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You can go nude.....but you have to wear a mask....in Czech.... https://edition.cnn.com/travel/article/czech-nudists-virus-police/index.html social distancing they did remind along with a mask.....show your willie but hide your face....


Waking to a gloomy winters day in autumn...at 8.43 did the sun pop out streaming through my skillion roof windows.....glorious sunshine....a trip to the supermarket at 7 am....was like middle of an English winter....still were not meant to have a nice day today yet there seems to be little cloud in the sky....a nice sailing breeze out there not good for a bald head at 13 degrees.....if the sun holds I will be doing some things in the garage......other wise im holed up in front of the pc all day again....


https://edition.cnn.com/2020/04/10/asia/china-wildlife-law-coronavirus-intl-hnk/index.html but dog is not on the list....whats it mean? does it mean if cho cho lived in China he would be someones dinner?

Adult <deleted>zu's are meant to be around 7kgs cho weighs in at 11....hes a big boy...not fat....even have trouble buying him a dog collar....I noticed the Cho's of Thailand are about the size off a large cat there a bit bigger here yet cho is bigger than them...have 2 over the road....boy do they make a lot of nose at 10 am every morning....I would have sworn there were a dozen dogs over there, there owner tells me there <deleted>zu's, feed time 10 am....since met the little buggers...rather cute...a few more <deleted>zus in the area.....Kae.....windcheater girl has a cat now...and a good-looking cat...she found it, she called it an orphan....Jann is its name....to go with that ugly dog of hers....From the pics it has moved right in and feels at home.....the dog....Happy is its name a long haired chihuahua, and I dont like this breed and Kae senses that.....anyway shes been a lot happier this week, shes been working from home, no lectures or meetings this week....she trains people on how to get clients to spend money, a natural people person she is....you wouldnt think shes 40 years old with some of the vids and pics she sends me....Shes also the whitest Thai ive ever met....she is white....like snow.....


That coffee machine is the best appliance ive ever bought.....just had a latte.....its so good I wont buy a coffee when I go out now....and there are some places now making a disgusting coffee here in Melbourne....a local one...new chain apparently, sounds Italian tastes like Sudanese sand mixed with water....kinda turns your throat into a file....with an after taste so then you cough up another $5 for a coke or something....Like Amazon coffee over there...though the Amazon coffee shop at the Korat Bus station wasnt too bad....I have a theory about my taste buds....might be because of my nose allergy which does effect the throat....I seem to like say one type of beer, though I always come back to Corona then another time not like it.....I seem to have this about Carlton Draught....sometimes its a seriously good beer and other times its like poo....James Boag too....love it or its ordinary, in the last two trips to the land of dark skinned women I use to dislike Chang now its my go to beer there....Leo....cant get use to it yet....and Heineken....use to go down like a ton of bricks....was like Phuket dishwater to me....one time getting <deleted> at the Ekammi beer house about 2 ys ago.....since it was 100B for a pint and happy hour, nice and cheap and it was just for effect not cause I liked it had 3 of them.....and it tasted good.....3 pints makes me dance very well....I know the effect it gives me...so I know and can recommend that pub, they dont water down there beer....for some reason they turn happy hour off for Heineken at 8 pm but wait....that Jap beer is on happy hour all night well till the time I left....and it also tasted good....when in the past it was like vinger to me.....might be the glasses hey....Ekammi is in the big Japanese area of BKK.....so I was told by a lovely Japanese woman one day at a salsa club there....apparently Bkk is the home to the largest group off Japs outside of Japan....


Well I dont know....they call it entertainment.....Reality shows just dont get me  normally  https://www.nzherald.co.nz/entertainment/news/article.cfm?c_id=1501119&objectid=12324175 I did tune into this on Netflix out of boredom one evening while playing Fifa manager at the same time so you know it didnt have my entire attention.....got as far as the first 30 min then switched it off.....so its a big thumps down from me.....Tiger King, that guy looks like a refugee from the 70s with that hair cut, last night watched Orthodox....seemed to have the makings of a decent story....Netflix Original.....3 parts.....it had me in...while I started a new career in Italia for a change in Fifa Manager, only once had I played using an Italian team before....never in Germany...just cant get into the huns there.....France with Marseilles a number of times.....Premier league originally but these days prefer the lower divisions of the EPL....Well a an un orthodox Jewish bride in New York runs away from her husband to Berlin...so yes its a German show, well what a let down.....hubby and his cousin a once back sheep of the clan who came back but still like to drink smoke and gamble when the Rabbis were not around went to Berlin to bring her home....seems they left a few things out cause I didnt get it.....must be lost in Translation.....I liked that movie....


