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Junta gets flak for sedition charge against Thanathorn


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7 hours ago, Bang Bang said:

Bullets will fly

blood will flow

men will die

but their women and children will not mourn

the sacrifice of the brave for the land to which they were born

birds will grow quiet and the wind will slow

but after interminable darkness will dawn the day

that sets Thailand free

and once the sun breaks on that fine morning

it will not set in a thousand years




Stirring stuff. Congrats, assuming you wrote it!

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1 hour ago, brain150 said:

Typical "color revolution" textbook ... followed by the letter !

Goerge Soros written all over it !


Who is financing iLaw and all these so called "watchdogs" and "pro democracy" groups ???

=> short answer: the same people who did in the Ukraine, North Africa, Venezuela.

Same people, same story ... and we know what comes at the end.


None of this has anything to do with democracy or the people !


Propaganda at its best. 

You cannot make the regime change with elections ? 

Next step is to organize demonstrations ... then make them violent ... then step in.

Works all the time all over the world. Nothing new under the sun.


Bad thing is: We know what's coming next !!!


There is no democracy anywhere in the world !

99% of the people have no idea what a democracy actually is.

The most important basics to democracy is Freedom !!! ... who is free right now ?

[Side note:  Freedom requires free will and free choices - anybody who can be forced to pay taxes can never claim to be free ! Anybody who can be told when or what to do without his consent can never claim to be free ! As such there are no free people anywhere in the world by definition and as such there cannot be a democracy anywhere in the world by definition ! Slaves were told to be free but are still slaves ... being treated like slaves. But the slaves dream that they are free because it is just more comfortable than knowing to be a slave to the state ! It is all upside down - all of it !!! The state serves the people, that's what a state is supposed to do - no the people serve the state - and most people have no idea.]

What you describe is anarchy.

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24 minutes ago, Krataiboy said:

Stirring stuff. Congrats, assuming you wrote it!

Thanks. Yes, I did. Last thing before turning in last night. The news about Thanathorn pissed me off totally. Love this country. Been here more than 10 years. And all I see is these lovely people get stepped on by ...

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4 hours ago, bowerboy said:

You can find the army chiefs daughter on Facebook... speaks perfect English and lists her place of residence as Maryland, USA

She must be a republican then, not one of the dissenting lefties - although I think 90% of the world is on the left from the Thai military junta, only hardcore commies and tinpot dictatorships in SEA pass on the right.

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48 minutes ago, grumpy 4680 said:

     How many charges should the Junta face, I would start with treason.

They have legislated to give themselves immunity from prosecution. So, "should" is not the same as "will".

Edited by champers
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4 hours ago, bowerboy said:

You can find the army chiefs daughter on Facebook... speaks perfect English and lists her place of residence as Maryland, USA

His son is also active on social media. Also educated abroad and likes to use the F word in his posts.  

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30 minutes ago, newnative said:

     Shameful.  I would love to see all the anti-junta parties, regardless of what they think of each other, band together in a show of unity against the junta.  Hard to think of a more appropriate time than now for the strategy of 'the enemy of my enemy is my friend'.  

Exactly....unity against Dictatorship.....this may be their only chance to stomp this out permanently.

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15 hours ago, Prissana Pescud said:

In my small village and many others, not one vote counted.

Do you mean "not one vote WAS counted."




"not one vote counted." As in they didn't matter.


If you are saying there was a willful action not to count votes, then I think this should be taken up by the candidates.


Had a few strange things in our village too, but mostly to do with money changing hands

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12 hours ago, Number 6 said:

We come here largely retired. Our needs and expectations different. Even stating this, if I can resolve the healthcare issue for my wife, we may return as well. Dark clouds forming. Nation has gone nowhere since 2005. Expat life becoming mindlessly pedantic and increasingly expensive.

Perhaps this will have an effect on the THB exchange rate if the big P gets his way. Might be a good time to hang onto those $$$ or £ or € and see what happens. 

