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Do you believe in God and why

ivor bigun

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3 minutes ago, transam said:

If the Sun decided to explode today, what would happen....? 

Even the moon's disappearance would be catastrophic...


On a clear night, look up into the sky, you cannot count the number of "earths" up there, doing what they have been doing for an infinite length of time. It also seems in the realms of possibilities that one of those flying objects could one day take out our earth, these are the things I think of, factual, no mumbo jumbo from past era.


Religion is well in decline in the western world, when I was a kid we had religious instruction lessons, even in secondary school, do they have that now, probably not as there are now quite a few different religions in my own country.


King Henry VIII, the head of the English Christian church decided to change stuff just because he wanted a new wife, killed off a load of folk, Catholics, just a man doing what he wants with no regard for the almighty he was working for.  ????


You keep talking about religion and I'm talking about God in my heart. I guess you don't see God in flowers.

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11 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Well, if there is no God and we just end after death we would have no pain etc etc etc. If one accepts God exists and if we join God after death, we are hardly going to have a worse existence than if there was nothing, are we?

Every living creature on earth dies, man kills most of them for one reason or another.

So you believers must accept that all those creatures will be going to the same place as you to live your eternal life. Gonna be very crowded up there....????


"Thou shall not kill", well I reckon every human has killed many a creature in their lifetime, even if they pay a butcher to do it for them. 


The Muslim one, well I think we must all agree that most are ignoring a lot of the book they follow, it is too radical for today's modern age, though there are those who do follow the book to the letter and the west is now sending them off to see their maker.

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42 minutes ago, transam said:

Every living creature on earth dies, man kills most of them for one reason or another.

So you believers must accept that all those creatures will be going to the same place as you to live your eternal life. Gonna be very crowded up there....????


"Thou shall not kill", well I reckon every human has killed many a creature in their lifetime, even if they pay a butcher to do it for them. 


The Muslim one, well I think we must all agree that most are ignoring a lot of the book they follow, it is too radical for today's modern age, though there are those who do follow the book to the letter and the west is now sending them off to see their maker.

If God can create the universe, god can certainly create a big enough room for all the souls of humans and animals of earth and all of the souls of life forms on every planet in the universe- not crowded at all.


Thou shalt not kill only applied to murder of other humans. Jesus had no problem with animal sacrifice, and fishing. He was a practicing Jew.

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1 hour ago, thaibeachlovers said:

If God can create the universe, god can certainly create a big enough room for all the souls of humans and animals of earth and all of the souls of life forms on every planet in the universe- not crowded at all.


Thou shalt not kill only applied to murder of other humans. Jesus had no problem with animal sacrifice, and fishing. He was a practicing Jew.

Glad to see you started with "If"......:thumbsup:

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2 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

You keep talking about religion and I'm talking about God in my heart. I guess you don't see God in flowers.

Ah, now I understand.

God is in all the natural beauty, that's your proof of the existence of god.


Now explain further: is god in harmful virusses, suffering, evil dictators, etc?


A 1.000 years ago the Cathars were way ahead of you...... They concluded that since god is good, the entire world is a creation of the devil. They became the victims of the first crusade ever.....

Of course, they could not explain why the good god created the evil devil (or let it happen), but at least there was some logic in their thinking.


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3 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Thou shalt not kill only applied to murder of other humans.


Tell that to the millions of people who were murdered in the name of God.

Sorry Transam,i fixed it now.

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4 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

If God can create the universe, god can certainly create a big enough room for all the souls of humans and animals of earth and all of the souls of life forms on every planet in the universe- not crowded at all.


Thou shalt not kill only applied to murder of other humans. Jesus had no problem with animal sacrifice, and fishing. He was a practicing Jew.

Is there a heaven for every planet and life in the universe and multiverses, or is it one heaven for each place or planet? 

Is there any lifeforms in the space itself cruising in the intergalaxtic winds and streams. Just wondering, and making sure we will hit 10 000

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16 minutes ago, Tagged said:

Is there a heaven for every planet and life in the universe and multiverses, or is it one heaven for each place or planet? 

Is there any lifeforms in the space itself cruising in the intergalaxtic winds and streams. Just wondering, and making sure we will hit 10 000

Good questions, I want to know too (if I believed in "Christian heaven".

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4 hours ago, CMNightRider said:

In the Old Testament, the Lord gave us dozens of clues about who the Messiah would be and what He would do. Here are a few of them:


The prophet Micah told us the Messiah would be born in Bethlehem Ephratah (Micah 5:2).


The Hebrew prophet Isaiah told us that the Messiah would be born of a virgin (Isaiah 7:14).


The prophet Isaiah told us that the Messiah would be born as a human male child, a son, but would also be called “mighty God” (Isaiah 9:6).


