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Democracy in decline


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1 minute ago, LongTang said:

You are quite right, We humans are a bunch of Selfish Scumbags that want to rule the world, AND THE ONLY THING THAT CAN SOMEHOW KEEP US IN CHECK is as history showed us again and again is Democracy.

I guess you won't be coming to America.  That's quite alright, I don't hear anyone complaining.

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40 minutes ago, 4675636b596f75 said:

I see you don't know the answer.  Democracy is for scumbags.  I come from America where we created the Constitutional Representative Republic.  America was never a Democracy.  Prove me wrong.  I dare you.

The "United States of America" is/are a Federal Republic, which implements a representative democracy, not a direct democracy. This is laid out in the constitution. The individual states are, well, whatever.


The only point being that democratic processes can be employed in many different ways.


Back to Thailand, Thailand is a constitutional monarchy.

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31 minutes ago, 4675636b596f75 said:

democratic process = 4 wolves and 1 sheep voting on what is for dinner.

Quite the opposite.

Democracy is 4 sheep and a wolf voting on what is for dinner.

That the wolf always wins is nobody's fault but the sheep.

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8 hours ago, DrTuner said:

Churcill put it the best:


’Many forms of Government have been tried, and will be tried in this world of sin and woe. No one pretends that democracy is perfect or all-wise. Indeed it has been said that democracy is the worst form of Government except for all those other forms that have been tried from time to time.…’


Best of a bad bunch.

Democracy was still quite new* when Churchill said that. If he had lived to see how easily and inevitably "Democracy" ends up being rule by International Bankers I think he'd change his tune. Just look at the UK vs Thailand. Yes, on the surface the British "system" may seem to offer more freedoms but in practice Thailand is far more free. "Democracy" is nothing but a tool used by certain interests to con people in to thinking they are free while their prison masters tighten their chains. 


*and by that I mean the modern form of Democracy as practiced in the West. Please don't cite me Ancient Greece.

Edited by usviphotography
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3 hours ago, usviphotography said:

Democracy was still quite new* when Churchill said that. If he had lived to see how easily and inevitably "Democracy" ends up being rule by International Bankers I think he'd change his tune. Just look at the UK vs Thailand. Yes, on the surface the British "system" may seem to offer more freedoms but in practice Thailand is far more free. "Democracy" is nothing but a tool used by certain interests to con people in to thinking they are free while their prison masters tighten their chains. 


*and by that I mean the modern form of Democracy as practiced in the West. Please don't cite me Ancient Greece.

Ah well..between Thomas Jefferson having a bad hair day-he had plenty of those-and proclamations that Thailand is a "libertarian" paradise I guess the Western nations will just have to muddle through.


By the way,as Chancellor of the Exchequer,Churchill knew plenty of bankers and it was as a "friend" of the Bank of England that he placed Britain on the road to financial ruin by going back on the pre-war Gold Standard..Moreover as a member of the old elite he was a great friend to successful businessmen as well-just ask Max Aitkin,Lord Beaverbrook.What Churchill continued to state all his long life was that pluralism (power sharing) worked and non power sharing didn't.

Edited by Odysseus123
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8 hours ago, 4675636b596f75 said:

I guess you won't be coming to America.  That's quite alright, I don't hear anyone complaining.

Can't hear much of anything whilst flapping your gums nonstop, I reckon.


I don't disagree with some of what you said, but Jesus, take it down a notch, will you?

Edited by ramr
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Some incessant tedious rants on democracy by individuals; still waiting for their views on a better alternative. Plagiarized public opinions is just so damn easy. We know it’s not perfect but still the best political system than the rest old style politics. 

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On 4/7/2019 at 7:51 PM, Odysseus123 said:



By the way,as Chancellor of the Exchequer,Churchill knew plenty of bankers and it was as a "friend" of the Bank of England that he placed Britain on the road to financial ruin by going back on the pre-war Gold Standard..Moreover as a member of the old elite he was a great friend to successful businessmen as well-just ask Max Aitkin,Lord Beaverbrook.What Churchill continued to state all his long life was that pluralism (power sharing) worked and non power sharing didn't.

There is no doubt Churchill was a bad man and a horrible PM that was responsible more than anyone for the UK's sad decline, but from what I've read about him I don't think he was that evil that being able to live to see the results, he would have maintained his previous views and associations in the face of such of overwhelming evidence. 

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