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Insect slightly smaller and browner than a cockroach ...


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Can anyone help me to identify this pest in my room?


I cannot take a photo because it always runs away too fast.


Basically it is an insect a bit smaller than a cockroach but a similar sort of shape, with antenna at the front.


It is brown in colour and moves very fast.


When I get back to my room it is always around my bin (that I empty daily), and when it senses I am here it quickly scurries away.


No idea what it is called in English and Thai, if someone can help me I would appreciate it. 

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Not saying I know what you have but my apartment was infested with similar bugs last year, maybe a bit smaller then what you describe. After a week and posting here as well, I noticed that there seemed to me more around my food storage cabinet.  I started taking everything out and discovered way in the back a box of dry, imported "Cous-Cous", a semolina grain I used to enjoy in Morocco and had found at the Gourmet Market a few months before.  It looked like it had been blasted by a shotgun, maybe 100 or more tiny holes and these bugs crawling everywhere around it as well as many dead bodies.  The grain must have been infested with the larvae when it was boxed and shipped.  They hatched and ate their way out of the box and infested my room   Once it was all cleaned up, they never appeared again.

Just to be safe, check all your food stocks, especially stuff that has been pushed to the back of a cabinet or shelf.


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I can't seem to find another answer. I agree with the baby cocroach idea, it probably needs a bit more time to grow bigger. Of course you can't take a photo if its ever on the move, so you probably wont be able to have a definite answer.

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If they run fast, as mentioned in the OP, then 99% sure it's young cockroaches (stored product pests move slow)  There will also be adults that are just smarter at hiding.


You need a good 'residual' insecticide.  Put on a 3M carbon face mask or better, Spray floors and in all gaps and cracks in walls, spray in any hidden voids or enclosed areas, then go away for the weekend to let the fog clear.


Re-treat a week later as egg cases are insecticide proof and will have hatched.  Repeat weekly then move to monthly when you don't see them any more.


Ask building management to treat the rest of the building if you're in a condo.


You never get rid of them 100% - but you should not see them any more.


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