For you Expat cockies ( Aussie slang for rich farmers) up there on your Thai farms.....an SUV you need to have.... https://www.driven.co.nz/reviews/is-a-macan-gts-the-best-porsche-you-can-buy/ a cool 105 to 165 AU ,000$ double that there.....Seen a few around here....very nice indeed, and im not a great fan of the SUV, does everything....like my VW and more.....hey I got use to keyless entry and lock now...frigging magic....all you need is the keys in your pocket and a finger on your hand....have to say I love that....had the Volksie in to get a tow bar fittered to it at the VW service centre...wont tell you how much it cost you'd swear it must be gold plated seems being a GTI only VW supply them....this is all for carrying my bike down to the beach and riding it there once they allow us out of our area for recreation... Well the loan car was a Gold Wagon....ummm.......a step down for sure....3rd golf ive driven, the other loan car at least had a rocket under the bonnet...this thing was a farmers car......and the speedo...OMG looked very tacky cant believe that VW dished this up......


Well I been to the chemist to get my new bottle of cough mixture of course a certain person casts doubt that it even works...well I got one that does chest and throat and its a big improvement on the previous....looking up at my high windows its become overcast...ho dear......which brings me to the point....I may have to buy a windows laptop after all....yeah I got one but its a antique now, its an old I7 with a new ssd card in it which makes it fire up faster than my MacBook Pro.....I need some games you see......I did buy one before xmas....doing the Catalina update for Mac pretty much destroyed playing that game, there has been some fixes sent out by Steam but do you recon I can get it to work....yep your right....no I cant....so I may bite the bullet and buy a windows lappie....I checked yesterday and it seems Microsoft have come to the party and have anti virus built in with windows 10....which was always a sore point with me....lash out a 100 or so dollars to Norton for the pleasure of them getting rich and not being able to keep up with the virus's that was affecting my laptops in the past...anyway met a man on vacation when over there from WA the state of Excitement who when bleeding about pc issues recommended to me......Metabox....a WA made gamer lappie....windows based of course, says all the tech heads in his organisation are buying them....they do come with big wraps ive seen....and a bit cheaper too.....online order only......well im thinking about it.....spent a couple of hours going over the steam store yesterday so im building a case to lash out more money.....I do like the idea of a new soccer game thats in there.....


Wow...kenny..... https://www.the42.ie/kenny-dalglish-coronavirus-5072158-Apr2020/ I use to love watching this guy...and amazing...love it...he is older than me.....been sacked from Liverpool a few times they are pretty ruthless in soccer, was an amazing player....he and Glen Hoddle stand out even still.....


https://www.thejournal.ie/popemobile-drive-by-cooley-fr-conlon-5071760-Apr2020/ WILL should jump in his SUV and get a drive by blessing from his parish priest, the church WILL not let you down in your time of need.....we have drive by burgers and chicken, coffee too....few have sprung up in Melbourne these days...always amazes me why they cue for a slow made cappuccino on the way to work.....I dont function before a double shot of espresso hits my blood stream....people have to much money these days.....anyway get your blessing while crawling up the wall but not in the state of Victoria if you dont have a valid reason for being out of your area your looking at a 1600$ fine....and I had expected to take the bike down to St Kilda for a ride once I got that tow bar on....well its a solo thing isnt it? so why cant I do it? 


Sun is back out so I will love you and leave you and go do a few things the garage....

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3 hours ago, AlexRRR said:



Well I been to the chemist to get my new bottle of cough mixture of course a certain person casts doubt that it even works...well I got one that does chest and throat and its a big improvement on the previous

Smart person. Cough mixture is an expensive unpleasant tasting placebo *cough cough* ????