The prophet Isaiah told us that the Messiah would be a live and minister in the Galilee region of Israel (Isaiah 9:1-2)


The prophet Zechariah told us the Messiah would enter Jerusalem riding on a donkey (Zechariah 9:9)


The prophet Isaiah told us that the Messiah would heal people — “He Himself took our infirmities and carried away our  diseases” (Isaiah 53:4)


King David prophesied that the Messiah would be surrounded by an evil band of men who would beat and torture him, would divide his clothing and cast lots for them, and would pierce his hands and feet and leave him “in the dust of death,” that is, kill him (Psalm 22)


The prophet Daniel made it clear that the Messiah would come to “finish the transgression, to make an end of sin, to make atonement for inequity, to bring in everlasting righteousness” but to do so he would need to be “cut off” [killed] before Jerusalem was destroyed and the Temple was destroyed in 70 A.D. (Daniel 9:24-26)


The prophet Isaiah described the Messiah as a suffering Servant who would be beaten, tortured, mocked, pierced, and ultimately killed as a guilt offering for the sins of mankind (Isaiah 52:13 through Isaiah 53)


The prophet Isaiah also made it clear that the Messiah would also rise from the dead — “He was pierced through for our transgressions, He was crushed for our iniquities; the chastening for our well-being fell upon Him, and by His scourging we are healed….His grave was assigned with wicked men, yet He was with a rich man in His death….But the Lord was pleased to crush Him, putting Him to grief; if He would render Himself as a guilt offering He will see His offspring, He will prolong His days, and the good pleasure of the Lord will prosper in His hand.” (Isaiah 53:5,9,10)


Through the prophet Jonah and the prophet Hosea, we were told God would raise the Messiah after three days in the grave (Jonah was in the belly of the fish for three days before he was returned to the earth; in (Hosea 6:2) we read, “He will raise us up on the third day that we may live before Him.”)


Only a fool could read these passages in the Bible and be a non-believer.  You have until you take your last breath to decide where you will spend eternity, after that it is a done deal.

Night rider,i really can not decide whether i should admire you for your blind faith or consider you a fool.

You are so convinced you are right and every one who does not agree with you is wrong.

I hope you realize that for every person like you (who believes in the bible) is another person with just as much faith in the Tanahk,the Koran,the book of Mormon etc.

Surely not every one can be right,so some must be wrong.

What makes you so sure you are right?

I remember when i was young i got to meet people from different faiths yet they all tried to convince me

they were right.That really put me of off religion.The arrogance of the people!!

Now i am a non believer for more then one reason.

I am not attacking you,i just want you to realize that there are many other religions and people are willing to lay down their life defending it,But!!!!!!You can't all be right.

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17 minutes ago, jvs said:

Night rider,i really can not decide whether i should admire you for your blind faith or consider you a fool.

You are so convinced you are right and every one who does not agree with you is wrong.

I hope you realize that for every person like you (who believes in the bible) is another person with just as much faith in the Tanahk,the Koran,the book of Mormon etc.

Surely not every one can be right,so some must be wrong.

What makes you so sure you are right?

I remember when i was young i got to meet people from different faiths yet they all tried to convince me

they were right.That really put me of off religion.The arrogance of the people!!

Now i am a non believer for more then one reason.

I am not attacking you,i just want you to realize that there are many other religions and people are willing to lay down their life defending it,But!!!!!!You can't all be right.

You're right, only one kind of believer is right. There is only one God, and everyone will meet him someday. then they will all know the truth, and it will be too late for some.

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Just now, yodsak said:


 ''Fundamentalists know they are right because they have read the truth in a holy book and they know, in advance, that nothing will budge them from their belief. The truth of the holy book is an axiom, not the end product of a process of reasoning. The book is true, and if the evidence seems to contradict it, it is the evidence  that must be thrown out, not the book.’’  
It is futile debating with people who put the Bible ahead of scientific evidence.The most evil trick played on humanity was to convince them that they must believe in something or face eternal punishment. Doing this conditions a person to switch off their critical thinking so that their belief cannot ever be brought into question.


Actually Darwin is Satan's biggest trick on humanity. And scientific evidence has proven some things to be false, but there has been and will not be any evidence that the universe just happened, which is the main reason most non believers turn from a creator, God.

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25 minutes ago, fredwiggy said:

Actually Darwin is Satan's biggest trick on humanity. And scientific evidence has proven some things to be false, but there has been and will not be any evidence that the universe just happened, which is the main reason most non believers turn from a creator, God.

The main reason why people turn their back to god, is because of people who force their belief On to others, convinced they doing good. There is no tool during the history, they have not tried to Use to convince people following them and their religion. 


But as some say, god is everywhere, and for those of us, who do not need your religion, we can just look us around and se the beauty and the fails god (creator, the force, the thing, It) created. The biggest mistake was giving humans to big brain and intellect enough so we could destroy each other and the earth.



