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U.S. mayors decry Trump sanctuary city threat, 'prepared to welcome' migrants


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5 minutes ago, bristolboy said:

You're sitll not assimilating information properly, are you? The source I cited said 50-75 percent paid taxes. So the quote you liked proved exactly nothing.

Except that you're a big fan of truthiness.

you really do have to get a life

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1 minute ago, lannarebirth said:


What did the "C" indicate?

8 minutes ago, Chi Flyer said:

To understand Trump's mode of thought, one needs to look a little at his history.


  • Fred Trump (his dad) was arrested for fighting on the side of the KKK at a KKK rally in NY during the 1930s. This was the way of life that Donnie Dumb Ass (DDA) grew up with.
  • When caught writing the letter "C" on apartment applications that were denied, DDA hired Roy Cohen as his lawyer. Roy had been a leading attorney for the McCarthy Red Purge during the 1950s. This Purge persecuted homosexuals. Roy died of AIDS going to the grave saying he did not have it.
  • Roy taught DDA to deny everything and stay on the attack.
  • A patch was added to the DC AIDS victim blanket for Roy Cohen. It said -> "Roy Cohen, bully, liar, victim".
  • Trump Championed his relationship with Cohen for decades, but never speaks of him anymore.
  • I think a WWE personality makes a piss poor international leader.


This list does not even begin to mention the last few years of General Bone Spurs.


What did the "C" indicate?


crazy conspiracy?

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22 minutes ago, lannarebirth said:


What did the "C" indicate?


I'm going to raise a hypothetical in order to ask a question of the board. I'm going to assume (rightly or wrongly) that the "C" stands for colored, as in colored people, and was used to discriminate against would be tenants.


Don't know if that's true, but that's not the question. My question is, being called a "colored person" is considered a racial slur I believe, but being called "a person of color" is considered politically correct. Funny, huh?

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7 hours ago, Cryingdick said:


California on any given day is one step away from bankruptcy. They claim to have some money saved but one wildfire or one quake they are in deep crap.

Mmm.... if calli pays federal tax, it would be the entire nation that suffers.... and not from the lack of incoming tax, but from bailouts to help suffering Americans.... your post is ludicrous.

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1 minute ago, Baerboxer said:


It seems strange that we have elected officials stating they will defy the law and welcome illegal, note the word illegal, immigrants and make them feel welcome.


Isn't aiding and harboring a criminal a crime in the US? Or deliberately obstructing the law?


Classic example of the left showing how they only ever want to apply laws when it suits them politically.

Isn't it strange that it's a crime to knowingly hire undocumented aliens and yet almost nothing is being done to prosecute those people who do? Could it be because the agricultural section of the economy votes Republican? Did you know that Trump's golf club in New Jersey recently fired a slew of workers who were undocumented aliens? Do you know how many executives there have been prosecuted? Somewhere south of 1.

And for your information, sanctuary cities are not violating the law by not aiding ICE.

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5 hours ago, Chi Flyer said:

To understand Trump's mode of thought, one needs to look a little at his history.


  • Fred Trump (his dad) was arrested for fighting on the side of the KKK at a KKK rally in NY during the 1930s. This was the way of life that Donnie Dumb Ass (DDA) grew up with.
  • When caught writing the letter "C" on apartment applications that were denied, DDA hired Roy Cohen as his lawyer. Roy had been a leading attorney for the McCarthy Red Purge during the 1950s. This Purge persecuted homosexuals. Roy died of AIDS going to the grave saying he did not have it.
  • Roy taught DDA to deny everything and stay on the attack.
  • A patch was added to the DC AIDS victim blanket for Roy Cohen. It said -> "Roy Cohen, bully, liar, victim".
  • Trump Championed his relationship with Cohen for decades, but never speaks of him anymore.
  • I think a WWE personality makes a piss poor international leader.


This list does not even begin to mention the last few years of General Bone Spurs.

So you are mentioning something that happened in 1927? Why would anyone care?

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This is actually a Win Win for both sides.  No more family separations, free food, drivers license, free housing at motels and hotels and free medical care. The best part is ICE is not welcome.  I grew up in LA County and if you want to see the 3td world then go to the Emergency Room at County USC Hospital in East LAIespecially on a weekend). The last time I took suspect there was more than 10 years ago and I felt like I was in a foreign country.  It is time for people like Mayor “Yoga Pants” Garcetti(this is a nickname given to him by the hosts of a radio talk show) to put up or shut up.  

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These were unaccompanied minors. And as the sign shows, they were males 16-17 years old. Some might consider that slightly different from the Trump administrations zero tolerance policy where even toddlers were routinely separated from their parents. And to make it worse, the Trump administraion made little effort to keep track of where these children were so as to be able to reunite them with their parents. Even today there are potentially thousands of children still separated:


U.S. gov't says it could take two years to identify families separated at border


It could take the U.S. government up to two years to identify potentially thousands of additional children separated from their parents by the authorities at the southern border, the government said in a court filing.

The filing late on Friday outlined for the first time the Trump administration's plan for identifying which family members might have been separated by assessing thousands of records using a combination of data analysis, statistical science, and manual review.


Edited by Scott
Nonsense meme edited out
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9 hours ago, DoctorG said:

Care to expand how Donald caused thousands of people to illegally cross?

No really. I really would like to know.

Sure dr g Donald dident (cause) thousands of people to claim  asylum but his unwillingness to negotiate last Easter when he had his best shot did we are now seeing the result of his incompetence 

Edited by Tug
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23 hours ago, howbri said:

Trump is playing the law breaking liberals like a broken fiddle. Their outrage will increase with illegals living next door. Build the <deleted> wall Donald. BUILD THE WALL.

I can see it would outrage you. Why do you think "liberals" would be outraged?

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23 hours ago, Puchaiyank said:

Blah, blah, blah...the Dems will not help ease the flood of illegal migrants at the border...sanctuary cities defy the law and either harbor or fail to release to ICE detained criminals...


Good...you want to disrupt this country...you deal with the mass of unvetted people who need immediate food, shelter, medical attention and processed...????  

It was just another empty Trump threat , amazing what you people accept without question. You probably still dont realise that ' build the wall ' was simply a metaphor ,hilarious really .

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5 hours ago, mikebike said:

Yep. Why would anyone care about history, context, and nuance. Perfect reply in the age of stupidity. 

yeah, history like the democratic party being the party of the KKK, jim crow, segregation, murderous Ted Kennedy, Senator Byrd.


history, context, and the ever popular liberal "nuance" like that you mean?

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11 minutes ago, Chi Flyer said:

No I am not joking. She is an accomplished journalist, whereas your references seem to be FB idiots. Offense intended.

She is not an accomplished journalist in any sense of the word. 

She is bat sh*t crazy peddling ridiculous theories. 

She is an opinion show host. And a complete emotionally unhinged idiot. 

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