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If anyone needs beverage assistance in this time of lockdown, Chimps is taking 2 pallet loads of Chang up North to KhunWill''s tipping lair...help for a fortnight at least

He advises he has ute and can deliver ???? throughout the Kingdo,

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KhunWills Poster Boy Favourite, Warwick Capper speaking to the AFL Record'. Humble as always is the old fella



Richo redrafts the 2001 draft



Australias's best sporting songs


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3 minutes ago, BookmanBkk said:


Gary Ablett was taking with Geelong's Fifth selection, 40th overall, under the father/son rules


They also got Matthew Scarlett at pick 45 and Tom Hawkins at 41 with the FS rules.

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Just looked at the calendar, I think its highly likely the footy WILL be back on by the end of may...thats 6 weeks, my theory is......from the start of lock down to the end in China was 2 months and a bit.....thats about the time frame we have here to end of may, already several countries...Nude Czech, Austria and a couple of others are beginning to loosen the screws.....They can forget about the China game this year and for ever id say......


NRL have a time table....since they cant balance books to well should we be following there league? Well they need the money.....


Seen a Malthouse headline in Apple News linked to that wonderful news paper that is the backbone to the stability of the rank and file....small in size not only for its content but also easier to read on the train when I was an apprentice....so yes I use to buy The Sun in them days, eventually the big paper followed its lead that took like 100 years, anyway my excuse was I was 16 years old....the Oldman was an every day Age man, its rather amazing how we eventually end up like our old man hey?


Well out of curiosity I followed the link but off course you need to subscribe with your credit card to buy a sub for the Hearld Sun....my brother in law reads the HS, now he is not a dill but I wonder......I do wonder what my sister ever saw in him....my sister has a doctorate in Education, he has lived in her shadow all his life, sis was the smart one off the family my brother and I well were just tradies....My sisters big failing in life is she likes tall guys.......you know....Aussie women like them tall.......like im not a midget but I been overlooked a few times cause im not 6ft2.......one guy I use to work for eons ago was 6ft 6 his mrs was under 5 ft.....that looked odd......So sister went for the height not the brains......anyway hes ok, very insecure I realised over the years....thinks his smart thinks hes smarter than me...but not in history or geography, hes very anal by the way, once we were playing a game this is like 15 ys ago, when  placing a city some where, something like that, he wouldnt believe me....so went and checked it up, to his surprise I was correct....yeah .....as in his eyes he is never wrong more surprisingly he even admitted to me a few days later I was right.....Anyway hes become a bit unbearable these days.....use to bail you up and give you a tour of his garage every time you arrived...thank god after 25 ys of that hes stopped doing it.....hes getting old....


Well Malthouses headline was basically scrap round 1 and start again....my first thoughts were...hey thats great for the Demons.....Then I thought well its already looking like there going to be underachieving again this year so whats the point......Micks mo is grey now......been out of footy a long while too....So should we take any notice? Think you WILL find there going to be under pressure to get the 17 rounds done and dusted Mick....so yeah end of may early June........thats my time...and crowds back august sometime.....


I did like yesterdays drive by blessing report.....my old church and school would be perfect for that,  Holy Name Preston....the modern church built in the early 60's had a curve driveway 2 entrances or if you like a half circle an in and out that are not the same......I do recall being forced to go to church in them days before the new church got built the services were held in the school.....they could partition off the rooms to form classrooms then open it up for church on Sundays.....anyway the priest could stand on the curb in the centre of the drive way and sprinkle holy water on you in your open window SUV then give the sign of the cross as you crawl by......


