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U.S. charges Assange after London arrest ends seven years in Ecuador embassy


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6 hours ago, JimmyJ said:



Free speech does not mean "Speech I agree with and people I personally like should have the right to free speech".

Free speech means the right for people one dislikes and points of view one disagrees with to be spoken.


The New York Times and The Washington Post constantly publish leaked (from "unnamed sources") info.

They also - like most publications and TV news shows in the world - have repeated Wikileaks releases.

Should those papers be closed and their publishers go to jail, because an anonymous poster on TVF doesn't like them?

What possible relevance would this person's opinion of someone's personality have?

It is totally off topic and strawman.


Ah but those two Newspapers are on the politically correct side. So it's o k for them to print any accusation as fact, from any source or even make it up.

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1 minute ago, CGW said:

"Society" you mean the "sheeple"? 

Call it what you like: 'society', 'the Establishment'. 'National governments',  The People, The Law,   but he will get his, thank goodness. It's been a long time coming. 

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4 hours ago, mauGR1 said:

I wonder what interest have the US in creating a martyr, what's happening to the greatest democracy in the world ?


It's slowly being taken over by the loony left political correct liberals who demand total control over their citizens thoughts, actions and money.  Long way to go, but they're working on it. All for the best, so they say.

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4 minutes ago, Pilotman said:

Call it what you like: 'society', 'the Establishment'. 'National governments',  The People, The Law,   but he will get his, thank goodness. It's been a long time coming. 


What do you consider he's done wrong?

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9 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


Would that be the Russian interference that nobody has actually proven? All a world wide conspiracy to keep the US from getting the wonderful Clinton crime family back in the Whitehouse?




Some posters seem to use the Russians as their bogeymen. To much 60's and 70'S Hollywood!

No. The Russian interference is totally proven. The "collusion" part of it with "trump" was not proven according to the Mueller report. You do understand the difference, right? "trump" was happy for the help but there is no evidence of direct coordination with it.

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7 minutes ago, CGW said:

Ok, not big on freedom in the press are you? you obviously have far more faith in elected officials than most do.

The press can't be trusted, the politicians are morons, but I trust the environment that I and many millions have lived in and thrived in over a self absorbed, arrogant, narcissistic idiot like however you spell his name.


Interestingly,  I read today that, on pain of being sued, he made all his own employees sign 'none disclosure agreement's, not to divulge any Wikileaks secrets.  Obviously the irony and hypocrisy passed him by.  Bravely, many ignored him and leaked documents showing his close connection with various unsavoury governments and their hacking apparatus, including our old friend and that lover of liberty, Putin. He is a low life and deserves to be locked away for as long as possible. That day is coming. 

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Well the Australian P.M has just signed his parties own death warrant.  Election May 18th.  Last week he said his has changed his view on the ISIS BRIDES and will assist in bringing them home to great disgust of the population.  Now he is turning his back on an Australian citizen again to great disgust of Aussies.  Protests have started and Morrison put the gun to his head and pulled the trigger

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6 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

"trump" was happy for the help but there is no evidence of direct coordination with it.

Where as if the US prosecutors are correct they have evidence that Assange did collude with Manning.


There was so much stuff they would not have even read much of what they were shoving on the Internet, my concerns is that they may have compromised anti terrorism operations. 


And since when has stelling documents and blindly putting on the web been Journalism???

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1 minute ago, Pilotman said:

The press can't be trusted

The press can't be trusted, then you quote "the press" as it has an article that shows negativity to someone you obviously dislike, is this a trustworthy article or more "fake news"?

I have no interest in him as a person - none at all, I am glad he gave us an insight into what respective governments believe we have no right to know, they would be part of the "environment" that you trust, confusing.

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5 hours ago, mikebike said:

What is “the western style”?


UK v US... freedom of speech is VERY different in those two bastions of western style of government.

The UK doesn't have free speech. Any speech which offends is termed hate speech and punishable by imprisonment. The US used to have free speech, now it doesn't. Very simple.

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11 minutes ago, Pedrogaz said:

Reading the comments I am amazed by the ignorance of some of the posters. They have no idea at all what is at stake here. Sheeple whom have swallowed the Kool Aid put out by the US....just cheer leaders for the rotten, corrupt and criminal elite establishment. WAKE UP

The US and the UK are better to be careful how they handle Assange, what is left of their credibility is at stake.

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4 minutes ago, mauGR1 said:

The US and the UK are better to be careful how they handle Assange, what is left of their credibility is at stake.

Most of the world laughs when the US speaks of democracy, freedom, etc., and are well aware of the massive hypocrisy.



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3 minutes ago, JimmyJ said:

Most of the world laughs when the US speaks of democracy, freedom, etc., and are well aware of the massive hypocrisy.



Agree, that's why i think they should do something about their credibility, er, what is left of it.

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49 minutes ago, CGW said:

The press can't be trusted, then you quote "the press" as it has an article that shows negativity to someone you obviously dislike, is this a trustworthy article or more "fake news"?

I have no interest in him as a person - none at all, I am glad he gave us an insight into what respective governments believe we have no right to know, they would be part of the "environment" that you trust, confusing.

anyone who didn't know that these things go on, on rare occasions must be living in a bucket and know nothing of history.  It's hardly new. 

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32 minutes ago, Pedrogaz said:

Reading the comments I am amazed by the ignorance of some of the posters. They have no idea at all what is at stake here. Sheeple whom have swallowed the Kool Aid put out by the US....just cheer leaders for the rotten, corrupt and criminal elite establishment. WAKE UP

"Sheeple whom have swallowed the Kool Aid put out by the US....just cheer leaders for the rotten, corrupt and criminal elite establishment."


I see you've let loose with all your best powers of persuasion, you'll undoubtedly  win others over with such inclusive arguments. 


Putting aside your charm offensive, you have a bit of a problem countering charges recorded in various indictments and the fact that Assange will be tried in open court before a jury.


Perhaps you think the 'elite establishment' will rig that. 



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3 hours ago, Chomper Higgot said:

Assange's arrest has nothing to do with 'Freedom of speech',  he's being charged with crimes that have absolutely nothing to do with freedom of speech, or journalism. 



We were side talkin' about US v UK freedom of speech.


What he is charged with does not change the ramifications of those charges: reduction of whistle-blowing.

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1 hour ago, Basil B said:

And since when has stelling documents and blindly putting on the web been Journalism???

Minus the web part, pretty much since "journalism" started. That is why there is a thing called journalistic ethics. More ethical outlets will wait for corroboration to publish. Many did not and do not.

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8 hours ago, Topdoc said:

"a bunch of narcissists who cannot get beyond their own selfish interests"

could be a good way to describe the political class in the UK at the moment

Not only UK. The entire word seems to be afflicted with that type of politicians.

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