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Just now, Tagged said:

The main reason why people turn their back to god, is because of people who force their belief On to others, convinced they doing good. There is no tool during the history, they have not tried to Use to convince people following them and their religion. 


But as some say, god is everywhere, and for those of us, who do not need your religion, we can just look us around and se the beauty and the fails god (creator, the force, the thing, It) created. The biggest mistake was giving humans to big brain and intellect enough so we could destroy each other and the earth.



God gave us a "big" brain because we are the most important life forms here, and free will, so we can choose between right and wrong, and either to follow or rebel against him. It, like this topic, isn't about religion, but belief. The reasons people turn against or stop believing in God are because they didn't have it taught in their family growing up, in school, mainly college, others using science as a means to explain that his creation wasn't his but just happened, they had a parent that forced religion on them, sometimes using abuse or threats, things that turned them against the teaching. Them seeing Catholic priests molest children and wondering how can this happen. Wanting to do anything they want sexually, and seeing bad treatment of those who choose to be gay. And lastly, seeing how evil this world is, with children dying from cancer, wars, family and friends dying too early, crooked politicians and others who get away with things for greedy purposes.

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33 minutes ago, Tagged said:

The biggest mistake was giving humans to big brain and intellect enough so we could destroy each other and the earth.

No mistake imho.

All things must pass, except the absolute.

Everything which has a beginning has an end.

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6 minutes ago, yodsak said:

The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn’t exist. — Charles Baudelaire

The world is in a mess, so let's tend our garden. (Voltaire)

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1 hour ago, mauGR1 said:

No mistake imho.

All things must pass, except the absolute.

Everything which has a beginning has an end.

However, I do not think any creator puzzled everything how we would become, or what we would have. This have been formed long before earth got infested by life. I do not believe for a second life originated like we see it here on earth, it come from outside our bubble, and continue to evolve. What god is, and what his intentions was, is still quite unknown for everyone on this planet, and I do not believe for one second we will ever know before life get destinct on this planet, and our lifes Dna continue somewhere else in some other time if time exists. 


All we know, we could exists inside an organism and there is many organism. Black hole could be the end and a new beginning.


however, those people who have spoken to god, and given us his word, most likely been what we call psycothic today, and been in mania or some simular state. Alot of creative highly intelligent people have created great things during hyperstated minds, or influxed with some toxic stimulants. 

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2 hours ago, Tagged said:

The biggest mistake was giving humans to big brain and intellect enough so we could destroy each other and the earth.

IMO God did not sit down one day and invent a lifeform on planet earth that was supposed to behave very badly, kill, destroy and pollute. IMO God created the conditions for the universe to form planets around suns that could support life, but left the universe to get on with it. We evolved but we have free will, and unfortunately a lot of people use it for evil.

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5 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

That was only for the benefit of the unbelievers. I have no doubt God did create life the universe and everything, but I don't think God is an old man sitting on a big chair in the sky.

But doesn't it say in that book that Jesus was sent in his own image..?

When I think of that I wonder why the different continents have totally different looking humans....Well, it seems there are more Chinese looking folk than where Jesus landed..????


Plus Dinosaurs for 65 million years....Hmmmmmmmmmm....

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33 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

IMO God did not sit down one day and invent a lifeform on planet earth that was supposed to behave very badly, kill, destroy and pollute. IMO God created the conditions for the universe to form planets around suns that could support life, but left the universe to get on with it. We evolved but we have free will, and unfortunately a lot of people use it for evil.

Just a thought, we build something in a sterile state, creating a science project, and then leave it, or like Tsjerobyl a chatestrophe happend, and it was left behind and forgotten. All the physics is in place, and it gets invaded with life, and life adopt to the inviroment. If you leave an small item outside, most likely life and lifeforms adopt to live on that item, like car tires Dumped in the sea become the new reefs. 


It have a start, but the rest is just pure coincidence because life is the rule if surten things is in place. 

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On 8/7/2020 at 2:45 PM, transam said:

If the Sun decided to explode today, what would happen....? 

Even the moon's disappearance would be catastrophic...

If that happened the universe would just carry on. Stars and solar systems disappear all the time into black holes. They too probably had intelligent life forms on them that perished.

Anyway, eventually the sun will run out of fuel, expand and destroy the planets then end. Even the entire universe will eventually end.

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2 minutes ago, transam said:

But doesn't it say in that book that Jesus was sent in his own image..?

When I think of that I wonder why the different continents have totally different looking humans....Well, it seems there are more Chinese looking folk than where Jesus landed..????


Plus Dinosaurs for 65 million years....Hmmmmmmmmmm....

I thought you didn't believe the Bible?


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