Just looking for an up side to this mockery of an election. 

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3 hours ago, chama said:

It is no surprise the junta is trying to stop Thanathorn before his popularity grows any greater. He is perhaps the greatest threat to their ability to bamboozling the Thai public. But....the awakening has begun and if they poke too hard not could backfire by mobilizing the various factions that have had enough and are just simmering until a spark ignites a major movement.

On the side of all of this, and very significant, I wonder if there's a showdown looming between the PM and his army faction and the current army head and his faction? 

Edited by scorecard
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3 hours ago, GinBoy2 said:

I think that's one of things that worry them most, Thai's going overseas


Back in the day, the elite sent their kids to the US or Europe to get educated with the assumption that they would return to assume their rightful place at the head of society.


Then you get this new generation of LoSo's or medium So's who go either to study or to work, and they get exposed to a whole different world of self expression, and liberation.


Now those overseas Thai's hit the keyboard, exposing all sorts of nasty secrets for the world, including their fellow Thai's to see.


There is a reason why computer crime, and that infamous green block screen is so prevalent!



On the side of all of this, and very significant, I wonder if there's a showdown looming between the PM and his army faction and the current army head and his faction?



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22 hours ago, baboon said:

But entirely expected. More fool the major parties for participating in this sham in the first place.

seen thanathorn in person a number of times now, the guy is solid, really inspirational


I've been here 18 years, and "inequality" has to be the major social issue,


the powers that be have a real problem with seeing all people as equal



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5 hours ago, scorecard said:


On the side of all of this, and very significant, I wonder if there's a showdown looming between the PM and his army faction and the current army head and his faction?



The Machiavellian nature of the amart and the military relationship is something farangs will never understand.

My wife tends to believe that it's very much an internecine feud, and I can get my head around that idea

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17 minutes ago, GinBoy2 said:

The Machiavellian nature of the amart and the military relationship is something farangs will never understand.

My wife tends to believe that it's very much an internecine feud, and I can get my head around that idea

If the amarts have such little respect and such disdain for the average man, you can imagine they have the same feelings about their equals or higher-ups. They just can’t be so obvious about it. The amarts have proven themselves to be completely abhorrent and despicable people time and time again. 


There is no honour amongst thieves. They don’t care who they turn on. As long as it benefits them. 

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59 minutes ago, GinBoy2 said:

The Machiavellian nature of the amart and the military relationship is something farangs will never understand.

My wife tends to believe that it's very much an internecine feud, and I can get my head around that idea


And I agree, internal fighting, with violence if needed, to be the top dog faction within the army, but that doesn't mean no other casualties, IMHO the leaders of these factions also believe the masses should be seriously controlled and punished if needed to make them understand to do as they are told and make them understand which faction is the top dog.


Suchina actually said this during the coup to make him the PM.


I recall years ago working as an organizational consultant alongside a Thai lady who was a director of a Thai bank, her husband was a senior general and her 2 sons were senior officers.


The conflict with suchinda, sunthorn and gang came along. She privately told me one of her sons had shared that he had been ordered to soon order the NCO's to order the troops to fire on unarmed civilian protestors who had done nothing wrong.


Her son also revealed he was very afraid because another faction has let him know that If he did give this order the other faction would assassinate him immediately. 


Nasty stuff.

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11 hours ago, Artisi said:

Is he close the Thaksin  or is that your considered opinion? 

fair comment. Whilst not having seen anything concrete, im going off what Thai friends and wife have said. 

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3 minutes ago, zoza said:

As I have mentioned before the Baht did not move when they were firing rocket propelled grenade's in the airport...so a bit of a stretch in MHO. 


9 hours ago, Zack61 said:

Perhaps this will have an effect on the THB exchange rate if the big P gets his way. Might be a good time to hang onto those $$$ or £ or € and see what happens. 

Just looking for an up side to this mockery of an election. 


Edited by zoza
Bit of a wrong button thing or my laptop is not 100%
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