Michael Hibberts older brother and his mate have been missing for over a week....they did the naughty thing and went fishing in Western Port Bay, boat turned up with out them, search and rescue had been looking, Western Port is well known for being un predictable though im guessing these two knew the bay well....still......I got dumped once in a lake during a hurricane in the days I had no fear......it was a wake up call.....twice I pulled my cat up twice I got dumped, of course stupid me forgot I had put new rigging on it and didnt check...frigging thing was locked in place so once the cat turned the wind pushed it over.....the second time I pulled it up...in the middle of winter this was by the way....and decided to go sailing because I didnt have a job for that day and it was freezing and blowing a gale and forgot my life Jacket.....nearly was going to sail without......then just turned and went home and got it lucky I didn't live far from the lake in them days.....second time I pulled the cat up the hull hit my right eye stunned I let go of everything.....before you could say Uncle WILL the boat was gone and I was in the middle of the lake....in winter, about 10 degrees, all alone......very alone.....being the local suburban lake factory's near by they had been polluting the lake with toxic god knows what, the council had put in a filtration system but I can tell you first hand it didnt work...swallowing lots of water I was soon very sick, anyway I became a lot more cautious after that experience also learned a few years later the council charged a few company's for dumping toxic chemicals into the water stream that feed into the lake....I can assure you them chemicals didnt do much for my belly at the time.....


Simon Goodwin wanted to give Michael a big hugg.....this is what football has become.....so if were 10 goals down at half time Simon WILL go around the changing room and give each of the 22 a big hugg.....Meanwhile Maxi Gawn who I like as a player WILL be the easter bunny this year....all I can say if this is how our captain behaves what hope do we have this year?

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3 hours ago, Will27 said:

They also got Matthew Scarlett at pick 45 and Tom Hawkins at 41 with the FS rules.


i guess quite a number of clubs were on the Father Son gravy train rort.  The system of points they have now is much fairer

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Well men........I have some good news for you.....during my travels through Steam a game platform search engine or something like that on Good Friday I forgot to mention but I have a cure for your boredom.....There is an Aussie football game...yes there is...its on my wish list at the moment...cranked up the old 2010 I7 and decided to check out a few games before putting down some serious mula and up grade to a windows gamer, there are several incarnations of this game.... I looked at the reviews of a 2015 model think it went to 2016 didnt see anymore but then again I wasnt seriously browsing....the review wasnt the best maybe the newer upgrade game fix's that who knows.....but you can play....and in your own state though id recomend Victoria of course or you can stay with WA or where ever AFL too...all your teams nation wide...maybe you can re recruits ur Kerrs and who ever else...a drug free Cousins? maybe....so there you go...download the steam engine and get playing......


And this started up there in Hervey Bay, thats in Queensland I think..... https://edition.cnn.com/2020/04/12/world/bin-isolation-outing-facebook-trnd/index.html dressing up to put your trash out......now spreading around the world courtesy of FaceBook......Imagine...wearing a tuxedo to put out your rubbish....like it would bother me spending the 10 min to get dressed for a 1 min job......how about dressing up in a dust coat? much better idea....yeah I can do a dust coat...thats a long shirt version of overalls for you office workers....Look im kinda use too spending lots of time doing nothing these days yet I get by I actually have become very good at doing not much, once I was very fidgety always had like 3 jobs in front of me in my head for home....ex use to say I was a doer....these days.....well lets say I changed a lot.....Dressing up? yes ive spent hours sitting on the dunnie watching my ex Italian gf do herself up in her ensuite....hours......Last TGF use to walk around naked first thing in the morning then eventually plonk herself in front of a mirror and start that 30 min thing where they put on there make up....she thought I was marvellous for watching....I can do it....ive done it before...and the Italian took longer.....except the Italian was clothed before make up where Thai was Naked before make up....in both cases we would have a chat and in the case of the Thai id be checking out her backside...since im not normally a morning guy she was safe though id be building a case for when she got home.....The TGF did get out of that habit pretty quick once she came to AU to study....you know Melbourne is not kind in weather and temperature....


https://www.bbc.com/reel/video/p07hjjq4/the-benefits-of-being-ugly-?xtor=CS1-12-[Reel_C__house_ads]-[GNL]-[_]-[reel_house] Make money with your looks......most of us escaped to Thailand to find someone who would love us and bleed our bank account dry now we can make a fortune staying put....and you all know as your bank account grows you get that flashy car then the girls dont notice you anymore they notice the car which becomes your attraction barometer, but be warned, the better the car the less likely there going too put there hands in there pocket...I learned that first hand..... Dont ever let a woman tell you they love you for who you are......its built into there DNA....like a computer software program....Excel springs to mind very quickly...an accounting software package, they keep a ledger some where tucked in nice and neat between the nipple to about 50mm from the top of the clit....you get more of it as you top up....or have the ability to top up...I having learned still got the German car but its a pretty common old golf.....the GTI badge the girls wouldnt have a clue about though a few have commented on the nice tartan seat patterns and all the nice lights inside the cabin especially the red one across the door trim when the lights go on in the evening....


