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Avoid sexy or alcohol-filled social-media content on social over Songkran on pain of jail time, warn police


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I wonder if the Police Colonel had some male relatives who died from heart attacks after they were exposed to boobs of pesky western women during Songkran. That would make his reaction understandable. Now imagine this:

"Officer, I only showed my boobs because I didn't want to get in trouble for wearing my illegal Heinecken T-shirt..."

Edited by Lupatria
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Gotta love the police here. "No photos, videos, etc of lewd or sexy women et al on internet. Here are some examples... and here are some more... go to this police page and see more...."

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" NO PHOTOS, video clips of live broadcasts of nudity, lewd acts or inviting consumption of alcohol should be published on Thai social media during Songkran, people are being warned. "


That's as clear as can be.  Post the sexy stuff on some other social media.  Just to be safe, post the location of that media here so we know how to avoid it.  I'd hate to accidentally stumble across sexy material again.

Edited by heybruce
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More BS!


For example, prostitution is illigal in Thailand, yet it is everywhere and very exposed. Do the authorities stop the obvious prostitution in bars, clubs, Ago go, beach fronts, social media etc? No! Because it is money to them. 


Let's face it, without the amount of open sex that can be had in Thailand, I doubt tourists would visit the place. 


To put out such a warning is like the kettle caling the pot black. A double edged sword. 


Yet again, fickle! Pathetic... 



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deemed against society’s good morality.

As a society--religious or secular--becomes more rigid and oppressive, Orwellian language like this is used to brainwash and  enforce compliance.  Morality is not a thing that one can be against as the quote suggests.  What do such statements even mean? Obviously, the direct, non-fuzzy translation is: "against the law" which puts the credit or blame squarely where it belongs, on the lawmakers, not on some weird abstraction "good morality."

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1 hour ago, Nyezhov said:

Their country, their rules.

Overly obvious. Would you mind expanding on that just a bit and explain what you mean, what point you are trying to make?

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6 minutes ago, grumpy 4680 said:

       Songkan is a time for fun, so an illegal goverment with narrow minded opinions are more likely to be ignored, its time they woke up to the 21st. century.

Narrow headed enough to avoid that next bucket of water'n'flour headed their way?  

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22 minutes ago, Sonhia said:



Let's face it, without the amount of open sex that can be had in Thailand, I doubt tourists would visit the place. 


To put out such a warning is like the kettle caling the pot black. A double edged sword. 





Lovely example of a mixed metaphor!!

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Like so many things, it is all about "face."  Can't post pics of lewd and licentious festival because then people might get the idea that Thailand has lewd and licentious festivals. And we couldn't have that, could we?  It is hardly ever about the thing itself, but rather "What would people think???" The sad irony is that for modern, "progressive,"  people, suppression of free expression represents a much greater stain and loss of face the knowledge that Thailand has these stupid "Spring Break" blowouts every year.

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5 hours ago, observer90210 said:

What to say ? Nudity is also banned on social media in Europe and depending on what kind of boum boum you post, it can get you into trouble with the local Boys in Blue !!  Same for any commercials either on TV or public space, related to alcohol - banned by law.


Far from wanting to make an apologia of this issue, maybe the authorities in Thailand are aware of the excess and abuse of booze and the consequences during Songkarn when people do go mad. If I may ... IMHO.

Have you ever even been to Britain or Europe? Nudity is not on Social Media? Britan has  what they call the 9PM watershed which after 9PM when kids should have been sent to bed  basically anything goes on TV. Is TV Social Media.  I remember seeing episodes of Benny Hill with girls running around topless and they can show topless girls after (9PM) on TV  in Britain and other EU countries. On USA  TV you will usually not see  topless women on regular  TV programs but  will see on some cable channels or documentaries on Amazon tribes or African tribes, ect.

Edited by Tony125
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"He also urged revellers to avoid driving after drinking to avoid a serious punishment in the event that they caused a fatal crash."  Apparently, according to this, if you cause a fatal crash and have not been drinking then you will not receive a serious punishment? 

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All hotels are reporting bookings way down on even last year (not a good one.) If this government (nanny state) keeps taking all enjoyment out of life for visitors here they will kill this town. Think about it how many tourists hire cars or motorbikes during Songkran? It's all locals on the roads plus a few expats who tend to avoid Songkran anyway.

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6 hours ago, webfact said:

NO PHOTOS, video clips of live broadcasts of nudity, lewd acts or inviting consumption of alcohol should be published on Thai social media during Songkran, people are being warned.

Such actions are illegal and punishable with a fine and/or a jail term,

But Walking street will be open as usual !!!!

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I think the Thai government should take out advertisements in papers such as the UK Sun and Mirror advising all the things that are illegal in Thailand, you know, those things tourists travel to Thailand for. These disgrace tourists should find another country to spend their money in.....

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There are a number of Thai Buddhist temples around Chiang Mai where there are statues, carvings, paintings, and reliefs of scantily clothed women with bare breast <gasp>. 
This issue of 'modesty' is a relatively recent occurrence where Western Christian values were basically shoved down the throats of the public back in the early 1930s.  It was pretty much an edict - you WILL cover up and dress modestly like good, Christian Westerners. 

Now?  "Oh, Thais are reserved and dress modestly - and Thailand has never been conquered by a foreign power.  <laughs>  But the government's still at it.  ".....dress modestly...or go to jail!!!" Pretty soon the makeup of Thai jails will be 70% drug users, 10% morality offenders, and 20% whatever. Shouldn't the RTP be busting all these temples for displaying semi-nudes while they are at it?

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