permanent residency visa.


Cost is less than $300 USD.

Edited by Khaeng Mak
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2 hours ago, Thaiarrow said:

We are trying to help. Sometimes when people are very angry it blinds them and they cannot see. Please to remain calm. And again, no one can speak for the government unless duly authorized and designated with the most appropriate source of information from the ministry. Please refer to the website. If you have questions, please do what people do every day, and call in or write to the ministry. Better yet, make an appointment and come by for a discussion. 


It is sad that you are unhappy with possible improvements to the regulations, but as is said many times, when there are tens of millions of visas granted with no issues, the failure of a small number to qualify is not an issue in the big number. The small number of foreigners who will not qualify for long term visa, will most likely continue to qualify for the standard tourist visa and they are welcome to visit. No one is being stopped from visiting if they are a good guy. However, some people with no financial means must understand that it is best that they go where they can be cared for best. Again, the number of people who may actually be impacted by some regulations update is very, very small, and the general position from the international business community is positive.

So when are you packing your bags and leaving....I hear Cambodia is nice....

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53 minutes ago, emptypockets said:

I never mentioned rich? Sounds a little envious to me. But as far as well educated I agree he would be a rarity amongst the regular Einsteins who dominate the forum.


Hardly call 12 posts posting regularly. He/she may well be a fraud and has nothing to do with immigration or any other government department - but maybe he/she is not a fraud and may be able to post some worthwhile information.

Give him/her the opportunity to speak - or to disappear from the forum altogether , it costs nothing to hear what might be said.


I was skeptical of @Lovethailandelite when he/she posted on March 2 that the Vientiane appointment system was going to be updated on March 23.   Well the system was updated over the weekend, so he/she was right about that.    I expect there will be more immigration changes reported by the end of April,


I appreciated Lovethailandelite's posts and hope he/she returns. 



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On ‎3‎/‎28‎/‎2019 at 10:05 AM, Khaeng Mak said:

Easier, faster and more watertight =


  • 1.6 million baht on deposit for 12 months for retirement extension
  • 800K baht on deposit for 12 months for wedding extension
  • 30 day reporting with full finger printing and facial scan on each occassion
  • 10K baht fine for not doing TM30 report (payable by foreigner on next extension application)
  • Compulsory medical insurance payable to agent at each immigration office. No choice of providers
  • New stamps that will burn a full page in your passport, not just half a page like the previous ones.


Wish U wouldn't put idea's into their heads.

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5 hours ago, mokwit said:

The failure of Thaiarrow to identify after specifically being asked to do so is a strong tell - someone acting in an official capacity would recognise that to maintain credibility they would pretty much have to identify themselves under those circumstances.

Yup and if you identify as official and aren't, that's a crime right there. 

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6 minutes ago, KiChakayan said:

Well, one day he'll come of media and declare that he'll eradicate visas issued on the basis of "fake" marriages, and hence make life too miserable to bear for tens of thousands of genuine and happy families. Don't expect any sympathy for the tens of thousands of Thai kids who will miss their dads. After all they will just join the millions of other kids who have absent, drunk Thai fathers.


not my kids they'll be coming with me because if that is the case Thailand does not deserve them


but i know a country or 2 that does and they'll have passports for both.


their cousins are currently studying in california as their father had enough of this BS visa run around 2 years ago.


yes Thailand thats another 50M baht you let walk out the door :thumbsup: 




Edited by GeorgeCross
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1 hour ago, rabas said:


I have excellent familiarity with TM and what they do. TM is a professional organization as is MFA. Their mandate is 1) enforce Thai immigration laws across a wide variety of countries, people, and visa needs, 2) disseminate accurate information to everyone in a unbiased and friendly manner. It's not their job to make laws or provide judgement.


TM would never assign someone to spend all day belittling TV posters who, as Thaiarrow himself admits, represent about 20 Western farangs.  Nonsense.  If TM did come here, they would announce themselves professionally and seek to provide reasonable information to all. But as TA suggests the 0.000029% of visa holders here  is a waste of time, but, apparently not for him!


TM would not insinuate, elude, belittle, or talk about where people should go if they leave and who should then take care of them. Really.


Fake news.


I very much TM (whatever that acronym stands for) has a mandate to enforce Thai immigration laws in other countries.

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1 hour ago, Lovethailandelite said:

No not at this time. As you know, dates and agendas can change. None of this change has helped the Thai Embassy in London with there online application planning.

Yes, this is currently pushed back to May. 

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16 minutes ago, bkk6060 said:

I hope those of you with families realize there is a tremendous amount of jealousy here especially amongst Thai males.

Think about the big picture and use your home country as comparison.

You are in your home country and a bunch of foreigners generally with more money then you come to live there.  They are a different color then you, grab women from the available pool, have sex with your women and make babies and buy a house.  You cannot compete mostly do to financial limitations.

Is all this going to sit well with your and your fellow mates?

I got stopped by a cop a while ago and had a looker on the back of my motorbike.  He made a comment "you Falang come here and take all the good looking women". He was dead serious.

Anyway, my point is things are not as simple here as this or that or it is only about the money.

There is some deep rooted jealousy, anger and in a share of cases hate, regarding this.




oh i don't know.. the Russians and Saudis have been doing that in my country for years (they basically own the west end of london now - walk around Harrods lol) and i don't sense much if any resentment towards them - actually they have been welcomed by successive labour and conservative governments. we even have specialised tax rules for them (non-domicile). they appear to be welcomed (current political events withstanding)


any resentment would come from a childish minority and is definately not mainstream.. (you know the same scum who don't like other races..)


and as for taking all the beautiful women i think he was pulling your leg. 99% of thais i've spoken with are bemused why we go after, how shall i say the tanned girls lol, and are happy we leave the white ones for them ????


Edited by GeorgeCross
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1 hour ago, bkk6060 said:

I hope those of you with families realize there is a tremendous amount of jealousy here especially amongst Thai males.

Think about the big picture and use your home country as comparison.

You are in your home country and a bunch of foreigners generally with more money then you come to live there.  They are a different color then you, grab women from the available pool, have sex with your women and make babies and buy a house.  You cannot compete mostly do to financial limitations.

Is all this going to sit well with your and your fellow mates?

I got stopped by a cop a while ago and had a looker on the back of my motorbike.  He made a comment "you Falang come here and take all the good looking women". He was dead serious.

Anyway, my point is things are not as simple here as this or that or it is only about the money.

There is some deep rooted jealousy, anger and in a share of cases hate, regarding this.



I heard a similar thing from a medical professional many years ago, well before Thailand was even on my radar. He said Thai men hate us for the same reasons you have stated.

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