You could be in the next Stay Wars movie...what is it now? 132? well it was an interesting clip to watch, even if you do it just to boost your self esteem.....Ugly Models its called, in fairness there not that ugly maybe a bit different then the make up does the rest....


Well now I know....to save money on a shoe box hotel room that you pay an arm and leg for I can stay in an Internet cafe over night.....https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-52265917 the first time I went to Japan my hotel room $100 a night in Tokyo and were talking 2012 was like.....hahah cramped...though the receptionist who I fell in love with made the whole experience very easy to take.... so with the corvid 19 there closed the Internet cafes where around 4000 homeless spend the night....Well that trip I did venture forth early in the morning to go for a walk in the park....this being a Saturday morning I did find one Japanese gentleman hung out like Jesus Christ sandwiched between an office building and a bike rack in the upward position....asleep and id say very drunk...oh I did want to take a pic of this.....but timid I was so decided not to.....though later on my walk I thought yes I will so when I was on my way back to my hotel the <deleted> had woken up and gone off.....all becasue of FACE....they dont like you to see the other side.....when I got to the park it was like a tiny park to get to the gates....being 7 am they were locked....whats this asian thing with locking up parks? anyway while walking down through what could be a car park but wasnt it was like a mini park outside the big park I heard some movement  spying to my right I did see a guy get out of a box.....yes a cardboard box.....and he was clothed and looking number one.....amazing I thought....there clean beggars here.....then almost at the same time same to my left...another guy gets out of his box.....and the boxs were in good nick, they obviously dont toss and turn like me when sleeping.....this guy steps out of his box fully clothed looking like a million dollars too...with his nice push bike next to his tiny home.....


Ho I do like a Church story.....http://www.bbc.com/culture/story/20200407-the-surprising-story-of-polands-extraordinary-churches what better place to get one than Poland....there blondes can be spectacular as well......Frustrated Architects designing concrete bunkers get there juices flowing on churches instead ....some nice designs in here....check it out....I like the steps up and the high brick curved walls leading to the entry......all during the communist era.....do yourself a favour and look....not for the religion but for the structure.... So who paid for these anyway?

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Victoria’s extended state of emergency to delay AFL restart hopes




The AFL season appears unlikely to resume until at least July after Premier Daniel ­Andrews extended Victoria’s state of emergency on Sunday by a month.

Victoria’s travel restrictions have been stretched to May 11, but Andrews fears the “extraordinary measures” will likely remain for “many weeks and months”.

Even the extension to May 11 means football cannot resume until June at the earliest.

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Fox Footy's countdown of the best 50 games has just gotten to number 5.

It's the 2005 GF between Sydney and WC.


I'm betting the next 4 will be:


4. 2006 GF WC and Syd

3. 1989 GF Hawthorn vs Geelong

2. 2016 GF WB versus Sydney and

1 . 2018 GF WC vs Collingwood.


 I cannot see the 2016 prelim between GWS and the WB.

That might be up there.

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12 minutes ago, Will27 said:

Victoria’s extended state of emergency to delay AFL restart hopes




The AFL season appears unlikely to resume until at least July after Premier Daniel ­Andrews extended Victoria’s state of emergency on Sunday by a month.

Victoria’s travel restrictions have been stretched to May 11, but Andrews fears the “extraordinary measures” will likely remain for “many weeks and months”.

Even the extension to May 11 means football cannot resume until June at the earliest.


Uncle Alex is sticking with May 1

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15 minutes ago, Will27 said:

Fox Footy's countdown of the best 50 games has just gotten to number 5.

