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'Very ill' Brit tourist, 25, stranded in Thai hospital as family appeal for help


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3 minutes ago, TumblinDice said:


She "stranded" herself by travelling half way around the globe without travel insurance.

Nice boobies though. I hope they're not infected. They look pretty expensive.

How do you think her parents would feel after reading the last part of this post?

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That I can understand..but a British influencer..whatever that is getting a job with the Thai Government in whatever capacity totally baffles me.
I'm 68 years young..a retired businessman and have never heard of such a job description in my life!!!

It could possibly have been bad timing?
Perhaps the girl had been waiting for a couple of weeks from the point of entering with a Non-B (therefore her travel insurance invalidated), to expecting her work permit to be approved and starting working - thereby being covered by the Thai Social Security system.
I'm sure a lot of people might think that way.
About twelve years ago when I cancelled my first work permit, I decided to take out a health insurance policy.
I had the policy application form in my pocket - ready to be filled in, when my motorbike was hit from behind by another motorbike, knocking me into the next lane of traffic and run over by a pickup truck.
Neither of the vehicles stopped.
I ended up in intensive care, and in hospital for more than two weeks, costing me 300,000 Baht.

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Up here in my neck of the woods in deepest Isaan..quite a few of us expats in our own way try to help the local community in various ways.
That is Imo a " more worthy cause " than helping someone who has been hooting/tooting globally for some time.
As a Glasgow man..I know Barrhead..sadly there's quite a few" would be's " in that suburb of my city

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41 minutes ago, wreckingcountry said:

Pathetic how these people Don’t have insurance and then beg! Go to hell

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"Go to hell"? Really? Hell is spelled with a capital H. Sympathy perhaps is a far better emotion to have rather than the anger that your words suggest.

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1 minute ago, iamariva1957 said:

"Go to hell"? Really? Hell is spelled with a capital H. Sympathy perhaps is a far better emotion to have rather than the anger that your words suggest.

I suppose you could say it needs 'H' as it is the 'capital' of the underworld.

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Plenty that doesn't fly about all this, especially the part that she has been in Thailand for so long living-it-up and suddenly she's just 2 weeks away from being a "manager" of something which sounds highly dubious without even starting on WP requirements/rules. I might have believed that she was about to become a teacher but judging by the Instagram and social media pictures/activity then I doubt that raising the education of others is very high on bucket list. Another thing is that she has been living-it-up here for a while ... who with exacty? Doubt she was home alone, so why doesn't he (suppose could be a "her" these days) man-up (or woman-up in these days of equality) and sort it out for her? Guess a boyfriend in the background would have a negative downer on donations though. Too much ambiguity on all fronts in this one but because she's hot and displayed the right pictures then it works on the easily influenced weak-minded types. Still, no substitute for proper insurance as has been adequately mentioned by others and far too many people live in La La Land these days on this and many other fronts.

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Just now, bluesofa said:

True, but I'd suggest that's dependent on whether you're religious, and believe it exists, surely?

As an atheist, I refuse to capitalise god, for the same reason. A figment of man's imagination.

Having said that, I suppose 'Atlantis' could be considered similarly.


5555... like the Atlantis suggestion. Ditto about capitalizing God... I do as it is grammatically correct... but I hear you!


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3 minutes ago, Brigand said:

Plenty that doesn't fly about all this, especially the part that she has been in Thailand for so long living-it-up and suddenly she's just 2 weeks away from being a "manager" of something which sounds highly dubious without even starting on WP requirements/rules. I might have believed that she was about to become a teacher but judging by the Instagram and social media pictures/activity then I doubt that raising the education of others is very high on bucket list. Another thing is that she has been living-it-up here for a while ... who with exacty? Doubt she was home alone, so why doesn't he (suppose could be a "her" these days) man-up (or woman-up in these days of equality) and sort it out for her? Guess a boyfriend in the background would have a negative downer on donations though. Too much ambiguity on all fronts in this one but because she's hot and displayed the right pictures then it works on the easily influenced weak-minded types. Still, no substitute for proper insurance as has been adequately mentioned by others and far too many people live in La La Land these days on this and many other fronts.

That’s life today, good on her for having a go at whatever she had planned.Sad it got sidetracked but .So many here don,t have insurance, not just holiday cover so it’s a gamble for them too .

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3 hours ago, sotonowl said:

Good call, them plastic surgeons are brilliant. Do you know the usa has more plastic surgeons than any other country? Really makes you wonder why doesn't it?

Uh, it pays good? You get nights and weekends off!

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6 hours ago, GinBoy2 said:

In reaction to the various posts regarding her stupidity in not having travel insurance.


Well it's true, and stupid, but how many of us at 25 didn't think we were immortal?

I've certainly done stupid things in my youth but I've ALWAYS taken out travel insurance. It's one of those things that's taught by our parents, internet and friends. It's similar to driving or owning a property and is as habitual as breathing.


But then again some people apparently know better.


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1 hour ago, smedly said:

Have to say - some of the posts on here by the "perfect faultless armchair TVF critics" are quite shameful - gossip mongers with lives so boring and pointless they feed off others misfortune


sad really


Hope this young lady gets well soon and wish her all the best 

Yes and I hope these posts are spread out on the internet to remind people to stop being dicks.


I really wish there was some sort of system that made insurance compulsory when booking flights/holidays. Is your life so worthless for the sake of £20 ?



Edited by Chelseafan
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Hopefully Thailand will do just that asap

Yes and I hope these posts are spread out on the internet to remind people to stop being dicks.
I really wish there was some sort of system that made insurance compulsory when booking flights/holidays. Is your life so worthless for the sake of £20.

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A spinal tap is nothing exotic, dangerous nor an emergency procedure, nor is it painful. I had meningitis as a youngster, spinal tap was done daily (still have the scars) to do a cell count and to monitor the effect of the drug they used (streptomycin). There is no need to turn this topic into something of a rare disease tale.

My advantage was that I didn't live in Thailand but in Europe when the infection struck. What caused it?


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At the venue..what venue??????????

Quoted from the Daily Mail.


Now the 25-year-old's desperate father James Geddes, 48, has launched a £25,000 GoFundMe appeal to fly his stricken daughter home fearing she may have meningitis.


Ms Fulton was set to take up a manager job at the venue before falling ill.


She has been in the country on a non visitor visa but was just days away from getting a worker visa.

Mr Geddes, 48, said: 'About two weeks ago, she developed an ear infection and I told her to go to the doctors.


'It then spread into her lymph glands under one of her arms and they became inflamed - it was huge.


'She went to the local clinic and they gave her antibiotics which clearly didn't work.'

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He could perhaps re-mortgage his home..get a bank loan..if it is possible?? ask the Uk embassy for financial help and he could sign over his home an d all contents as security..ask family and friends in the UK to re-mortgage their propertys or get bank loans etc

Medical evacuation is extremely expensive. And even if you have travelers insurance, they generally don't cover medical evacuation to any hospital of your choice. The kind of insurance a 20 something would be would only evacuate you to the nearest medical facility that can adequately treat your emergency. It could be a scam of course, but just as likely the Dad just doesn't have a lot of money and he's afraid his daughter is going to die, which is certainly a very real possibility with encephalitis or meningitis. It could very well be that a UK hospital isn't going to be able to provide any better treatment than the one in Phuket but if they are telling him it doesn't look like she'll make it or that she'll probably have brain damage you can forgive him for not thinking rationally. In any case, I think it is poor taste to label somebody who may way be flying home to England with his daughter's dead body in the future a "scammer" absent evidence. He's probably just scared and desperate.  

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