It's the 2005 GF between Sydney and WC.


I'm betting the next 4 will be:


4. 2006 GF WC and Syd

3. 1989 GF Hawthorn vs Geelong

2. 2016 GF WB versus Sydney and

1 . 2018 GF WC vs Collingwood.


 I cannot see the 2016 prelim between GWS and the WB.

That might be up there.

i might have a look at that list
Not surprised to see Sydney & West Coast featuring in 3 of the top 5 ????

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1 minute ago, Will27 said:

Number 4 is the 2016 GF Sydney vs the WB.

Maybe the 2006 won't be there and the GWS V WB prelim will be there instead.


Won't be watching this one as it's the worst case of biased umpiring I've ever seen

in a GF.


Shocking umpiring

I seem to remember the umpire who is a Bulldogs supporter gave frees 16-1 in favour of the Bulldogs



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11 minutes ago, BookmanBkk said:


Shocking umpiring

I seem to remember the umpire who is a Bulldogs supporter gave frees 16-1 in favour of the Bulldogs



This says a fair bit but it could've said more.





Could you imaging the cry from someone like Eddy if that happened to Collingwood!

He would've demanded a Royal Commission.


"The league were embarrassed to the point that then-acting AFL general manager of football operations Mark Evans rang Sydney chief executive Andrew Ireland on the Tuesday after the match to apologise for the umpires costing the Swans four goals. The winning margin blew out late to 22 points after the Bulldogs kicked the final two goals in time on of the final quarter"

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2 hours ago, Will27 said:

Number 4 is the 2016 GF Sydney vs the WB.

Maybe the 2006 GF won't be there and the GWS V WB prelim will be there instead.


Won't be watching this one as it's the worst case of biased umpiring I've ever seen

in a GF.

Number 3 is the 1989 GF between Hawthorn and Geelong.


Number 2 WC v Syd 2006 GF or WB V GWS prelim?


Number 1 must be the 2018 GF.

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1 hour ago, Will27 said:

This says a fair bit but it could've said more.





Could you imaging the cry from someone like Eddy if that happened to Collingwood!

He would've demanded a Royal Commission.


"The league were embarrassed to the point that then-acting AFL general manager of football operations Mark Evans rang Sydney chief executive Andrew Ireland on the Tuesday after the match to apologise for the umpires costing the Swans four goals. The winning margin blew out late to 22 points after the Bulldogs kicked the final two goals in time on of the final quarter"


Yep, Eddie or Hawthorn would have been beating the drum on that one. It was obvious to most impartial observers but what could be done? The fairytale win was the media narrative and non-sydney supporters forget soon enough.
 I can't help but think one of those umpires shouldn't have officiated an AFL game again.


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6 hours ago, Will27 said:

Victoria’s extended state of emergency to delay AFL restart hopes




The AFL season appears unlikely to resume until at least July after Premier Daniel ­Andrews extended Victoria’s state of emergency on Sunday by a month.

Victoria’s travel restrictions have been stretched to May 11, but Andrews fears the “extraordinary measures” will likely remain for “many weeks and months”.

Even the extension to May 11 means football cannot resume until June at the earliest.

Ha wont let me read it kid....wants me to pay a subscription.....well around end of may thats just before the start of june.....and is what i think....so if its not the 1st might be the 14th its still early june.....


I think you will find some heat will be put on Andy within a few weeks especially if the numbers keep going south, already there is talk going on in places around the world for easying of restrictions....yes already....there is also the economic factor to concider....like the heat will be a blow torch, anyway Andrews is a god dam DILL.......so dont you worry about what he says hes getting turfed out next election....... im still not over the Billon dollars he gave away for free..... 

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20 hours ago, AlexRRR said:

Ha wont let me read it kid....wants me to pay a subscription.....well around end of may thats just before the start of june.....and is what i think....so if its not the 1st might be the 14th its still early june.....



Just to clarify old fella..

Most likely Season re-starting beginning of May, with more certainty around end of May which is almost positively going to go into June re-start with distinct chance of mid june (which is still close to early May cmpared with December)

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